《Gods of Tartarus: Melody of Wrath》Chapter 15: Autumn Grove
Melody and Maple stopped by Okan's grove on their way back home.
He opened his eyes and welcomed them in his drawn-out words. "Welcome, granddaughter. Welcome, Maple."
"Okan! You're awake!" Melody went up and hugged his cheek.
"Ho, ho, ho, thank you for the magic. It was quite warm and comforting. What can old Okan do for you?"
Melody thanked him for the bow and asked him if there was anything she could do for him.
"Hmm. I would have asked you to drive the humans away from the bison, but you took care of that already." An amused smile came to the old tree's face.
"You protect the bison?" Melody asked while sitting down on one of Okan's roots.
"I do. Gaia handles the east half while I manage the western half."
"We heard earlier that the humans protect the bison, grandfather Okan." Maple said.
"Yes. This area becomes quite cold during the winters. Long ago, I had Gaia save some hunters. I had her prepare clothes made from their wool and offered the idea of coexistence with the bison. Before winter, the bison grow out their fur to survive and would shed in the spring. The idea was to have the humans shear the bison in the spring and prepare clothes for winter. Like this, the humans made the wooly bison a protected species." Okan explained.
"That is great, grandpa!" Melody exclaimed, which caused him to laugh proudly.
"You did well in protecting them, Melody. Not only that, but you did not take any lives in the process. You saved those horses as well. The poor things were being abused. I sent them to a unicorn grove to live in peace."
"U-Unicorn!?" Melody asked, her eyes wide.
Okan smiled and laughed. He explained that he had another daughter who maintained a unicorn grove deep in the forest to the north.
"I would like to meet her, also to see a unicorn too if possible. Maybe I could take a trip there?" Melody fell into the thought of how to prepare.
"Why not use a fairy ring?" Okan offered.
"What is a fairy ring?" Melody asked, tilting her head.
He then explained how it was old forest magic used by fairies to travel long distances.
"Here. Eat these berries. You and Maple. I will pass my knowledge of them to you." A branch lowered with two red, strawberry-looking fruits the size of a peach. Melody picked them, then she and Maple ate them.
Oh. Wow. It works as an RPG game fast travel system. The ring is not hard to make, but you have to pour in a lot of magic to establish the connection between gates. It also makes it easier if you know where the connecting gate is. Awesome! I will have to make one at home, the grove, and here!
"Let me create the ring here and connect it." A short distance in front of Okan, a ring of glowing green flowers appeared along with a magic circle within.
Okan had them stand in the circle. "Now, use your connection to nature to feel the path. Channel your magic along that path, and you will travel to the other point my daughter created."
Melody nodded, said goodbye, and thanked Okan.
She closed her eyes, pushed her magic into the fairy ring, feeling the singular connection. As her mind slipped into the link, she felt the air change and a new voice welcomed her.
"Greeting's niece. Welcome to my grove." Melody opened her eyes to see an elder spriggan standing before her along with a few regular spriggans.
"Oh, um, hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Melody. This is Maple." Melody stumbled over her words because she was expecting something more... grand when it came to fast travel. Standing, Melody felt a welcoming warmth from the elder spriggan.
Gaia's leaves and vines were green when she was still an elder spriggan. This one had a lighter bark color with fall-colored leaves and vines.
Her colors are so pretty. I feel like she would be stunning like Mother Gaia if she evolved… Melody thought, looking over the entity with wide eyes.
The elder spriggan seemed to read her face. "If you want to give me a name, I will not stop you. But you may want to rest first before that. Your magic seems to be a bit low to do so right now."
What? Identify, Magic… Wow, that fairy ring took twenty-five hundred! Melody was having second thoughts about using the rings regularly and would only use them in emergencies.
"The distance does not affect the cost of using the ring. Cost is affected by your experience using them. Once you get used to them, you should be able to get the cost down. For now, come along. Father said you wanted to meet some unicorns." The elder spriggan led Melody and Maple to an area that had a pond.
"Oh! A magic spring!" Melody said as they approached.
"You know them?" The elder spriggan asked.
"I built my home next to one just south of Gaia's grove."
"I see. Well, there they are." She pointed over to a clearing that several unicorns and horses were laying or trotting about.
Each of the unicorns was pure white with no blemish or speck of dirt on their bodies. Their manes and tails shimmered like polished silver.
"Beautiful." She cautiously approached them until she felt their emotions from her connection to nature. They're welcoming me.
"The head of the herd thanks you for saving the horses that father sent him. They are quite happy here." The elder spriggan reported.
One tall, muscular and beautiful unicorn approached them.
"Greeting's daughter of Gaia. We welcome you." Melody heard the words in her mind. They had a powerful, wise, and masculine voice to them.
"Th-thank you. I am happy to meet you." Melody almost raised her hand to shake but stopped before she embarrassed herself.
The unicorn bowed its head.
"This one's name is Kalder. He was once the mount of a woman hero a couple of centuries ago." The elder spriggan said.
"A hero! Heroes exist?!"
The elder spriggan's eyes showed she was amused by Melody's reaction.
She explained how there were no current heroes, but the humans had an ancient ritual that was only used in the case of pending doom.
"A hero is powerful. They are summoned through time and space while being blessed by the gods. The heroes cannot return home, so the gods made the ritual special to allow the connection through their dreams to seek out a willing person. If they did not want to do it, they would only think they had a strange dream. While the ones who were willing would be transported immediately. The gods would then make their previous world believe that they passed away by natural causes." The Elder Spriggan finished her explanation.
"W-wow. You know a lot about it." Melody fidgeted. The elder spriggan reminded her somewhat of a stern teacher she once had.
"Father helped teach a hero long ago. They were a ranger much like yourself, Melody."
A ranger like me? I will have to ask grandpa about that later. Melody noted.
The elder spriggan offered for Melody to relax in the spring to recover her magic if she wanted.
Melody thanked her, stripped down to her underwear, and hopped into the spring. The warm tingly sensation surrounded her.
This one is nice. It's deep enough for me to dive down in.
Several pixies also appeared, and Maple played with them while Melody recovered.
Within thirty minutes, Melody was recovered, dressed, and ready to work her naming skills.
"Okay! I'm maxed out. Are you sure it is okay for me to give you a name?" Melody asked the elder spriggan.
"Of course. You graced my sister with such a lovely name. I hope I might get one as well."
Melody thought about the name while in the spring water and knew the perfect one for her. "Then the name I offer you is... Autumn."
Nearly all of Melody's magic was used, and the elder spriggan, Autumn, radiated with power.
"Thank you so much, niece. I will now be known as Autumn. Could you identify me please?" Autumn carried herself in a more business-like fashion, unlike Gaia, who was far more motherly.
Elder Spriggan (Evolving): Name: Autumn. Age: 412. Level: 84 Danger Level: Very High.
An Elder Spriggan amid an evolution. Elder Spriggans are high-level Forest Spirits that have lived for centuries. Can communicate through nature. Uses Forest Magic.
Health: 3310. Stamina: 1630. Magic: 5400. Strength: 120. Endurance: 230. Dexterity: 90. Intelligence: 410. Wisdom: 490. Charisma: 200.
"Wow, so you are older than Mother Gaia, Aunt Autumn?" Melody asked.
"Yes. Thank you for your assistance. This is my first time evolving in a couple of centuries. Is there anything I should know?" Autumn asked.
"Um, things I noticed with Gaia is that you will get a sizable boost to stats, new abilities, or magic, and the last thing is that your level resets."
"Hmm, I see. Thank you. What about physical form?" Autumn asked.
"Oh right! Sorry, that is by far the most obvious one, so I thought you knew that. Yes, Gaia's form changed quite a bit. She became a Daughter of Lyuten. From the description, Lyuten seems to be a god of nature." Melody explained.
"Interesting. I hope I might become one as well." Autumn invited Melody and Maple to stay for a couple of days before heading home, which they accepted.
Autumn's grove was surrounded by Rampart trees with the entrance blocked off with branches she could control.
"I need to maintain the entrance closed when not in use. The forest around here is quite dangerous. Since this area is rich in magic, monsters tend to be bigger, stronger, or have special abilities. If you desire to hunt in this area, I would like one or two unicorns to accompany you. They have a strong purifying power that can protect you from poisons, curses, paralysis, and other status effects." Autumn explained.
"Oh, well uh, I am kind of immune to all such things. I have a maxed-out skill for Abnormal Condition Immunity." Autumn showed a bit of surprise but quickly collected herself.
Melody then proceeded to go over some of her skills, such as hunting, trapping, and stealth skills.
"Truly amazing." Autumn held her shaking head. "By the sound of your skills, you might easily be an apex predator here soon enough."
Melody giggled at the similar reaction between the forest spirit sisters.
"Thanks. If you ever end up needing help, please call on me. I helped protect Gaia's grove against a demon mole that specialized in fire." Autumn was impressed and said that she would request Melody's assistance if the need arose.
Melody felt that she would try hunting in Autumn's area for a bit and headed outside the grove.
Melody hid in a large tree a reasonable distance away from the grove while expanding her senses out for some prey. Maple stayed behind at Autumn's advice. Her reasoning was that some monsters had area-of-effect abilities that could affect the fairy by looking at the beast. Without the purifying power of the unicorns, it would be best for her to stay behind.
It's been a while since I have hunted solo. Usually, Maple is with me… Feels off without her here whispering in my ear. Melody smiled warmly.
A moment later, her senses picked up on something. She proceeded to jump from tree to tree, branches moving about to be a foothold for her, sounding like a light breeze blowing through the leaves.
Shadow Liger: Name: Black Death. Age: 46. Level: 58. Danger Level: Very High.
A Shadow Liger (male). Shadow Liger is a powerful beast that specializes in ambushes. Its large ears allow it to pick up anything approaching from nearly two miles out. Will fold ears down when near prey or in a battle to prevent hearing damage. High Dexterity and Strength. Medium Endurance and Intelligence. Low wisdom and Charisma.
Melody watched it stalk underneath her hiding spot. It was about four feet tall and ten feet in length, not including its four-foot-long tail. Its fur was jet black, and it quietly moved along with its ears fully open, flipping one way to another, scanning for prey.
Melody quietly and slowly inhaled as much air as her lungs could hold.
Terror Howl. She activated her skill that would amplify her voice and yelled at loud as she could.
The face of the Shadow Liger contorted, and eyes rolled back as blood gushed out of its ears. Melody took a few deep breaths as she saw the liger fall over. Keeping her senses active, she hopped down next to it.
Shadow Liger (Dead): Name: Black Death. Age: 46. Level: 58. Danger Level: None.
Shadow Liger (male) corpse. Shadow Liger is a powerful beast that specializes in ambushes. Its large ears allow it to pick up anything approaching from nearly two miles out. Will fold ears down when near prey or in a battle to prevent hearing damage. High Dexterity and Strength. Medium Endurance and Intelligence. Low wisdom and Charisma.
What the hell? It died?! Melody was shocked, her mouth hanging open, that it had been killed over that.
"W-Well, I guess I should head back then…." She picked up the corpse feeling a bit awkward, but just in case, she tied its mouth shut and bound its legs and tail. Hefting it quickly, she carried her prey back.
"Whoa! What is that, Melody?!" Maple asked upon her return.
"It's called a Shadow Liger." She replied, dropping the corpse down.
"This is the one known as Black Death. He has killed the unicorns every so often. They will appreciate their brethren being avenged." Autumn chimed in.
"Um, Aunt Autumn, would it be alright for me to bleed and disassemble it here?" Autumn nodded and showed her a location she could do it. The elder spriggan then seemed to have an idea and wandered away to find something.
Melody got to work, using nature magic to have some vines hang it. She used her dig ability to create a deep hole in the ground to catch the blood, and before she cut the throat, Autumn stopped her. "Melody, do you know how to tame creatures?" She asked.
"Oh, um, no." She replied, unsure of where her aunt was going with her question.
"Allow me to teach you. Taming can be done in two ways. One is raising from infancy, the other is using nature to establish a contract between each other. Using this method, you establish an agreement between the two of you. Once the contract is in place, you will be able to communicate from a distance and share senses. Such contracts cannot be created unless one can connect to nature. The animal I would like to recommend to you is a Blood Falcon." Autumn held out her arm, and a large, two-foot-tall, red bird landed on it. It had a pointed, sharp beak, a long red tail with a blue tip, and intelligent-looking black eyes.
Blood Falcon: Name: None. Level: 14. Danger Level: Low.
A Blood Falcon (male). Blood Falcon is a scavenger bird that uses its pointed beak to pierce corpses and drain them of all blood. High Dexterity and Intelligence. Medium Wisdom and Endurance. Low Strength and Charisma.
"Wait, auntie, are you suggesting that I use the Blood Falcon to drain the corpse?" Melody asked.
"Yes. It would be considerably faster, and it uses a bit of magic called Blood Control, that only works on corpses for your peace of mind, to clean out every last drop of blood." Autumn explained.
To drain every bit would make the meat so much better!
"Okay! I'll do it! Show me the way, teacher!" Melody cheerily requested.
Autumn had her sit down on the ground and had the Blood Falcon stand before her. Over the next ten minutes, Autumn explained to Melody how to perform the contract.
"Okay, I will give it a try, auntie."
"I see you have decided to just call me auntie from now on, not that I mind, it is… nice."
Melody smiled at Autumn.
I was able to connect to Aroo before using my connection to nature. Let's do that. Melody closed her eyes and concentrated her will into nature. Her magic extended out like a vine toward the bird, and before long, it connected their hearts.
Got it! I'm connected! Hello, I'm Melody. I would like to be friends! The Blood Falcon cocked its head and sent its emotions to her.
Let's see. Hungry. Feed regularly. Wants to be safe. Melody received an answer from the falcon.
I can do that for you if you are willing to form a contract with me. I hunt a lot so you will be able to eat regularly, and I have a safe place to live.
The Blood Falcon raised its beak, flapping its wings, and whistled a pretty melody.
You accept? Thank you! I promise to take good care of you.
"Establish contract." A green magic circle appeared under her and the falcon for ten seconds before fading away.
"D-Did it work?" Maple asked, floating up to Melody.
"It did Maple. Let's see, I shall name you… Fenny!" A couple thousand of her magic was used, and Fenny flapped his wings, whistling happily.
"I'm glad you like it." She smiled at Fenny.
Melody told Fenny that he could feed on the Shadow Liger. Melody took a moment to use her dig ability to fill the hole and create a small perch for Fenny to stand on. After landing on the raised platform, putting his head at the height of the jugular, Fenny drove his sharp beak into the neck and began feeding on the corpse.
"Oh, that long, huh? Thanks, Fenny. I will start then." Melody replied to a message from Fenny.
"Melody? Can you understand him?" Maple asked as she watched the falcon happily eat.
"Kind of, we share senses close enough that I can tell what he is saying." Maple was quite amazed, and Autumn praised Melody's efforts.
Blood Falcon (Evolving): Name: Fenny. Level: 14. Danger Level: Low.
A Blood Falcon (male) amid evolution. Blood Falcon is a scavenger bird that uses its pointed beak to pierce corpses and drain them of all blood. In a contract with the giant Melody.
Health: 110. Stamina: 150. Magic: 280. Strength: 40. Endurance: 90. Dexterity:200. Intelligence: 200. Wisdom: 130. Charisma: 50.
"Whoa! Fenny is evolving too! I wonder what he'll evolve into…." Melody then began getting curious about her naming things, "Auntie, it seems like anything I give a name to ends up evolving. Do you know why that might be?" Melody asked.
"Hmm, I just observed you naming Fenny. Has Gaia told you what affects it?"
Melody nodded and listed them to her. "If I remember correctly, feelings of trust, if the name-giver is evolved, amount of magic used, my level, and mother Gaia said there were others too."
"Correct. I am making some assumptions, but I believe that you might be fulfilling every one of them. You don't hold back on magic, not to mention your magic is quite pure. You have an open heart allowing you to connect with others easily. I heard from father that you are evolved, but what level are you now, Melody?" Autumn asked.
"Oh, I haven't checked that in a while. Identify level… I'm level 56 now." Melody said after a few seconds.
"That is a decently high level for most. Like I said, you fulfill so many of the conditions that that has to be the reason. Now I suspect that at some point, it will fail, so please do be too distraught." Even though Autumn said that, Melody could feel a caring warmth in her business-like tone.
"Thanks, Auntie." Melody surprised Autumn with a hug, which caused her to tense up.
"Y-Yes, well, you are welcome." Autumn patted Melody on the back with one hand.
I can't wait to see what auntie looks like evolved! Melody backed away and sensed that Fenny was done.
"Wow, Fenny. It took you ten minutes to drain it? You must have been hungry." Fenny hopped down from the perch and laid down on the ground to nap after gorging himself on the Shadow Liger.
Melody pulled out her Demon Mole Claw knife, activated the heated blade feature, and sliced into the flesh like it was butter.
"Wow! There is absolutely no blood at all! This is great, thanks, Fenny!" She felt him feeling happy. Melody made quick work of skinning the body over thirty minutes.
"Hmm… Identify."
Shadow Liger Pelt (Magic): Pelt of the Shadow Liger Black Death. Wearing this pelt will boost stealth and dexterity.
"Something up, Melody?" Maple asked, laying over her shoulder.
"Yup. This pelt is magical. It boosts stealth and dexterity. I will have to talk to Pappy about what we can make with it."
"Armor, maybe?"
Melody shook her head.
"Pappy was turning the bison hides into hard leather, so the armor will be covered. I think turning it into something to cover myself with would be nice. We might just layer it over the hard leather. Oh yeah, Pappy said he was going to use the wool from the hides to make a winter set of clothes for all of us too."
Maple cheered and happily flitted about.
"Winters are so cold! The grove stays warm, but outside it sooooo cold! I will be happy to have some nice winter clothes!"
Melody spent the next hour butchering the corpse and harvesting the organs.
"How in the world can I transport all this?" Melody thought as she looked at all the meat.
"Having trouble, Melody?" Autumn returned from managing a minor issue in the grove.
"Oh, auntie, this is just a common problem for me. When I harvest things, I have to transport them. I usually stuff as much as I can into my pack. This is a bit much, though."
"You have not dealt with this much before?" Autumn asked.
"Once, but I had Aroo there to help transport it."
Autumn thought for a moment and said she would be right back.
A few minutes later, she returned with a pack that had a similar color to her leaves. "Here, Melody. Try this."
Vine Pack (Magic): This pack was made by the Ancient Treant Okan. The inside has an expanded space within, capable of holding one hundred bags worth. Items must be able to fit into the opening.
"Another item made by grandpa? Are you sure I can have this? This seems really important, auntie." Melody asked.
"It is fine. Father made this for me for when I traveled here to establish my grove. Now that I am established here, it has been collecting dust. It would be better used in your hands."
Melody was so overcome by Autumn's generosity that she hugged her again.
"This again…" Autumn sounded a bit tired but not unwelcoming.
Melody let her go after several seconds. One day I will have her return the hug just as warmly! Melody took the pack over to the disassembled liger. The rolled-up hide quickly slipped inside and disappeared.
"That's amazing! Miss Autumn, is there air in there?" Maple asked.
"Yes, air flows in there. But there is no light."
Maple responded that she could take care of that and hopped into the bag. Melody then poked her head inside.
"Wow! This is so cool!" Melody called out.
The inside of the pack was clear to see, thanks to Maple's Light spell. The pack's interior looked like a small room where the walls, floor, and ceiling looked like the pack's surface. Melody could see the rolled-up pelt over in one of the corners.
"Hey, Melody! Try pulling the fur out. I want to see what happens!" Melody nodded to Maple's request.
Pulling her head out, she reached in and thought of pulling the pelt out. She felt something furry in her hand, grabbed it, and pulled the fur out of the bag. Once she pulled it completely out, Maple came flying out.
"That was so neat! I saw your hand come in, and the rolled-up fur floated up to your hand!" Maple was excited about the magic of the pack, just as much as Melody. Melody turned to give Autumn another hug, but she seemed to have predicted Melody's actions and made herself scarce.
I'll get to you later. Melody thought with a smile.
Melody finished packing the dismantled Shadow Liger and pulled out her bow.
"Time for a bit more practice," Melody asked Maple to create some targets for her with light magic.
Maple got excited and made multiple orbs of light all about while she flitted about.
"Okay, Melody! Sixty targets! Your last record was five minutes while running. You missed ten shots. Can you beat your record?!" Maple said excitedly.
Fenny raised his head to watch.
"Ready? Go!"
Melody took off running. Two green arrows flew free, taking out two targets.
"I'm gonna get you!" Maple flitted in low toward Melody. Melody flipped, doing a cartwheel while firing three times, taking out three more targets. She landed and continued moving, taking down targets while evading being touched by Maple.
Maple's purpose was to act as a 'hostile' attack to help Melody train to be able to avoid attacks while dodging. Fenny whistled out that he wanted to help too, so Melody had him join in. Fenny would fly in, trying to head-butt or swat with his wings.
Melody continued to deftly dodge their attacks while taking down additional targets. Autumn returned along with Kalder and a couple of curious unicorns.
"She is most impressive, Lady Autumn," Kalder commented.
"That she is."
Melody continued jumping and flipping about while running and firing.
Twelve left. Ten. Nine. Six. Five. Four. Two. One. With one final shot, the last light orb was broken. Fenny and Maple stopped assailing her, and Melody fell back onto her butt, sweating.
"You sure worked up a sweat this time, Melody." Maple said, dropping a ball of cool water on Melody's head.
"Thanks, Maple." Melody did not seem to be tired in the least bit.
Melody had found out from Gaia days ago that her Abnormal Condition Immunity allowed her to avoid getting tired. Melody could tell when she was low on stamina and would stop before it got too low. Gaia had made sure to warn Melody to not let herself run out of energy entirely as it would leave her defenseless until she recovered enough.
Fenny whistled his praises of her abilities. "Thanks, Fenny." She petted his head which caused him to whistle happily.
"So Maple, the verdict?" Melody asked.
Maple smiled, "You broke your record!" She happily declared while hugging Melody's cheek.
"Four and a half minutes while missing four shots! You're amazing, Melody! And you did this with Fenny in the mix too!" Fenny whistled proudly of his master.
The three of them rested and played for the rest of the day and turned in for the night.
Melody woke up the following morning and decided to take a swim in the large magic pond. Maple slept in because she was tired from using so much magic and stamina during their training and playing. Fenny was also still sleeping, but it seemed to have something to do with his evolution.
Melody finished her swim and laid out in the grass. "This is such a nice grove." She said out loud to no one, but someone answered her.
"Thank you. I worked quite hard on it."
Melody rolled over and turned toward the voice, it was Autumn, and she finished her evolution.
She looked much like Gaia because she now had a face, but her plant attire was very different. Instead of a regal-looking green dress, Autumn was in something that appeared more like a robe of a roman senator with fall colors, and her 'hair' was up in a bun with vines hanging from it. Autumn had a slight smile on her face.
"A-Auntie! You look beautiful!"
"Dry." Autumn cast a spell to dry Melody off since Autumn could tell what was coming.
"Oh, thank you. Could I please hug you?" Melody asked, doing her best puppy dog eyes.
Autumn huffed but gave in. Melody hugged her warmly while Autumn did a very business-like hug.
"You can hug me back, you know," Melody said.
"I am hugging you back," Autumn replied.
"Your hug is like something from an acquaintance, aren't we family?"
Autumn looked at Melody with a face that said, 'That comment was not fair!' Sighing, Autumn returned Melody's warm hug with one of her own.
Yay! Melody had a massive smile on her face after they pulled away.
"D-Don't expect those all the time, and that line is banned!" Autumn had a mixed expression of pensive and shyness.
Melody gave her a toothy grin and thanked Autumn while hugging her one last time, promising it would be the last one of the day. Autumn then had Melody use her skill to get her updated status.
Daughter of Lyuten: Name: Autumn. Age: 412. Level: 1. Danger Level: Extremely High.
A Daughter of Lyuten is strongly tied to nature as Lyuten is the divine spirit of nature. This is a final evolution. Can communicate through nature. Uses Forest, Nature, Earth, Wind, and Water Magic. Can use excess absorbed sunlight to attack.
Health: 5040. Stamina: 2980. Magic: 4780/8010. Strength: 160. Endurance: 340. Dexterity: 170. Intelligence: 610. Wisdom: 780. Charisma: 300.
"Thank you, Melody," Autumn said as Melody finished going over her stats.
"Did you use some magic this morning?" Melody asked.
"Yes, I did. I contacted Gaia and established a Fairy Ring to her grove. Now that both of us are more powerful, we were able to easily connect our groves." Melody was so happy with the news she almost hugged Autumn again but wanted to keep her promise and just thanked her.
About an hour later, Maple woke up feeling refreshed and made a big show of excitement about Autumn's evolution. After Maple calmed down, Melody asked about Fenny.
"Oh, he's still sleeping." Maple said.
"Well, I guess I will just carry him." Melody went to the room that Autumn had prepared for them and got Fenny.
Autumn showed them over to the Fairy Ring in the grove while being followed by some pixies, Kalder, and the other equines.
Once Melody, Maple, and the sleeping Fenny were in the circle, Autumn spoke up. "Melody, again, thank you for coming and naming me. You will always be welcome here."
"Truly. We all hope to see you again soon. Here is a parting gift." Kalder dropped four horns in her hands.
Unicorn Horn: A part with great purifying power. It can be formed into trinkets or used in potions.
"These are unicorn horns! You guys didn't do what I think you did!?" Melody asked in a panic.
"No. Those are horns we shed once every ten years. Those are my old horns. If you turn them into spearheads or trinkets, they should be of use to you." Kalder said.
"Thank you, Kalder!" Melody hugged Kalder around his neck.
"Must you be so… Huggy?" Autumn asked.
"I do not mind. Her hugs contain quite the warmth to them." Kalder commented while following up with some light teasing of Autumn for her shyness.
"A-Anyway, time to send you home, Melody. Give Gaia my regards. I shall activate the circle."
Raising her hand, the Fairy Ring shined, and a happy Melody felt herself being transported away.
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Kadi was in a terrible mood, his girlfriend just broke up with him for an extremely weird reason, he wanted to wait until they were married to do anything bedroom related. He gets himself into a depressive funk, and during a walk he didn't notice the crossing signal until it was too late. Now in a new world he will find true love from one of the strangest places, and together they will build a new empire. This is my first real story, any corrections or ideas in the comments are welcome.
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Let's rewind a cinematic record back to when Alan Humphries had first gotten contracted with the Thorns of Death. This is the story that tells it all. It leads right into the musical Kuromyu: The Most Beautiful Death In The World. This story will also go into that plot line.
8 151 - In Serial410 Chapters
participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge In one night the world changed. Impossible Spires appeared and with them came terrible monsters and wondrous abilities that defied the laws of science. The safety of everyday life was gone. Survival was thrust into the hands of a woefully unprepared humanity. Now they had no choice, but to fight and grow stronger for the end of their world was only the beginning. Updates Sunday and Wednesday PST.
8 73 - In Serial14 Chapters
It was only love || Hope Mikealson
a human girl in the supernatural world surrounded by the powerful, how far would she go to protect herself, does she stay human for long?
8 137 - In Serial4 Chapters
The Perfect Bride
*Rewritten Version*What was supposed to be a fun-filled family getaway for Kinsley Grier, turns into her worst nightmare. After witnessing the grizzly murders of her family, Kinsley is forced to live with and obey the man that killed them. Isaac Alder only wants the best for his sons and is willing to do anything to keep up with twisted family traditions. He's the only thing keeping Kinsley inside their house of horrors, and he will stop at nothing to make her his son's perfect bride.-Inspired by the "Kidnapped by Cannibals Series" but has nothing to do with the story or characters. MATURE content. Young viewers not advised.The photo used as a cover does not belong to me, and I do not own any rights to it.
8 190