《Hero of Naught》Chapter 22
So, I got my first "readable" review the other day. Thank you very much for that.
Now, obviously this story has a lot less of everything when compared with the original; followers, views, etc. Not too disheartening considering I wrote it half a year ago and most of those followers are not likely on or care for the story. If we get some other good reviews up, I ask that you guys hit a thumbs up or down so we can get the story into the top 5 reviews of the week; get that publicity out and all that. Enough with author's corner though, here's the first chapter of the day
As it turned out, Mrs. Fredrick's was a tavern owner of the intimidating variety. She was currently giving Steel a hard once-over with a scowl on her face. A knife was stuck ominously in the wood where she had stuck it before looking at him.
"Falcon sent ya over here did he? Well, I guess someone who interests him must be at least usable." She eyed the two quivering animals hiding behind Steel's leg and sighed, "Cripes, even the wee beasties here shiver and cower at me. They be good at mice catching then?" She asked Steel.
"This is a learning experience for them ma'am." Steel said politely under her glare, "Even if they can't, I'll be sure to finish the job up for you Mrs. Fredrick's."
"Fine, but call me Mema. Only that ruddy Falcon dares to call on me name so formally." She grunted and pointed her scarred hand at the back door, "That dare door be leading ya down to the basement. Mice are small beasties, but dey can overwhelm a man if he ain't careful. Mind yourself down there boy."
Quest AddedGet Rid of MiceMema the Tavern Owner has a mice problem in her basement. Since she's too busy to take care of it, she has asked you to rid the mice for her.Objective:Kill at least 30 mice in the basementReward:Intimacy with Mema, fame within the city, exp
Rewards may be added to higher kill numbers
Steel nodded his head and herded the two animals to the basement door. Finding the trapdoor and staircase, the three walked down into a dimply lit cellar filled crates and barrels for the tavern. Even as they first entered, Steel could see small groups of mice running around the floor.
Steel had a small grin on his face. When he had finally accepted the two animals after the contract, his first thought had been worry. After all, even the two would be great help someday, right now the two were babies with limited abilities. Steel had checked the Everwiki about companion beasts and had found a limited amount of useful information. Apparently, infant beasts would grow when they acquired exp; either through battle or quest completion.
Naturally, Steel didn't think sending the two of them to fight adult creatures would be terribly wise of him, but this quest had presented a unique opportunity for the two to gain experience though battle. Likely, this was the reason why Falcon had recommended the quest in the first place.
"Guess I do owe the guy then." Steel admitted reluctantly, "You two, think you can hunt the mice?"
Loba gave a low growl and Akami began thumping her foot in anticipation. Steel nodded his head, "Fine, but don't attack too many at once, otherwise they'll gang up on you."
The two animals didn't give him a sign they had heard, and they jumped down to the floor with a little drool coming out of their mouths. Steel suddenly remembered his earlier agreement that he would cook anything they caught and felt a sudden sense of awkwardness. Resolving himself to pay better attention to what he said in the future, he sat down to watch the two fight their first battle.
At the moment, Loba was the size of a small dog and Akami was slightly smaller. In the future, Loba would be slightly larger than a regular sized wolf and Akami would be about a quarter of that size. They were both speed type fighters, relying on superior agility and maneuverability to outflank their opponents. Neither would have the stamina to put up for long fights, but they had the strength to get in and eliminate their targets quickly.
In the future anyway.
Steel sighed and slapped his hand to his head as he watched the two infants running full pelt at him with a small swarm of angry mice chasing them. They cried out for him in their whining voices.
"I told you two to not attack large groups didn't I? Guess you both need to be taught better." He shook his head as he twirled his spear. He did not equip his shield as it would be worthless against so many small and swift opponents, and using both hands to wield his spear would increase the damage slightly.
As the first mice reached him, they reared back as Steel's curse began to affect them. Steel did not hesitate as he leaped down and sung his spear down in a slicing motion. The mice, merely level 1-2, squealed in pain as they evaporated into little lights before him. Steel kept up the momentum, using 'Spear Thrust' and 'Triple Strike' to attack multiple targets at once. He was only to get about 12 of them before the mice scattered and vanished across the basement. Steel nodded as he collected the mice pelts and meat, then turned to look at the two drooping animals behind him.
"A much as I hate saying it," Steel sighed, "You both need to learn how to work together while you both are babies. Akami, you go attract the attention of 3-5 mice and lead them back here. Loba, you hide in the shadows until the mice near you, than leap out and attack. When Loba attacks, that's your signal to turn around and attack as well Akami. When you win, switch roles and keep it up." Steel paused to see if the two understood him.
Akami seemed to incline her head in understanding, but Loba was obviously cocking her head in confusion. Steel sighed and dragged Loba over to a corner hidden from most sides.
"Stay." He commanded, than turned to Akami, "Bring back mice." Akami ran off into the dark basement and quickly disappeared. Steel waited for a moment, then heard Akami scampering back. He looked down at Loba, "Attack the mice."
Loba, who seemed to understand now, crouched in the shadows and stared wide eyed at the place where the sounds were coming from. Akami burst out of the darkness, followed by 3 mice who were screeching loudly. Akami had a small piece of cheese in her mouth, and a mischievous look in her eyes.
"Good wisdom is really different from poor wisdom." Steel muttered to himself as he observed Akami. When Akami passed the corner, Loba leaped out and sank her teeth into one of the pursuing mice. It gave a startled shriek and struggled to escape, but Loba clamped her jaws down tight. Akami, hearing the shriek, immediately turned around sunk her fangs into a second mouse, causing it the cry out in pain and distress. The remaining mouse paused as its two companions were being hurt, than squeaked and jumped at Akami, forcing her to release her hold on the mouse. She hissed and bared her teeth at the mouse, which was almost her current size.
Loba, seeing her partner being threatened by the two mice, swung her head back and forth and threw her mouse into the two aggressors and followed up with a leap of her own unto the uninjured mouse. The flying mouse actually inflicted the dazed debuff on all three mice, and Akami also joined in with a leap of her own. Together, the two furiously ripped the three mice apart until, with a final squeak, the three disappeared into light. Loba and Akami picked up the meat loot and ran back to Steel. They dropped it to the floor and looked up at him with hopeful eyes. Steel grunted.
"I said I'd cook the meat, so I'll cook it later. Keep it up, or I might forget to remember." Steel had decided the best way to raise them would be through detached care; since he had no desire to make real connections with game programs. Still, his ethics forced him to keep his promises, so he would cook for them whatever they brought back in the future. Eventually, he'd also benefit from what they brought back as well.
This time, Loba played the bait while Akami hid in the corner, her sharp teeth awaiting her future prey. However, Loba quickly returned with 7 mice this time. Steel shook his head at the large piece of cheese in Loba's mouth; she had obviously had tried to copy Akami, but wasn't cunning enough to do it right.
Loba gave Steel a pitiful look as she ran towards him, but Steel shook his head. "I can't always be there to help you; learn to solve your own problems. or you'll remain weak forever." He folded his arms and put away his spear.
Hearing his words, Loba's eyes gained a fierce look and she seemed to nod. As soon as she passed Akami's corner, Loba turned and gave a high-pitched howl. The sound startled the mice so much they froze, and Akami fell upon them. The new threat instantly scared the mice into turning, and then Loba jumped in as well. Working together, the two bit, clawed, and scratched everything in their path as the basement was filled with squeaks, growls, and hisses. Steel nodded approvingly as the two wounded pets dragged their prizes back to him and fell on the floor, panting.
"You guys did decently this time." Steel acknowledged, "I'll ask to see if I can cook the meats in Mema's kitchen while you two rest up." The two gave low whines of happiness as they settled together into a heap of sleeping fur at the bottom of the stairs. Steel gave a low chuckle, then walked up to the tavern.
Mema was quite understanding when he explained the situation to her.
"Dem wee beasties want to eat the fruits of der labor then? Fine by me, I love dem mite sized critters but for some reason dey have a hard time warming up to me bones." Mema told him.
Seeing her scared face and large build, Steel privately agreed that most people would be intimidated by her visage. Apparently, Mema had been a B ranked adventurer at the height of her adventures, but had chosen to retire after losing her husband in a battle. She'd settled down in Rostwood and used her savings to buy the tavern. Oddly enough, it was quite popular and one of the best places to drink and eat in the city. The large staff of attractive bar maids certainly didn't hurt either.
Steel went into the kitchen and used one of the fireplaces to cook the mouse meat on a metal skillet. After burning through half, he finished up and returned to the basement with the successful meals. The smell of cooked meat woke the two up and they scrambled over each other to reach the plate of piping hot meat Steel place on the floor.
As the two ate up, Steel watched as their health and stamina bars quickly recovered. "That was 22 mice; we need to get at least 8 more. I'm going to go find another quest to complete, so you two stay here and continue to fight." He pointed to the now empty plate, "If you want me to cook, but the meat here. Otherwise eat raw meat if you want. If you can't fight, run up the stairs since the mice can't follow."
The two nodded and ran back to their positions. Steel could hear the sounds of dying mice as he left the basement.
As Steel left the tavern, a notice popped up, informing him that he could see the locations of his contracted beasts on his mini-map. Steel dismissed the notification and resumed his search for local quests.
As it turned out, his curse made it hard for the locals to speak with him without feeling threatened. Only the locals who knew of Roxanne were able to speak with him properly, but even they were slightly nervous. Only after Steel completed two quests did the people begin to relax around him.
The first task had been from an old lady in a store. She asked Steel to help her clear her attic of bats, and he had made short work of the 5 level 3 bats hiding in the roof. The old lady had thanked him and given him a few copper as thanks. The second job had Steel working for a beggar on the street. The beggar complained that a noise kept him from sleeping in the alley, so Steel had investigated the area. As it turned out, the noise had come from broken piece of metal that was swinging back and forth against the wall above the alleyway. Both the beggar and the owner of the house had thanked Steel, but he had only received fame and a little exp from the job.
All in all, he was up to 100 fame in Rostwood and more NPC's were able to speak to him without calling for the guards. Steel sighed as he leapt back down from a tree, a cat in his hand.
"Thank you Mr. for bringing me cat home." A little girl thanked him as she grabbed the cat and ran back to her house. Steel dismissed the notification of success and shook his head to himself.
"Really, a cat in a tree quest? I guess even developers enjoy a good cliche once and awhile." He muttered as he checked his exp. He was getting close to level 8 now, and his fame had once again received a small boost of 10. "110 fame is a good start, now what's next?"
He checked his map, and decided it was time to return to the tavern. A quick walk back took him past Mema and down into the basement, where a surprise awaited him.
Loba and Akami were sleeping peacefully in a heap next to the plate with a large pile of mouse meat and another pile of mouse pelts. Both were a lot larger than when Steel had previously seen them, but neither were adults yet; more like teenagers now. A sound alerted Steel to Mema coming down the stairs. She gave an appreciative whistle.
"Beasties seem to 'ave cleared up all de mice down here. First time I've heard nary a peep down here. I'll be paying ya extra for this."
Quest CompletedGet Rid of MiceMema the Tavern Owner no longer has a mouse problem (for now). She is greatly satisfied by your work.Reward:Intimacy with Mema has risen to Friendly
50 Fame
Exp has been acquired
Bonus Reward; 5 silver and a permanent discount at the Adventurer's Tavern
Steel nodded his head, "They did most of the work. I guess I'll have to cook all this meat now." He sighed as he looked at the large pile of little meat.
Mema patted his shoulder, "Just open the windows when ya burn them. Also, I'm taking half your meat for a party to celebrate the vermin's death."
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