《Elysium》Chapter 001: Denial


When I reached the light it felt as if I entered a new world altogether. The light was replaced by darkness but this time it was warm darkness, it felt cozy and secure.

I turned my head around, as far as it was possible, and moved my limbs to adjust my body to the narrow darkness.

Suddenly a thought hit me. 'Why do I have limbs?'. This thought was followed by, 'Why is that so surprising?'. I had no idea why the presence of limbs made my mind jerk in surprise and honestly I didn't want to know.

My body was small, inexplicable small. It was fragile and weak, each movement made me tired and after only a minute or two my eyelids were forced shut.

I dreamt of an explosion, screams and faces of unknown people. It hurt my heart whenever I saw those faces. It hurt so much that I wanted to cry.

My mind felt numb whenever my thoughts went farthern than who these people were. It felt as if I was missing something.

You probably know this feeling, when you know that you are forgetting something really important and it makes your guts churn. You feel sick and panicked at the same time but you still remain helpless. This was how I felt.

Sometimes I also questioned my ability to think. It felt unnatural and wrong. I somehow knew this shouldn't be possible and once again my thoughts became cloudy. Something was preventing me from thinking. Thinking about the unknown things and it made me anxious.

The warm darkness sometimes made strange sounds, contracted and wobbled. It felt oppressive the longer I stayed in here. And if my mind wasn't playing tricks on me I could swear that the darkness was getting closer with each day.


There was another thing that was nagging at my consciousness. A feeling of foreign warmth deep within my body. At the beginning it was burning hot but after time it somehow assimilated with me. There were so many questions unanswered but I could tell that they would be resolved with time.

The darkness was now really close, pressing against my body. I was panicking, what would happen now? I was unsure about my current situation and it unnerved me.

A feeling of missing something grew further inside my mind. With each moment that passed the faces became more distinct but at the same time my head started spinning and thus the faces kept being unclear, as I decided that further thinking would be detrimental.

Something was hindering me from remembering. 'A biological protection from overloading the premature brain', I thought. And at the same time the feeling of diziness turned into a sharp pain. I didn't know where this knowledge came from, it was just there.

The random knowledge I gained grew with each second and at the same time the pain and wooziness lessened. The point was close were the mysteries will be unveiled.

I counted the hours inside the ever shrinking darkness until a sudden contraction shook me out of my trance.

My body was being pulled towards the darkness, or rather a small hole that was left unnoticed by me. The hole expanded so that my head was able to go through. I felt different once I left the hole. My breathing stopped, nay, I couldn't breath to begin with. How could that be? 'Am I a baby? Was I reborn?', the thoughts hit like thunder and a mind numbing pain spread through my body. Cold sweat was pouring out of my skin and I desperatly tried to breath.


Like a pig in a slaughterhouse small squeals escaped my tiny throat, they were highpitched and filled with agony. I felt something grabbing onto my body adn gently lift me up. Foreign voices entered my ears in a language unknown to me. It sounded like nothing I have ever heard, neither german, english or any other language I came across.

Again pain riddled my mind as I thought about the incoherent mumble that was sounding around me. Knowledge of language and the like went straight into my mind, filling another piece of the puzzle.

I accomplished to regulate my breathing and calm my anxious self. With my eyes slowly openning I was greeted by a wrinkled face. First I thought I would see everything upside down but then I remembered that this is only a misbelief. The nerves of the visual cortex are already adjusted to the dimensions of space from day one onwards. Again my mind was filled with numbing pain. 'Brain damage?', I thought and only worsened the pain.

I could see the wrinkled face for only a moment as I was gently passed towards two big warm hands. They were callused but gentle. 'A man', is what I thought. A face approached me and confirmed my assumptions.

A sturdy, tanned man in his early thirties. He had gentle dark blue eyes and a thick curly black beard that covered his lips and chin. He had no hair on top of his head but this was compensated by his santa beard. A brilliant smile was barely visible under the man's beard and huge droplets of tears swelled in his eyes.

With his scruffy beard he approached my forehead and gave me a light kiss. His beard tickled and I would have laughed wouldn't I have been stunned by the deep sadness that was unbeknownst to me filling my heart.

I tried to stop the tears as I remembered what this person represented. 'Father'. Yes I knew it this man was my father but instead of happiness it filled me with grief.

As his big hands passed me towards the next person my heart sunk into a bottomless pit. I was passed towards a woman that would be in all aspects of aesthetics be considered a beauty, even her sickly face and exhausted complexion couldn't take the beauty from her.

She wore a long white robe and laid in a comfy bed, her long dark brown hair flowed freely over her shulders and smaragd green eyes stared into my own. Her skin was pale from giving birth but a light an was already visible. Her lips were dark red and her expression held gentleness and love but fiercness and austerity as well.

What made her really stand out were the small ivory colored horns that grew out of her head right over her ears. I knew that this shouldn't be possible, no human being could look like that. But this was not the only thing I apparently knew.

I finally remembered the person and what she was. 'My mother'. That woman infront of me was without a doubt my mother and with this thought the final piece of the puzzle fell into place.

My brain was filled with what I believed to have forgotten. The memories of the past. I screamed and cried, the air in my lungs left me as pain uncomparable to before spread through my body. My final banshee like wail accompanied me into the sleep.

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