《The Elven God (Hiatus)》4 - The Elven Continent
Mature content in this one, and it's a long chapter, so...beware. :D
The Elven Continent
On a wide bed inside a bedroom of whiteness, lies an Elven woman who’s pregnant, her bulging stomach indicated that she’s in her last phase before giving birth. Surrounding the bedroom there’re a lot of women who're clad in all white from head to toe.
Beside the bed stands two sapphire-haired women.
Everyone is observing the pregnant woman with their uncovered, covered eyes. They're waiting for her to go into labor.
The pregnant woman herself came to this situation because she had been picked out of two dozens of women, to be a concubine to Him. He rarely takes a lover because something had happened in the past that made him contain his desire for sexual interactions.
But he would take a female as his mate over a period of time, to sate those who would want his embrace.
The pregnant woman comes from a fairly young esteemed Elven family. By coming from such a family, things were expected from her. Her parents wanted her to study magic to her utmost capacity, so she could become someone powerful; to support her family.
As she grew up she showed a great affinity in the field of magic—especially destruction magic, but she also had a secret that she kept from her family. She’s an extreme fanatic of the Elven religion. As a fanatic, she loved her God to her utmost capability.
She never missed a sermon, prayer or ritual that the priests and priestesses held, but she favored to go to the women’s only sanctuaries to listen and watch as they perform their religious duties.
There were endless books that told stories about this God. Sorrowful, joyful, cruel, horrifying tales, and rules one should follow if one was dedicated enough—which she’s. She read the books with such a fascination, and enjoyment.
Being so devoted to one's own religion was nothing special, many Elven men and women wanted nothing more than the gaze of their god upon them—that only a few Elven people would get.
The Elven imperium of the Elven continent were controlled in a class system—a pyramid from highest to lowest.
In the highest position stood Him, and below Him stood the Emerald High Priestess, which never made an appearance in public.
Then the high-ranked priests, priestesses, and the highest, oldest esteemed families, that ruled most of the continent; keeping everything running as it should. Having an eye on their precious continent, always alert, always wary of intruders; watching their own Elven people, so they don’t stray away from their Elven beliefs.
Then came the lower, newer esteemed families; the lower-ranked priests, priestesses, and different kinds of military families that was spread throughout the continent, which was guided and held in order by the high-ranked Elven priests, and priestesses.
Every military family got distinct arts of weaponry, martial arts, magic and strategies. They were always in feud with the other military families, to gain the support of the best high priests and priestesses.
Then the craftsmen/women, the tradesmen/women, the merchants, and the women/men of the soil, that made all the nature grow with magic enhanced speed, which provided the Elves food.
The Elves had an economy that catered to those Elves whose religious beliefs were high, but there always were people who're poor even if they believed to their fullest.
There were some who ate animal meat, which was considered barbaric to the Elves, but there were those who didn’t stay true to their beliefs. Though they eat those kinds of forbidden things in secret, away from prying fanatic eyes.
Then came the lowest class of the Elven population. The poor working Elven citizens, who had to scrape by every day, working to their bone, and the non-religious families and workers; and the willingly served servants who worked for different families, both poor and rich.
Their only way to live was to degrade themselves, and beg for survival, some got it, some didn't.
As she grew older, her beliefs and emotions became solid.
Her esteemed family wasn’t strong enough for a meeting with Him so she had to look for an alternate way.
There it was: The Joining of Servitude. The Sisterhood of God. The Priestesses that served wholeheartedly their God in any way possible...the Whiteness-Sanctuary
Many are initiated into the lower ranks of sisterhood, but selections of women and young girls to join the upper ranks were the strictest of choices. There were many different directions one could take.
If one wanted to serve Him, you needed to aim for the Whiteness-sanctuary, which she has. And if one wanted a more of a battle oriented serving duty, one would aim for the female-only Battle-Sanctuaries.
There were many different choices, but she wanted to serve Him.
Even though one would come into the higher ranks, one still didn’t easily get to serve Him. Normally it would take decades, centuries—even millenniums—before they were even allowed to get near him.
By getting near meaning: Still far away.
The men got another type of servitude. The Brotherhood of God. Priests that’re all eunuchs.
The God’s protectors, his sentinels, his guardians, which was spread throughout the Elven continent. Their only piece of mind, the safety of the god’s people; the Elven believers.
Their process of joining is much alike the Sisterhood, but they gain ranks by the means of training in the arts of weaponry, martial arts, tactics, runes, and magical spells that could destroy their enemies, and protect their fellow Elven brethren and sistren.
Very alike the military families, but with a more religious direction.
They were the bulk of the Elven army when they led the different military families, but there hasn't been any wars for such a long time, so they just stood in reserve.
That doesn't mean that they'll slack off, no. They train to their fullest, to achieve the ranks they needed to become someone powerful.
There were means to get merit out of hard work.
She casted aside her titles, her wealth that came from her esteemed family. Her parents didn’t object of her decision, they were rather supportive. She then began her journey and joined the lowest rank of the Sisterhood—the initiate.
It took years for her to rise in the different ranks, but her immense affinity with magic got her through a lot of the ranks, as it was mostly magic oriented things one needed to know.
The thing is...by joining the Sisterhood, you join for life, backing out is suicide. If someone were to leave, they would die of mysterious circumstances. But that’s a well-guarded secret, that only those who had power...knew.
One can't simply turn loose someone who had knowledge of the sanctuary's secrets.
There wasn’t a time limit to any of the ranks. Some even remained in the lowest ranks, for every rank did have a meaning, but those meanings were useless to her if she wasn’t able to meet Him.
She climbed and climbed the variety of ranks, until she’s high enough to join the Whiteness-Sanctuary.
She had gotten a rather beautiful ceremony when she joined them.
When you had join the sisterhood in the beginning, you would get the white-robe that covered everything. She didn't know when one could get permission to remove them, but then she got to know.
There were some Elven priestesses that weren’t clad in all white, they instead wore regular Elven clothes—beautiful Elven dresses that's embroidered in intricate Elven sewing skills—in the inner circle.
She had seen women like that, they taught at the different ranked sanctuaries that she had climbed up from. It indicated that they’re at the highest rank of Sisterhood, the ones who’s pulling all the strings.
Those who decided what would happen to those who had joined their Cult of Sisters. Those who controlled all the female-only sanctuaries to keep them in perfect conditions, and standards.
It had taken her 30 years to even get this far. She was now 50 years of age, very young for an Elven girl.
Her amethyst eyes and hair that’s covered by the white head-piece; her light skinned, slim trained body; her medium sized bosoms that poked out of her white-robed dress. She stood 160 centimeters in height. She was like any other Elven woman, nothing special that indicated that she was different; only the colors of the different features she's got.
When one would join the lower ranks of the inner circle, things were a lot harder. One couldn’t rise in rank without the help of one of the highest-ranked women.
As she had only relied on herself, this was a hard task to do, but she continued her duties as a priestess to the best of her abilities.
She lived with the other priestesses in a vast Elven mansion—even bigger than the Elven cathedrals that stood in their glory. It’s in the middle of the Elven capital, surrounded by huge white walls.
Inside this vast Elven mansion lives He, her God.
She has dedicated all her life to this single goal to meet Him in person. Soon her goal will be complete, and then she’ll spend the rest of her life as a simple priestess, under the emerald gazes that she may get.
If one of the other races were to see how the Elves ran things...they would think everyone was crazy, delirious devotees. But this was the norm. One couldn’t simply understand by seeing, one needed to understand the very heart and soul of a belief.
Under the thousands of years, eighty percent of the entire Elven population followed this ideal to their inner core of emotions. This was their religious beliefs; their Elven way.
He who had saved them from the darkness, the void, the oblivion of extinction long ago.
He who had been the foundations of this great ancient race.
He who had been used to create an Elven religion, and to be their light in the darkness.
He who had been imprisoned by the beliefs of his own people.
He who had lost many friends, countless lovers, adopted family members to the wide maw of jealousy.
He who has power like none other...still had to restrain himself from doing what he wanted. He’s imprisoned...willingly...to sate the hundreds of thousands of wide expectant eyes, that saw him in an awe inspiring light. He sacrificed himself...to his people, to their religious beliefs.
But... There were always those who thought differently, the non-religious believers. For they to be heretics, makes them targeted by discrimination.
The Elven people could be a cruel race when they don’t see things eye to eye. There had been tens of thousands of deaths among the non-believers, and believers.
That in turn awakened hatred. That hatred multiplied and multiplied over the countless years of mistreatment. That hatred only brought more...hatred.
Couple of years had passed since she joined the inner circle of the priestesses of the Whiteness-Sanctuary.
She had risen another rank.
There were strict rules where one couldn’t go inside the vast Mansion of...Whiteness. Harsh punishment came upon those who broke the rules.
She had gained the favor of one of the higher-ranked women; she has a lot of followers, and she too followed her as an underling.
She then met Him, or more like saw Him.
He stands there by the opened double doors.
He who is taller than normal Elves reached two meters in height. The air, the aura, the pressure that he produced around him ringed inside her emotional white-covered head.
The untapped power, the control of magical energy around him. She gulped in excitement, and licked her covered lips as she sensed the magic...the boundless pool of magic.
Her breathing became slightly heavier as she kept on watching him.
She’s further down the corridor with the other lower-ranked priestesses.
The high-ranked priestess has come to bear news to Him. You could see that the other priestesses are acting weird like herself. For some, it must be the first time to see him too.
The woman that she follows as an underling, talked to the Elven man. He nodded in agreement as he listened to the Elven woman.
As she finished, she gestured elegantly with her hands to follow her, while giving a deep curtsy. He just gives a nod, he didn’t say a word...just his nods were sufficient enough for the high-ranked priestess.
As they started to walk, his gaze darted around to the different women that're clad in all white.
He gave a sigh of surprise when he noticed something of magic-enhanced origin. His emerald gaze looked at an Elven woman who’s clad in all white. The Elven woman stood furthest away from everyone. She dashed towards Him, when she noticed that she had been caught, and whispered Elven words to herself.
She who has waited for this her entire life was happy beyond words. She glanced at her God nervously, but a priestess suddenly dashed towards him, she revealed invisible daggers that glowed with enchanted runes. Her eyes widened, and out of reflex she raised her arms towards the sprinting priestess before anyone could act.
A cold, deadly feeling sprouted forth from her hands, towards the Elven woman.
Her emotions just shouted inside her head: “Die...die...DIE!”
He raised his left eyebrow in surprise as he watched the spectacle that displayed in front of him, but he got a frown as he looked at what happened to the priestess that had dashed towards him.
The priestess now lie motionless on the white floor, blood gushed out of her head, through the white head-piece. Most of the priestesses were in state of panic as they had seen something horrible, but they boldly went and saw if the Elven woman was alive, but no life remained in her blank covered dead eyes.
The assassin has been killed. You may have wondered how many years it had taken to get this far into the sanctuary for that assassin. But she didn’t care for any of those kinds of things, all she cared for was Him.
She killed...someone for the first...and last time.
He looked at the body of the woman that’s lying there in front of him. He looked saddened, and she noticed it. Did she do something wrong...did she? Nervousness welled up inside of her.
When she had killed the assassin with such deadly magical speed, she thought it was the right choice…
“It was the right choice, it definitely was the right choice”, she said to herself in her lowest voice possible, while looking down at the floor with a confused, and bewildered face.
The woman who had taken the dead Elven assassin under her wing, is now void of emotions, she looked as if she was the one that died instead. She has allowed someone to get this close to Him with such intentions.
The woman knew what awaited her next. Even if she begged for his forgiveness and gotten it, there would be others that would want her to be removed from her high-ranking position, only for her carelessness, her incompetence.
He just looked at the void Elven woman.
He then looks at the white-clad woman who killed the assassin without a second thought of the consequences. He noticed the uneasiness of the killer, which had unnecessarily protected him.
He walked up to her, his hand went to her shoulders. He held onto them and leaned forward to look through the silken head-piece, to stare into her amethyst eyes.
She just stood there enthralled as she looked into his...now glowing emerald eyes. Many of the white-clad priestesses covered their mouths—with both of their white covered hands—as they got surprised.
Something stirred inside of her, as if He saw everything, the entirety of her being. Those...emerald glowing eyes stared at her, and she stared back at those gleaming eyes with a wide-eyed expression, feeling fear?
No...More of a calm, soothing feeling.
After he broke his eyes from her, two identical sapphire-haired women that’re dressed in beautiful Elven clothes, comes rushing through the corridor with enhanced magical speed.
Their eyes became wide-eyed when they see the dead woman lying there on the floor. They shouted and asked what happened. The woman who had taken the dead assassin under her wing, just responded in a void voice that it’s an assassin who came for His life.
Both of the sapphire-haired women looked at each other, then looked back at void woman with such disgust and anger. They became furious, they yelled at her for her incompetence, and spouted out insults.
One of the sapphire haired women even went up to her, and gave an outrageous slap on her cheek, leaving a mark on her pale beautiful skin. The one that gave the slap, was the one that’s the angriest. The other sapphire haired woman seemed more collected, and kept her cool after she spouted out some insults.
But... They noticed the frowning Emerald-Man that stands beside one of the white-clad women; the one who had killed the assassin.
The sapphire women composed themselves, and asked in a worried voice if he's hurt... It’s as if the insults and slap didn’t even happen for them, but he just gestured with his hands that nothing had happened to him, and would have happened.
The other lower-ranked priestesses are in a state of panic.
One of the recently arrived sapphire haired women ordered the incompetent woman to lead the lower-ranked women to their designated dormitory. She just bowed deeply and did as she was told.
The lower-ranked priestesses were baffled about how they could do those things to her, especially the slap, and then they even ordered one of their own ranks like that, the woman that they have followed around as underlings.
But they could see that the incompetent woman was at her last straw of having a mental breakdown.
The Elven man just viewed this spectacle... He has seen this many times before. Assassins came, and failed numerous times. High-ranking women toppled down from their high chairs, because of one simple mistake.
Death circles around his all-powerful life. A prison of endless agony, that comes in intervals, but he willingly stays and endures, as he has done so for such a long time. He knows nothing else now, other than to continue on.
The incompetent woman gestured with her hands for the lower-ranked priestesses to follow. He stopped the one that had killed the assassin. She curtsied deeply, and guided the other priestesses down the white corridor.
The two remaining sapphire-haired women inspected the dead assassin. They removed all of her clothes, as if they didn’t want someone unworthy to wear them.
The assassin now lay there naked with her light skin, her amber—yellow—hair, her dead blank horrified amber eyes. Blood has gushed out from her mouth, nose, ears and eyes...it must have been a very painful death.
Before the assassin had died, she convulsed violently on the floor, her whole body couldn't move as it tensed up from the horrifying pain. One had heard the gurgling of blood...as the assassin drowned herself in her own sea of crimson.
The women noticed the rune daggers that the dead assassin has, its medium-grade rune enchantments. They talked between themselves for a couple of minutes. Taking note of everything. They inspected the naked Elven body to indicate where she came from, but they glanced up towards Him.
One white-clad woman stood beside him. They asked why she's still there, and he just responded that it’s she, who had killed the assassin.
Four wide-eyed sapphire eyes displayed.
She now sat there inside a spacious room, that’s filled with bookshelves. She sat in front of the two sapphire-haired women, wondering what’s going to happen to her. He had talked to the two women before he vanished to tend to his own duties, which had been pushed up by this...unforeseen incident.
She just sat there worriedly.
They then said to her hesitantly...that she has been raised to the highest rank of priestess, because He had deemed it so.
He saw...sensed her dedication, her emotions. He had just said to the sapphire-haired women, “She’s worthy,” and they listened to him with such undying loyalty.
She just looked at them with a dumbfounded expression under her white head-piece.
Highest rank…she thought. Then a joyous feeling sprouted forth inside her. Has she finally reached her goal…has she?
They then told her of her responsibilities as the highest rank of priestess of the Whiteness-Sanctuary. There were slightly less duties as a high-ranked priestess, she could practically do whatever she wanted, but she has to take other lower-ranked priestesses into her wing, which is a must.
She needed to do other duties also, like carrying important messages to Him, which couldn’t...wasn’t allowed to be seen by anyone else but Him. But getting those messages rarely happened, so she has a lot of free time to further her own desires, to get closer to Him.
There were some Elven priestesses who got messages, but they didn’t even need to go to him to reply. She thought it was weird. The sapphire-haired women that showed her the ropes was the same. They did their duties for Him, without Him even needing to meet them.
She then got to know that it’s a magic bond, but it’s a secret spell, only known to high-ranking priests, priestesses, and highly-esteemed Elves.
As the time went on she did her desired duties with such conviction...that made some of the other same ranked priestesses uneasy, so they too had to step up a notch in their duties, otherwise they'll be below her in status inside the Whiteness-Sanctuary.
Every time she gave messages to Him she did it with such grace and elegance. She had been trained so much under the different ranked sanctuaries, how to act, how to move, how to speak, how to look.
When you do something you like, you tend to excel in that field. And she didn’t just like what she did, she loved it to her inner core. Just being able to smell, and taste the magic that seeped out of him, could make any Elven man or woman feel...addicted.
But she had to keep herself from giving in to her desire of lust. And she did, out of respect to her Man, her Emerald Jewel.
She wanted Him to be hers, but she had all the time in the world to fantasies in the boundless possibilities of the magical world that she dreamt in her sleep...
Time flowed on…
She stands there inside a square room with an amethyst dress that fit her eyes and hair perfectly. Her parents had given her that dress, because the high-ranking priestesses gets to visit outside of their own sanctuaries.
Her parents hadn’t heard from her in so many years, but they were so joyous to hear that she had risen to the rank to meet the mighty himself.
Through their daughter, their lower esteemed household got to the level to even topple the other higher esteemed families. A priestess’s word from the Whiteness-Sanctuary would sway more than a regular Elven man or woman’s word, but as the other higher esteemed families too got high ranking priests, and priestesses, her family was still not that important, only she was.
She was a powerful woman now in the Elven continent, even though she’s so young—only 60 years of age.
She had achieved so much, many lower ranked priestesses followed her as pupils, and if they did something that was not to her standards, she would guide them so they would become her standards.
Because they can't mess up when she meets Him.
She had become such a graceful Elven woman. She had visited the lower ranked sanctuaries to preach to the initiates, to spread her warmth. Many young Elven women saw up to her as their role model. She's kind, and generous towards everyone... She’s the pinnacle of the young Elven women’s society...almost like their goddess.
But... Her standards of the regular Elven men became so low that she looked at them with disgust. He, who stood taller than anyone she had ever seen, was her desire, her burning light that she wanted to embrace into the eternity.
Compared to Him...the normal male Elves were small, weak, and puny.
But she didn’t show it on her face, she has had meetings with other high ranking male priests, but she would never allow herself to be alone with another male. She kept her entourage close by at all times, because they could follow her anywhere she went.
But as the male priests were all eunuchs, and sworn to celibacy, like the female priestesses… She had nothing to worry about.
The brotherhood rarely takes in anyone that has reached a certain age. They mostly recruit Elven male children—making them eunuchs when they join—for they can be controlled better than a young Elven man who has reached maturity.
Through celibacy made it so the Elven population was very asexual—no lust nor desire to have sex. That in turn spread throughout the whole religion, which made it so the Elven population didn’t grow in numbers like the Humans.
That’s where the Elven weakness lie. Their numbers wasn't even one tenth of the human population.
Their endless magic that is what they only needed to survive. That naivety…will be their doom.
Inside the wide room that’s square-shaped, windowless, and white pillars that stood by the square walls, which held up the roof that had different kinds of painted carvings, mostly of naked Elven women who made a major impact in this... Mansion of Whiteness.
A chandelier hanged in the middle of the roof, which had countless colored crystals. On the floor—under the chandelier—was a circle of a wide magical rune that slightly glowed in an emerald color. The room was decorated with all kinds of exquisite furniture, which had been placed around the walls of the room.
Inside the room are high ranking priestesses with all kinds of different eye colors, hair colors and skin colors, which fit their beautifully made Elven dresses. There’re two dozen—24—high ranking priestesses that’re standing in a wide circle in the middle of the room.
She herself too stood in the circle, there were some Elven women she didn’t recognize.
The two sapphire haired women stood also in the circle. One woman looked straight at her with an angry look, it's a women she met before, and she had humiliated her right in front of other priestesses.
She got a fierce enemy that day when she humiliated her.
It wasn’t her attention to do it, but the woman had asked for it when she didn’t back off. The woman was just jealous that she got to spend more time with Him than she did. By more time meaning: Delivering messages, and guiding him to his destination.
When the angry woman confronted her, she accused her of heretic things—total trash talk. She then held nothing back, but she didn’t use magic, instead she threw herself at her, using her fists to punch, punch and punch, until the woman had a bloodied face.
Even though both of them were superb in their magical abilities, the woman was slower than her in agility. So she got to punch the lights out of the angry woman’s heretic spewing mouth.
She gave no quarters to those who belittled her undying faith.
Both of their entourages had just viewed the brawl with wide covered eyes. But another high ranking woman came and broke up the fight, before she accidentally killed her. Things like this have happened before, but it hadn’t happened for some time now.
The woman that had broken up the brawl began to heal the bloodied woman’s face.
She just left both of the women there on the white floor, feeling surprisingly refreshed.
They now stand there right across from each other, only the distance separating them. But she just ignored the angry looking woman, which made the angry woman even angrier.
Inside the wide beautiful room, the different women stood there in the circle and awaited for something to happen. The woman who let the assassin get close to Him was nowhere in sight. She never really cared for that Elven woman, who took her under her wing.
Stepping stone...yes that’s what she thought of her, a stepping stone to greater heights.
Is that what my priestesses think of me? she thought.
The wide double doors opened up and they deeply bowed down.
A woman then come forth from the doors, a tall beautiful woman who reached the same height as Him. The woman is dressed in a dark emerald dress with intricate lines that embroidered it perfectly.
She’s got emerald hair like Him. Skin white as snow. Eyes that’s covered by a white sash, which has small jewels decorating it. But one could see the brightly glowing emerald eyes looming behind that white sash.
Such terrifying air around her, even though it's such a passive air, it’s as if it was the mighty himself changed into an Elven woman. There’s also an emerald silken drape that covered her nose and mouth, which was slightly see through, but not enough to see what was behind those emerald drapes.
The priestesses stepped aside for the emerald woman to get into the circle. The emerald woman stood there with an aura of passiveness...such stillness, such an emotionless state.
The emerald woman then began to speak in a monotonic voice. She said that it’s the hundredth year of the next one to be chosen. One that’s standing in the circle shall be picked.
Chosen, picked? She stood there in the circle with the other priestesses, but only she was confused.
What’s going on? She thought as she looked at the woman in emerald.
She had just recently gotten to know that they were going to meet up here in this beautiful room. She tried ask the other high ranking priestesses what they were doing here, but they denied her questions, and only said: “You'll know soon enough.”
Why they wouldn't say anything to her, she didn't know...out of jealousy perhaps?
As the emerald woman finished speaking, she strode slowly while gazing at the different Elven women through her white sash. The emerald woman started right next to her. The woman who stood on the left side of her froze in place, as if something held her still.
The emerald woman’s hand has been raised over the woman’s head.
When the emerald woman finished, she went to the next woman who stood on the left side of the newly dazed priestess.
She just stood there, looking at the emerald woman who raised her hand over everyone’s head. Making the priestesses dazed, and tired in the process.
The emerald woman was now finished with everyone except her. She stared with her amethyst eyes straight at the white sash that glowed with those terrifying emerald eyes...she's right in front of her.
She felt nervous.
What kind of ritual is this? she thought.
The emerald woman then raised her hand over her…
She felt...pain, a pain so excruciating, which made her hold her head tightly as she screamed out, cried out, wailed out her painful suffering that tormented her head.
Everyone got a surprised look as she screamed at the top of her lungs, but the woman who got a bloodied face from her, smiled sinisterly, thinking that something bad must have happened for her to scream like that.
Then the tall emerald woman removed her snow-skinned hand from her.
She could barely even stand straight, after that horrible experience, but she used magic on herself to replenish her exhausted body, but it only returned some of the lost strength...she felt tired, but she kept on holding herself up with sheer willpower.
The emerald woman turned around and walked back to the middle of the circle. She then spoke in her monotone voice. She said that everyone except her, herself, who the emerald woman pointed at—with a slim snow finger—can return to their own duties.
The other priestesses then left the square room while having a disappointed expression, or rather a saddened look, as if they longed for something that had happened before. That desire of lust, that lust which could swallow anyone whole; that embracement between one another; that feeling of being loved.
But the woman that was angry at her, wasn’t so angry anymore. She's having more of a defeated expression as she walked out of the room, avoiding the gaze of the chosen priestess that had beaten her—in more than one way.
She was chosen, picked, but for what?
She just looked at the emerald woman who stood in front of her while she had a confused look. Then she bravely asked for what purpose she was chosen out of all of the women. But the emerald woman just stood there motionless, that passiveness of air gone. She just stood there like a decorated doll, unmoving—loss of all life.
It took more than ten minutes for her to speak again. The emerald woman said to her in that monotone voice that she must follow her.
The emerald woman then began to walk slowly towards the double doors.
They walked for some time, until they came upon two doors.
She recognized the double doors; it’s His sleeping chamber. She had only been here once before, or more like passed by when she had gotten lost in this vast Mansion of Whiteness while she was still a lower rank priestess.
She got punished for breaking the rules because that was a forbidden area, which only he may go, and some others that got permission. That mistake had set her back a couple of years.
Now she got nervous, but at the same time she’s excited.
She who had reached her goal long ago, was now in front of His sleeping quarters.
The emerald woman then went inside, and she followed behind her.
When they got into the room, it was a room of whiteness. Everything was pure white, furniture, walls, floor, roof, the white wooden support pillars of the bed, that held curtains—drapes—of white.
It got a wide balcony that overlooked the gate that led to this vast mansion of whiteness.
There’s a big circled courtyard, with pillars surrounding it, and straight through the circled courtyard is a passage of marbled tiles that led towards the gate, and to the wide stairs that led up to the front double doors, which opened up so you can go into the vast Mansion of Whiteness.
He isn’t here, she thought as she looked around the bedroom.
The emerald woman then said in her monotone voice that this is where she will be sleeping from now on. She continued by saying that she can’t leave this room, and everything will be given to her. She pointed to a side door that led to a bathhouse, which she may use whenever she wanted.
She can’t leave? She got confused, why couldn’t she leave… She asked but got no response from the emerald woman.
The emerald woman then left her there in that bedroom of whiteness without saying a word further than needed.
The emerald woman went by the title of: “The Emerald High Priestess”. No one knew who she's, only that she looked like the mighty himself.
He had kept her identity a secret from everyone—almost everyone.
But she was powerful...very powerful. Many of the priestesses thought that it's his sister, but he said to them that...that wasn’t the case. And that they shouldn’t prod any further of her origin.
She listened to the emerald woman and didn’t leave the bedroom. She just waited while she explored the bedroom that’s His. She then looked at herself in a white bordered mirror.
She's sweating, and breathing hard, but she hadn’t noticed it.
Below the mirror are many different essentials that Elven women used.
Must have been prepared for me...or someone else, she thought.
She has to calm herself down…calm, she looked towards the door that led down to the bathhouse.
She bit her lip thinking that if she leaves the room now, he might have already come back by the time she returns. But if he sees her in this kind of condition… She walked back and forth inside the room, thinking. She then made up her mind and went towards the bath door.
The bathhouse was huge and also made of whiteness, everything white. She looked around, taking in the scene in front of her. Then noticed the white fuzzy towels that’s nicely put on a white bench, it was kind of hard to notice them if one didn’t fix one’s eyes upon them. There are also clothes that has thin silken materials, almost see-through.
She gulped as she thought that’s what she’ll be wearing. It’ll be like as if she’s naked…she gulped again.
Everything inside the bathhouse seemed to be already fixed. Steam rose from the shallow-squared-pool-marbled-structure.
She boldly took off her dress, and got into the steaming water.
Hot…but refreshing. The water reached to her naked hips, her perfect skin complexion shined from the warm air that circled throughout the bathhouse.
She then began to clean herself...to prepare her body...her emotions...her mind...
Her purple amethyst hair that has grown long enough to reach her buttocks, her amethyst eyes that starred at a white bordered mirror.
She looked at herself; she had finished bathing, and is currently combing her hair. She wore the clothes of thin silken materials that was put out for her to wear.
She's now prepared, she looked beautiful, desirable, seducing. She looked down at her silken dress, she could clearly see her bosoms that're covered by the see-through materials.
But something ate her from the inside...what if He said that she wasn’t good enough… She didn’t want to think about it, but those thoughts just came back and back again. Her hands began shaking nervously, she had to hold them tightly to keep them from vibrating.
The wide opened balcony shined in the moonlight that shined with its grand lightless radiation...night had set upon the Elven continent.
She heard those tapping sounds come closer and closer outside the double doors. She went in a hurry and stood in the middle of the room to present herself to him. She felt nausea, her nervousness starting to become too much for her.
Rattle...rattle… The handles on the double doors moved and opened.
There He stands in his grand tall posture, his emerald hair, his emerald eyes, his silvery skin.
The man himself has a surprised expression on him. He has seen this Elven woman many times before, but why is she here looking so scared and nervous.
He then remembered that it’s the hundredth year when this had happened last time, with another priestess.
He now looked at her with such a warm, yet sad expression that irradiated from him. He closed the double door and went and stood in front of the panicky Elven woman. He loomed over her, gazing into her...now wide eyed amethyst eyes.
“You’re beautiful...Xinidra,” He said to her, with such a comforting expression as he smiled.
When he said those words, her emotions, her feelings flew to the azure-blue sky. She jerked her head down to the white floor, where she saw her bare feet, and stammered nervously:
“I...I’m u-unworth—.”
His hand went to her chin, making her look straight up, towards his emerald eyes.
“None is unworthy Xinidra... Only those who think they are. You don't think you’re unworthy, do you?” He asked as he interrupted her.
She shook her head, denying to ever think like that.
His hand then moved to the hair that had fallen over her left eye; he swiped it nicely behind her ear so it wouldn’t interrupt them.
“Xinidra... Those years ago when we first met, do you remember?” He asked.
“I would never forget our first meeting!” She shouted out, then quickly corrected herself, “I...I’m sorry, for my outburst.”
He gave a slight chuckle at how she’s acting.
“You may not know this, but I can see through people if I will it, into their very memory, their being,” He smiled, “What I saw in you... Is something I haven’t felt in a long, long time...”
She nodded in awe, not remembering what she was doing.
“I had a lover before... No, not lover, my true love. You remind me of her, very much, and—,” He cut himself off.
“Look at me,” He shakes his head in stupidity, “Here I’m telling you that you remind me of someone else...I’m truly sorry.”
“What happened to her?” She asked bravely. She wanted to know more… Who was this woman that he truly loved before? How many lovers has he had over the countless years? Do you love me? Can I kiss you? Random questions just popped into her head.
He raised his left eyebrow in conflict.
“I haven’t told anyone before...but,” He said as his expression grew sad, “She’s the remnant of the so called Emerald High Priestess. She's someone who can't think for herself, she can only...follow my words, my commands.”
Her eyes became wide.
He frowned as he remembered something; he swiped his hand over his face, as if he wanted to undo the memory, but to no avail. And she saw him, he’s frowning with a sad look, then he too noticed that he frowned.
He covered himself in a fake smiling expression.
They looked at each other, he just stared into her amethyst eyes without saying a word. She felt her nervousness return… It hit her hard. Hands shaking, legs weakening, dizziness welling up inside of her. She stood there almost-naked, in the see-through silk clothes, and he saw everything.
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, I don’t like when things are forced upon... People,” he simply said.
“No...” She blushed, “I...want to.”
“I see... Alright then,” he said…
She lay there on the bed, feeling the white-silken sheets pressing onto her naked back body. Her head rested on top of a white pillow...she stared up at the drapes that hanged over the bed. She breathed heavily, her unclothed stomach went up and down. She lay there waiting for the moment of pain, which many of the higher ranked priestesses have talked about, to tease her, but she never really understood what they meant by it.
She never really read up on how it works, she always thought that it would work out by itself...she’s over 60 years of age.
She felt her nervousness becoming too much, her whole body clenched from it, and he noticed when he was about to begin. He laid beside her instead of beginning, because she looked as if she’s dying.
The look on her unknowingly scared face, her shaking body...he had to calm her down, before going on any further.
He would only bring her more pain, if he didn’t prepare her for it....
She gasped as she felt something touch her from below, she still stared up at the white draped curtains, and then she closed her eyes…
She gasped...moaned...gasped...moaned...gasped; she felt her mind drift away into dizziness. The nervousness, the constant feeling of being touched.
Her closed eyes started to form beads of tears that came from an unknown feeling of joy. She began to jerk around on the bed as the feeling of being touched never ceased.
Her gasps, and moans became more like pants; she panted...panted...panted, as the constant feeling drifted her away into ecstasy.
She has never felt this kind of joyous feeling...if this is what the priestesses thought pain was like, surely they were mistaken.
Then something...something is coming, she felt that something is coming!
She gave out a scream of joy as something welled up, and then released out from inside of her. Her whole body tensed up as she screamed out the joy of release. Her eyes became as wide as they could—when she opened them from the sudden shocking feeling. They rolled to the back of her head, as the last feeling made her scream in her highest voice possible. She grabbed the bedsheets as hard as she could, as she cried out in bliss.
She just lay there panting heavily...sweat had formed all over her naked body, her scarlet blushed up face, her amethyst eyes that couldn’t be opened up, because the strain of exhaustion was too much for her. All of her strength, emotions has been taken out of her...she was tired.
And He just looked at her while nodding in satisfaction.
After her orgasm, she never thought that she could go on, but she felt her strength coming back from of nowhere. He did something to make her invigoratingly sane again.
They then began, she lying on her back and he loomed over her.
He slowly went inside her...slow to not make her uncomfortable. He reached the deepest parts of her body. She gasped for air that didn't come, but then the air came as he did something to her. She groaned painfully as it was inside her deepest parts of her body...
But after a while as he moved slowly, he started to go faster when he noticed that she started to breathe in a more regular way. He began to thrust, and for every thrust, she gave out a gasp of pain, but there was more joy than pain in her gasps, so he just kept on going.
Thrust, gasp; thrust, moan; thrust, pant.
Her arms went around his neck as he thrusted. Their eyes met, and they kissed with deep long kisses, their tongues got wet from each other’s saliva, drool ran down her mouth as they kept on giving one another wet kisses. The sexual interaction between them held on for a long time...she lost track of the time...how long have they kept on going? She didn’t know.
She lost herself in her own desire as she embraced him into the endless infinity of her own ecstasy.
Below the balcony by the wide stairs stood lower ranked priestesses who's clad in all white; they heard someone that moaned, gasped, and panted above them—loudly. They just stared at the balcony, with flustered covered faces, some of the white-clad women's hands even touched their private parts...as they knew what was going on up there.
But they got caught by two sapphire haired women that came out of the double doors that led out to the wide stairs, which overlooked the circled courtyard. They got angry, but they didn't yell out, they instead shooed away the horny Elves.
As both of the sapphire women saw the horny Elves run away with stumbling movements, their gazes also went up to the balcony. They looked around, and then looked at themselves, they just smiled at each other.
Then time flowed on yet again.
Now she lies there on the bed, and surrounding the room was white-clad women. Her pregnant belly indicated that the last phase before giving birth has come upon her. She breathed heavily as she began to go into labor… The two sapphire haired women was ready to help her give birth, many things have been prepared inside the bedroom.
There has never been anyone that has gotten pregnant inside this vast Mansion of Whiteness...until now.
As the labor began, the two sapphire haired women started giving orders, and assisted the pregnant woman at the best of their abilities, but not magical abilities.
Nature had to take its course.
When the priestesses heard about her getting pregnant, many got suspicious, because He himself has never sired a child. He had tried many times, but failed every time. He had thought that he was sterile, but now a woman has his child inside her?
His thinking got a lot more brighter...a woman could give birth to his children, a new feeling sprouted forth from him.
He felt great pleasure, such happiness.
Under the months of pregnancy, he spend almost all of his time by her side. That in turn made her the happiest Elven woman alive. He only cared for her health...only her, no one else but her. He has never cared for a woman to this extent other than his now doll-like Emerald High Priestess.
But… From one's own joy, may doom another's....
As the Elven man sits there inside the opened sarcophagus, he looks around dazed at the different people that stood around him, they’re blurred by his newly awakened emerald eyes.
“Why...did it take so long?” the Elven man asked as he sat there naked.
Just as the Elven man said those words he started to get a clearer view around him, the two men and five women that stood beside him, they aren't Elves...though one did look like an Elven woman, but as he stared closer at her, fixing his emerald gaze upon her, he could only make one simple conclusion...a hybrid.
Pure Elves have longer ears, and Half-Elves have shorter ears like humans, but pointy. That's why the Elven man noticed and came to the conclusion of her being a hybrid.
As he sat there while having a godly headache, he just looks at them, while his slightly shorter left eyebrow is raised.
This isn't good news, he thought, because he hadn’t been awoken by his own people.
The group around him started to give off worried expressions.
When the Elven man saw them looking at him with those worried faces, he too started to feel uneasy.
He didn't get a reply from any of them when he had first asked; so he asked again in Elvish:
“Who may you be?”
But yet again he got no answer back, only more uneasy faces.
He sat there buck naked, but he started to move his body, and as he got out of the sarcophagus, he could hear the hybrid say something while she gestured with her hands:
“Do you understand me?”
But he just gave a small frown as he couldn't understand any of the words she spoke.
Of course they speak another language, how foolish of me. Must be the human’s language then? The Elven man thought.
When he's standing there on his newly awakened feet, he didn’t wobble around, he just stands there with a somewhat good balance, and he reached two meters in height.
His eyes started to take a look around his chamber, but he raised his left eyebrow as he got a worried expression...there are piles of dusts on the floor, cracks on the white marbled walls and roof of the chamber.
Vegetation seeped into the room...it gave off a very old feeling.
How long have I slept? He thought.
He just stood there giving off a worried expression while he frowned.
The group just stands there looking at the man as he got up from the coffin. Azyna yet again tried to speak to him but she got no reply, because as she said it the man gave a questioning frown towards her, as if he didn't understand one bit of what she said.
The Elven man stood there taller than anyone in this chamber, even taller than Jack who's the tallest in their group. He reached very close to two meters, but the Elven man stood taller.
Jack knew how Elves looked; he had met Azyna’s father when he had come to visit his own father, to further their own goals. Azyna’s father reached around 160 in centimeters. From Jack's perspective Elves could only reach around 150-170 in centimeters.
But the Elven man stands two meters tall, and didn’t even have the same build as a normal elf.
Jack had frowned as he saw the Elven man get up from the sarcophagus. He didn’t like this one bit.
Azyna skimmed through the Elven book that she's got in her hands. She had begun with something simple, but as she didn't even bother to speak in Elvish when she had asked him the first time, she felt pretty stupid.
She skimmed...skimmed...and skimmed through the book, she's going to ask for his name…but something as simple as asking for one’s name, she couldn’t remember the words for some reason.
Is she only the one that feels his pressure? His power? His… She licked her lips.
The others in the group, Jack, Jenny, Thren, Rulma, Aynthia and Diana are standing there as Azyna is trying to get through to the Elven man, but it looked like she wasn't having any luck. The women in the group peaked a few glances at the naked man, but they didn't want to make him uncomfortable so they kept their eyes in check.
Azyna finally found the words she was looking for. She got a raised left eyebrow in response from the Elven man when she said in a rusty Elvish dialect:
“You is who?”
When the Elven man heard those words he looked at the hybrid in surprise, and thought: Did she mean, “Who’re you?”
His left eyebrow lowered itself. And as he opened his mouth, two words came out:
“Xivan Bithrendil.”
When Azyna heard those two words she started to mumble to herself.
“Bithrendil...Xivan Bithrendil...Xivan. Where have I heard that name from?” She just stood there mumbling to herself, but she suddenly got a startled face while she gasped out: “It can’t be!”
She quickly ran to her backpack that's by the stairs, and took out yet another book which she had read throughout this journey to the Ruins of Galanimel.
Xivan just stood there, he felt very uncomfortable as he's indeed naked from head to toe around strangers. He remembered that night when Xinidra stood there in the see-through silken robe…
This is what she must have felt like, Xivan thought amusingly, but then frowned as he remembered something that he didn’t want to remember.
He pushed those thoughts out of his mind, because he has more urgent business to attend to.
When the hybrid came back with yet another book in her hands, she skimmed through it, and when she found what she's looking for, you could see that she's acting very strange…excitingly strange.
When Azyna showed Xivan what she's looking at, she pointed towards a picture that's depicting one Elven man, and thousands of people bowing before him, it looked very majestic.
Xivan understood what she's pointing at. And as her finger pointed towards the picture in the book, she said with an excited voice:
“Xivan Bithrendil.”
As she said the name she nudged at the picture.
Azyna just looked at him with expectant eyes. When he gave a clear nod, her face started to light up with happiness, she turned towards the group of people that's standing beside them, and said:
“I...I think this is the Elven God, Xivan Bithrendil.”
Isn't it forbidden to depict pictures of me? Xivan thought.
He stood there looking at the picture that's depicted of him. A rather good picture, other than...the crown on my head. Never had a crown before. Xivan thought as he continued looking at the picture, but lost the view when the hybrid forwarded the book to the rest of them.
Xivan continued with his thoughts, Ah yes...I heard it was typical for humans...to put crowns on everything.
“Elven God?” everyone asked with a surprised look, their eyes darted towards Xivan as he stood there naked. He gave a slight frown as he got everyone's attention.
He crossed his arms in protest of the staring eyes.
“Yes! It says in this book that he was the most powerful individual of the entire Elven race, but he wasn't really a god, he was only seen as a god by the people that worshipped him, and when they needed him the most, he had simply vanished. No one really knows why he vanished...it must have been very hard to find out where he disappeared to. But! He most certainly stands here now, I’m certain of it!” Azyna shouted with an overbearing excitement in her voice.
“He does give off a certain...feeling, I guess?” Jenny said as she looked up and down at Xivan, but her gaze remained a slightly longer under his waist, she quickly looked away and tried to hide her surprised—slightly red—face.
Xivan still with his frowning look, not being happy to be stared upon. What is he some kind of attraction, some endangered species? He has his muscled arms crossed, and his facial expression screamed: Stop looking.
“We must be careful, I don't think he values other people as he values himself. If you say he was seen as a god, he might have a very different perspective than we have, for all we know he could hate any race other than his own, and would kill without a second thought,” Jack warned with a worried voice.
Left eyebrow raised itself as Xivan heard Jack speaking in an unknown tongue.
“Well maybe we should give him some clothes first, so you ladies can stop with the drooling,” Thren said while rolling his eyes.
“Hmm?” Azyna responded.
Azyna who has been too preoccupied with learning who Xivan is, didn't even notice him being naked, but now that she sees him standing there in his grand posture, her face started to blush. She had never seen a naked man before, so she was rather embarrassed.
Xivan though, stood there with his frowning face back in action.
Jack went and got some extra clothes that he luckily had taken with him. As he's the only one who has slightly the same height as him, the clothes would be good enough.
He could probably look good in women's clothes, Jack thought humorously, and then gave an embarrassing cough, when he realized what he was thinking about...
When Jack came back, he held up the clothes towards Xivan and just looked at him.
Xivan raised his left eyebrow, and understood what he wanted with those clothes. He gladly accepted them, and as he put them on, it fit rather nicely. When he's clothed he gave a nod towards Jack, but he just brushed it off.
Xivan thought: Their arrogance wasn’t exaggerated.
He just gave a shrug with his shoulders, to not throw in more wood into the fire.
Xivan then spoke a few words to Azyna...but still no reply, only a bewildered Half-Elf trying to translate.
Everyone is still uncomfortable with him speaking with his Elven tongue. Every time he spoke they got surprised by his Elvish dialect. Azyna looked through the book to see if she could get an understanding what Xivan just said, but as the time went by Xivan said the words again:
“Do you have a name Hybrid?”
Xivan just looked at Azyna while waiting, and as he stared at her with his emerald eyes she started to almost lose her mind, she's already feeling extremely nervous, and some other strange feeling that's pulling her in. But then she found one word that she could translate.
The word she found: Hybrid.
As she looked at the word, she just stared at it, feeling such shame, and sadness.
He who was once at the pinnacle of this long lost Elven Imperium, called her a… Hybrid.
Xivan raised his left eyebrow once again, which is the shorter one, and thought, Did I do something wrong? Ah...I see, hybrid weighs heavily on this girl. He gave out a sigh. Being inside that sarcophagus really made my mind dull...
Xivan has to keep himself under constant control, otherwise his energy could run rampant. If he didn't control himself, his energy could reach out and take ahold of the closest that stood near him.
But he has that perfect control of his energy so nothing would happen as long as he got dominance over his own emotions.
Azyna felt as if she wanted to cry, but she held it in and kept on translating. She then found the word “name.” and as she saw the word, she understood what he wanted to say to her. Azyna pointed towards Xivan and said:
“Xivan Bithrendil,”
And then she pointed to herself and said:
“Azyna Draem”
“Azyna...Draem?” Xivan asked.
Draem... He thought.
He felt some magic residue somewhere… He had been too busy with these races that he didn't even notice it. He looked at the ring on Azyna’s right middle finger. He looked suspiciously at it, and then a left eyebrow is raised...wonderingly.
After Azyna heard him say her name she nodded happily. Her feelings of sadness flew away as he said her name. Some how she felt an extreme happiness from him just saying her name. She didn’t think that it’s weird at all, to feel this kind of feeling.
Azyna then pointed towards everyone else and said their names one after the other:
“Jenny Temral, Diana Upper, Jack Temral, Rulma Stonehand, Thren Coal and Aynthia.”
As she said the names, Xivan just nodded in agreement, but when she said Aynthia he gave a wondering look towards her, because Azyna didn't mention her last name, but Xivan just paid no further mind to it.
Aynthia too stared at him when he had set his eyes upon her. She just squinted with her eyes while she frowned, she felt uneasy by the sudden Elven eyes upon her, but she's still on high alert.
I have heard and seen canvases how these races looked like...but in person they’re rather… Xivan thought, but he cut off his thought process when he said the names instead, one after the other to himself out loud:
“Azyna Draem, Jenny Temral, Diana Upper, Jack Temral, Rulma Stonehand, Thren Coal... Aynthia.”
As Xivan is saying the names to himself, most of the group got a surprised look on their faces as he said the names perfectly. Aynthia’s eye twitched as he paused before saying her name.
Did I say something wrong? He thought when everyone looked at him once again, luckily he has clothes now, though he raised his left eyebrow wonderingly.
Azyna who's born from a human mother and a pure Elven father, now stood there speaking to Him. She felt an extreme happiness for some reason, her head also started to hurt.
She thought about what has happened these past few weeks.
She's the youngest daughter of the family of Draem, the only child born from them in the last eighteen years. Their family is a very powerful and rich family, like Jenny's.
But why is she here now in this chamber, talking to a long lost Elven God… It's because of Jenny, she's from the family of the Temrals’, which is the most powerful, rich, and connected family in the entire Human continent.
Jenny liked to train in the arts of archery and staffs, but Jenny has also been trained since birth to be a respectful, proud, and wise lady of the court, but she wanted nothing to do with that kind of life.
So she made it a habit to skip any of those festivities, she would rather train than wear tight dresses while chatting up same aged girls. Occasionally boys, and men who dared to tread in her way. But they quickly backed away when she threw out words at them, and when they heard what family she came from.
What she wanted was to be a soldier in her father's army or an adventurer. But she's a female of that family, so her mother forced her to stop such foolish thinking by a horrible mean.
It happened four and half weeks ago when she was happily training with her bow...she got summoned—someone called her— to her mother.
As she stood there inside a huge living room, she saw her mother sitting on a comfortable grand seat, behind her was her trusty handmaidens. She began to speak in a strict, demanding voice. What her mother told her was that she's going to get married off to one of her relatives.
Jenny got stunned by the sudden news, she who had only thought about joining the army or being an adventurer, now stands there looking at her mother with such hatred and disdain, she had never gotten along with her mother, but this...she would go that far to get rid of her?
Why she needed to get married, she had asked.
But her mother just sat there looking unamused by her rebellious daughter, she said it was for her own good and she should stop acting so unladylike and settle down with a man that she had arranged.
Jenny of course got furious, why did she who's from such a family of high stature, be forced to marry, and to a relative at that. She knew that their family married relatives...but she didn't think that she...would.
Her mother didn't want to hear anymore of her shouting, so she sent her away—with a flick of her hand—to her bedroom to cool down.
Jenny was there inside her bedroom going back and forth while biting her lip furiously. She’s thinking, thinking and thinking about what she could do.
Diana and Azyna then suddenly came to visit her, but they didn't know what had happened. Diana who had been out doing her chores for Jenny, and Azyna who came to visit them, met Diana on the way to Jenny's bedroom.
Jenny explained everything to them, and they also got surprised by this grave news. They comforted her and said everything will be okay, but Jenny wasn't going to take this anymore, she wanted nothing to do with such a family. If she's going to get treated like this, and be forced to marry someone she doesn't like, why stay...
But she knew how they treated traitors of their own family.
So she came up with a plan… Though she had already thought about this plan even before she heard this grave news of the marriage.
She had found an old book in the library a few years back, she never really liked books, but this old book had something that drew Jenny in. Elven treasures, relics, artifacts, and long forgotten hidden vaults, which was hidden beneath the long lost Elven continent.
This old book had been translated from Elvish, and its author was unknown. Even though it looked so old...it still looked new, as if it had been placed there recently.
Jenny read that book with dazzling eyes, and when she finished it she had always wanted to go on a journey to the Elven continent, to find these hidden vaults that the book spoke of.
And now was the perfect chance for that to happen; nothing to bind her here anymore, nothing that will stop her from this journey. She was ready...to leave this family of hers, and to never return.
She then began her escape plan, she had talked Azyna and Diana into joining her on this journey. Even if they were to leave her later, they won't be in any trouble, as Azyna's father would probably fix everything for his daughter, and Diana.
She then put on an act to trick her mother, but her mother wasn't easy to trick.
Luckily, she didn't need permission to visit Azyna’s home, because both of their families stood very close to each other. They had risen up together in fame and glory...long ago.
So she used an excuse to go to Azyna's esteemed abode, and she got that permission.
That's where they began their journey to the Elven continent.
But they didn't get far, they got stopped on the road by her brother, because he was going to go and met up with someone.
The strange thing was, he didn't want to stop her.
Jack had eavesdropped on one of their conversations, because when he heard the news that she's going to get married to one of their relatives...he didn't like it one bit. His mother can be a cruel mother, especially to Jenny for some reason, but he had an inkling to what...where that anger came from.
So he had gone to her bedroom to talk to her about the marriage, but someone forgot to close the door and it stood there slightly opened. So he heard everything what they said, and what they were going to do.
And from that information he now stood there dead at night, meeting up with “someone”.
Jack, Jenny, Diana, and Azyna now stands there looking at each other, Jack had his heavy plate armor, his shield, his sword, and a backpack on his back. Jenny too had her breastplate on and her trusty backpack, the other two ladies' also got their backpacks on.
They had asked where he's going, and he just responded that he's coming along with them.
The girls got such a surprised look to them. Diana and Azyna never really got to know Jack so they were the most surprised, but Jenny just got a warm feeling to her.
She...had forgotten all about her older brother, she didn’t even ask him for help.
But he came to help her instead.
He interrupted their reunion, because their mother will probably know sooner or later that they aren't at Azyna's home, so he urged to move quickly.
Jack rode on a yellow, blue-striped tiger, which carried all of the equipment so they could move faster.
The others didn't ride on anything, they walked, and ran. Because Jenny and Diana had just gotten on a carriage to take them to Azyna's home, and if they rode out on horses that Azyna had in her stables, they wouldn't probably escape the guards that held Azyna's home safe.
They had sneaked out in a secret passage that only a few knew in Azyna's household.
Jack tracked them down, and went ahead of them so he could surprise them. It wasn't hard for him, he just needed to stand on the road that led west to the harbor that they were going to go to.
So he had waited there on the road with his partner, the tiger.
The tigers are the Temral’s proud domestic animals which they have pure-bred for many years.
Over the years they became the most loyal partners, they are also used in combat, but that rarely happened because they are such a precious species to the Temrals, and they're hard to control if one doesn’t spent a lot of time with them.
Any other than the cub's parent that raised it, couldn't control it.
So if they randomly handed out tigers, it would be chaos. But they do have to sell some, because there weren't enough Temrals to hand out tigers. The family's allies got them cheap, but they could never got a female tiger, only males.
The main household of the Temrals did get first dibs on the best bred tigers, but only Jack and his father had one. Not his sister nor mother got one. He found out that they're allergic to their fur, so they couldn't raise one, pity he had thought.
If one parent had two tigers, one tiger would most likely die. If the tiger was a female then the male wouldn't even stand a chance.
The tigress is much larger than the males, and that's the very reason they have the emblem that they're so proud of: The tigress emblem that's on every Temral breastplate, shield, banner, carvings on structures, brand marks of different merchandise that the family manufactured.
Then began their real journey to the Elven continent, but Jack had to send back his trusty stee—, tigress home.
Because when they boarded a ship the captain of the ship had haggled that if they paid a large sum of gold the tigress could also get on, but that sum was outrageous, so he had to unfortunately let his tigress go home by herself.
He has let her roam home many times before. She always did find the Temral main household, even if it took days.
He has trained her to perfection, as he has been trained to be perfect.
A while later Xivan and Azyna stood a bit to the side. She tried to talk to him, but it took a while to translate the words.
When Xivan got tired of this language barrier...he did something no one would expect, his left hand is raised over Azyna's head in a quick motion. She got a surprised expression when she saw the swift hand above her. But before she could do anything she felt a pain, a pain so excruciating that she couldn't even keep her voice in check.
As most of the group were talking to each other and taking care of their equipment a bit further away, they didn't see when Xivan had raised his hand towards her.
Suddenly a piercing female scream echoed throughout the white marbled chamber:
And as the group heard that scream coming from Azyna; Aynthia is the first one to react, she grabbed tightly around the hilts of her dual longswords, and sprinted as fast as she could towards Xivan with deadly intent.
Jack and the others also charged towards Xivan, yelling at him to stop. Aynthia came like a shadow behind him, she gave off a huge killing intent when she put all of her strength and speed in this vicious dual-strike that she has prepared for this Elven man.
Xivan just stood there having his hand over the now kneeling Half-Elf, but right when the dual longswords should have met their goals, a huge pressure came from him, as if Aynthia hit some kind of barrier.
She flew across the room, and hit the white marbled wall. But Aynthia's reaction time was perfect, right before she hit the wall, her whole body spun so her clawed feet and hands were the first to touch the wall.
Which made it so the damage was minimal.
Seeing Aynthia being shot across the room, the others gave a surprised look and stopped in their tracks, then turned their weapons on Xivan again, but as they're going to charge at him, a piercing voice yelled out:
“Stop! What do you think you're doing?!”
- In Serial16 Chapters
One day the earth changed, the continents united once more forming the Pangea. The changes did not stop there, three new continents of the size of Pangea appeared in the ocean, if the planet is large enough to fit all the new continents, or the planet has grown is still a mystery to be solved. Monsters began to appear throughout the continent, the state of the new continents is still a mystery. Different types of monsters began to appear in different regions. In this era of change and adaptation, heroes and villains have appeared. The old civil, military and social order was destroyed and a new world order appeared. The fort wins. What fits survives. and the weak are dominated. Magic and superpowers ceased to be fictitious stories and became reality. Monsters, demons, and dragons are no longer just imagination and come true. The world has become a non-respawn type game. The law is to keep yourself strong to survive and survive to became strong.The life of the Terrans has become a game. Literally, with status, attributes, resistances, levels and abilities and everything a game is entitled to. The cover image is not my own. I copied it from the internet. I thought it was cool and it suited the story. All rights reserved for the owner of the image.
8 186 - In Serial106 Chapters
Legends of Balarel - A Leisurely LitRPG
Glenn Redwood has longed to become an Adventurer since he was a young boy, and has focused every waking moment on that goal since turning 14. Answering the challenge of the Gods of Balarel, he has fought Monsters, Leveled, and grown stronger. Yet the day before his 16th birthday, the day he will earn his dream or lose it forever ... the Gods have made a wager. And no mere mortal wishes to draw the attention of the Gods. ***** This is my crack at writing a leisurely LitRPG. My focus is more on telling interesting stories set in a world where people live under a MMORPG-like ruleset enforced by the Gods, and less on writing another story where the MC gets massive stat boosts every chapter before heading off to wreck the world. There will be plenty of blue tables (it’s LitRPG!) but my Adventurers are just starting out. This fic is about the journey, not the destination, so expect everyone to Level ... leisurely. Updates: M-T-W-Th. I’ll post 3000-4000 words a day, or 12000-15000 words a week. If this posting pace ends up being too much for me, I reserve the right to slow posts down a bit. Inspirations: Blessed Time (Royal Road) Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon? (Anime) Trails in the Sky (JRPG Series) MC: My MC is a genuinely good person who’s both a talented warrior and tactically savvy. He prefers to solve problems without violence but will resort to force if necessary to protect his friends or innocent people. I’m tired of stories starring anti-hero MCs facing endless doom and gloom, so I wanted to write a nice guy with an adventurous spirit who helps people in a thriving fantasy world. That’s all.
8 90 - In Serial8 Chapters
Empyrean Ascendant
Lucas wakes up in a new world. A world with different laws. A world of magic and monsters. Will he be able to survive and forge his own path towards power, or will he perish in obscurity like countless others? Note: English is not my first language and any corrections in that regard are appreciated.
8 73 - In Serial7 Chapters
A cheat that allows me to build a city in another world ?!
Jercan was a 18 year old teen flying back to his home country when all of the sudden truck-kun hit and killed him(it appears that some rocket was transporting a truck in to space and something went wrong )and now jercan finds himself in to another world with a system to make his own country Please don’t expect too much of me this is the first time I am writing and if see that you guys like ,it i will continue posting And if you’re looking for good grammar I want you guys to know i am not a native English speaker
8 198 - In Serial9 Chapters
My Unending Agony
Dillon Mathews is a Dimensional Being. The only downside of being a Dimensional Being is the fact that you cant truly die. Long before he became the most powerful being, he was just a regular kid... to an extent. Thousands if not millions of years ago Dillon was born and grew up in the Realm of the Gods, but he was very mischievous, and didn't want to follow what his father always done. The Creator Casted him down to Earth in Dimension-126 with now memory and a reset as a baby and a family. On his Twelfth year on Earth, Everything Changed...The Lesson needed to be sped up. Something was coming to destroy every Dimension.
8 134 - In Serial48 Chapters
Harvest Factory ~ a Farmer Life
A story about a boy with talents in both farming and cooking. Follow him in his journey of cultivating rare and legendary fauna and flora while cultivating his strength in the side. " little brother, what's that thing you're eating? "" Jade Crocodile sausage. "" isn't that a rare beast only found in Azure Swamp?! how did you get it?! "" I raised it. "" what's that you're drinking? "" Golden Snow Pear juice. "" ..... did you raise it too? "" un. "
8 178