《Life In Purgatory》Chapter 7-Last Two Weeks
Chapter 7-Last Two Weeks
My breathing his heavy and my head is spinning. The voices around me can barely be heard. I look around me and all of the villagers surround Cecelia, Aarushi, Lucarus and I. We are kneeling down sitting on our feat. Aarushi’s father Kanuk, the village elder stands before us wearing his red ceremonial robes. I am very anxious and do not know what to do, nor what to think. A million emotions are going through my head, I’m sure everyone feels the same way but not for the same reasons. I look over at Cecelia to my left and she winks at me giving off a smile. What could have changed her so much? Why did she trick me like that right before the test? I close my eyes and take a deep breath in to remember what has happened these past two weeks. I never expected any of these things to happen.
My fingertips rest against the hard brown dirt bellow me. My legs are in a half squat. My body forms the shape of an Olympic athlete about to sprint a 100 meter dash. Cecelia is to my left while Lucarus is on my right. A bead of sweet rolls over my brow and trickles down my face. Adrenaline fills my veins as my eyes focus in on the large read tree extending its branches like wild fire into the sky. I take a deep breath through my nose and exhale like I’m blowing out a candle. My mark glows white through my brown leather gloves, the only memento of my late brother. The white glow shows the deep concentration and determination that I hold for this upcoming event.
Aarushi angrily bites at the inside of her cheek while standing a short distance away with her arms crossed over her chest. With a large sigh she announces “UUUGGHH, I don’t know why you guys won’t let me be a part of the race. I am a faster runner than any of you!” I think inside my head ‘that may or may not be true but your climbing would definitely make you fall dead last. Also she lost the game of rock-paper-scissors. ’ Aarushi scoffs then steps forward while raising one hand “Ready… Set…GO!” she jumps in the air throwing her hand down toward the ground.
My muscles explode with strength as I propel myself forward. I pump my arms while driving my legs forward. With my power I Circulate the heat in my body to forcibly make myself stronger and faster. Lucarus and I are neck and neck a few feet in front of Cecelia when we reach the giant phoenix tree. I jump up directly at the base of the tree kicking off of it like some type of spring board while reaching toward a branch several feet higher than the ones Lucarus and Cecelia Jump at. I barely catch the branch and allow my momentum to swing my feet under and eventually over the tree branch. As my body begins to flip over and my head faces the ground I release my grip from the branch and begin to fly higher into the tree. I do a single back flip to get my feet back under me while landing perfectly on another branch higher in the tree.
I do not take the time to look below me knowing the others would shortly be on my tail. I run at a branch slightly above me and use it as some type of monkey bar flinging myself up and forward from branch to branch reaching higher and higher but never quite landing solidly. Doing flips and cart wheels to build more momentum and reach higher branches. Sometimes I use my legs to catch onto a branch above me when I’m stuck in mid flip. After a few more moments I have my head pop out of the clearing of branches and reach the highest point. I quietly tell myself “Wow, I really did it.” Looking down I see Cecelia got a small lead on Lucarus but they were still three or four jumps below me. I guess I didn’t need to rush so much.
While waiting for the others to catch up I look into the distance at my favorite spot. A red, yellow and green canvas is painted outside of the village. Several small blue rivers weave through the mountains joining together into one large dark blue body plowing through the southern plain. My favorite spot however is a black and grey blotch, the cave that I set my eyes on several years ago. Once I finish the Challenge with my friends I would like to go to that place. While deep in thought Cecelia lands next to me on the branch.
Panting and out of breath she puts her hands on her knees and looks up at me “Dam I guess you win!” She has gained a lot of confidence over these past four years and now feels like a regular girl. She will laugh and play with us, and talk with us for hours about random things. She still doesn’t talk too much with people outside of our group but she won’t hide herself when being confronted either. “I was really hoping I would win, the prize is just too awesome to give up!”
Lucarus lands on our branch much less winded then Cecelia. “Dam right, I wanted to be in charge for once, is there anything we can beat Deadra in?”
“I could win if we ever competed in cooking!” Cecelia smiles softly while rubbing her hands together and standing up straight.
“Haha, you guys wouldn’t know what to do if I ever let you be the boss. So what undying command should I give out?” Whenever we have a competition, the winner can issue one command to each loser, No complaining and no disobeying. Sometimes I would purposely lose, or play a game like rock skipping or rock-paper-scissors to let the others win. However today I had a purpose to win, I already knew what I needed to make everyone do. “Let’s go back down to see Aarushi.” Everyone quickly descends.
“My command will be the same to all of you. You must decide. Will you take the test in two weeks or will you be a coward and run away. I will give each of you twenty four hours to decide. Meet here tomorrow at the same time. Whatever choice you make must be followed through.” I finish my speech then glance at each person’s face. Aarushi stares straight forward unwavering from her spot, her eyes say she has already decided a long time ago. Lucarus looks directly at me trying to conceal a smile. Cecelia avoids my eyes and casts her own toward the ground, her hand covers her mark and her shoulders slouch slightly. They all have different feelings about what the test is.
Lucarus speaks up first. “Although I already decided a while ago, I’ll wait tell tomorrow to tell you. I just hope everyone else makes the same decision as me.”
Aarushi tilts her head slightly then straightens up. While putting her hand on her chest she smugly says. “My answer should be obvious; I am going to be the future priestess after all.” She then turns around and walks back home.
Lucarus makes a small laugh. “I guess there is no point in staying here and talking. See you later!” he starts walking away then turns his head around and waves goodbye. “I’ll see you guys at the river before the other groups test!”
Only Cecelia and I remain in the shadow of the giant red tree. I place my hand on her shoulder and her head darts up looking at me. I see her eyes glisten slightly as she wipes her face. “I .. I should go to…”
I put a small pressure in my hand and look her in the eyes. “If you need someone to talk to I’m always here for you, your one of my good friends.” A mix of emotions rushes over Cecelia.
She looks down at the ground once more. “Yeah, I know… could you meet me here later tonight I need some time to think.”
“Yeah I’ll see you shortly after sun set.” I let go of her shoulder and give her a light smile.
About an hour later I go to the river bank to see the ceremony once again.
Kanuk goes through his normal speech and the four children go across the river. I have witnessed many tests since my brothers, some go without a single person dying, others go without a single person surviving, and everything in-between. They always go in groups of four; it is a tradition to do so. Every time I see another tree grow on the river side my anger for Suzaku grows stronger. My determination to kill him is now iron clad and unwavering. If he is real I will kill him. If it is all just a disease, I will cure it. Either way this disease I personally named Suzaku will end.
Only half of the group decides to take the test while the others flee into the forest. Both of the test takers survive and swim back to this side. There is no point in asking them what happened or asking for any advice, they will say the same thing as everyone else. “Wait for your turn, it’s different for everyone. Just know once the roots begin to form its game over.” If roots begin to leave your legs or hands you can’t go back, no one has survived once even a single root breaks the skin. The roots are the sign of death. Some people see visions, others just burn with rage and pain. The one thing that everyone shares is the possibility of death and an unmeasurable amount of pain.
I squeeze my fists tightly together and walk away from the rest of the people. “I better go find something to release the anger on.” I decide to jog around the village a few times before going back home and reading some more books.
Night falls before I realize it. “Mom, dad I’m heading out!” I head for the phoenix tree.
Cecelia is sitting on one of the lower branches when I arrive. I walk up below her. “Hey how are you feeling?”
She looks down and me for a few moments “Catch me!” for moment I don’t understand what she means and become confused but then she jumps off the branch in my direction. Not having time to think I reach out to catch her but half fail. She lands in my arms but I end up falling down myself. I’m lying on my back as she sits on top of my stomach. “Haha thanks for catching me!” She gets off of me and stands up with a small umph sound.
Still lying on the ground I ask “Why did you do that? Normally you jump down on your own!”
She steps back and looks away hiding her hand behind her back. “Ummm listen I heard that the more you can control heat within your body the more likely you have to survive. You need to be able to suppress the heat with in and release it at will also… or something like that.”
I thought who lived and who died was random? Does she know something I don't or is someone just trying to give her false hope? Either way it won't hurt to help lift her spirits and play along.
“Well that’s good, were all pretty good at that, especially you. You are probably the best at manipulating fire besides myself in our group.” I kick my legs into the air and launch myself back onto my feet with ease. “So you have nothing to worry about.”
She looks at me uneasy “Yeah I know but… can you show me how you build your fire up again?”
“Can’t you also do the same thing?”
“Well…yeah but I am having trouble and I just want to see you do it again, you know the one where you need to pour it into the fire container.” She points at the small clear orb with a chunk of phoenix tree sitting inside of it resting in the mouth of my Freyfire family medallion.
“Oh yeah sure, and when I finish I’ll let you borrow it and try for yourself!” I give her a quick smile before beginning. I put the container into my hand and close my eyes. I begin to store up all my energy into the palms of my hands. I compress the power into small points continuously accumulating it and folding it in on itself. Silently in my head I think of how much easier and how much more power I will have in just a short two weeks. I continue to build the energy while pulling heat into my hands. Then something strange happens.
A rush of hot air blows over my face, was it a gust from the plains? No, I can’t get distracted I need to do this perfectly for Cecelia. One more puff of hot air covers my face for a second but I ignore it and concentrate the power into my hands. A few moments later I let the built up power explode into the orb. I feel the orb absorbing everything from me. I open my eyes to see the orb leaving a faint glow then dissipating away. I look up toward Cecelia but she isn’t there, I look all around me but she seems to have gone. What happened to her? I look around for a while but eventually give up figuring she went home to sleep. I decide to do the same.
The next day at noon I go to the phoenix tree to get everyone’s decisions. Lucarus is the first one there. He is leaning against the tree with one foot resting on the tree behind him, his arms are crossed. “Hey have you decided what your choice is?”
Lucarus looks at me and says “I want to wait tell everyone else shows up. I assume you already decide as well?” I nod in agreement. “You should have ordered us to do something else, what your really should have done is ordered Cecelia to make us tasty food every day for a week!” Lucarus starts rubbing hands together while licking his lips. Honestly all he ever thinks about is beating me in a competition or eating her food. Well that and karma.
“Haha I’ll make sure to do that next time, but I’ll also command that she isn’t allowed to give you any.” I wink at him with a cheeky smile.
“Hey that’s not fair! If you do that you will be getting bad karma I’m sure of it!” he jokingly hits me on the shoulder.
“Hey now break it up you two, if anyone is going to punch Deadra it’s me!” Aarushi puts her thumb to her chest proudly as her and Cecelia walk up to us.
“You couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.”
Aarushi tilts her head and blankly stares at me for a few moments then Lucarus buts in and asks “What’s a barn?”
I raise my shoulders while facing my palms to the sky “I don’t know I was just making up random stuff.” This is bad! I accidently brought up something from my past life. I need to find a distraction. I know, I look over at Cecelia and ask “never mind that, what happened to you last night, I was showing you how to shift energy around and you just disappeared?”
She looks over to Aarushi nervously. “I ummm I forgot something at home and had to run off! Sorry I didn’t say anything…” she looks at the ground ringing her hands in front of her.
“You’re acting kind of strange today, what’s wrong?”
Aarushi jumps in front of me in a panic and yells “you idiot! Its cuz” Cecelia grabs her shoulder. “ugh oh umm its cuz she is worried about the exam of course.” Aarushi then turns around to Cecelia “Come on lets go talk somewhere else.”
“Wait what about the decision everyone had to make?” I can’t let them escape just like that.
Lucarus steps in front of me “You guys can leave, he never said we had to share what our choice was, he just said we had to decide and then meet up here. Maybe we should all go and prepare ourselves properly. I’m going home too.” He then walks off in the other direction. When did he become so cunning? I need to start being more specific about what I say.
After that everyone left and I decide to just climb around on the tree. I can’t wait to be able to leave the village and climb from tree to tree swinging around in the free and open air. After that I didn’t see any one else in the group until the day of the test.
I sit in my house at the table getting ready for the test. When I stand up about to leave I hear a knocking at my door. When I open it I see Cecelia slouching her shoulders and staring at the ground with her hands hidden behind her back. “Ummm sorry to bother you but… can I see the way you control energy again real fast before the test?”
I raise one of my eyebrows for a moment then shrug it off. “Yeah let’s go sit down.”
We go over to the table and sit down. Cecelia takes the seat next to me and turns in my direction. “Make sure you face this way so I can see everything properly!”
“Okay” I turn her way and pull out the small orb. “Watch carefully ok?” She nods her head. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I begin to pile the energy into my hands like I usually do when suddenly a weird sensation comes over me.
I feel a rush of hot air go over my face oddly similar to the one I felt two weeks ago. I decide to ignore it again and concentrate on my hands, but a moment later I drop the ball. I feel a light but soft pressure on my lips. It last for a second before I come to my senses and open my eyes. Cecelia has her lips pressed against mine and her eyes closed.
Her eyes open slightly to reveal a bright green color, her blond hair glides down covering one of them slightly. When she sees my eyes are open her eyelids shoot open and she releases the lock on my lips. She backs up her entire body and she stares at me for a moment or two then begins to stand up trying to run away. I gently grab her arm to stop her. She completely freezes in fear not knowing what to do.
I stand up next to her and give her a brief smile. I then circle my arms around her and embrace her in a hug. “I’m sorry…” I leave those words hanging in the air for a few moments deciding what to say next. I never knew she felt this way, I’m sorry because of that. Or am I sorry because I don’t see her that way? What are my feelings for Cecelia? Maybe in a few more years when she gets older I might be able to see her that way but not now, not yet. I release her from my grip and look her in the eyes. I gently press my lips against her cheek.
I walk out the door in silence leaving Cecelia standing alone in my house. After I take two steps out of the house I hear a loud noise from both sides of me.
Aarushi jumps onto my right side And Lucarus jabs my left arm. “What happened, did she do it? Are you guys dating now?”
Lucarus has a giant grin on his face as he continues to jab at my arm.
Aarushi shouts “of course they are! We worked so hard for this plan! She couldn’t have chickened out a second time!” she squeezes the life out of my arm and rubs her crimson hair on my shoulder laughing.
I push Aarushi off of me and start walking at a faster pace. I say nothing.
Lucarus confusingly speaks up “Hey wait up what happened.”
“Let him go, he… he made his choice.” Cecelia steps out from my house meekly saying those words.
I continue in silence toward the river back, my head spinning with thoughts, I don’t know what I want but all I know is that the test is coming, whether I want it to or not.
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