《Elysium》Chapter 004: So much to learn


The next few days were rather uneventful. I experimented a bit with the foreign energy.

The results were, hum... how should I say... magical? So, I was now able to manipulate the energy while maintaining a decent focus on it. And I found out a bit of the colors around me and how they interact with the energy, or let's just say the 'mana'.

There were many different colors such as red, deep-blue, cyan, dark green, brown, a blinding white and black. Some might have guessed already but those colors represented different elements. Red was naturally fire/heat and deep blue was water/liquid. Then things became somewhat difficult.

Cyan was wind or rather air/gas magic. Dark green was wood and brown was dirt. White was light and black was darkness. Whenever I infused mana into them the colors would turn into their elements. A patch of dark color would change into shadows or a black floating orb.

These patches of color were all there where their element was already present. Black was in the corner of the rooms while the white mingled around the 'lamp'. Red, blue and cyan were spread across the whole room while brown and dark green were close to the wooden furniture. Brown was only sparse but dirt always finds its way inside a house. (Sorry if this sounds racist.)

The colors were always sallow before they came into contact with the mana.

From my observations I could tell that mana was a control element to activate the 'colours'. Once they were activated I could feed them with more mana, making their territory expand and turning nearby colors into theirs, or move them into a different direction. Although it sounded easy I got a massive headache whenever I did it for to long.

But because the already existing objects had no colours to them, the colours in the air had to represent something else than the real element. For example the wooden furniture wasn't glowing dark green from itself, it was a faint layer atop of it. The wood 'radiated' the 'elemental essence'.

These pseudo elements assembled around their original element, their primal element, trying to turn into it or whatever. But maybe their only purpose was to be controlled by mana and they had nothing to do with the real elements, alas I had no way to prove that.

It was still really fascinating to create fist sized balls of light, fire and wind. Happily I spent the next few weeks honing my control over mana and the 'elemental essence' in the surroundings.

There were other colors inbetween but those were to sparse and my mana didn't seem to be able to activate them. There were also some colors that looked extremely pale, making me nearly confuse them with grey. Whatever I did I was not able to activate these colors. I guessed this meant that there existed 'affinities' in this world. I put the thought to the side and played further with my magic.


Four months later.

So I am now able to understand most of the language. It is nothing like english or any european language I have ever heard. The Grammar was like nothing I have 'seen' before.

The position of your verb would indicate the tense. Beginning was past, the centre was present and the end was future. I did see a system in that but it still seemed dumb to a person from Earth, like me.

Luckily I still hadn't set foot into the written language. From the way my parents emphasized their words and how they sometimes had a questioning tone in the middle of the sentence I could guess that the syntax won't be mercyful to me.

I dreaded the moment were I had to learn on how to write!

This though brought me to another problem. Either my parents were illiterate or we had no money, either way we had not one book in the house. Yes I found out as I decided to go on a crawling adventure.

My parents were ecstatic. It took at least half an hour to free myself from the bearhug my father gave me and the loving pats I got from my mother. The ordeal left me dizzy and the crawling became even more arduous than it already was. The most I could crawl were a few tens of meters before I nearly fainted from exhaustion. My chubby arms were aching and my knees were already scratched from the wooden floor.

Back to where I was. We had no books or any form of literature in the house and it made me depressed. With no way to increase my knowledge without exposing to my parents that I am some kind of super baby, how should I get my hands on information? I couldn't just straight out ask them, this would take around 2 more years, to long to wait.

On another note, I still can't really describe this new world as I am constantly kept inside of our house and I only caught a few glimpses of the blue sky which ahd no differences to earth.

My next months were spent with further augmenting manipulation of mana and some light workout to increase flexibility and stamina. When I got a really good grip on my mana I decided to gather a bit information about my parents. With the control of mana I could without actually looking differentiate what element I came in contact with. The grey colors still remained inactive.

My father came in regularly, checking on my constitution and talking a bit with me. He would always pull faces and his giant santa beard and bald head made me laugh a couple of times. He would also talk about my mother and himself when they were still adventurers. 'YES ADVENTURERS!', I screamed in my mind. But of course being an adventurer had its downsides.


Before I hadn't noticed but my father was actually missing a whole leg. It was replaced by what I could tell was a massive earth cylinder.

He talked about how he lost it when he had protected my mother from a Mysalisk. From head to tail tip a five meters long, bipedal reptilian with feathered wings. They had high intelligence and often used makeshift weapons such as spears and swords with their sharp yet nimble claws. They are rather thin and can only barely take hits that is why they hunt in packs.

My parents were on a subjugation mission, they had to slay the Mysalisks that settled inside a small forest. My mother was fighting valiantly against the horde of Mysalisks as one suddenly dashed from behind. Its jaw wide open and acidic saliva dripping on the ground. My father intercepted it with the throw of his mace but at the same time a pair of Mysalisks bit down on his right leg. Their fangs dug as deep as to the bone and the bacteria and acid did the dirty work.

The Mysalisks were slain but the leg had to be amputated before the constitution of my father worsened. Surprisingly my parents at that time were yet to be a couple. The adventurer comission randomly put them together as they were the only two that were close to the job's location and had the right difficulty for them, and because they accepted the request of course.

Driven by her guilt my mother stayed with my father and provided him with a decent amount of pampering. It took only a few naughty phrases and hearty laughs for my father to win my mother's heart. My parents were still young at that time so only a few months before my birth did they decide to settle in a village whose name is still unknown to me.

My eyes shone with respect for my father. His face reddened as he saw my innocent baby face smiling towards him with brilliant eyes. Of course I did not forget to use my mana on my father to see if anything different might occur.

Because my parents probably detected the mana from a few months ago I tried to do it as subtle as possible.

I slowly let the mana flood out of me, the atmosphere changed and I was once again bathed in hundreds of colors. My father on the other hand remained unchanged.

I created thin threads of mana and slowly pushed them towards my father, upon contact I nearly jerked up in surprise.

Around the chest area of my father a fiery red orb appeard. It was a magma red and had black streaks inbetween. The red bubbled like lava in a volcano and it made me feel an illusionary heat on my skin. The orb of magam had a thin thread that was running down to the leg of my father and turned into a deep brown. I could guess that the prosthesis was a magical one made by himself out of mana infused earth essence. Slackjawed I wondered how much energy it would take to keep this up for so long.

After satisfying my curiosity I hurriedly retracted the mana, afraid of my father having any suspicions.

By the way my father is called Baerhold and my mother is called Ish'ahri. The name of my mother seemed to be less 'human'; proven by her animalistic features, such as horns. And oh! Right, she got a tail as well. I couldn't see it when she was lying in bed but she got a long copper scaled tail with a tip that looks like a cross. (Like that '-I-')

Many fantasy stories depict the relations between different species as hostile but in this case it seemed that the world was quite tolerant or my parents were simply abnormal.

I couldn't care less. Serious why all the racism, or in this case speciesism, in my opinion every being that falls into the category of 'living' should be allowed to live without hordes of people hunting it down.

In a few months I would be one year old and I still had a long way to go until I could venture the world. My first step was to explore the village and find suitable tutors for me. A guard that is willing to teach me hand-to-hand combat and the way on how to handle blunt, pierce and slash weapons would be nice. I also needed someone to teach me on how to fight with a bow and maybe make myself a crossbow. A way to identify herbs and ores would also prove useful and also the way on how to process them into useful pharmaceuticals and ingots.

"Haaa...". Involuntary I let out a sigh, there was still so much to do, in fact, too much maybe.

My mind was already tired enough by all the thinking and exhausting manipulation of mana; I leaned back in my craddle, stretchedmy tense body and embraced the well deserved sleep with open arms.

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