《Order of the Chronicle》Chapter 4 - Quicksand
Corpsebreath squirmed his grotesque body forward, drool pooling out of his massive mouth. The drool hisses when it hits the ground, burning its way through the ground foliage. We look around and see a massive clearing in the Fungi Forest, the apparent stage for the battle. Though the ground seems to be made of only grass-like fungi, there are also hidden pools of acid that will take the unsuspecting adventurer right to the respawn room. The openness of the arena is a trap, luckily our [Pathfinder] uses the spell Danger Sense to find the hidden pits, and highlights the pits by creating circles with Pathway for everyone to see. Barbarian grabs the attention of Corpsebreath, pulls him towards the side of the arena so the rest can prepare without worry of being hit by Bad Breath.
Runelord, now that he has removed his runes of the Mud Golem, places Stone Skin and Dwarven Blood on the Barbarian. He also placed his Speed and Strength on Barbarian, while saving the Power rune on himself. He lets Barbarian generate enough aggro, before also joining the melee striking at the back of the creature. His rune-covered hammer viciously tears into Corpsebreath, while Barbarian begins a massive chain of wild axe strikes.
Warrior enters in the battle as well, striking from the side, unleashing his many different slash skills with his 2-handed sword. Even with his rather average skills, and the average weapons and armor he is equipped with, he is still doing remarkable damage. He must have put the points you put into advanced skills straight into stats instead, though that is common build for Warriors. Not sure why he decided to clam up during our initial discussion, maybe there is more than meets the eye.
Water Mage uses Water Jet to slice off the barbed tentacles, with this there is no longer a reason to constantly be purging poisons from everybody. I know people want healers to be healing, but sometimes the best option is to attack instead of defend. Especially in a battle where one attack can essentially wipe the party. She also is staying as far back as possible, as long as she doesnt get hit by Bad Breath she can purge it off the rest of us.
Cleric casts Cleanse on his sword, temporarily turning into a holy sword before also joining into the melee, the opposite of where Warrior is at. He is also using his advanced spell Excommunicate to increase the amount of damage the target takes (10% increase in all damage taken for 20 seconds, also guarantees crits for every strike of holy damage). He chain several high damage attacks before Cleanse ran out, He used a second instance of cleanse on Warrior’s Sword since his damage seems to be higher.
In the meantime I have my White Crow to act as the temporary healer while Water Mage uses attack spells. It caws separately with each head, purging a stack of poison on Warrior while healing a massive chunk of the Barbarian’s Health. My Mud Golem finally walks up the mass of vines, and lands a massive punch that seems to stun the bastard. The stun period provides a nice relief for the Barbarian, giving her time to heal and regroup. The rest of the melee fighters put as much damage as they can before the effect of Excommunicate runs out.
Rachel, now finished with highlighting the traps, begins a barrage of arrows fire at the oversized Venus Flytrap. Using the combos and reload skill check system flawlessly, she is able unload a massive amount of damage at the creature. This little burst of all of our attacks manage to reduce Corpsebreath’s health meter down to 2/3rds. It wakes up from its stun duration and howls in anger, upset that a few lousy adventurers managed to injure it. Or it could just be the start of a new phase of the boss fight, but let us try to keep some of the drama intact.
With its next phase started, or it could be enraged by the insults of being injured, its massive body began to grow a massive amount of whip like vines. Each of the whips has a barb at the end of it, sinister looking fluids dripping out of the end of them. Without any warning, it began to wildly whip its vines around itself, striking everyone in melee range. My mud Golem was able to use its oversized body to block a good majority of the vines, but many still found their way into Warrior and Barbarian. This prompted Water Mage to switch to cleansing poison, Cleric joined her to make her magic into Holy Water so it can heal everybody as well. With the massive holy water ball splashing on top of everybody, it provided the effect of damaging Corpsebreath in the process. This heal bomb also manages to use the last bit of Excommunication, dropping the health of the boss to 50%. If only this attack was Mana or time efficient, unfortunately it has those problems plus the insane cooldown timer for Excommunication. Why do all the cool combos suck to use repeatedly…
With everybody now brought up to full and cleaned of all statuses, we began our assault again. Barbarian is still the main tank even though her build is more of an off-tank, warrior with an unknown slightly unorthodox build, Runelords hammer being a reliable damage dealer, and the Cleric providing plenty of burst damage. This party is now fighting at its full potential, maybe these newbies might be able to help me clear my Guildmaster Goal afterall. The thought of planning a Legion Raid while also dealing with my Capstone Project for class is giving me a headache though. Man I am glad I got an adult beverage, nothing like booze to cure a case of otherthinking.
We steadily combat Corpsebreath, who is now armed with the ever infamous Bad Breath now that he is below 50%. Since Barbarian has him pulled to the side arena facing the wall, the rest of us can maneuver without worry. Barbarian just has to run the moment she sees the animation of Bad Breath begin. With the speed rune placed on her, she can easily run to the side to avoid the cone. But just before the next animation can start, Corpsebreath changed its target to Warrior instead of Barbarian.
One of the most important things Damage dealing Jobs should do, is manage the amount of damage they output. From an outside perspective, having as much damage as possible should be the quickest way to kill a boss. But if you do that then the Tanks can no longer hold the attention of the boss, which will promptly kill the squishy damage dealers. Most bosses use a list of the highest dealing enemies to decide who to attack. Most gamers call this aggro or hate, and it is the job of the tank to hold the attention of the boss. Most tanks have skills like Taunts to generate a false amount of Hate to grab its attention. That is why we had Barbarian fight the boss by herself for a little bit, so she can generate enough Hate to keep the boss focused on her. But if someone is generating just too much damage for the tank to keep up, it can cause the structure of the battle to break down.
Warrior with his curiously stat-focused build, was generating more hate than anyone expected including myself. So without warning, Corpsebreath began assault Warrior instead. Warrior panicked and decided to run away from the fight, but the gaze of Corpsebreath followed Warrior to where he ran. And before Barbarian was able to take back the Aggro of the boss, the boss began its animation for Bad Breath. The expected cone range is right where Water Mage, Rachel, and myself were standing. Warrior stopped for a fraction of a section to realize what he had done, before running to get out of the cone projection. Unfortunately, his fraction of hesitation made it impossible to escape.
A noxious cloud spewed forth from the gaping maw of Corpsebreath, coating us unfortunate bystanders with awful statuses. Both Water Mage, and my White Crow were afflicted with spell silence, leaving us no way to remove Bad Breath from us. Since Rachel’s Pathway is a channeled spell, it got interrupted when cloud reached her. Now all of the hidden pitfalls are no longer being highlighted, the previously negated terrain has become an enemy once again. The one saving grace is that Cleric didn't get hit, so he can still remove the status. But our battle formation is in shambles, and the backline is in serious trouble of being wiped.
Warrior, having noticed his mistake, ran back toward Barbarian so that Corpsebreath would be faced properly against the wall of the arena. But he was also hit by Bad Breath, and his movements were no longer fast enough to avoid the vine whips unleashed at his severely weakened body. His health was already weakened before he got hit, and with the combo of Bad Breath and an unrelenting assault of vine attacks, his body surrendered to death before Barbarian could gain control of the situation. Barbarian, now at the top of the list of Hate, became the new target and was able to put the boss in the proper place again. But not before the abrupt chaos would claim another life.
Runelord, seeing that the Boss was moving due to the actions of Warrior, moved away to spread out so that he would not be hit by Bad Breath. But he got to his new location safely because he saw where the pitfalls were due to Rachel, now that Rachel can’t cast Pathway he has no safe way back to the fight. Not wanting to leave Barbarian alone in the fight with Corpsebreath, he decided to risk it and rely on his memory to walk forward. He soon realized how shaky the human memory really is. He made it halfway back before the ground beneath him gave way to a deep hole full of bubbling acid. His teammates didn’t even see him fall, they just heard a loud splash and the horrible sounds of a dwarf melting away.
With him dead, his protective runes on Barbarian dissipated. And with her build that is more suited for offense instead of defense, she quickly found herself overmatched in the fight against Corpsebreath. Cleric was desperately trying to Cleanse Water Mage and I, so he was unable to provide any assistance to the rather hapless Barbarian. Cleric managed to remove the bad status on us, but Barbarian was already in critical condition. She bravely held her ground, even when most tanks would panic at the ridiculously low health she was in. White Crow starts cawing, healing her up 20% HP and removing the poison stacks she had accumulated, while Water Mage has Life Water ready to begin taking control of the situation. But her health was just too critical injured, and the lack of runes made the precious HP she got back get brought low again in an instant. Since neither of us were great at continuous health regeneration, Barbarian slowly lost the war of attrition. She succumbed as well finally beaten to a bloody pulp after the unending assault vines could no longer be mitigated.
My Mud Golem was next on the list of Hate, this might seem like an ideal situation but it is really just a speed bump down the slope of failure. He is no longer enhanced by Runes, so he is significantly weaker. He is also one of the basic golems to make, I only chose a mud golem in this dungeon because he could make a poison free path by sacrificing his body. He can’t even be healed like a regular tank, since he is not a living being. Our only real chance to still win is to power through the last 20% of his HP left. I called out to everybody left, and gave everybody the order to unleash everything on the boss. Tactics and strategy can no longer work, let's hope that blind luck can save us.
I made my Mud Golem Punch Corpsebreath with everything he had, After a couple of flurries he was finally able to get a proc of Stun on the boss leaving him exposed for at least 5 seconds. In the meantime, Rachel stopped channeling Pathway to cast the [Pathfinder] Skill Marked Target. Using this channeled skill, she is able to create up to 3 weak points on the enemy that guarantees crit damage. She placed one spot on the head to stack with the natural vulnerable spot, and began to unload her bow into it. Cleric used a weak spot to cast Smite, a highly damaging holy strike. Water Mage immediately began casting multiple Water Jets, slicing off chunks of vine and tentacles off of the putrid beast. After despawning White Crow I used one of my summoning spells, Insect Swarm, to attack the monster. It doesn’t do a lot of damage since it usually is used to poison an enemy, but it also provides a blindness status effect as long as it is channeled.
We used everything we had, my Mud Golem got destroyed pretty soon after the Stun duration wore off. After that, Cleric decided to run around and act as a distraction for Corpsebreath. My blindness Debuff acted as enough of a damage mitigation for Water Mage to keep up with healing. We only had one real source of consistent damage, Rachel, So we knew this was going to be a long fight. Even though my cooldown for White Crow has ended, the amount of mana necessary to maintain Insect Swarm is too much to allow for any other expenditure. We each barely scraped by, each time Bad Breath was cast we scrambled like roaches to avoid it. We lost precious time after each battle because we had to regroup, making it take even longer to take down. Percent by Percent, we inched it down until it finally died. The killing blow was done by Rachel, which is easy to believe because Corpsebreath looked like a pincushion with the amount of arrow poking out of him.
We saw the loot had dropped, but he didn’t care to check yet since we had allies to revive. Barbarian and Warrior were first since their bodies were just laying around, we had to use a teleport dungeon scroll on Runelord, since his body got entirely annihilated by the acid. Since that is a rather expensive scroll, my mood fell a little bit. But it is nothing compared to the moods of the newbies. Each of them were in a sour mood after the fight, especially the Barbarian.
“Hey guys, let us take a break here while we wait for the Spell Steal Scroll to activate” Rachel said, trying to remove the cloud of anger that hung over the newbies.
“Yeah let us have a chat, need to discuss a little bit about the last battle.” I added, finally convincing them to relax a little bit.
“Yeah, I think we need to discuss how to handle an unexpected aggro change properly.” Said the Runelord, directing a bit of venom to a singular person.
“That battle was going so well only for one thing to fuck it up” Barbarian added, also directing her venom at a singular person as well.
Dying in E.S.S. isn’t as rough as it is in other MMOs, you just lose a bit of armor durability, tiny bit of EXP, and a bit of gold. The only real loss is some pride when you lose early in a dungeon. Most people are ok with dying once or twice when you roll into a dungeon with a new party. But people tend to find a specific reason why each attempt failed, and the first thing people tend to blame in another person. The Warrior, whether fairly assessed or not, is now considered a liability to the other newbies of the team. The warrior who is silently listening to these verbal jabs, refuses to respond in kind. He is just absorbing a bit of the hate, perhaps he also feels like he is a liability.
“Hey guys, let's not go down this road. The first wipe was nobody’s fault, and the problems with this battle is just some unfamiliarity with each other’s classes. I will take responsibility for this, since I didn’t properly assess Hate generation.” I calmly spoke, it seemed that my little lightened the mood a little bit. But you can still feel the miasma of distrust lingering in the group.
Right around another awkward silence was building the Spell Steal Scroll Finish. But something was different this time, instead of the scroll burning up and disappointing scraps of ash as the reward we received something physical this time. A grimoire was left, A grimoire holding the spell Bad Breath inside of it. Instantly the mood in the party shifted, Runelord and Cleric openly cheered at the sight of it. The Barbarian simply started laughing, like how a ridiculous fight like that could leave some an awesome reward. Rachel was overjoyed, this is the first time she had seen this work since her time at our guild. I smiled, but I quickly noticed one person not celebrating the drop. Our much maligned warrior is still just quietly sitting around, brooding in silence as the rest of the party forgot the heavy atmosphere earlier.
Now that our mood recovered we looked at the other loot dropped by Corpsebreath. We discovered a Jungle Core, a powerful crafting ingredient. We received 2 rare level weapons that need to be appraised, 5 pieces of rare level leather armor, and an Ancient-Level 2-handed longsword. We also received various ore pieces of magic metals, and a large amount of gold. All of us looked greedily upon the treasure, but the unofficial rule at Chronicle is that all loot gets rolled for at the end of the dungeon. We have too many stories of intra-party feuds happening during a raid, that is why we wait until the mission before feuding.
Everyone is now clearly excited by the drops this time, maybe the dice gods had mercy on us today. Even the brooding warrior was looking longingly at the sword, not that I could blame him. We packed it all up quickly, and headed out of the arena in good spirits. We exited the second cavern and entered another long corridor, one full of yet more toxic creatures and horrific terrain. This tunnel is different from the others, while it has enemies, the real issue is the random geysers of toxic gas that shoots out randomly. The only way to avoid this is for everybody to spread out so ideally only one person at a time gets hit by one.
“Do you think we should head out by the second boss Alex? I feel that most of the other groups would already be done by then.” said Rachel, realizing how much time has been wasted.
“Yeah unfortunately, While everyone was looking at the loot I already received a message from Blake and Kira that their groups were finished. Oh well, we got the most important loot out of here anyway.” I said, referencing the grimoire so that the rest of the group won’t be so disappointed.
The newbies were disappointed that we weren’t finished in the dungeon, but the thoughts of the money earned from the grimoire bring their moods back up. Warrior still seems to be disappointed, but has not verbalized it. Rachel honestly seems relieved to be leaving here, well it is quite the stressful dungeon for the [Pathfinder]. For me, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the group so far. That was the purpose of this dungeon, whether they realized it or not.
We continued along the third tunnel, in a spread out pattern to avoid the geysers. We see a few Poison Moths, or Night Butterflies but nothing truly dangerous. I like to think that the devs put weak monsters here lull you into a false sense of security. Why else would they make it seem easy, only to include randomly spawning geysers that can almost instant kill a party member from full health. Though I complain about the geysers, only 2 of them can spawn at a time. Meaning that there really isn’t much of an obstacle, just an annoyance that slows the party down.
We were close to halfway through the tunnel, when a geyser hit an unsuspecting party member. Unfortunately, the unlucky warrior drew the short straw once again. His pure stats allow him to survive the full geyser blast with a sliver of health left. But as soon as he moves to a convenient location to heal, the other geyser pops up in the ceiling above him. The toxic fumes instantly destroyed his last bit of health left, leaving behind a chemical burned corpse behind. His armor was heavily corroded, the belt to hold up his sheath and sword was entirely destroyed, and the organic remains looked like something dragged out of a radioactive pool. The rest of the party groaned, I pulled out yet another scroll of resurrection to bring him back to the living.
“I am sorry, didn’t mean for that to happen” Apologized the warrior, his voice becoming more apprehensive as the words came out.
The rest of the newbies just snorted or huffed at him, not really caring about what he had to say. In their mind, this was just another incident that proved his incompetence as a player. He just got up quickly, and quietly got back into formation. We continued on the tunnel, a few of us got hit, including myself, but none of us were as unlucky as Warrior who got blasted with 2 full duration geysers. It also seems that the rest of the newbies had realized how unlucky he was, but none of them really wanted to mend the broken party atmosphere.
We finally reached the Third Cavern, a smallish cave about a third of the size as the second cavern. It is a hellish cavern full of corrode veins of iron coloring the walls. The ground seems to radiate excessive heat, as the air shimmers and dances with the temperature. Small pools of steaming liquid, colored with brilliant hues of blue indicating how toxic they are. I would describe this as an underground Yellowstone Park, it would best describe the harsh environment we were about to enter. Only one creature called this place its home, the second boss called Kromsius. We gaze upon the visage of a massive 25 foot tall humanoid. Bronze skin with tribal tattoos. He is lightly armored, with only a waistband, loincloth and sandals upon his visage. But he wields an enormous axe, a brutal double-sided axe full of vicious spikes that ridge down the both sides of the axe blade. The axe is made of some mysterious magic metal that has veins of red color throughout the blades. The red veins almost pulse with eerie aura that exudes viciousness, needless to say that our Barbarian was heavily interested in the axe.
Kromsius stood there, ready for challengers to step into his arena. Luckily this time, there was a rest area for us to prepare for this fight. We got into similar battle formations just like the battle against Corpsebreath. Kromsius doesn’t have long range attacks of any kind, nor does he spawn any mobs to attack for him. He also doesn’t have any poison or acid attacks, to be honest he really doesn’t fit in this dungeon. For all the questioning we had for the dungeon, no real reason was given for Kromsius being used in this dungeon. But, just because he doesn’t fit, does not mean that is an easy boss to defeat. He is actually better at wiping parties than the final boss, because of 2 very special skills he has.
He has 2 axe swinging skills that both only do damage, the problem is that both skills have the same animation as each other. 1 skill is a massive knockback that can cause a small stun, while the other is a tanking busting move that has a medium aoe all around him. It is a move to kill tanks, meaning that any melee damage dealers caught in it will also instantly die. The animation wind up is slow, but if you are not quick to leave the aoe you will be caught in it. And the fact you can’t tell the difference between the 2 attacks, melee has to run each time the animation shows up. If your party doesn’t have a lot of ranged Damage Dealers, you can end up taking a long time to take Kromsius out. Which unfortunately, our party is one of those melee focused parties. This is why we have decided not to finish the dungeon, especially since there are other parties finished.
We begin the battle with Barbarian taking the lead once again, she drags him to the north wall of the arena so that all of us have the center to maneuver in. We kept the same runes on the Barbarian, except this time Runelord put the Power rune on Rachel so that she can deal out more damage. We gave Barbarian more time to build Hate, before the rest of the Melee fighters joined in. I use Insect Swarm instead of White Crow simply because Water Mage can handle the healing, and we do not need to worry about removing poison. Rachel used Marked Target on him since her channeled spell slot was no longer being used on Pathway. Cleric used Cleanse on the Barbarian axe followed by Excommunicate to help her generate even more Hate. We were not going to have the same disaster as the last battle, that much can be assured.
The battle of Kromsius began brutally, with massive debuffs and enormous crit numbers ripping through his health bar. Lacerations from the holy sword of Cleric, deep bloody gouges are scattered throughout his massive body caused by the raging Barbarian. Warrior delivers a steady stream of basic combos, the damage boosted by his enhanced stats. A loud fleshy thud rings out as the hammer of the Dwarf attacks the Giants knees. A steady stream of arrows assault the Giants face, making him raise his hand to protect his eyes. My insects are assaulting his face, trying to enter his eye, ears, nose, and mouth holes. If the giant was a living thing, I am pretty sure I am creating a lasting trauma for him. He finally retaliates with one of his Axe Swing skills, the melee fighters quickly dodge out of the way. A good thing too, since this was the Tank Buster swing. Runelord breathes out a sigh of relief, since he barely made it out of the aoe in time.
The melee begins again, with the sounds of steel slicing and mauling through the tough Giant flesh. Another downside for melee fighters, is that running away kills your combo counter ruining your momentum. Barbarian has to work her way back to high-speed axe whirlwinds everytime time. The only one who doesn’t mind this is Warrior, who only has the basic combos and skills. Again and again they fight with everything they got, and then run when his animation starts. The progress on the boss happens in bursts, but the overall time it takes is slow. And slow battles end up causing more mistakes to happen.
It was about the 6th time they had to run away and come back to fight Kromsius. We managed to take his health down to 60%, but the frustration over the lack of real progress was beginning to take its toll. Just listening to the voice chat, you can hear grunts and sighs of disappointment each time the Axe Swing Animation starts. It is because the cooldown is timed perfectly so that you can’t complete your full combo by 1 move. The devs were real bastards with that precision, it tempts you to try to finish your combo knowing that you will not have the time to escape if you do. This time the animation started slightly quicker than usual due to his health dropping into the next phase, causing the cooldown timer to reset. Warrior was quicker to jump back into the battle than others, so he was unfortunately too deep in the aoe to escape when he realized that Axe Swing cooldown reset. He ran desperately to the edge hoping to all the gods that this was not the Tank Buster Swing, but we all knew that he would not be that lucky.
One of my biggest fears is Quicksand. The quicksand I am scared of is not the sand that you see in movies, the pit of mud that you are unable to escape onced trapped. The quicksand that I am talking about begins with one small mistake. Maybe you made a little error while coding at work, maybe you forgot an important deadline at school, or maybe you made a small mistake in a game playing cooperatively with others. One small mistake isn’t a big deal, most people around would simply let it go and move on. The people around you will forgive you, but you yourself will not forgive it. So you start working harder, trying to do more so that you can overcome that mistake. But when you try too much, you make another error in the process. And then you overcompensate for that, which then in turn causes another error. And then so on and so forth, until you end with a mountain of mistakes that can no longer be overcome.The cycle of self doubt and overcompensation that eventually drowns the one afflicted. The progressive spiral downward caused by trying too hard, I like to call this “Quicksand.” And just like Quicksand from the movies, it is impossible to escape from alone.
The Warrior’s worst nightmare has arrived, he has wound up dead in the middle of an important boss fight yet again. He has once again let his party down, once again shown the Guildmaster he was not worthy to join, and he has once again failed to make up for his past mistakes. His voice comms are deadly silent, but the voices of self doubt explode in his head. He can already hear the condescending tone, annoyed sighs coming from his teammates. He knew at last that he had blown the opportunity to join Chronicle. Thought’s of apologies, sorries, I will try better, all of them were caught in his throat. In the heart of self doubt, he believed that he didn’t deserve another chance. He decides to mute his mike while tears welled up in the base of his eyes.
Warrior took the hit from the Axe-Swing, leaving his avatar completely devastated. Warrior was literally in pieces, with blood and viscera strewn across the battlefield. This left no doubts that he had died, despite the faintest amount of hope that he lived. Cleric moved away from battle, and went up the Warrior to cast Resurrect. That was a long cooldown spell, and he let out a complaining sigh when he had to use it on Warrior. Luckily, it was only the Cleric that gave out any signs of annoyance. The rest of the Party was too focused on the battle to say anything for him, even though he needed it now more than ever.
With Cleric’s quick actions, Warrior was put back together again. He tried a quick “I’m sorry” to Cleric, but he brushed him off to go back to the battle. Warrior hesitates, then begins his own assault on the giant. What once was calm and focused combos, now looks like the wild strikes of a desperate man. He relentlessly assaults Kromsius, not really paying attention to hate generation or the combo counter. Each time the animation of Axe-Swing starts, he runs immediately back. Almost like a timid rabbit, he will dart at the closest sign of trouble. If this were any other party, I would have calmed him down personally. But this party’s true objective was not to clear the dungeon, but to test their personalities.
This desperation continued on until Kromsius was down to 33% health, at this phase the animation for Axe-Swing quickens up. This leaves little time for error, and someone caught off guard will end up in the grave. Warrior still attacks desperately, like a cage animal. Had he been calmly doing his combos, he would be able quickly cancel the animation and run away in time. But you see, right now he has ankle-deep in the quicksand. Not even realizing that he had already sealed his fate before that Evil-looking Axe came to once again set him to an early grave.
Not only did Warrior go down again, Runelord was also caught up with the axe swing. This critically left us with few attackers, making the already lengthy battle even longer. Cleric had already used Resurrect once, leaving us with using scrolls as the only option. He decided to resurrect Runelord first, despite the fact Warrior’s corpse was closer. Of course he did this because Barbarian would lose the runes protecting her if Runelord wasn’t resurrected fast enough, but the visual made it look like he chose to snub Warrior. And the elongated wait in the spirit realm made Warrior’s overthinking problem escalate. I decided to undo my spell to Resurrect Warrior with my scroll instead, feeling that taking any longer would be increasingly unhelpful to the unity of the party.
Warrior was resurrected once again, once again he feels the wait of letting his team down again. He hesitantly gets up, and begins to attack the Giant gingerly. The fear of dying again was painted all over his avatar’s actions, anyone paying attention could see that he has broken down. The Quicksand has claimed him, and has no way left to escape it.
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The world gets thrown into turmoil when a world-wide disaster occurs. Different parties blame each other. Blame becomes threat, and threat escalates to action. World War 3 is at hand.New chapter at least once every week. Speed may vary from one a day, to one a week.[link=][img][/img][/link]
8 205 - In Serial39 Chapters
The Year is 2020... An experiment decades in the making known as Project: Blue Monday rears its head. A Portal opens in Fort Lauderdale, and the government keeps it a secret from everyone. Immediately, it sends forces through the portal to secure it, and to escape from a dying planet Earth. Staff Sergeant Hezekiah Brooks is among them. He finds himself in a world of magic, elves, demi-humans, and dragons. As he fights against the ruling Iscariot Empire in the new world, he is forced to adapt to his new circumstances to survive. He finds a new family among his allies and a new enemy of his own making. Carefully, he must find a way back home... alive, keeping his ragtag squad of five soldiers - Unity - alive and safe. All while playing as a puppet for a creature of mysterious origin, who seemingly knows all and controls everything. He finds himself at the head of a revolution that will burn everything to the ground, just to build it all again... Hezekiah embarks on his Odyssey, to protect his family and to fight against the evils of both the worlds of New and Old...
8 141 - In Serial6 Chapters
Abyssal power
It one point I was one of them, now I'm against them.........even if it's my people, what we are doing is wrong.......and I was once one of them.......but now.....I fight them......there destroying the planet.......AND I CAN'T LET IT HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT.(This book is a fanfic of the Kantai Collection series I own my own characters but not any of the characters from the game or the anime)
8 196