《Gods Game》Chapter Nine : Betrayer
Night returned to the realm of the Gods, chuckling to himself about the Champion he chose. He found a rather entertaining one this time around, and one far better suited to the role than any of the others he’d chosen in the past. They weren’t exactly fit for the job, but they were the best he could find, now, he found one that he thought was irreplaceable.
"What in the heck was that?"
Night grinned, and turned around with a hand on his hip and a coy look on his face."Oh, I'm sorry darling, did I make you angry?"
The two men stood alone in the corridor having both gotten back from their meeting with their chosen Champions. Where the others were he didn’t know. They could have taken another entrance, or were still with their chosen. The one that approached him now was dressed in a red battle skirt and grabbed Night and pulled him against his body.
"You are mine, and you know how I feel about sharing!"
"Well rest assured," Night chuckled, "I have no intention of bringing another man into my body or being inside one without you there, Hero my darling."
"How very generous of you." Hero grumbled.
"Unless I have your permission you know I will not do anything," Night sighed and rested against Hero, "I was merely teasing the poor boy."
"As is your habit." Hero said resting a hand on Night's head. Then he gave a soft chuckle. "The way he reacted was rather entertaining to witness.”
“He has spunk.” Night looked up and grinned at his lover. “I think he’ll do a great job.”
Hero smiled in return. “I’m happy you’ve found one you think will accomplish everything.” Then his face grew serious as he looked around. “Have the others chosen theirs?"
Night tilted his head and listening. "I think we should go the viewing pool, I can’t make out what they’re saying, but something serious has happened.”
“Then we should head that way.” Hero said releasing Night and began to rush up the hallway again.
Night looked at Hero and sensed something was off. “What of yours?"
Hero sighed over-dramatically. "He will be there. Though I honestly don't know what to make of that foolish lad. He wished to be just like me. Personality, my views, everything, he said."
Night burst out with laughter. "Did the boy not know your sexual preference?"
"No, he did not. Didn’t even think to ask. I'm debating on whether or not to surprise him with that, or just let him figure it out as he goes."
“Oh! Hold on!” Night gasped as they passed by their domain of the heavens. He quickly rushed inside and returned folding up his cloak, and waved his hand. "There, now my Champion has his item."
Hero looked at Night in shock. "You gave him your cloak?"
"Yes. He left without choosing an ability or an item. I gave him the ability befitting the person he is, and the person he could potentially become. As for the item, I figured I owed him one for scaring him the way I did."
Hero smiled fondly. "You must see some great promise in him to have released your cloak to him so soon in the game."
"I’ve seen the truth of his past, and I know his future, with his new family around him, will be a bright one." Night said looking back at Hero.
Hero pulled Night into his arms and kissed him deeply. "I think you’re right. They are a decent lot this time. Even mine. For the first time in a long time, I have hope."
The sound of the King’s thunderous voice broke the moment, and they rushed to the center of the Gods domain where the other Gods were assembled. King looked furious, as did Elements, all of them stared at the viewing pool to see what had upset their King and Queen so, immediately, the answer was clear, and they shared in this reaction. Love may have been among the first to choose a Champion, but she was the last to arrive.
When she did, and she saw the gathered Gods all glaring at her, she merely giggled mischievously and smiled wickedly. “Oh dear, have I been naughty again?”
"Insolent brat!" King shouted as he backhanded Love across the face. "What have you done!? We told you who to pick and bless! Yet you defied me!?"
"Wahhh!!!" Love whined curled up on the floor holding her abused cheek. "Someone save me!"
"All have lost patience for you." Elements said in a stoic tone. "We feel no sympathy for a creature as wicked as you."
“Not all.” Love grinned wickedly again grinning up at King. “Someone here still wants me and wants me desperately. Come on out, my beloved King, let’s show this pathetic lot who’s really in the wrong here.”
King shuddered and looked away. “Elements, my love, I’ll let you deal with this.”
"As you wish my love." Elements kissed his cheek.
With that, he left. Leaving Elements with War, Hero, Night, Day, Wisdom, and Demon, to deal with Love.
"NO!" Love shrieked rushing to her feet again to go after King. Only to find herself knocked back. But she didn’t land where she had been before. Instead, she was in her domain in the heavens. She looked back at the entryway where the others stood, minus her King.
“How dare you! Out of my way!”
Her very drapings came to life and secured her in place. She screamed in fury at being held captive, and not in a way she so wanted. “Release me at once!”
“Only if you agree to return Anna to Earth and pick a champion more befitting your role.” Elements said stoically. “I will stand by you this time to make sure you do the right thing.”
“Never!” Love shrieked.
Demon was in front of her in an instant, backhanding her across the other cheek. “Don’t you ever speak to our Queen in that manner again! Need we remind you we only find ourselves in this position because of you!? Your actions have doomed us all! Now you see fit to doom our champions as well!?”
"I should have Queen!" She glared at Elements. "I am the personification of beauty and love! I am more worthy of the title Queen!"
Elements regarded Love with cold eyes. "The past cannot be undone."
"Then I shall claim the future!" Love screamed.
“We all know that is impossible, the future is now in ruin, and shall remain so if we do not rectify the mistakes you’ve made.” Demon hissed as he left the room again.
"As you for being the personification of beauty and love," Elements said in a cold tone. "You do not, but rather you personify lust and sexuality."
“Blasphemy!” Love barked
“As you say.” Elements sighed with a shrug. “I’ve long since given up any form of wisdom reaching you.”
“Though I did try.” Wisdom said ruefully.
Love smirked. "Just you watch you bitch, you'll see! My champion will rise, and become the new Queen of the Gods!"
“I suspected that was your goal.” Elements smirked herself now. "I highly doubt that will happen though. My champion will personally see to your champions ruin."
Love's face fell as Elements’ words sunk in. "Your champion?"
Elements nodded as her face went back to being stoic.
"Who is it!?" Love shouted. "Who is it!? Who did you choose!?"
“I’m not going to tell you. I’m just going to let you watch, and see for yourself who I chose. But you will have to do it here. In your room. You are henceforth banished from the rest of the Gods domains.”
They all felt the seal of King’s power, and knew he heard, and sanctioned the sentence. Love was too shocked, too worried to really react to that sentencing at the moment. The others left, and she was released from her confines. She shredded the fabrics that held her against her will in a fit of rage she couldn’t lash out onto Elements or Demon. With them thoroughly destroyed, she rushed to her viewing mirror.
Love looked down onto the world of Taimin, there was the clearing all of the Gods had sent their champions, and there was hers. She searched for the one who had Elements’ powers. Sure enough, there she was. Of course, Elements would choose a woman. Love seethed realizing the beauty of this one surpassed her own Champions. That wasn’t fair! That wasn’t fair! That wasn’t fair!
Love inspected the girl's origins so she could warn her champion. She needed to know why this one specifically was a threat, beyond the obvious fact that Elements had finally chosen a champion. Anna had to know this one posed a threat, and what all it entailed.
“No!” Love hissed having found it. “NO!”
* * *
"CURSE YOU ELEMENTS!!!!!" Love's voice resounded through the heavens. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS YOU BITCH!!!!"
Elements giggled softly.
“That was rather clever on your part.” King grinned at her. “Choosing the one person Love’s Champion is unable to outdo.”
Elements shrugged. “It was purely by coincidence. I chose Mal because I saw much of myself in her. Perhaps, there is a being called Fate, or the fates, and they realized what was happening before we did, and intervened on our behalf. But as we no proof, I’ll take this blessing.”
“Gods!” Night cursed. “Will she ever stop screaming?”
“Just wait for the tantrum she’ll throw when she realizes she cannot interact with her Champion.” Demon chuckled darkly.
“Ugh!” Night shuddered. “How long are you going to stay like that?”
Demon looked down at his horrifying present form. “What’s wrong with it?”
“He’s having an episode.” War mumbled. “Just leave him be and he’ll come back to us eventually.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry Demon.” Night gushed.
“For what!?” Demon asked mortified. “Don’t answer that.” He looked at King. “What are we to do about her Champion? You saw what happened last time. We cannot allow that travesty to repeat its self.”
"No, you’re right, we cannot." The King said firmly. "But how do we help them?"
“We do like I did with your Champion the last time.” Elements said stepping forward. “We make them immune to Love’s Champion.”
“You did what!?” Hero yelled.
“We swore when we started this we wouldn’t do that!” War thundered.
“We have to be able to trust each other.” Wisdom said, his tone quieter than his fellow Gods, but no less furious.
“And if she had not, they all would have died.” Demon pointed out. “Had she not, things would have ended with the last circle and all of the heavens and universes would be doomed.” Demon faced the others with a vicious snarl. “Our King didn’t discard his last champion and choose another this round because he lacks the power. He is weak. He cannot offer his blessing again, so the one that lives now is the last one. Should he fall, all of the eternity goes with him.”
That, silenced the gathered.
“Throw your fits and have your doubts in the confines of your domains.” Demon looked back to the viewing pool. “Elements realized then what all of you failed to until I showed you. This truly is the last circle. There will not be another.” He looked up at King. “I agree with Elements. Love has deliberately created a Champion do the same thing, if not worse, than her last one. If they are to survive, they must be immune, and they must see this girl for what she really is.”
King nodded. “I share in this revelation.”
“If that is the case,” Wisdom looked at King. “She should not carry the title for long.”
“I will need your assistance to come up with a plan.”
“I will offer what I can.” Wisdom nodded.
“You have the help of us all King.” Hero said softly.
“Thank you, my brothers.” King smiled softly. He looked down at those gathered in the clearing. “Now, I think it’s time we let them know how this world works. How about you?”
“Elements take over for mine would you?” Demon asked as he began to leave.
“What are you going to do?” She asked him.
“To vent my frustrations on the invalid. It will buy us some time before her next tantrum.”
“She isn’t an invalid.” War commented softly.
“She will be by the time I’m done with her.” Demon hissed before he disappeared.
Every one of them shuddered. They could not kill each other, but they could hurt one another pretty bad, as they had learned in the past.
* * *
Elsewhere on Taimin
The ones who formerly held the title of Champion looked out at the horizon. A new batch of Champions had been chosen. While some parted ways with the Gods amicably, others did not. Those that sought to help the new Champions succeed where they failed, prepared thing so if the Champions came their way, things were ready. The others sneered and began to prepare as well, but their welcome would be one met with blood and death.
* * *
One of the former Champions, a King now, high on his throne, felt the shift in the balance and power. He stopped all courtly matters and retired to his chambers to be alone. In his room, sitting in the corner, redecorated with plush cushions and soft things, was the former Champion of Days. Her eyes held no light as she stared ahead unseeing.
“Leave us.” He told the attendees that took care of her. He sat down beside her, but there was no indication she even knew he was there. Gently, he pulled her hair away from her ear and whispered. "Show me the new ones."
She said nothing as she raised her hand to the mirror, and the new champions appeared in the image. A clearing in a forest. A fat lot of good that did him. He had no idea where they were, and the mirror would not tell them the location. It would seem the Gods changed the location in which they deposited the Champions. Used to be they would arrive in some kind of town or village. Where they would immediately be launched into the starting trial. It did not appear to be the case this time.
Why? What was so different about this new batch of Champions the Gods saw fit to do things differently than they had done all along?
He sighed, rather disappointed. So he couldn’t immediately spring into action like he had planned. He could only ask one question a day, and what magic his pretty had left, would see it answered honestly. His one question that day was spent. He wished they would stack up considering all of the days he didn’t ask questions. But, he let it go. There were more important matters to attend to.
There were several beauties in that clearing, but there was one in specific that he was targeting. He grinned viciously as he watched her put a golden pendant back beneath her blouse, resting against a decently sized bosom. So that was the new Champion of Days, he grinned, and soon, she would be his.
* * *
Another former Champion, of Demons, looked up toward the ceiling, several miles of earth between her and the sky. "So another has been chosen. What a nuisance."
The former champion of Love looked up at her lover. "Anyone tasty looking?"
"Not that I can tell, no."
"Is he there!?" The woman huffed. "Is my King there!?"
The former Champion of Demons shook her head. "His location still evades me."
"What of the one who replaced me?"
"Only time will tell Heart."
The two women fell silent. Bitterness, jealousy, and more coursed through them. They did not take the rejection of the Gods well, and being replaced stung worse than any wound they'd ever been dealt.
* * *
The mansion was cool and shadowed. The butler and the maid who kept the place running while their master was unable, went about their daily tasks as if nothing had changed. They cleaned, they cooked, but only they ate. Their master lay in bed, unmoving except for his breathing. In ten long years, not once had he stirred.
As per his usual routine, the butler opened the curtains and the windows of the master bedroom in the late afternoon early evening hours. To allow fresh air into the room while the weather was still nice to do so. He sighed as he leaned against the sill and breathed in the early fall air. Weariness was gathering in him, and he was beginning to wonder if his master would ever wake up.
The gasping of breath and coughing behind him startled the butler. When he turned, his master was sitting up in bed. His eyes opened for the first time in years.
“Master!” The butler cried as he rushed to the man's side.
The maid came rushing in with tears of joy streaming down her face and a bright smile that could not be banished. “Welcome back my Lord!”
“How long?” The master croaked.
As the maid got him water, the butler sighed. “Ten years, my Lord.”
“The Gods certainly took their sweet time about choosing new ones.”
“New Champions!?” The maid asked excitedly.
The Master nodded. “Yes. I can sense them being brought here.”
“Where?” Both the maid and Butler asked.
He shook his head. “I’m not exactly sure.”
“Are you cured, Master?” The Butler asked softly.
He shook his head again. “No. I’m awake, but I am still cursed. I'm afraid I will have to continue to rely on your help for a while longer."
"We are here, as we ever were." The Butler said assuredly.
“Can't we fix this?” The Maid asked.
“You cannot.” He said, opening the blue screen that allowed him to view the present location of the Champions. Among them, was a new Champion, one that had never been chosen before. He rested a finger against the one curled up on her side, with pink hair spread out on the ground. “That one. Only she can cure me.”
“Who is she, Master?” The maid asked.
“My future bride.”
* * *
Deep in the vast abyss, a growing darkness hissed, alive, and seethed with fury. Another group was chosen, these ones, similar to their former selves.
"Like us."
"Like us."
"Like us."
"Like us."
"Like us."
"Like us."
"Like us."
"Like us."
Eight voices hissed at once from the collected mass of thick vile. Eight huge red eyes opening and staring ahead seeing things beyond where they rested.
"New blood."
"New blood."
"New blood."
"New blood."
"New blood."
"New blood."
"New blood."
"New blood."
"MUST KILL!!!!" they all screamed viciously.
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