《Order of the Chronicle》Chapter 1 - Members of Chronicle
Ideas that last through generations, stories that last through ages, and events that become legends before fading back into Myths. Chronicles are historical accounts of events that are arranged chronologically usually without any sort of bias or interpretation. They are meant to be a compilation of facts and events from long ago as a historical source, but the idea of a Chronicle has much more importance to me than the definition of one. The idea of handing down the story of one's life and works to a successor, and having them in turn hand it down to their successor with their own entry in the log. I belong to a group that calls itself Chronicle, It simply started out as a humble guild in a game called Endless Story Saga. But like so many other humble beginnings, it grew to be so much more.
It was a guild formed in the early days of the MMO called Endless Story Saga, with a large group of friends who lived in a dorm complex of my University. The original founder loved the idea of passing on something to the next generation, he was a rather dramatic fellow. He and his group of friends were graduating soon, and had the idea of passing on the guild to a group of freshmen that joined up recently. The idea is that they too would graduate, and then pass it on to the next generation after them. And so on and so forth, each generation adding a log in the Chronicle. They loved the concept so much, then even began drafting a set of rules for the guild. Because the founder was a dramatic history major, he decided to call the “Commandments.” Here is the “Commandments” as originally drafted:
All members have to be a student at South-West American University When a person graduate from the University, they must leave the guild as well A successor must be chosen from the group of freshman Each Guildmaster has to set a goal to be accomplished in their reign All arguments must be settled in the medium it took place, do not take in game feuds into real life or real life feuds into the game. Each member that graduates must inscribe their name in the central pillar All members must be passing all of their classes, you are given 2 warnings before you will be kicked out. All knowledge obtained will be given to the next generation
Most would agree that it is a good set of rules, if a little strict on the recruiting side. Though like any set of rules, they became more lax with the generations that follow. The second generation Guildmaster was pretty strict with the rules at first, she began to ease up on them as she approached her own graduation. The idea of choosing a successor was supposed to be a grand event that would choose the most “worthy” to continue the Chronicle. But the second generation Guildmaster only chose me because she liked my face. Well, that and the fact the other 2 good candidates couldn’t stop bickering. I am the third Guildmaster at Chronicle, but I am just a figurehead to the other 2 candidates who weren’t chosen.
They were two of my closest friends, Michael and Blake, both had great leadership qualities and charisma. The problem is that they fiercely argue constantly, causing no small amount of grief to the Second Guildmaster. They actually starting breaking Commandment #5, which is one rule that is kept more strict than others. They both got timed out from the guild multiple times, they finally stopped their fighting after they realized they could get kicked the next time they bickered. After the previous guildmaster graduated, I am left as the figurehead who only chooses between the options given to me by Michael or Blake. This doesn’t bother me too much, since I am not really suited for leadership. The only thing I really do is set the reunion meetings with the graduated guild members and the current ones. The little guild from a simple game actually has reunion parties believe or not, it is one of the reasons why some people in the school call us an unofficial fraternity.
Since the rules only allowed members who passed their classes, we had quite a few former members become capable connections in the adult world. In fact, I was able to land an internship during the upcoming school year because one of the founding generations of the guild was able to give me an opportunity. Many of the founding guild has become outstanding members of adult society, giving those who join us plenty of connections to be used. We also like to keep our memberships to the guild on the down-low, since people will try to use you as a connection to join. Most people have only heard rumours and whispers of our guild, some people even joke it is a secret society. It is probably because the guild chooses who joins us or not, you can’t really apply to become a member. I know my friend Michael, who is quite open with his involvement with the guild, has tons of people trying to barge their way into the guild.
The vast majority is from people who have never played E.S.S., not that is a problem just there is really no point in them joining if they don’t want to be involved with the game. You join because you have interest in playing the game, can meet up IRL for gatherings, and get decent grades. We usually hear from our other circles of friends and acquaintances about suitable candidates, invite them to our group, and if they fit in and like being with us we invite them to our guild. Though I am the most lax about the rules of school attendance, my friend Jaxon, who is an Alumni, was invited by the age of 28. He is a member of Chronicle to me, but because he can’t “graduate” like us he considers himself a contractor instead a full member. Of course that only applies in game, luckily in IRL most of these rules don’t apply. When we hangout IRL, we all consider him to be a true member of Chronicle. We all have such a great time together, but my time to graduate is coming soon. The unfortunate truth of life is, nothing lasts forever.
I am a student of South-West American University who is heading into his final year of college. Currently I am wallowing in summer break, in the final stretch of freedom called August. I just turned 22, and spent one of the greatest summers of my life here in the College town of Christi. Christi is a college town near the DFW metroplex in north texas, I moved here directly from Dallas, about an hour drive away. Now that I have less than a year left both at school and at the guild, I am beginning to feel my anxiety for the future grow. I am sitting at my desk supposedly thinking of what my Capstone Project should be, but instead all I can think about is the last 3 years. It feels like those 3 years flew by, and now I dread the turning of the clock. All of the friends and connections I have made here are going to go away when I graduate and move on. It feels surreal to have signed my final lease for my apartment, as pathetic as this all sounds. There was a time where I wanted nothing more than to get out of this college and start working my dream job. Now I feel a tinge of regret whenever I waste an hour oversleeping. Why does it seem like when things finally become fun, they have to go away? Sometimes, I just want to stay right where we are instead of rushing forward. Why do we always push ourselves to move on from everything? Maybe there is a way where I can keep connect with all my friends, maybe I could build an app that allows us to---
“YO! Alex, you coming with or not?!” my friend Michael shouted through the apartment. Breaking through my funk of melancholy that has been hanging around me.
“Yep! Coming right now!” I replied back in an almost equal amount of volume. My anxiety disappears with each step I take away from my desk.
I quickly grabbed my wallet, keys and phone hurried out of my room. We climbed our way down on the slightly dodgy stairs to the ground floor and started walking towards the town square of Christi. Michael is a 6 foot 1 inch mountain of a man. He onced played Football in highschool and the first year of College which helped develop his massive body. He has thoroughly tanned skin, black eyes and long black hair that is pulled back into a bun. He was in peak physical shape...3 years ago. He has since gained some weight around his belly and chest. He has a massive black bushy beard and moustache that hides his growing double chin quite well. Because he still lifts weights regularly, he still has rather defined muscles. This gives an overall appearance of a bodybuilding hipster latino Santa, as strange of a description that is. He has a boisterous and warm personality, making him actually quite popular even though he let his weight get a little out of control. He walks ahead of me loudly stretching his body and groaning as we walk towards our favorite restaurant in town.
“This walk is getting a little difficult for you pal?” I cheekily jabbed at my friend.
“Yo, I worked out this morning while you were daydreaming on the computer. You could at least join me in the gym, I would be more motivated to do some cardio.” Michael snapped back with some cheekiness.
“Yeah I guess you are right. Maybe some exercise can help me think. I have been stuck on an idea for my Capstone Project for a while. Also, you definitely need cardio.” I mimed a gut around my belly, trying to provoke a reaction.
“Hey, just because you are skinny doesn’t mean you are in shape. Hey maybe exercise will make you grow taller or make you grow some facial hair, but at the least you could build some stamina. I may be fat but I am pretty sure I can outrun you.”
“Ouch dude. Eghh, fine I will join you starting on monday. But, we gotta enjoy this weekend ok? Also, fuck you there is no way you can outrun me!”
“Alright then! Guess I will wake your ass up on Monday drag you to the gym, no way you can back out of this now.” Michael grinned, glad that I took the bait that he casted out.
“Bleh I hate the gym, but I guess my habit of energy drinks and snack food will catch up to me. Also we need to be sure not to be late to Blake’s House after. We were late to the last session of DnD, that was embarrassing to smoothe over with other members.”
“Sure thing! It will be fine as long as you don’t take forever to get ready, you seriously take longer than Veronica…” Michael sighed out, comparing my inability to get ready on time with his girlfriend.
I grumble slightly to his complaint, while I catch up to him so we can bicker side by side. I have a slight amount of regret agreeing to his request, but I will let future me deal with the consequences. We walk along the old sidewalks surrounding the College Town of Christi. We trudge along the slightly broken walkways in the blistering August sun in Texas. I am a native Texan, so I am used to the heat. But my good friend Michael is originally from Massachusetts before he moved here in the 6th grade. Even though he is 23 now, he still has not gotten used to weather here. He claims it has nothing to do with the fact he gained weight, or has a long beard and hair, he just blames Texas for being too damn hot. A sentiment that can be agreed with by anyone who has experienced a blistering August afternoon in North Texas. We walk along the path that blissfully has shade provided by the nearby trees and make our way to the old Christi Town Square.
[Michael POV]
I am walking along suffering from the awful Texas heat with my pal Alex. Despite the fact he is a native Texan, he looks and acts nothing like the stereotype. He has a couple of Texas and southern drawls in his speech, but he doesn’t own a truck, a ten gallon hat, or even a gun. He is, in a polite term, a petite 5 foot 3 inch male who is too skinny for his own good. He has a rather feminine face, intense green eyes, and slightly long and unkempt dirty blond hair. He used to be pretty feminine appearance wise when he was in middle school and the beginning of highschool. But since then he grew a bit more, his face got a bit more definition, and his voice dropped pretty deep. Pretty shocking to hear such a masculine voice from a little guy like him, but he makes it work. He still can't grow any facial hair, but I think it actually works for him. He almost looks like a pretty boy moviestar, the reason why he is single now is because he is hopelessly obsessed with his hobbies. He had a pretty hot girlfriend 7 months ago, but he let the relationship deteriorate due to his obsession of playing games and programming. My girlfriend Veronica, our special little group of pals, and myself have been trying to get him back in the game. But he is still too apathetic to try again, causing no small amount of grief from the rest of our group.
After about 10 minutes of walking, we make it to Town Square of Christi. Christi is an older town in Texas, having been formed in the late 1880s. A lot of the buildings in the square were built originally since then, and have been constantly renovated to keep up with the times. In the center of the Square, you can see the old City hall that they built a while ago. And surrounded on 4 different sides is rows and rows of shops and restaurants. All of the buildings look like they belong on a western movie set, instead of just one long main town road the buildings form a square facing the City hall. Many people visiting the town of Christi will visit the square and feel like they went back in time. They had major Renovations for the town in the 50s and the 70s, making a mish-mash of western, atomic era, and groovin vibes all over the town.
The Square is a popular destination for all denizens of the town of Christi, but is truly special to the University right next door. It is a Mecca of great food, cheap entertainment, and the most important part, the incredible amount of bars. The majority of the bars occupy one single road in the easter quadrant of the square, it has an official name called Rhett Street but the residents like to call it “Wet” street. This nickname comes from the era of Prohibition where there were “dry” counties who banned alcohol, and “wet” counties with all of the booze. As you can imagine, it is a popular place for the students to celebrate their grades or drink their miseries away after a rough exam week. My group of friends including Alex were no exception to the drunken festivities, but since most of us have begun to graduate we have slowed down our partying unfortunately. But that doesn’t stop us from going to our local place to eat some food and grabbing a couple cases of beer on our way back.
After 4 more minutes of wading the foot traffic around the Square, we made it to our favorite Burger joint here, Jaxon’s Diner. Jaxon’s is a new restaurant in town, but they were a food truck for 3 years around campus before finally getting a building in the square. The owner is the ever charismatic Jaxon Harris, who is one of the merry band of Friends we got going here. He is a 6 foot 3 inch tall African-American man, with a simple and well built body that is beginning to show a bit of gut. Jaxon is the oldest member of our group at 30 years old, but he is easily the kindest and warmest person here. He is someone with an incredible amount of charisma and moxxi, he can make friends outta anyone. He has short dreads that he keeps tied to the back in a little bun when he is working, a fierce set of eyes, and the brightest and warmest smile that can break through any awkward conversations.
He was a graduate of our University 8 years ago with a business degree, and with the degree he got a great job at a large corporation. But after a few years there, he decided he didn't like the stress of the job and went to making burgers at a food truck. His family immediately criticized him for the decision, his parents threaten to disown him from the family. They all called him a failure who flips burgers, but after 3 years he has his own building and is making more money from a job that makes him happier than he ever did as a high-level employee of a faceless corporation. He even was able to get his 2 little sisters to move in with him at his new place, though the reason why they moved in with him is kept secret from the rest of us. The sibling always answered that there was drama in the family and left it at that, and we never asked any further. I met him in a local Game shop trying to buy some DnD books for Alex’s Birthday, which we became fast friends and invited him to the group. There are always some members of a group that don’t get along with each other, but everyone is friends with Jaxon. He is the soul of this group, and always was able to mediate beef in the group. Not that I have stories to tell...
[Alex POV]
As soon we open the doors to Jaxon’s, a loud roar of people cheering our entry to the Restaurant. Our loud group of friends were signaling us to where they are sitting so we can join them. We hear movement coming from the kitchen, then a large man comes bursting through the large door. Jaxon, hearing all the noise coming from his dining area, was the person who left the kitchen in a hurry. Jaxon noticed us standing by at the doorway and grinned like a big kid at a waterpark and walked his way over to us...
“Hey Mike! Took ya guys a little longer than usual, Alex kept ya waiting?” Jaxon asked while grinning.
“Yeah! You know how he gets when he is thinking of something, this is the first time he has been late coming here though.” Michael sighed with a slight verbal jab.
“Sorry Jaxon, I was thinking about my Capstone Project for most of the morning, still can’t seem to stick with an idea yet.” I apologized with a slight glare at Mike.
“Hey man no issues with me, we cool. It’s good you are thinking about your project already, I have too many friends who started way too late and failed to graduate. Though I am not worried about you, you always got a project you are tinkering on Alex. I am sure you probably turn one of those in and pass no problem.” Jaxon chatted, while catching up with us.
“Yeah, I am honestly not too worried about it, I just want to do something a little bit different. I am hoping to create something memorable since this is my last year here.” I replied back, preventing the melancholic thoughts from this morning from surfacing.
“Yeah man, you should go for it. You make me wish I knew what I wanted to do at your age, could’ve saved me a lot of trouble haha.” Jaxon replied with a hearty laugh.
“Just remember to leave your room once in a while, you always forget to eat when you are obsessed with a project.” Michael complained slightly, but carried a small grin at the end of the statement to try to elicit a response.
“Hey man, there is a problem of staying too chill about school. Have you even started looking for an internship? You know you can’t pass a Business degree if you don’t get one, and I know that your family won’t appreciate spending on another school year here.” Jaxon quipped back in my defense.
Michael looks back at Jaxon a little hurt with an “oof” softly spoken under his breath as well as clutching his heart as if he was stabbed in the front.
“Haha, got ya Mike. Love to continue to chat, but someone’s gotta cook around here. You guys mind if Kira joins you guys while she has her lunch break?” Jaxon asked.
“Sure!! ugh...I needed someone to split my sandwich anyway,” I said trying to stealthily smooth over my excitement.
Jaxon and Michael quickly glanced at each other for a split second, then Jaxon walked over to the kitchen door to walk inside, but just before the door closed we saw Kira come rushing out of the door. She puts away her paper and pen, and walks over to us.
“Hey Kira, wanna split a sandwich with Alex here? Plus we can also discuss the plan for tonight as well,” Michael said, with a little smile on his face as he glances over to me.
“Sure!” Kira chirped cheerily, with a slight spring in her step. She then quickly went to my right side as we walked over to the table full of our other friends.
The 3 of us walked over to a large wooden table where the rest of our group was already waiting. They immediately scooted over to make room for the 3 of us. With Kira sitting next to me and Michael sitting across with his girlfriend Veronica. The group that was supposed to show up today has finally gathered together. My good friend Blake was to my left, Along with Tyler and then jack to his left. On the other side starting with Michael, is Veronica, Peyton and Rhyse sitting in a row. This is how it looks like:
Rhyse Peyton Veronica Michael
Jack Tyler Blake Alex Kira
With all of us finally sitting together, the waitress who was waiting on the full group to show was finally able to grab our orders. We each have our turn saying our orders, most people grabbing a simple burger or some sort of sandwich. I went with my usual, a patty melt with onion rings as a side. The patty melt served at Jaxon’s is no ordinary patty melt, but the pinnacle of the glorious sandwich. Jaxon uses caramelized onions, 2 patties with pepper jack cheese, a spicy remoulade sauce, between 2 toasted slices of in house baked rye bread. You might think I am crazy to include the description of my sandwich, but my devotion to the glorious patty melt will not be denied. Unbelievers need to find their way over to Texas to get a proper patty melt, you will understand why it is my obsession. Also another to brag about this diner, Jaxon has perfect onion rings. The type that doesn’t pull the onion out of the ring of breading when you try to bite it. The only problem is, is that Jaxon doesn’t play when it comes to burger sizes or the amount of food you will receive for the side. If you order a large order of fries, you will be receiving them in a bucket. For my chubby friend this is no problem, but when you are small like me you need to share a meal with someone. Kira has been my go to meal partner for a couple of months now, and we are pretty close. I can’t tell you how many times we played E.S.S until the dawn of the next day. I looked towards my right to start chatting with Kira when my friend Blake put his arm around me and roughly patted my shoulder.
“Nice of you guys to join us! Started to worry if you were gonna ghost us!” Blake bellowed, acting a little hurt to tease me for being late.
[Michael POV]
“C’mon, it is only thirty minutes. We weren’t aren’t that late, and there is no way I would ghost you guys.” Alex replied a bit defensively.
I looked at Blake slightly peeved, he was ruining a nice moment that was developing between Alex and Kira. I looked to my right at Veronica for confirmation, and she also showed a slightly annoyed expression as well. Some people (Blake) just can’t seem to read the mood in the air, he should know how long this group was trying to get these two together.
“Alright, Alright! I will ease up on you, but we can’t talk about our plans for tonight unless you guys are here. I hope you will compensate us for our time waiting here with a couple of loot rolls.” Blake said with a slightly mischievous smile.
“Wait What?!? Ah man, I was trying to level my new character…” Alex says, with a slightly sad and cute sounding voice. He likes to pull out his cute voice when he feels he can get away with something, not gonna work on us veterans of his technique though.
“Hey, I was the one who dragged him here. Leave me out of that punishment, he is the reason why we're late to begin with.” I stated, trying to throw my good pal underneath the bus. Maybe with a few good consequences that affects something he cares about, he might actually be on time to something. I looked directly at Blake and nodded, making sure Alex doesn’t weasel his way out of this one.
“Yeah, suppose you are right. He is the person who tends to be late the most. Consider losing a few loot rolls as a collective punishment for all times you were late.” Blake lectures with a rather evil smile on his face.
“Aww man,” Alex sighs with a crushed look on his face. Heh, serves you right buddy.
Kira looks upon Alex’s rather dramatic sad pose, and laughs lightly. She has been a part of this group for almost as long as Jaxon has, but she didn't become a full member until about 2 years ago. She joined our merry band of characters, while it took her awhile to warm up to the rest of us, she got along pretty quickly with Alex. She is a 5 foot 11 inch tall African-American woman who just turned 22 last month. She has long straight black hair that she keeps in a ponytail while she works, as well as a rather cute face. Her best feature is probably her smile, she upgrades from cute to downright beautiful the moment she starts letting her smile free. She has a rather slim build, but with decent curves. But despite her good looks and attractive build she can be rather timid around people, especially men. She definitely has opened and become less shy since she has moved in with her brother though. She is still a little uncomfortable around me and Blake, but she has no issues whatsoever with Alex. In fact, those 2 have been getting closer to each other since March of this year. And since then, they started hanging out both online and IRL together, but still no official coupling yet. This has long since frustrated Jaxon, who wanted someone nice for his younger sister. This has also frustrated me and Veronica, we have tried to get Alex back to dating for so long. God, this asshole is so damn lucky to have us in his life.
[Alex POV]
Damn, looks my tardiness has cost me something big, I just started a new character in E.S.S.! Any spare loot roll for my new character desperately needed to bring back up to par with the rest of my characters. Damn! Not even acting cute is going to get me out of it. And it looks like none of the other members of Chronicle are willing to help me out. I guess I will properly reflect on my actions, and try not to be too late anymore.
“Well, when should we start discussing the plan for tonight? Are we going for a raid or are we hitting up a dungeon?” Tyler said inquisitively.
“““Dungeon!””” Replied Me, Kira and Peyton.
“““Raid!””” shouted by Blake, Rhyse and Michael.
“I am good with either, as long as I have many ‘materials’ to work with,” said Jack, while a slightly evil grin on his face.
“Ehh, I am still at a low level with my combat class. I can’t contribute to either of those. Maybe we can do some quests to help me get more materials to craft with?” replied Veronica.
“I switched my choice to Veronica’s,” Michael quickly replied. Heh, looks like my friend has been getting a little whipped. I look at him and give him a cheeky little smirk.
“Looks like it is gonna be a long discussion today, I will be a proper leader and decide what we do depending on what I receive as tribute.” Said Tyler in a faux british accent, dripping with sarcasm.
“““““Lol, fuck off.”””” Everyone said unison to brush Tyler’s comments off.
“Hey Alex, haven't you made a new character recently? How would you contribute to either a raid or a dungeon?” Peyton asked, with a small barb of accusation hidden in her cheery voice.
“I was hoping that maybe you guys could carry my new character, and possibly power level it so I can use some newer gear from the loot drops…please” I said with an increasingly smaller voice as my friends began to glower at the revelation of my words.
“So this guy has the chutzpah to not only be carried by us, but also participate in the loot rolls while we do the hard work of carrying him through.” Rhyse finally spoke up, a rising tone of accusation carrying through his sentence.
“Yeah Alex, I know you like making new characters, but you can’t expect us to help you each time with them. You know that anything but high level dungeons are useless to us.” Kira replied sternly, but with a little bit of gentleness at the end of her sentence.
“Man, I know you provide a lot of materials for the Guild. But you gotta stop making new characters, the amount of time you have spent leveling them is a little disappointing to know. Just play one of your max leveled characters, We might even allow you to roll for some loot then.” (Michael)
Everyone else started to glare at me, not even Kira or Michael were coming to my defense. Ehh, looks like I have to surrender the loot rolls. I could just switch characters, but I was having too much fun with my current one. Especially since the next Expansion is supposed to rework the Summoner class and create more advanced jobs with it. Man this day isn’t going too well, hopefully the time between now and tonight when we decide to play will cool them off enough to let me play the Summoner.
“Shit, I even have to go to the gym with Michael on monday as well. Not a good start to the weekend...” I complained.
“Yo! Are you gonna start working out?! Why don’t you start working out with me? I will definitely get you into shape!” Blake said with rising excitement in his voice.
“Nah, we are gonna do it on our own.” Michael said brusquely.
“Oh, ok...that is fine with me. Maybe you guys can join up with me some other time.” Blake said, a bit awkward to Michael’s rough denial.
I glanced at both Michael and Blake, who both decided to clam up after that. A slightly awkward silence started to fill up the room after the rather abrupt refusal from Michael.
“Yeah...Well it has been a while for me, I think if I tried to keep up with your workout I would die. And you wouldn’t get a good workout for yourself if you tried to match my pace” I said, trying to clear the awkward pause in conversation.
“Hehe, well I am training for the pros. I guess that would be more than intense for somebody just trying to get back into the gym. Alright, when you guys are more used to working out then I will join you.” Blake responded, deciding to push past Michael’s abrupt refusal.
Blake is a 6 foot 6 inch 22 year old muscular american-italian man. He is the starting Tight End for our college football team, he is one of players who had a free ride through college with an athlete’s scholarship. Despite looking like the stereotypical American football jock, he has exceedingly nerdy hobbies and interests. He likes games, reading books, and playing DnD. He even is the DM of most of the campaigns we play. But because scouts from the pro league are currently checking him out, he has to hide his more nerdy hobbies to seem more like a typical football player. He has done interviews for our school newspaper, saying the stereotypical lines like “god gave us that win tonight” or “I am gonna work harder to push past the loss from tonight” or even “we take it one game at a time, we are not even thinking about playoffs right now.” He hates that he has to be another person in order to seem more draftable for the pro league, which is why he loves hanging with us. I became his friend in Calc 1 during freshman year, and we have become great friends since. But since him and Michael both have rather competitive personalities, they don’t seem to get along with each other. They had a huge falling out between each other a year ago, but they seem to have warmed up to each other again after several months of avoiding each other. Nobody knows what the beef was between them, but it seems they finally managed to get over it.
After chatting and bickering for a while, we began to receive our food. Split my meal with Kira, while Peyton and Veronica split their sandwich as well. The rest of the guys all got their full burgers with fries, Michael even went full fatso and got some large fries. We continued to argue and bicker over what we were gonna do tonight. Some still argued to go for a Legion Raid, something that would take almost every member to contribute, while others wanted to explore a new dungeon that recently was found near our guild hall. Some just wanted to power through a weaker raid to get more crafting materials, whiler others(me) wanted to do some power leveling to unlock a new job. Even though everyone wanted something different, we all knew that we would eventually agree on something. We chatted about the game, about real life, catching up on all the news in each other's lives. We had one of those chats that you don’t realize is important until it is gone. The type of senseless and fun chats you can only have with friends, the type of useless discussion you can only have when you still haven’t become an adult yet. Where you can have a argument over loot drops in a stupid video game, argue over each other preferences in movie and T.V. shows, as well as discuss our dreams of the future. If there is one thing about adulthood that scares me more than anything, is how many have stopped dreaming about life.
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[Watty Awards Winner 2013]Traumatized by her brother's death, Raven Verona desperately wants to escape her past. But when she is chosen for the 41st Hunger Games, that becomes impossible.An unwanted admirer.A true soul mate.23 enemies.Let the Games begin...(Note. All the way through this book and the sequel, The Chamber, it says that this is the 31st Games. I'm changing it to 41st because it plays a role in the third book. :D Also, if you like this, there is two more books to follow, The Chamber and Battleborn)
8 118 - In Serial25 Chapters
Prom Queen 。 Michael Langdon
PROM QUEEN.❝ I touched heavenand returned howling. ❞ Michael Langdon / American Horror Story fanfiction AU © lookingforlucy 2020plot by stxrmborncover by humaneity
8 252