《Elysium》Chapter 009: Midnight Madness


The drunk man sneered at the young demonic boy.

His brigade was dealing with the heavy armed villagers at the training fields while he hack and slashed those that were to old or to young.

The job wasn't the smoothest and many of his comrades were already felled by the absurdely strong villagers but the payment for the job was all the more worth it.

5 Gold coins for every human that was captured and 50 gold for each demonic apparation that was 'cleansed'. With only 50 silver a lone soldier had enough money to enjoy one year of living in decent luxury. Maybe not in the empires grand capitals but in smaller kingdoms and towns it provided more than enough.

He already celbrated with his comrades before the fight, either they die here or make a fortune, so there was no real problem in drinking his fill.

As the soldier thought about all the whores he could taste, all the drinks he could drink and all the meals he could scarf after completing the mission, Hyrion just stared at him with a gaze full of blazing fury.

In his half drunken state the soldier didn't notice the slight vibrations in the air, the turbulence of elemental essence unconsciously created by the boy's raging temper.

With woobly legs the soldier made raised his sword up, smirked at the boy that was unmoving; by fear, the soldier presumed.

His siver longsword soared through the air, with the strength of the drunken soldier it would take less than a moment for the boy to be rend asunder.

Before the sword connected a large barrier of wind made the man loose his grip. The sword spun wildly in the air and flew a few meters to the side.

"AHHHHHHHHKKK-!", the man screamed as spontaneous flames errupted around his whole body. The scream was cut short by a large chunk of earth encasing his head.

Hyrion only grinned wickedly. He didn't need to actually move his hands to finish him off but he liked it more dramatic in case someone was watching him.

His right hand balled a fist, slowly. The stone around the man's head suddenly started to compress.

"AHHHHHH! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!", pained screams errpted from underneath the dirt. "Ashir Hiroa Siri- AHHHH!", the man tried to chant but in the same moment large chunks of earth clogged his oesophagus and airway.

With a sudden jerk the stone pulled together and squashed the man's skull. Brain, bones, teeth, skin and muscles were all turned into a dense meat patty. The charred body fell to the ground as the stone rolled from the maxillary-less head. The lower jaw was smashed as well and the tongue was turned into a bloody pulp.

Blood slowly trickled out from within the stone and the remains of the cropse's head.

A feeling of ecstasy and horror spread through Hyrion. 'It was so~ easy', the boy thought amused. It took him a few seconds to rob a person of his life, it amused him and at the same time let him feel horror. He killed.

Be it on Earth or in Elysium, it was his first kill but there were soon to come more and Hyrion steeled himself since long ago for such an event. Since coming to this world he knew he would have to kill eventually. Of course the frenzy was in right now made it easier but someday he had to do it anyway. Be it to protect those around him or simply kill those that wronged him.


Nobody saw him killing, so what could happen? There were no laws, there was no investigator. He killed and that's it. The morale of modern Earth can never be applied in such a harsh environment. Those that had strength were in the right, Hyrion had the strength to kill the man; he was in the right. There were no repercussions for him to be wary of.

It enthralled him. To be able to kill when you have to and noone can dissuade you from your decision. It let humans experience their primal instincts once again and it was intoxicating.

With his morales of modern earth quickly collapsing under mental trauma and simple discretionary he could enjoy his very own killing spree.

With a childish grin plastered on Hyrion's face and a bit of sweat on his forehead he moved on, searching for the next victims.

It took only a few seconds when he saw the villagers fighting not only on the training grounds but also at the borders of the forest and around their own houses. Dark beasts slaughtered friends and foes alike, litereally, the beasts killed each other as well as the villagers -Hyrion's friends- and the soldiers -Hyrion's enemies-.

They reminded Hyrion of panthers and wolves, just more slick and eyeless.

He could in some way or another excuse the beasts. It was their instincts. Feast and grow stronger. But he couldn't forgive the pathetic excuses of humans that were slaughtering his friends.

With focused steps he bypassed a group of soldiers, hiding between houses or destroyed carts. They engaged with some of the villagers, Hyrion could see Vanessa and Lina and Erik's mother, Elena. She was as good looking as all the other woman in the village. With finny ears and long, smooth red hair and her brilliant blue eyes she looked somehwat like a fantasy dragoness.

They engaged against a whole squad of soldiers, thirty people in total, with only six people.

Hyrion ddn't care about the numeric advantage of the enemies and sneak attacked his first victim from behind.

He sneaked behind an unsuspecting man and swiftly striked.

His dagger lodged from the right, past the nose guard of the helmet, into the left eye of the man.

The man squealed in pain as he was blinded on his left eye and tried to grab the foe that was clinging on his back.

Hyrion reacted quick and used his own jagged horn to pierce the man's head from behind. The horn penetrated the skull as if it was rubber and dug into the brain matter. At the same time Hyrion twisted the small dagger deeper in the eyesocket of the soldier.

The man collapsed while screaming and shouting curses to Gods of unknown origin. Hyrion tumbled from the back of the man and attacked his next victim.

His second kill only needed a few seconds so the soldier close to the man had barely time to react.

Hyrion sprinted between his legs and rammed the dagger deep into the man's groin. The intense pain hidnered the man from drawing his weapons or resisting in any form.

Hyrion twisted the dagger upwards and lynched the man. With a quick and precise movement the man was gutted and bled out on the ground. The man whimpered, tears flowed from his closed eyes and his face lost all of its color.

Like the maniac that he was Hyrion moaned in excitement as he killed his third victim. His mind has already given up in stopping him from his frenzy and was actually supporting him by coordinating his next moves more precisely than ever.


the fourth man noticed Hyrion in time and drew his weapon, his expression was one of disgust and terror. General disgust about the demonic population and terror about the cruel way his comrades were slaughtered by a mere boy.

His instincts told the stillr ational man to run but the indoctrinated hate for the demon-kin made him hesitant.

Using the openning that was created by the inner turmoil Hyrion dashed forward. Like a serpent he slithered over the ground and headbutted the man with extreme power, propelled by his own wind magic.

His horn pierced straight through a lung and with delight Hyrion pulled it out in a full arc, sending blood everywhere.

Hyrion wanted to be as cruel as possible in his killing and the ideas only pilled up.

Using the windessence in the air the punctured lung was quickly filled with enormous amounts of wind. The other lung was pumped up afterwards until the chest of the man bursted apart in a deafening noise.

Guts and gore covered Hyrion from head to toe and with a jubilant expression he walked to the next soldiers to reap their lives.

The soldiers could only stare in terror at this epitome of carnage, a boy that mercilessly killed their comrades, without blinking or twitching. He killed them ruthlessly and they would be next. They were no mages or high class soldiers, they were even lower than ordinary infantary, they were racist peasants. How could they hope to defeat the devil Hyrion?

Even without high mana perception they could see the fluctuations around Hyrion, how the space around him distorted, folded and collapsed in itself. Electrical currents magically appeared in thin air and vanished into the soldiers. It was a spectactle that was unknown in this world. Voiceless incantation. It is not that archmagi or sages could perform this, it was simply impossible. For denizens of Elysium.

But Hyrion was another matter. He was a being not from this world. He was someone that defied the laws that the Highgods set into this universe. He was someone that could overthrow the system and today would be his debut. Today he would indulge himself in slaughter.

A rain of fireballs, earthshards and windblades bombarded the poor soldiers. A sudden gale lifted twisted the magled corpses into the air and threw them across the battlefield. Blood rained from the heavens as the devil ascended on the earth.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", a gutural roar errupted forth from Hyrion as the earth twisted underneath him. The ground ruptured and the houses collapsed in themselves. The scar on his face lit up, catalysed by Hyrion's anger, fear and sadness of losing his second family.

The black mark turned crimson and his brown horn changed to black. His bones dislocated out of places, making room for new ones. His body grew and another pair of limbs broke free from his ribcage. Fleshy wings sprouted from his back and a large white orb drew circles around his serrated horn.

Purple veins buldged out from his skin and the ground around Hyrion ignited. Two souls, demon and human, fusioned with each other, antisymmetric in its origins yet complementing each other. They fought for supremacy and coalesced into each other. Boundaries were blurred and a new creation set foot on Elysium.

A true beast awoke. Madness and chaos prevailed in this abomination and created something forbidden. But he was only the start.

The four armed avatar of destruction gazed at the puny mortals infront of him. The villagers that saw the emerging devil kneeled in front of him. Their heads hung low and they showed obsequiousness to the paragon of their own ranks.

The demon smiled warmly at the villagers but as its gaze landed on the soldiers a freezing wind billowed over the lands.

In the tongue of the ancient Gods the demon invoked. "When the twelve wings darken the sky and the trumpets of victory chime over the lands, the 'One' awakens and purges the wicked. Edicts of heaven."

A blinding light enveloped the demon atop the hill and the faint vibration of trumpets shook the air. Man and beast alike starred in wonder at the demonic, yet celestial being. The vibrations turned into fissures in space, heaven and earth alike was torn apart.

The heaven started to splitter and pieces of the nightsky fell onto the earth.

Wings of gold casted a giant shadow over the soft meadows, a titanic figure of a man clad in white appeared at the sky. With golden eyes and a halo of blinding radiance he gazed at the mortals underneath him.

With a warm smile the sun descended.

"Haaaa! *pant* Haaa...! What was that?!", Hyrion asked himself as he stood there over the corpse of a soldier. His hand clenched the scar on his face as it pulsated in a vibrant red color. Beads of sweat trickled down his face as the terrifying illusion woke him from his frenzy.

He gazed at the villagers, how they fought valiantly against the rest of the soldiers. Most of the soldiers were dead already and many troops deserted the battlefield, no longer wishing to engage in an impossible task.

Elena sprinted towards Hyrion, hugged him tightly against her bossom, carefull of not hurting herself on the sharp horn.

"Hyrion, why are you not with the other children? Why are you not with the village chief?!", she asked worriedly. Her gaze switched to his blood clad attire. Gore hung all over his small stature and his expression was terrified and tense.

"Oh dear. Come here!", she said while hgging Hyrion tighter.

His expression was still dark, the ominous vision he had felt so real.

Suddenly his face turned even darker. 'The village chief! That's where the first one came from!', he could have deducted it easily hadn't he been in a complete frenzy.

He fred himself from Elena's embrace, she was confused but when she saw his worried face she couldn't help but feel worried herself.

Hyrion sprinted back from where he came from, away from the ceasing battles and to the biggest house in the village. A dark ebony wood house with a dark brown brick roof.

Infront of the house was a large mass of soldiers. Through the currents of mana in the air he could detect a handful of mages amongst the soldiers ranks and the overall armor and weaponry of this particular troop was exceedingly better than the equippement of the peasant soldiers.

'Fuck they distracted us!', Hyrion screamed in his mind while Elena followed with a handful of other villagers.

Vanessa gazed at the sixty or so troops with a grim expression while Elena was on the verge of tears. "Lina... Erik...", she silently mumbled.

'No way...', Hyrion exclaimed.

The fury in his eyes coupled with iron determination. He might be a child, but no one, no one shoudl even dare to fuck around with him or his friends. They will feel his wrath.

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