《Gods of Tartarus: Melody of Wrath》Chapter 22: Taking Out the Trash
A rather sullen-looking guard stood at the main gate into the city of Hallfen.
"Still thinking about her?" The guard's co-worker asked.
"Yeah. She was sixteen, too young. The guild master is mad with grief. They say that he has locked himself in his office and refuses to eat, sleep, or work. I heard her mother is rushing back to the city from the capital." He replied.
"Did you know her?" His co-worker asked.
"I did. I was an adventurer before this remember? But when Linda became pregnant, I didn't know what to do. Being an adventurer is profitable but dangerous. Violet asked her father to get me a commission to become a guard. I really owed her… Now I won't be able to… Are you listening?" The guard saw his co-worker looking away, his jaw hanging open.
"What are you-?" The guard turned to see a young woman approaching, her black ponytail bobbing back in forth as she came.
"V-Violet?!" The guard rushed out to her.
"Hello, Sam." She replied cheerily while waving.
"What happened?! We were told that you died!" Sam cried out as he rushed out to her.
"Well, as you can see, I am fine. I received some assistance from a highly-skilled hunter that lives in the forest." Violet replied with a bright smile.
Sam was overcome with emotion and hugged her.
"I am so glad you are alright!" He began to lightly shudder.
Violet was surprised at first at his hug but warmly returned it.
"It's okay, Sam. I'm okay. But I need to see my father as soon as possible. I have something I need to report to him about my party members from yesterday." She explained.
"What? Wait, they said a beast jumped out, snatched you up, and ran off with you. Is that what-?"
Violet cut him off. "Sam, could you do me a favor? Don't mention that I am alive yet. Help me to get to the guild without being seen, please." At her words, a dark flame of anger lit within his eyes as his suspicions of foul play were answered by Violet's desire for secrecy. She didn't want them to be able to flee.
"Sam." The other guard called out.
"My cloak is in the office. It has a nice big hood. Have her wear it and escort the young lady to the guild. I'll get one of the guys to help cover until you return."
Sam thanked his co-worker. Getting Violet ready after a few minutes, they headed into the city.
Inside the guildhall, the entire mood was dark, sullen, and full of sadness, with many crying with each other. The doors to the guild opened up, and a familiar face entered the hall with a hooded individual.
"Sam!" Gona, a stout dwarf, approached him. It was clear the dwarf was trying to drown his grief in alcohol.
"What? What brought ye here?" He managed to drunkenly stammer out.
"I brought someone who needed to speak with the guild master. They have some, really, important information." Sam replied.
"O-Oh? Who be ye?" Gona leaned in to look at the person's face, but they grabbed him, pulling him close, whispering to him.
Sniff. Gona began to really tear up.
"I, I understand. If it is alright with you. I would like to be there for the report." Tears were rolling down the old dwarf's face.
"I think that should be fine. Ellen, why don't you come along too." Sam called out to the elven partner to Gona. She nodded and followed them to the guild master's office.
Inside the guild master's office, everything was in shambles. Books, paperwork, decorations, weapons, and armor were strewn about the ground. The man sat at his cracked desk, his face mixed grief and rage. A knock came on his door.
"LEAVE! I'M NOT TAKING ANY MEETINGS!" The grief-stricken father roared.
"Guild Master, it's Sam. I have someone here with information on Violet!"
A glimmer of hope appeared in the man's eyes. Jumping over his desk, he rushed to the door and nearly ripped the door off the hinges, swinging it open. What met him was a tackle from a cloaked person, knocking him to the ground.
"What's this-?" His words stopped at the sight of a very familiar, silky black hair falling about him.
"Violet?" Tears built up and exploded from his eyes as he embraced her tightly.
His cries of relief and happiness of seeing his beloved daughter returning to him poured out.
"I'm okay, father. I'm back." Violet said, hugging her crying father.
Gona and Ellen kneeled down and joined in the happiness of her return.
A few of the office workers of the guild happily moved about, assisting with cleaning up the room. In contrast, the guild master finished hearing Violet's report on the group's betrayal.
"Insolent bastards! I will tear out their intestines and strangle them with them!" The guild master slammed his desk.
"Ye better leave some for us guild master. Ellen and I will want to exact our revenge as well." Gona commented as he struggled to control his rage.
"Please don't. I get why you guys are angry, but please don't make my job more difficult... Just let us arrest them." Sam said, hoping they would listen to reason. Though he wanted nothing more than to beat the crap out of the three, he was committed to upholding the law.
"I understand your anger, everyone, but something good did come of this," Violet said, drawing confusion.
"I met her." That is all she said with a sly smile.
Her brief statement only confused them until Ellen's eyes widened, realizing who she might mean.
"You really met her!?" She cried, getting a nod from Violet.
"Come now! Don't keep us in the dark!" Gona complained.
"I was saved by a great and powerful hunter of the forest," Violet replied with a teasing smile.
It did not take long for them to realize who she meant. They all looked at each other in awe.
""""Melody!"””” They shouted in unison.
"RoooooOOOOOO!" Aroo happily ran through the forest.
Melody, Maple, and Bell rode atop the joyful bison.
"Go! GO! You can do it, Aroo!" Bell cheered, getting an energetic moo from the mammoth bison.
"Aroo seems pretty happy today." Maple commented.
"It is because we are heading to the grove. Aroo hasn't let loose in a few days, and also Elva and the other giants always feed her treats." Melody's reply caused Maple to giggle.
After ten minutes, the entrance to the grove came into view. Melody's heart filled with elation as she will soon see her adoptive mother, Gaia.
Some spriggans, forest spirits that looked like small trees in the form of women, approached Melody and her party as they entered the grove.
"Welcome, Lady Melody. Lady Gaia is a bit busy at the moment. She will come to see you soon." The spriggan that spoke to her was named by Gaia. Her name was Silvanus.
"Thanks, Sil. How are you doing?" Melody asked, hopping down from Aroo.
"Quite well, my lady. Are you visiting? Or perhaps in need of supplies?" Silvanus asked.
Melody giggled at her friend's seriousness. "I came by because I wanted to consult mother on something, but I also wanted to come by to see how everyone was doing." Melody leaned down and hugged the spriggan. Silvanus seemed a bit reluctant to be embraced but returned the hug warmly.
"I swear, Silvanus, you are as bad as Aunt Autumn," Melody said, backing away, smiling.
"I am not against your hugs. I just... am not used to them. They make me feel warm and fuzzy inside…." Silvanus trailed off.
"Aroo!" Three giant women latched onto Aroo, rubbing their faces into Aroo's soft fur affectionately.
"Becky, Lizbeth, Allie, good to see you all." Melody commented.
The three stopped hugging Aroo and took turns embracing and welcoming Melody.
"How have things been?" She asked them.
"Really good!" Allie, the youngest of the three, said.
"Elder Elva and Lady Gaia have taught us much in the last four years." Becky, the eldest, commented.
"Elder Elva has gotten good at using Nature Magic now, thanks to Lady Gaia, but she is nowhere near your level Lady Melody." Lizbeth, the middle giant, added, which got a light smack to the back of her head.
"Ow!" She cried, exaggerating the pain playfully.
"No need to word it like that, Lizbeth." A middle-aged-looking giant woman stepped forward.
"Hello, Elder Elva," Melody said with a warm smile as the two hugged each other.
"Hehehe, it is good to see you, Melody." Elva warmly said.
"I am glad to see you all. It has been a few weeks since I have seen you four." Melody commented.
"Well, we have been busy. We took a few trips to the Southern Gaian Forest for medicinal plants and to check on… Him." Elder Elva ended her words in absolute venom.
'Him' referred to the deposed head of their giant clan that Melody destroyed four years ago to save her mother. The giant's name was Rul, an enormous, cruel, and abusive male. In anger at him harming her adopted daughter, Gaia punished him by planting a Nightmare Elm tree within him. It was a malevolent plant that fed off its host's suffering by plaguing them with nightmares and keeping them alive.
Elder Elva kept from saying his name because it could cause a cursed skill, Wrath, to stir Melody.
Melody keeps herself from using the skill as it can be detrimental to those around her. Usually, the skill would erode and break a person's mind, but because of Melody's divine blessed skill, Abnormal Condition Immunity, she doesn't suffer from the erosion but loses complete control. The blessed skill was bestowed upon her by a god during her reincarnation.
"Melody, my little fern." A melodic voice called out. A woman, her body, hair, and regal dress were made from plants, wood, and bark. Her flesh was soft, warm, and flexible-like skin. Her dress and hair were made from emerald green leaves and vines.
"Mother!" Melody rushed to the regal woman.
The being, a Daughter of Lyuten, the apex evolution of a spriggan, was Gaia. Gaia was the leader and protector of the grove, where many benevolent beings of the forest stayed. The grove was always full of magical power, so the area never got cold, the plants never wilted, and the food was plentiful. Gaia was nearly the same height as her fifteen-foot-tall daughter.
Melody lovingly hugged Gaia, Gaia returned the hug in kind.
"What concerns you, my little fern?" Gaia asked, standing regally.
"Ah, already figured me out?" Melody asked, rubbing the back of her head.
"Of course, I am your mother and have been watching over you for some time," Gaia responded with a warm smile.
"I wanted to talk to you about something that came up recently. Do you have time?" Melody asked.
Since Gaia was the leader of the grove, she was responsible for those that lived there. She would sometimes head out into the forest to deal with dangerous elements, like demons.
Demons were monsters or beasts that absorb large quantities of evil magical energy known as miasma. The demons were quite strong and would typically have powerful special abilities. Melody first met Gaia after answering a plea for help against a demonic fire mole that had invaded the grove. The fire was a great weakness to forest spirits, so the demon was their mortal enemy. But thanks to Melody's assistance, the mole was defeated, and she became a close ally and eventual family member to the grove.
"Of course I have time. Please, come to my home." Gaia turned to head toward her home in the grove, and Melody followed.
"Melody! Could we play with Aroo?" The three giant ladies asked.
"You may. Please get her some water and hold back a bit on the snacks, okay?" The three young giants thanked her and went off with the mammoth bison.
"Melody, I will hang out with Bell. She wanted to meet up with some friends and family here." Maple commented.
"Okay, I will see you all later," Melody replied and followed after her mother.
Gaia's home was a large, hollowed-out tree called a Homely Tree. The tree was a bit special in that it would rapidly grow to around forty to sixty feet tall but nearly sixty feet wide. The first few feet of the bark were tough and sturdy, but most of the inside wood was soft and easy to remove. Melody's home in the forest was one of these Homely Trees secretly gifted to her by Gaia before they met in person. Melody had run to the Northern Gaian forest years ago when she was still a young giant after being cast out of her clan. Only to be driven away from the human city even though she had rescued some humans from the giants.
Gaia's home was conservatively decorated with simple furniture like a table, chairs, a desk, shelving for documents and logs. In the back was a large bed that she and Melody would often sleep together on.
They sat at the table, and Gaia poured a cup of cool fruit juice for Melody.
"Thank you, mother." She took a sip of the fantastic and sweet juice.
"Now then, what is it?" Gaia asked with a loving smile.
Melody placed the cup back onto the table, and her face was conflicted.
"The problem I am having is that I saved a human yesterday." Melody began.
"Yes, I know. I happened to be watching at the time and saw it happen. You did well. I am proud of you." Gaia responded.
"Wait, what? You already know?" Melody asked, surprised.
"Of course. I don't always watch you. I tend to check on you briefly each day when you stay home. I try to check on you more often when you leave your home. I just worry, little fern." Melody smiled and giggled at Gaia, causing the regal woman to pout.
"I'm sorry for laughing. Thank you for checking on me, but you have been quite the doting mother these last four years." Melody said, taking hold of her mother's hand affectionately.
"Well, I cannot help it. I never truly had a daughter before. You are my one and only." Gaia replied, blushing slightly.
"What? But what about Silvanus and the others?" She asked.
"Oh, well, I used my power to awaken them when they were still a tree. So it is different with them. You share a part of my life force which they do not." Gaia explained.
Melody was the only being with whom Gaia had ever shared a piece of her life force. She did it four years ago when she decided to adopt Melody and erase Melody's father's life force from her body, who was the abysmal and cruel Rul.
"Anyway, Melody, please continue," Gaia said.
"Okay, so I learned that the humans have been looking for me for the last four years."
"Why?" A bit of anger slipped into Gaia's voice. She knew of what the humans had done to Melody.
"Apparently to thank me. The humans want to set up a meeting with the ones I saved. You remember when I told you about when I escaped the south forest, right? I helped some adventurers survive the giant attack, and then the children, hoping... they would me get into the city…." Melody trailed off, remembering the terror and pain she felt that night.
From their deadly fate in the giant clan's cave, Melody had smuggled four humans out and took them to the nearest human city. Though the humans wanted nothing more than to help and accept her, the city guards decided to betray the humans and try to kill Melody. Melody was able to get away with injuries she could treat, but that night left her emotionally scarred and traumatized.
Gaia placed a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder. Melody could only give Gaia a sad smile.
"They betrayed you, right?" Gaia asked, a bit of her own fury slipping into the air.
"The children did not. It was the guards, or the lone guard captain, as Violet said. Annabelle, she shouted out a warning when she realized what he was doing. She saved me." Melody stopped speaking, her thoughts muddled.
"Melody." Gaia drew Melody's attention.
"I say, meet the humans who appreciate you. You are smart and an excellent survivor. I am sure that you could spot a trap easily enough, and I doubt the humans would be able to defeat you anyway unless they had an army and you were fighting them in an open field. If they tried in the forest, I doubt they would survive." Gaia spoke of Melody's strength with great praise, which brought a smile to her face.
Mother is right, I am not weak anymore, and I am not alone anymore. Melody thought, finally seeing her decision clearly.
"After you meet them at the edge of the forest, you can decide if you wish to see the city," Gaia added, reinforcing Melody's confidence.
"Thank you, mother." Melody leaned over and hugged Gaia, who warmly accepted and returned it.
"So, you will be staying the night, correct?" Gaia asked, smiling.
"Uh, well, I still have things to prepa-." Melody started.
"You are staying the night, correct?" Gaia repeated once more, smiling and tilting her head.
"Y-yes ma'am…" Melody replied, resigning herself to her overly doting mother.
Inside the Hallfen adventurer's guild, the atmosphere had changed from earlier. No longer was it sullen and full of sadness but quietly burning with a fury seeking its target to pounce and ravage it.
Three people entered the guildhall, bringing the whole hall to silence.
A man in red armor, a large man in heavier armor carrying a shield and mace, and a hunter in leather armor.
What the hell? What's up with them? Guess they blame us for that bitch's death. Whatever, we planned on moving cities anyway. The man in red armor thought as he approached the main counter.
The receptionist saw them. "Ah. Team Red Scales." She said coldly.
The man in red armor looked fed up with everyone, slamming his fist on the countertop.
"Look, it wasn't our fault. There was nothing we could do. We're sad about her death too. Just give us our reward for the mission, and we will be on our way." He demanded.
"One moment. The guild master wanted to speak to you one last time before you go." She left the desk to inform him of their arrival.
Dammit, why do their eyes feel far more hostile than earlier…? Something is wrong here. The man thought.
Then, Gona and Ellen entered the guild, looking a bit frustrated.
"What's wrong, Gona?" One of the adventurers asked him oddly.
"Fight broke out outside. Guards just arrived to take care of it." Gona and Ellen looked at Team Red Scales and sneered as they stopped at a counter nearby to wait for a receptionist.
A receptionist arrived at another window and called out. "Gerald! Your team's reward is ready if you want to pick it up here."
Gerald, a high-ranking adventurer in the guild, and his team approached the counter next to Team Red Scales and discussed with the receptionist.
What is this feeling? Why do I feel like we're being trapped?! The man in red armor and the hunter on his team began to panic. The large man was feeling on edge.
"Team Red Scales." The guild master came to the counter.
“Y-Yessir?” The man in red armor stammered out.
"I want to ask you one last time. I heard that you will be leaving the city soon, but I just want to confirm. What was it that caused my daughter's death?" He asked, his words cold.
"Uh, well, it was a Dread Worg. As we took down the white deer, she went out to check the deer ahead of us. I told her to stick with us, but she was too excited. As she stood above it, the worg dashed out and scooped both in its maw, charging off into the woods. We heard her scream briefly but fell silent shortly after. We are sure she is dead. The worg was-."
The guild master cut him off. "Yes, I remember your description of the Dread Worg. It has been taken care of already."
"What?" Dread began to creep up the man's spine.
"The witness to its death is here. Come forward, please."
Team Red Scales never expected to see the person who stepped out from behind a screen.
"Hello. Remember me?" Violet asked mockingly.
The three men were frozen in place. They now understood all the movements of the people inside the hall. They were completely surrounded, and the high-ranking adventurers around them had all drawn their weapons.
"Now then, scum, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Make your choice." The guild master commanded.
"We certainly hope ye choose the hard way," Gona said, a furious fire burning in his eyes.
Sam, the guard, entered the hall. "So have they surrendered yet? We are waiting to take them into custody." He asked.
"Could ye not have given us ten minutes with them, Sam? Damn goody-two-shoes..." Gona and several other adventurers grumbled.
"Captain's orders, he didn't want to drag you to jail too, even if these bastards deserve it," Sam replied.
Team Red Scales had no choice. Even if they could fight their way out, the guards waited for them outside.
Team Red Scales was stripped of their armor, weapons and was arrested by the guards.
"Tch, I still wish they chose the hard way," Gona commented, itching to pummel them to near death.
"You and me both, old friend." Gerald seconded.
The two senior adventurers watched as the guards escorted the three criminals down the main road to the curious stares of the townspeople.
"I really should have listened to you, Gona. I never want to go through that again." Violet commented.
"That doesn't matter lass, we are all just happy you are alright." The dwarf grinned.
A young woman, followed by three young children in adventuring gear, ran through the streets of Hallfen. The young woman wore a dark blue habit of the church with leather armor that had plating installed in areas to protect her vitals. Though it may have been heavy, she ran like it weighed nothing. She spotted the one she was running to find with her blue eyes. She is a young woman around her own age with a long black ponytail and purple eyes.
"VIOLET!" The young woman cried.
"AnnabUFAH!" She was tackled to the ground by the young woman.
"Gah! Annabelle! That hurt!" Violet complained.
"Ah! I'm sorry. I'm just so happy that you are alright. After we heard what happened, we rushed back to Hallfen to determine whether it was true. We're so happy you are alive!" Annabelle hugged her friend tightly.
"Ack! Too tight! You're hugging me to death, Anna!" Annabelle let go and began apologizing to her friend once more.
"You really need to get control of your strength Sister." A boy who was with her commented.
"She tried to hug me to death in our sleep the other night." A girl commented.
"We're happy to see you are alright, Miss Violet." The smallest of the three said.
"Lucas, Mina, Lala, I am glad to see you three." The three children smiled as Annabelle helped Violet back to her feet.
"I have great news, you four," Violet said, standing beside Annabelle.
"What is it, Violet?" The young priestess asked.
"I met Melody." Four sets of wide-open eyes locked onto hers at her comment, their full attention on her and her alone.
Violet smiled. "I set up a possible meeting two days from now at the edge of the North Gaian Forest," Violet informed them.
"She'll come," Annabelle claimed, no doubt in her voice.
"What? I just said it is possible, she seemed-."
"She'll come." The four claimed in unison.
What…? Violet was taken aback by their conviction.
"Heh, even I believe she will come, lass," Gona added.
"How can all of you be so sure?" Violet asked.
The five looked at one another. "It's Melody."
The five might not have known Melody closely, but they knew her to be an earnest and kind person. They had faith that Melody would come to meet them in two days. They had much to prepare and people to gather. The meeting in two days would have a chance to change their lives.
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