《Gods of Tartarus: Melody of Wrath》Chapter 25: Tugging at the Heart-Vines
Melody was in her home, looking through her various outfits to see which would be best for meeting the city lord.
"Armor, armor, armor, sleepwear, armor, work clothes, armor, haaaaaaaaaaaaah." Melody let out a long and heavy sigh.
"Why not just go as you normally do?" Maple asked.
"But, this is meeting a noble!? Ahh! I don't know what would be appropriate!" Melody whined while ruffling her hair.
"Well, you're not a human like them, so why fret over it?" Maple asked.
"Right, just show up in a full set of fur armor, bow, and hatchet. Ready for battle." Melody replied sarcastically.
Pappy appeared on the table that was covered in Melody's various outfits.
"Oh, dear. Melody, you have visitors." He informed her.
Melody cocked her head in confusion. She was not expecting anyone and headed outside, where Gaia and Autumn awaited her.
"Mother! Auntie!" Melody hugged each of them warmly. Gaia welcomed her hug, returning it happily. Autumn seemed a bit bashful over the hug but did her best to return the warm hug given to her.
"What brings you two here?" Melody asked cheerily.
"We heard that you would be meeting with the local city lord. So we came to support you." Autumn replied.
"We will be coming along for the meeting, as this is something that could benefit the forest as well," Gaia added.
"Oh! Really?! Thank you!" Melody said with a bright smile, but Melody noticed a dangerous light in Gaia's eyes.
"Um, mother, is everything alright?" Melody asked hesitantly.
"Everything is fine, my dear. We will meet the lord of the city that nearly killed my beloved daughter four years ago." Gaia laughed dangerously.
"Oh yes, this should be an interesting meeting," Autumn said, her laugh full of malice.
"U-um, maybe I should just go by myself?"
"Perish the thought." Both Autumn and Gaia said in unison, closing the distance between their faces and Melody's.
"Ah! Okay! B-But, uh, maybe just let me do the talking?" Melody could feel that if she didn't get her doting mother and protective aunt under control, it might lead to the destruction of the city of Hallfen.
"Why would we stand by?" Autumn asked while huffing.
"Uh, well, you two seem hell-bent on causing an incident," Melody replied, looking away fearfully.
"Is that it? I assure you, Melody, we will cause no such thing. But we will expect compensation for their actions all those years ago." Gaia stated.
"Mother, I highly doubt they would hand that ex-guard captain over for you to nightmare elm him," Melody said tiredly.
"One could hope," Gaia replied playfully.
Melody sighed heavily, begging the two Daughters of Lyuten to calm the fury within them.
"Oh, right, we also figured you should dress the part since you are royalty of the forest," Gaia commented, bringing a bark case up to bear.
"What? Royalty? Me?" Melody was shocked at her mother's words.
"Yes. Though our style is not as constricted as human society, your grandfather Okan is the retired king. Your mother and I are like the queens, making you the Princess." Autumn answered.
Melody's jaw dropped at her aunt's explanation.
WHAAAAAAAAT?! Melody could not bring her thoughts into words at how shocked she was to hear the news.
"Ah, before we embark on meeting this lord, you should dress the part, you as well, Autumn," Gaia said, lifting a wooden case and opening it before Melody. Melody took a look at the contents.
"Um, must I wear this? I kind of feel like I should just wear-."
"Yes." Gaia said, showing that she would not accept 'no' for an answer in her smile.
Halfway between the North Gaian forest and the city of Hallfen, workers were finishing preparations on a high platform. Atop it was a fancy-looking chair and a middle-aged man who had the build of a soldier. He was wearing a set of steel armor and a red with a gold trim cape. Along with him was the guild master of the adventurer's guild, Violet, an aged man in plain white robes, and Annabelle.
"Are you sure this is all necessary, Arthur?" The man in armor asked.
"With how tall she is, Lord Caldwell, it would be best for you to sit atop this platform. My neck was quite stiff the day I met her in person. But I have to ask, are all the decorations necessary?" The guild master asked.
"I kept it to the minimum. It is not like I am meeting royalty. This is a giant of the forest. I felt that I should at least do a show of wealth. I need to thank her for helping keep the main road clear of monsters and beasts." Lord Caldwell looked down to where several of his knights were on guard.
"Did he really need to bring his guards?" Annabelle whispered to Violet.
"He is a noble, meeting what most people would consider a violent monster. Once he meets Melody, I am sure he will see that they were not necessary." Violet whispered back.
Lord Caldwell sat in his seat, an annoyed look on his face.
"How much longer, Arthur?" He asked.
"Hmm, it seems she may be running a bit behind. She must have her reasons, but I am sure she will arrive." The guild master answered.
The old man in a robe looked over to the side of the platform where a large crowd of people was gathered. Some had brought carts out, setting up small stalls for food and drink.
"Hohoho. This feels almost like a festival." He said with a pleasant smile.
"Doesn't it, High Priest!" Annabelle replied to his comment.
It was then a singing could be heard coming from the forest.
"What…? So beautiful…" The high priest commented.
Drums could be heard playing as several forest spirits, brownies, pixies, unicorns, spriggans, and even several types of peaceful beasts of the forest marched out in columns from the forest.
"W-What?!" Lord Caldwell stood.
A spriggan with silvery leaves making up her hair and dress stepped forward and spoke to the minds of the people present.
"Rejoice, children of man! For the Queens and Princess of the Great Gaian Forest grace you with their presence!"
"Arthur! Isn't that an Elder Spriggan?!" Lord Caldwell exclaimed.
The trees parted, and a beautiful sled that looked like it had been grown, drawn by a massive bison, exited the forest. Upon the sled were three giant beings. One a beautiful, tanned-skinned maiden with fiery red hair. She wore a form-fitting dress that was green with golden leaves around the trim. Her face was covered behind a veil that hung from an ornate wooden tiara. The other two upon the sled were wooden maidens, both in regal dresses, one of shimmering emerald green, and the other a dazzling golden.
"A-A-Arthur! What is going on?!" Lord Caldwell was beginning to sweat.
"I'm not sure, my lord, but I feel that we are severely underprepared for this…." The guild master replied in utter awe.
"Violet! That's Melody, right!? She looks so beautiful!" Annabelle said excitedly while shaking her friend by her shoulders.
The crowd at the side had fallen into complete silence from awe and apprehension at the grand spectacle unfolding before their eyes. The sled pulled off to the side, and three giant throne-like seats grew from the ground before the platform. The three regal-looking ladies stepped off the sled and sat in the seats, Melody in the center flanked by the other two. Moments of silence passed, no one seemed sure of how to approach the situation before them, but Melody spoke first, seeming like she was poked from behind lightly.
"Ah, ahem. Greetings Lord of Hallfen, I am Mel-, er, Princess Melody. It is a pleasure to meet you." She said.
Violet stifled a laughed at Melody's awkward greeting. At the same time, everyone else missed it while being in awe of the three great women before them, Melody drawing the most amount of attention.
Melody was doing her best to keep her nervousness from getting to her.
Waaah! I want to run away! Why did they do this to me!? Violet is laughing at me! Melody thought.
A whisper came from Maple, who was hiding under Melody's hair on her back.
"Melody! Be careful not to let your charm slip too much! You're drawing people in too much!"
Crap! Okay, calm, calm… Melody closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths to calm her nerves before facing off against the noble.
The noble finally spoke up as Melody got her charm under control.
"Oh, uh, ahem, my apologies Princess Melody. I feel like I am very under-prepared for this." He said, doing his best to recover his noble dignity.
Gaia then spoke up. "It is fine, child of man. The two of us, Queens, heard of your meeting with my daughter and decided to participate at the last minute. Think nothing of it." Gaia's words were graceful and kind, helping to calm the tense atmosphere that had only happened because of their actions.
"I thank you, your majesty. I am Duke Davis Caldwell, the lord of the city of Hallfen and its surrounding areas. Er, well, not the Gaian Forest, of course." Lord Caldwell followed up, not wanting to claim to be higher in rank than the two powerful Daughters of Lyuten before him.
The knights below the platform were visibly tense, feeling quite intimidated by the three large women. Lord Caldwell noticed and calmed them, telling them everything was under control.
"Now then, I was originally to meet with Princess Melody, but I am curious about being graced with the presence of the Queens." Lord Caldwell inquired.
"As I am sure you know, Lord Caldwell. My daughter made an attempt to contact your people years ago. Saving four young children of man out of the goodness of her heart, only to be answered with an attempt on her life." As calm as Gaia's voice sounded, those on the platform could feel her words deep-seated with hatred and anger.
"Yes, your majesty, I know of the incident. I extend my sincerest apologies for that." Lord Caldwell replied passively.
Unlike Gaia, Autumn could not hold back the anger in her voice. "You think an apology is enough to cover for such a thing? I may not have witnessed it myself, but I have heard of what happened. My niece was injured, betrayed, cry-."
"Auntie!" Melody interrupted Autumn, who saw that the knights had drawn their swords in fear.
Autumn realizing what she had done, sunk back into her chair in silent regret.
"I am sorry for that, your lordship. My mother and aunt care greatly for me and can be rather doting. Please forgive her." Melody said, bowing her head in apology.
"No, Princess Melody, her majesty is correct. My words are not enough to right the wrong of four years ago. The said noble responsible for that incident was stripped of his position and banned from holding any government position in the city. Had I known how big of an issue it truly was, I would have executed him and delivered his head to you." Lord Caldwell replied, bowing deeply to Melody.
What?! Ew! I don't want some dude's head! "It is fine, Lord Caldwell. I never held a grudge against Hallfen or its people. It was the actions of a single man. It would be wrong of me to blame everyone." Melody replied, causing the tense atmosphere to finally begin to die down.
"I still feel that something must be done, Melody," Gaia stated.
"Where is this cur?" She demanded.
Lord Caldwell turned toward a section of the crowd that most people were dressed exceptionally well.
"Baron Vance, are you there?" He yelled.
A kind but portly-looking man nervously stepped forward.
"Y-Yes, my lord?" He asked.
"Where is your son?" Lord Caldwell demanded.
A thin man stepped forward defiantly, staring coldly at Melody. It was the guard captain from four years ago.
"This is madness, your lordship! Those are monsters! Not a nation or royalty! This is foolish!" He yelled, only to be struck by his father.
"Dammit, boy! Have you not hurt us enough!?"
"You agree with them?! You are just as foolish as that idiot Duke! That bitch is nothing more than a monster!" The several knights yelled in anger, moving toward the man with the full intent to shut him up through force.
"ENOUGH!" A single spriggan charged forward, her silver leaf hair whipping behind her.
Her arm rapidly grew into a javelin, intent on skewering the man. About half of the distance, vines sprouted from the ground and held her in place.
"Stop Sylvanus! This is not what I want!" Melody cried, the whole situation turned chaotic.
Why did that idiot need to speak!? Is he trying to…? No, he is trying to destroy this attempt at peace.
"Do not let him goad you into attacking. It is what he wants. He wants us to be the monsters he makes us out to be. Look at the people Sylvanus, tell me what you see?" Melody asked.
Sylvanus looked toward the people. They were scared, looking to be ready to flee at any moment.
"I… I am sorry…." The spriggan's shoulders slumped, and her arm returned to normal.
As the knights moved past her, one stopped and put a hand on her shoulder, assuring her that they would handle him. Sylvanus thanked the knight and moved toward the people, bowing deeply before them.
"I am sorry if I scared any of you. I let my anger of his insults to Lady Melody get the better of me. I hope that you may forgive me." The people visibly relaxed, some cheering her on, others telling her not to worry.
Sylvanus returned to Melody's side as the knights dragged the man forward, his sorrowful father walking behind them.
"Princess Melody, I am sorry for my son's insults." He bowed before her.
Through Melody's use of Nature energy, she could tell that the man was not lying to her and meant every word he said.
"Lord Caldwell, I would like this man turned over to me for punishment." Gaia requested.
"Please! Your majesty! I know my son has done you wrong, but please show mercy!" Lord Vance pleaded.
"Mercy? You ask for mercy?" Gaia stood and approached the man. "Four years ago, my daughter barely escaped her abusive clan, rescued four children of your city and several of your adventurers, brought those children here, only to have her goodwill answered with death!" Gaia's fury was reaching its peak as the force of nature began raging.
"I know! Trust me, I know! I was the one who suggested he be stripped and banned from any government position!" Lord Vance cried.
"What? Father, that was you!?" His son asked in surprise.
"Princess Melody saved so many lives that day! She deserved better than what you did! I poured a large amount of wealth into trying to find her to apologize! Did you even try to listen to the children she saved? I did!" Lord Vance answered.
Melody's eyes widened at his statement. He is telling the truth… Through her connection with nature, Melody could sense that Lord Vance was a good man. His words never betray his feelings.
"You think that is enough?" Gaia's eyes burned with anger. "My daughter was traumatized because of that. She wept quietly, alone inside a dead tree before I took her in. She suffered from injuries at your son's orders. So I ask you, is that enough?" Gaia's voice boomed, the once clear sky quickly becoming clouded.
Crap! She is going overboard! But how can I stop her?! Aunt Autumn is just as raring to go as mother is! Wait… Can I do it? I never tried, but I always watch her… Okay, let's channel our inner Gaia.
After a quick deep breath, Melody straightened her back, lifting her chin, imitating the gentle, calm, and regal stance that Gaia has typically. Walking up to her mother, she placed a single hand on her shoulder.
"Mother, please calm your rage," Melody said in a calm and dignified voice.
"But Melody I-…" Gaia turned to see her daughter's demeanor.
"Please, mother, allow me to handle this." Melody requested.
Gaia quickly calmed down. "I, I see." A small smile came to her face. "I am proud of you, Melody. I will leave this to you."
After bowing her head, Gaia stepped back, behind Melody.
"Lord Vance. I do not desire your son's life, but I am unfamiliar with your laws. Could you tell me the proper punishment for one who attacks a royal of another nation?" Melody asked, purposefully lifting her restraint on her charm to draw a little more attention to herself. She figured she could begin to calm everyone if she drew their attention to herself.
"Oh, um, well, the normal punishment would be execution, but you do not desire it. It would lead to him being imprisoned for life after being stripped of all he owns and everything of his family as well…" Lord Vance said sadly.
"Damn monster, why don't you show your true nature!" The son cried out, but instead of the forest spirits protesting, the city's people were yelling at him.
"Stop calling her a monster!" "She saved us from a real monster!" "Bastard!" "Cur!" "How dare you insult our goddess!?" Their voices rang out in a fury.
"Shut up! You are beneath me! You have no idea what I went through because of her!" He yelled back.
"Shut-it ya cur! You got what ye deserved!" Melody recognized a familiar gruff voice of a dwarf ring out from the crowd.
Wait, I have an idea. "Lord Caldwell, Lord Vance, I wish to consult you on a punishment I have devised." Melody requested.
The two nobles asked for what she had in mind. Melody asked if it would be possible to strip him of his noble rank and personal wealth and banish him from Lord Caldwell's domain, leaving Lord Vance's house untouched.
"Yes, that is very doable, Princess. Make him live the life of those he believes are beneath him. Lord Vance, you have a cousin in Belwag do you not?" Lord Caldwell asked.
Lord Vance's face lit up at the Duke's question. "Yes, yes I do. Princess, thank you so much for your mercy. Even though he has done so much wrong, I still could not bring myself to accept my child's death." Lord Vance dropped to his knees and bowed deeply before Melody.
Lord Caldwell informed Melody that he would take care of the punishment and have him on the first wagon out of his domain in the morning. Gaia and Autumn watched with pride as Melody brought the situation to a calm and satisfactory conclusion.
"Woo, good job, Melody, I was getting worried there…." Maple whispered from her hiding place.
Melody and Gaia returned to their seats while a few knights dragged the enraged man away. He continued screaming profanities until one of the knights punched him, knocking him out.
"What sort of place is this Belwag?" Autumn asked.
"Oh, Belwag is a cold region on the outskirts of the kingdom. It is not a bad place. The people there are tough and hardy, making them the type to not take much nonsense, even from nobles. Lord Vance's cousin doesn't much like the boy, so he will keep him on a short leash." Lord Caldwell's explanation caused a smug smile to come to Autumn's face.
Here I thought Auntie was more reserved when it came to her emotions, but it seems she loses control when it comes to me. Melody thought.
"Well then, now that the past has been dealt with, we can move forward together." Melody changed the subject.
"Yes, yes, of course." Lord Caldwell replied, relieved that the situation had finally calmed down.
"Now then, I had spoken with my mother, and we wish to form a mutually beneficial relationship between us and your city." Melody's offer piqued the Duke's interest.
Besides welcoming Melody and forest spirits into the city, they demanded that humans cease cutting down the forest for wood and hunting forest spirits. In exchange, they would receive a trade of rare herbs and plants from the forest and timber for construction if requested. Hallfen would trade goods like spices, tools, and other manufactured goods in exchange for the forest's bounty.
"I hunt and forage in the forest reasonably often, so I can bring difficult to procure items into the city. I will work through the adventurer's guild, so any requests can be posted there for me." Melody explained.
Violet had explained much of how the guild works in the last few months, so Melody knew how things worked.
There were several ranks for adventurers. Starting from the lowest; White, Black, Gray, Blue, Red, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Silver, Gold, and the top being Platinum.
An individual could test out of the first three ranks and start at blue, but due to Melody's particular skills and overall strength, the guild master offered to begin at Gold, but Melody requested to begin at bronze since Violet was at bronze herself.
To progress up the ranks, it was explained that an adventurer would need to complete a certain number of missions in their ranking or special request missions that were specific to the individual. Violet recommended this so that Melody could take jobs around the city so that more people would become familiar with her.
"Princess, I would like to ask if there are any mines in the forest we could gain access to. Or possibly a coal mine? I wish to work toward preparations for next winter. The mages of Azerdia predict that this next winter will be a long one. Thankfully not as long as the one from years ago." Lord Caldwell trailed off with a sad grimace.
Gaia spoke up to answer. "The mines will be off-limits to humans, but their contents will be made available for trade. I will see about fulfilling that. But as to your request for coal, that is one we do not have."
"I see…" A somewhat sullen look came to his face.
Melody could feel that he valued his people quite a bit. "Have you tried a charcoal kiln?" Melody asked, perking Lord Caldwell's interest once more.
He asked what it was, and Melody explained that it was a method of turning wood into charcoal, which was equivalent to coal, burning nearly as hot.
"But you are burning wood? Why not just burn it in a fireplace or stove?" Lord Caldwell asked.
"Charcoal burns hotter and cleaner than wood. So long as you keep it fueled with sufficient air, it will burn long and hot." Melody explained, which prompted the noble to ask if some woods would be better than others.
"Depends really, the higher the carbon content of the wood is, or to put more simply, the denser it is, the better it will be. You can also use sawdust, though it does not burn as well. Though by using magic, if we could compress it even harder, it might work just as well…." Melody trailed off in her thoughts.
"This is great news! Thank you so much, Princess! Could you show us how to make that, 'Charcoal Kiln'?" Lord Caldwell asked excitedly.
"Oh, of course. It might be easiest to set it up outside the city and store the completed product inside your walls." Melody said with a smile.
Her eyes met with Violet and Annabelle, who seemed to be tearing up while looking at her.
"Are you two alright?" Melody asked, reaching out toward them.
Her question seemed to bring Violet's attention back as she stammered out her response. "Ah! Uh, yes. We are alright. Though we would like to speak to you in private later Ma-… Ahem. Princess Melody." Violet said, bowing.
Hmm? What was she going to call me? Ma? Majesty? Weird… Melody had no idea at that time that her knowledge of carbon and the kiln would bring about a tearful reunion shortly for her.
After thirty minutes of discussion, they signed a magic contract and finished their agreements. Gaia worked out a majority of the policies and trade deals. The meeting took a couple of hours, several people of the crowd returned to the city to go about their day.
Lord Caldwell then invited Melody, Gaia, and Autumn into the city. Gaia and Autumn declined, saying they had to return to their groves, leaving only Melody.
"So then, Princess, would you join us?" He asked once more.
"Um, I would like to return home for the day. I will return tomorrow if that is alright." Melody wanted nothing more than to get out of her dress and back into her regular furs.
I'm soooo embarrassed!!!
"Oh, I see. Well, tomorrow it is then. We will look forward to welcoming you to our city." Lord Caldwell said with a wide smile.
Melody promised him that she would also start work on the charcoal kilns tomorrow.
"Lord Caldwell, how about making it a guild request? I would also like for her to be able to get her guild marker as soon as possible." The guild master asked, and the local lord approved.
"We look forward to seeing you tomorrow Lady Melody." The guild master commented as he turned to follow the train of people heading back toward the city, except for two individuals.
"Melody, could we come with you? We really need to talk to you." Violet and Annabelle approached her.
"Hmm? You did say that. That is fine. I will have you two ride on Aroo." After helping them up onto the bison, they and the rest of the forest spirits headed back into the forest.
Autumn, Gaia, and many of the forest spirits that came used a fairy ring to return to their respective groves from Melody's home.
"Wow, this place is beautiful!" Annabelle cried out since it was her first time being there. Pappy appeared on a raised post on the path to the home.
"Welcome back, Melody. I see we have guests today. I will make some extra for them." Melody thanked him, and he teleported back into the home.
Annabelle asked about how Melody's home worked. She explained that it was a Homely Tree, a unique tree for building homes inside them.
"I had to add quite a bit to it over time, but it had become a very nice home," Melody commented, just as Maple came out from her hiding spot.
"You had me nervous there, Melody. I thought for sure that you would cause them all to faint at one point. Either that or Gaia was going to smite them all…." She commented with a sigh.
"Well, I kept it together. Let me help you two down from there." Melody helped the two girls off of Aroo to get the saddle and cloak off of the bison.
Maple headed inside while Violet and Annabelle followed Melody to Aroo's stable.
"RooooOOO!" Aroo mooed in contentment being freed.
"Yes, yes, I know you are happy to be free of that." Melody set the items off to the side and sat down on a giant-sized stool.
"So, what is it you two wanted to talk to me about?" She asked.
"Melody, how do you know about carbon? Also, about the charcoal kilns? You have quite a bit of strange knowledge for a giant." Violet asked, a certain tenseness in her voice.
"Oh, um, well, I learned it a long time ago…" Melody dodged.
"But-." Violet started, but Annabelle cut in.
"Are you Mallory!?"
"Eh?" All thoughts stopped for a moment in Melody's mind.
"Anna! What are you doing?!" Violet panicked.
"You were taking too long, doing your usual probing questions. I want to know if it is her or not!" The two continued to argue while Melody sunk into her thoughts.
Mallory?! How do they know my old name!? Melody's eyes quickly opened wide.
Nova kept his promise? Melody looked down at the two girls who were still arguing.
"Annie…? Millie...?" Tears began running down her cheeks.
The two stopped their argument and turned to Melody at her calling out the two old names. Annabelle broke down in tears, jumping up into Melody's lap, hugging her tightly, burying her face in Melody's chest.
"MALLORY!" Annabelle cried out.
"I can't believe it really is the two of you! Nova kept his promise!" Melody dropped down to her knees and hugged the now crying Violet to her chest as well.
"I'm glad we finally found you, Mal." Violet, Millie, quietly hugged Melody while Annabelle, Annie, continued to cry loudly.
- In Serial108 Chapters
Galactic Fist of Legend
In the year 2018 a bright star appeared near Earth. Humanity as a whole was briefly introduced to a race of beings far beyond their understanding. During that brief interaction a proclamation was made, Defeat the Grand Emissary or become the eternal slaves of those who had arrived at Earth. The only chance for victory was for people all across the globe to make a choice. When prompted to become a champion and a play a bizarre game of life or death they could choose yes or no. Those who chose no, went about their lives afterward. All memory of the event was lost despite the fact that their very existence as a free species hung by a single thread. Will those who said yes manage to survive the horror of the game and become strong enough to defeat the Grand Emissary. Can one of them become... The Galactic Fist of Legend. Also, it's a comedy. Pretty obvious, right? Notes: This story will contain graphic violence, stupid humor, nudity, sexiness, and maybe I'll give the main character a pet cat or something. I don't know yet. Still, you need to be pretty mature to properly take care of a pet. Notes2: This story is my answer to stories such as Gantz, Terror Infinity, Battle Royale, Btoom!, and strangely enough... Captain N: The Video Game Master. It is an original story, but it does seek to give a similar vibe to some of those tales of legend. However, it is not meant to be an overly serious tale as I have decided that the new stories that I release in the coming year will be mostly comedies.
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Emperor NPC
The Demon Emperor had taken one billion lives and conquered the realms of elves, dwarfs, and giants. When the final realm of man fell to his armies, the stage was set for their world’s finale. A spire of brilliant light pierced the sky, and as the land was torn asunder, the demon emperor met his death. It was not by the hands of a hero, or goddess’ champion, but by a system developer—a creator of the VRMMO Ark World—masquerading as a god! “It’s ironic that it would be you,” said a voice in the black void of the quantum system. “Strange, that you’ve given me this quest, and stranger that I can’t do it without you.” By the power of the thirteenth system developer, the “goddess” Amarytha, the demon emperor was reborn in a new video game where his character never came to be. In the Ark World Sandbox, humans rule as gods over nations of NPCs. Through mastery of their administration commands, they hold absolute control. Only the demon emperor, liberated by the Player System, can challenge them. A crusade begins with one step. Freedom from humanity begins here! ---------------- I'm going to be upfront here. This is not an anti-hero story. So, if you've come for anti-hero you might not enjoy it. The cover art I commissioned from my friend @cyborgraptor. You can find her on twitter, or tumblr. Absolutely awesome person, and way too humble. She's also a great dps on WoW, and her and I always fought for top of the meters. I update every day, or nearly every day. I'll be updating this quickly as I bring it to parity with my other sites. Afterwards, expect 6 or 7 chapters a week. This is my only job and I approach it professionally.
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8 142