《Gods Game》Chapter Two : Champion of Love
"Oh poo!" She whined as she looked over the champions Elements suggested. "These won’t do at all! They won't serve my purpose! There are lots of people who would be much better suited to be my champion! Just look at all of them!” She began to huff rapidly, “Oh! Look at the LOVE spread everywhere!!"
She stopped and admired the advertisements showcasing couples and sexual bonds. The couples in the streets. The couples fondling each other, to the couples all out making love in some public place. Oh yes! This world was ripe with the power of love! So why did she have to go with the weak ones that Elements gave her? They were all selfless and didn’t care nearly enough about the pleasures of the flesh in Love's opinion.
She bit on her thumbnail as she looked over all of the people. Both the few Elements pointed out, and the rest of the world. She glanced back toward the heavens, no one appeared to be watching her, they must have trusted she would obey. Not even Elements was peeking in on her. Which was unusual. So she was free to do whatever she wanted.
Damn the consequences. She abandoned the useless ones and went to search for someone who would be better suited. But they had to be perfect. With so many great choices, and being the picky woman that she was, she was beginning to fear she might never find that perfect one before she was caught.
"What do you mean!?"
She stopped and looked down, there was a man, looking as if he was about to break down and start crying. A woman stood before him, looking calm and apologetic. Her hair was a pale red and artistically cut, her outfit of fine quality, and Love simply adored the nails she was sporting. There was a glint in the woman's eye that had Love eagerly watching the scene as it unfolded.
The woman smiled at the man. "Exactly what I said, I'm sorry dear, but I love someone else now. The heart wants what it wants, and I'm sorry to say that it's moved on from you."
The man got down on his knees and began grabbing at the woman. "No! Please! I'll do anything! I love you, Anna! Please don't leave me like this!"
The woman called Anna merely patted the man's head and gently removed his hands from her body. "I'm sorry Nick, but I just don't love you anymore. Maybe I will again someday. Always keep me in your heart, dearest!"
With that, Anna swung on around on her heels, blew the man a kiss, then sashayed her hips as she walked away from the man called Nick. Love watched as the man crumbled and broke down on the sidewalk. Love could see this man would never recover from this.
Love grinned maliciously as she sang out. "I found you."
* * *
Anna sighed contentedly as she walked into her apartment. That went even better than she thought it would. She was thrilled the man actually crumbled and fell to his knees when she broke up with him. Man, what a power trip! Course, the men acting all tough to her face, then finding out a few weeks later that they were drowning their sorrows in a bottle, unable to trust another woman after her was just a thrilling. She loved destroying men like that.
She deposited her purse on the couch, and went to her bedroom, there, she unlocked a door and went into the "spare bedroom".
When asked why it was all closed off, she said she used it for her work. Since she was one of the monitors for a couple pornographic websites, it was natural she would want to keep that work private from the rest of the world. At least that’s what she told the boy-toys when they asked.
Telling a Harvard graduate that she watched porn all day long, rated it, and categorized it accordingly was basically shouting that she wanted to jump on his wang and bounce on it until he passed out. While some men enjoyed that, others, it took a delicate hand. She had to act all innocent, and look the part. Easy enough. With the others, her more perverted side was able to come out.
She giggled as she walked to her wall of champions. She called it that, but what few people knew of it, referred to it as the shrine of victims. The wall had large picture frames covering it. Each one with a photo of one her men, a clipping of hair, and a used condom. Each one a conquest, each one a victory. But none compared to the one she had managed to concur this time.
Yes, she had just broken up with Nick, but the truth was, she was cheating on him long before she broke up with him. That conquest had been done and over with months ago, but he had a nice salary and her expensive tastes were hard on her budget. So she kept him around for longer than she would have normally. He was great for shopping and whenever she needed her hair done, but when it came to sex he had long since worn out his welcome.
When the chance came to grab the one who initially got her interested in men, she seized it, and rode that wave as fast and as hard as she was able. At long last, after years of working toward this goal, she’d finally managed it.
Drew Cambel. His picture and a clip of his hair were right up there along with Nick's and all of the others. Drew's being the first picture, but with no additives, now his being the last. It made sense. She'd been obsessed Drew since she saw him when she was in middle school.
Course at that time, he'd rebuffed her affections, as he’d been dating her older sister. Now, with their relationship having crumbled to dust, her sister in a mental institution, Drew was a newly single man. And at long last the door he knocked on was hers, and man did they put the limits of her bed's durability to the test. She giggled as she kissed his picture and danced back out to her room, locking the door to her "office", as she did.
Crashing down on the bed, she could still smell him there. His sweat, his manly essence when he spilled it on the bed and not in a condom. All of it was glorious. She had been a little disappointed with the incomplete nature of her collection when it came to his frame, but now that he was hers, the wall was going to have to be dismantled. Once he moved in, she couldn’t have him seeing it.
It was after she'd laid down she remembered she hadn't slept for almost two days. She and Drew were going at it like animals the whole night before. Drew left in the early morning, whatever excuse he gave, she didn't remember what it was. She'd barely heard him. Her ears were ringing. She didn't think it was possible for so much sex to make a person's ears start ringing. Just went to show her what Drew could teach her. Such a perfect man was truly wasted on a pathetic excuse for a woman like her sister.
Exhaustion claimed her. She gave into it willingly. She’d done enough work to allow her this break, and she would need her rest for when her Drew came home.
Only, instead of seeing black, and having vivid recollections of romantic encounters, she opened her eyes to find herself sitting on a hot pink roundabout couch. The center of it circled out allowing for the occupants to lay about comfortably on it. She’d seen this kind of couch many times in the porn she’d monitored, but had never actually been on one.
She looked around, curious as to where she was. The room was small, at least that’s what she thought. Several fabrics draped down from the ceiling, covering the walls, creating a rather expansive curtain around the couch and made guessing the size of the room impossible.
When she looked back, across from her was a woman that made her question her sexuality. This woman laid on her side, dressed in something that was a mix of Leia's slave outfit from Star Wars, and Jeannie's outfit from I dream of Jeannie. The colors ranged from a dark maroon to a pale pink. Her hair was a long river, flowing as if it were liquid gold. She smiled coyly at Anna.
Anna had never been one for girl play to make men all hot and bothered, but this woman, for this woman, she'd make an exception.
"I love! your hair!" Anna gasped as she inched closer to the woman. "It's so beautiful! Like Gold!"
The woman giggled. "Indeed, for the Goddess of love requires nothing else."
Anna stopped her advances and sat frozen staring at the woman before her. "Goddess!? Of love!?"
"But of course." The woman giggled again. "And I've summoned you here to offer you the chance to be my champion."
"I accept!" Anna shrieked bouncing up and landing with an ungraceful thud on the couch. Everything else completely forgotten.
Her lifelong obsession and goal of getting one man. Her having bagged him, and her euphoria at the future she was going to have with said man, all of it lost from her memory. Her feelings about her sister, the fact that she had a sister general, forgotten. Everything that would have given her pause, anything that would have stopped her from accepting, it was as if it never existed in her mind.
"I thought you would my dear." The Goddess of love grinned wickedly at her. "For you, are perfect. You are the embodiment of beauty and love! I’m Love, and I have so much to say and give you."
Anna shrieked again, unable to help it as she jumped up and danced around before sitting back down. "What all do I need to do? What kind of powers will I have? Will I be going back to earth to make them aware of your great name and power!? Or will I be going to another world where I going to be able to create a reverse harem? OH! Or am I to make a world where women rule and men are nothing but our sex slaves!?"
Love giggled. "My, you an eager one. You will be going to another world, and if that's the kind of world you want to create once you’ve obtained ultimate power, then that's your choice. As for your powers," Love raised her hand. "You may have one ability, one item, and one favor. I'll summon the screen so that you may choose."
Anna sat back down, and a blue screen appeared before her. She rather hated the color, and it certainly clashed with the many shades of the pink and pale reds in this room, but she let the color slip from her mind as she looked at it.
"I just see abilities or items."
"You have to press one to see what the options are under that category." Love sighed, sounding rather annoyed. "Rather dull if you ask me, the overall system was created by the King of the Gods, we just have to put into it what we give our champions. I would have loved the chance to customize it, but sadly, we are not allowed."
“He sounds like a tight ass.”
Love laughed. “Pretty much, he prefers the simpler side of things. The showier it is, the more he doesn’t like it. I blame his wife. She’s rather plain and simple herself, I firmly believe if he’d been my husband, things wouldn’t be so dull.”
Anna looked at her remorsefully. “That’s so sad, the Goddess of Love should be the Queen of the Heavens. It makes sense to me.”
“Enough of that now.” Love crooned. “We can talk about me later, you have some choices to make.”
Anna sighed, Love was right. But she couldn’t help herself. Love sounded so heartbroken when she spoke of the King. It was clear Love had been held back, or at bay, for so long. How could anyone be so cruel to something so beautiful?
Love was right, with a shake of her head, Anna pulled herself back to the more pressing issue. Since she was a materialistic person, she clicked items first.
Items The Essence of Love
One drop of this into a person's drink makes the person experience feeling of love for the first person they see.
A total of five drops, cannot be replenished. The Wand of Disbonding
With this wand, the user can sever any bonds between people, be it love, or companionship, or a group of comrades.
The effects of this wand will only last for a certain amount of time
Which depends on the user's power level and the intent behind the use. The Ring of Lust
As long as one wears this ring, any and all people will be sexually attracted to the wearer
Warning: only works within a certain radius depending on the user's power levels
Warning, any and all, means any and all. If the user walks into a town wearing this, they will be attacked by a hoard of people trying to get at them.
Use with caution and discretion Lovers Kiss
A gloss that the user wears on their lips.
As long as the user wears it, then any person one is speaking with will be compelled to be tempted to kiss the wearer
If the user manages a kiss, once the gloss touches their skin they will be infatuated.
If the gloss is tasted by another, then they will willingly do whatever the user wants.
"Definitely going to have to go with the gloss." Anna said as she pressed her finger on the option. "Although, the Wand of Disbonding and the Ring of Lust have their good points too. I kinda feel bad about having to give them up."
Love giggled mischievously and winked at her. "If you promise to keep it a secret, I'll give you one of them!"
Anna giggled with her, and lowered her voice, "In that case, I'll take the wand. I've already got me a little something to get a man all antsy and into bed with me. Now I'll have insurance that he'll be there no matter what his life was like before."
The two of them giggled terribly for several minutes before the screen changed and was on the abilities. Now Anna had to choose what kind of powers she was going to have while in this new world.
Abilities Match Making: The Path of the Love Champion
With this ability, people come to the user for advice on love and seek guidance in getting the one their heart's desire.
The user will be a Champion for the people. One they can turn to and rely on.
There will be no spells, more like instincts.
The Champion will be able to see into a person's heart and be able to tell who their soul mate is.
The Champion will be able to hear a person's prayers in the matters of love.
The Champion will be able to grant wishes to their followers.
The amount of wishes that can be granted depends on the Champions power levels. Lustful Wander: The Path of the Lover Champion
With this ability, any person the user targets will be filled with lust.
Spells will include:
Invoke - If a person already desires the user, this spell will amplify that and invoke the emotion of lust.
Compulsion - User can charm anyone to their bed
Passionate Moment - With this spell in place during intercourse, the moment of climax is intensified.
Note, children will be conceived with the growth of this ability. Climax Princess: The Path of the Pleasure Champion
With this ability, the user can create feelings of obsession in those the user desires. Regardless of gender, or sexual preference
With this ability, the minds and the souls of the targets will be bent to the casters whim.
Spells will Include:
Passionate Moment - Slightly different than when used with the previous ability.
Instead of the moment of climax being intensified, the whole experience is amplified tenfold.
Control - Once a target has experienced the effects of Passionate Moment, they are susceptible to mind control.
With the spell cast, the target will obey any all commands the user wishes. So long as the target keeps experiencing Passionate Moment on a regular basis, Control will never wear off.
Slave - Temporarily makes the target the users devote servant. The user can call on them and they will drop everything to answer their Mistresses call.
Duration of the spell depends on users power level.
Note, Those of strong will can overcome Control if something traumatic happens.
Note, prolonged use of Passionate Moment and Control will make the target addicted to the Champion, if the usage is suddenly removed, targets will be subject to SOUL BREAK
"Climax Princess." Anna shouted bouncing up and down after she read all of the options. "Oh dear god Yes! Climax Princess!"
Matchmaking certainly wasn't for her. Why in the hell would she want to help others find love when she could have every man for herself? Lustful Wanderer??? Bah! Like hell, she was going to get pregnant or let others get pregnant by her power and end up responsible for those little brats! No, there was only one path for her to take, and it matched the way she already lived her life perfectly. Only now, it wouldn't just be for kicks with a few failures along the way. She was going to have the power to completely rule over peoples souls and break them as she saw fit! Just thinking about it made her horny as hell.
Love grabbed at Anna and kissed her full on the mouth. Parting Anna's lips gently and massaging her tongue against hers. Anna closed her eyes and gave into the kiss. She encircled her tongue around her Goddesses and moaned deeply wanting more than this kiss. Love pulled back with a lovers smile and merely ran her fingers through Anna's hair.
"You have your ability and your items now, what kind of favor would you ask of me?" Love asked in a husky voice.
"Your hair." Anna said leaning in for another kiss. "I want golden hair like yours."
"As you wish, my love." Love said giving Anna the kiss she wanted.
* * *
Anna woke slowly in a forest clearing. She stretched and felt her long hair brushing softly against her skin as she did so. She knew the hair would be golden, just like Love’s had been. That beauty had given her everything she wanted. Both in power, and physically. Anna couldn't say she wasn't into women anymore. Her Goddess had changed more than a few of her perspectives in life.
Love told Anna about her life. Love had been in love with the King of the Gods since she first met him, despite the fact they were lovers for a time, he only had eyes for the Goddess of Elements. Love had been forced to watch as the man she loved devoted himself to another, a woman of lesser abilities and qualities. A woman, who Love confided in Anna was as unfaithful as they came. Despite the fact that someone as plain as her was cherished by the best man there ever was, she wasn't satisfied with just the King. Love managed to find some comfort in the God of War for a time, but even that was short lived as he began to experiment with others.
It was only as Anna drifted to sleep in Love's arms did she remember her old life and the man she'd left behind there. Oh, Drew! He had been her main objective in life, and she had finally succeeded in bagging him. Now, she’d up an abandoned him. With a sigh, she resolved herself. She was in a whole other world now, perhaps she would find someone who could eclipse Drew in her mind and heart.
Anna opened her eyes and examined the people in the clearing with her. Oh, such beautiful men! She licked her lips, anticipating making them all her lovers. She was aware there were other women in the group, but they were unimportant ugly whelps at the moment. Not worth her time. That would probably change in due time, given her now bisexual nature, but for now, the men held her interested. She examined each one carefully, each had muscle, each was incredibly good looking.
But that one, just two bodies to her left in the circle, looked familiar. She hadn't really paid attention to their faces at first. What mattered was their bodies and a certain piece of their anatomy. Then she went back and examined their faces, just checking to see if the bodies fit the faces, or was it the other way around? In any case, she had to double check, then triple check to make sure she was seeing things right.
And she was.
It was DREW! By some miracle, Love had granted her yet another wish! One she didn’t even think to ask for! Oh, how wonderful! Her smile was bright as she straightened, moving so she could make herself known to him. He had succumbed to her charms in their old lives, now that she was perfection its self, and had the power to back it, he was liable to become a drooling mess, and she would love every minute of it.
Desperate to see that reaction, she called to him. “Drew, darling, over here.”
But he didn’t look her way. Didn’t even give any indication he’d heard her. His eyes were glued on one of the women across from him. Anna followed his gaze and froze stiff. No! Not her! NO! NO! NO! NO!
"No!!!" She screamed standing up and pointed at the woman. "You bitch! How dare you defile the place of the Gods Champions! How dare you show your face in my presence! What the fuck are you doing here!?"
The other woman looked up at Anna, her face stoic. "I'm sorry, who are you?"
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