《Blank Card - Destroyer X Destroyer (Volume 1)》The Ones Responsible For Destruction
Without a clue?
The Gods of insane powers had this shocking history?
“D-Disappeared? What exactly do you mean?” I asked with a nervous face.
“It's just as you heard. They disappeared and left their ’Will’ with the remaining.” Varsha said.
“There's a long story about the history of this world and the calamities that it saw.” Elena passed me the cup of tea while saying that.
“Sounds like its gonna take time. Let's hear it then.” I took the tea cup and leaned on the sofa.
“It all started when the 3 Gods created the First world. That world was peaceful and had beautiful trees and animals in it. There were no other races in it. Just cheerful animals and trees...” She started telling dreamily. Everyone started imagining the scene. Those beautiful flowers, the waving trees, the peaceful animals, birds playing in the sky. All of them were imagining it ... Except ...
“Bo~ring! Can't was just skip to the part where humans came?” I said with a bored face.
Everyone glared at me with killing intentions. I gulped in fear and my size shrunk to that of a puppy, in embarrassment.
“Can you suck a lady's boobs without undressing her bra?” Varsha asked with a threatening smile.
“No. Sorry.” I said with a low and scared voice.
“Exactly. There is a process.” She said and continued. “So, one day, the 3 Gods were having a meeting regarding some changes into life form. Their ideas conflicted and those conflicting ideas gave birth to small fights among them. Those small fights slowly became big and led to the birth of hatred. Then a time came when that hate pulled the 3 of them into a large scale battle.”
“A battle between 3 heavenly Gods with supercool badass powers? That must've been freaky.” I quoted with a tensed face.
“Yes, it was very dangerous. That battle led to the destruction of everything. When they finally realised their actions, it was already too late. Everything was wiped out.” She ended that part with a slow and disappointed voice.
“Damn. I'm glad I wasn’t born in that era otherwise I would’ve died a freaking virgin for sure.” I said with a relieved voice. “So then, what happened next?” I asked, raising my both eyebrows.
“They when realised their actions, stopped the war. Then to redeem their actions, they created another world called the Second World. This time, to avoid the catastrophe that happened previously, the Gods thought of removing themselves from the burden of decision making. Thus, Humans were created.” She revealed.
She then continued with a serious voice. “In the dawn of the second world, the Gods decided to throw away all the hatred. They took out all the impurities from their mind, body and soul and buried it deep in the world’s core, and expected that the evil will die there.” Her voice sounded more and more disappointed as she continued.
“Ohkhay? Sound good. So what went wrong?” I asked with a serious tone too.
“Their expectance was what went wrong.” She replied and then she crossed her arms and legs and continued.
“The evil that they buried took root deep within the ground instead of dying and gave birth to yet another new life form. You know them as Demons or Devils. But we have a specific name for them. They are called ELUSIVE FACTION.” She finished the last line with a little anger.
“You mean those guys after me!” I said as their faces flashed in front of me.
“Yes. That evil became Human’s mortal enemy. For many years, they mercilessly killed the humans.” Elena said and then took a sip of her tea.
“Why didn't the god interfered?” I asked anxiously.
“They were afraid that if they used their powers again, then the catastrophe like last time, may fall again before their eyes. They wanted to avoid it at all costs.” Varsha cleared.
I punched lightly on my thigh and angrily said. “That's bullshit!! How could they just leave them to die?”
“No. They didn't abandoned them.” Varsha casually answered and picked up a biscuit from the plate.
“When the humans approached the Gods regarding this matter, the Gods bestowed magical powers to the human race as a gift. With the magic in their hands, the humans fought their way back to the blissful world.” Alisa explained as Varsha ate the biscuit.
“Oh, that's good then.” I said relaxing.
“But as it is said that war brings nothing but deaths on both the sides. Both the fighting parties suffered heavy casualties. Some of the humans criticised the Gods. They said, that it was the impurities of the Gods which led to all this. Some of them got blinded by their own powers and launched an all out war against the Gods.” Alisa continued with a sad expression.
“Why does it always ends up like that?” I growled angrily.
“When Gods saw that the power they gave humans as a gift for protection had blinded their judgement, their rage skyrocketed.” Raghav told.
“But fortunately, some humans sided with the Gods, to protect them as their divine followers. The Gods then created other races to help them. And so, the Fairy race, the Giant race, the Gnome race, the Werewolf race and other small races were born.” He continued while putting his cup on table.
“The Elusive Faction utilised this chance to defeat Gods and take over the world and thus sided with the rebelling humans. This started the biggest war in history.” Elena ended intensely.
“So what does it matter? I mean, we have 3 supercool badass Gods on our side. It would have been an easy win for us. Like a one sided battle.” I presented my thoughts quickly.
Varsha sighed and then continued with a low and sad voice.
“That's where you are wrong. The impurities leading the Elusive Faction, were born from the Gods themselves and had strength at par with them.” She told me.
“You mean they were equally matched?” I asked with broad eyes.
“Yes. That war bought destruction again. The sound of raging battle and cries of the dead was shattering spirits of the heavens.” She quoted.
“As they say, history repeats itself. The only catastrophe that the Gods wanted to avoid, came before their eyes again. Countless died and yet the senseless war raged on.” She had an angry glare in her eyes. And then she shocked me with a strange revelation.
“There was no end to it. But one day ... they enemy suddenly started retreating, in the middle of the war.”
“What?” I asked with a puzzled and shocked voice. “Why would they do that so suddenly?”
“No idea. But the Gods seized this chance and took a part of army, the strongest warriors with them and clashed with the enemy as soon as they gathered.” She ended and then stopped.
For next 5 second, no one said anything. I understood that something bad was about to come.
“That war is known as ‘WAR OF NEW WORLD' OR WNW for short.” Raghav explained. “After that war, the Gods never returned back and were never seen again.” He further revealed.
“You mean, they were killed?” I asked with a tensed voice and broad eyes.
“Maybe. Or maybe not. The Warriors who went to WNW returned safely. When we asked them about Gods ...” He said and then took a deep breath. “... they refused to tell anything that actually happened there.”
“After that, the enemy never attacked us with a full scale heavy attack. They did small fights with our side to reduce our numbers, but it never became a full scale war. This has been going on for past hundreds of years.” Varsha concluded with a deep sigh. This caused her boobs to bounce.
“Too much information! Memory.exe has stopped working! Brain.exe is not responding! Heart.exe is trying to run troubleshoot!” I said with dizzy eyes and red face. My head was letting out steam and was about to explode.
“What are you blabbering?” Alisa asked with a confused look.
Suddenly, my mind came back in control and I asked with a composed face.
“Wait, according to what you said, the First World was destroyed and the Second World is the one you live in. Then what about my World?” I asked while putting my cup of tea on the table.
“Its the Third World.” Elena answered. “After the warriors of WNW returned home, this world saw drastic changes. All the races found their territories and settled there. The humans found theirs too and dividend into 3 Factions and chose their own god to worship.”
She puts her empty cup of tea on the table too and continued.
“But some humans wanted to give up on this all and wanted to stay out of this war. They approached the leaders of the 3 Factions and discussed their wishes with them. Then after careful consideration, the leader of CREATOR Faction, created an artificial world know as the Third World. Those humans went in there after abandoning their powers here and lived a normal life.”
“Hm. That's why your world’s history is similar to my world’s mythology. No wonder.” I said with a hand on my chin.
“You said something about there being 3 Factions, right? What was that about? Is it related to the ‘Gods' Will' that you spoke of at the starting?” I asked after a little while.
Varsha gently smiled while closing her eyes.
“Good to know that you are paying attention and are listening carefully.” She praised.
“If a boob goddess like you tells me, I can listen to anything with interest, even if it means my death!” I said, confidentially pointing my finger at her.
“Ehehe. Thanks. So the ‘Will’ I talked about is indeed related to the creation of the Factions.” She told.
“Go on. I'm looking to your boobs ... Er, I mean, I'm listening to your words.” I replied with a little red face.
“After Gods' sudden disappearance, the balance of power was disturbed. To maintain the balance of power in the world, our ancestors divided human race into 3 forces. They named them as FACTIONS and their names are CREATORS, PROTECTORS and DESTROYERS. They each had their own unique powers descended on them by the 3 Gods. It is passed on by blood. I'll tell you about its specifics when the time comes. For now, let's leave it at that.” She said explaining. “Any other questions?”
I put my hand on my chin again and thought for a while and then raised my hand.
“Go ahead.”
“If the people in my world went from your world, then why do the girls in my world have orange sized boobs while you have huge Melons?” I asked with a serious and simple face.
They all stared at me.
“Wha~t? That's the only question that came in my mind, okay?” I said defending myself.
Elena and Raghav giggled while Alisa gave me piercing glare. Old man Ken sighed.
“Its just because of genetic changes.” Varsha replied with eyes closed and then she sighed too.
“Leo hates genetic changes!” I said while angrily clutching my fists.
“Don't you have any better questions to ask?” Alisa asked me, annoyed.
“Which Faction are you guys from?” I asked.
Varsha smirked to my question, and then stood up.
“The ones responsible for destruction.”
All the others, except the lady, walked and stood beside her.
“WE, are the Destroyers!” She said while emitting a Dark Blue Aura. “And starting from today, I want you to join this fight with us. I want YOU to serve under me.” She declared.
I looked at them with a pale and astonished face.
“Yup. I'm screwed.” I said to myself in a slow voice.
I then stood up and started walking backwards towards the exit while replying to them.
“A~lright, listen you guys. I don't think that I am cut out for these kind of things. You saw how I got my ass kicked before and nearly died. I am totally not willing to get in this war of yours. I'm not even a strong person, neither physically nor mentally. I even get my ass kicked in video games. So I will really appreciate it you leave me out of this mess of yours.”
“Bring him back.” Varsha ordered Elena with a smile.
“With pleasure.” Elena raised her right hand and a ray of magical light hit me and surrounded me. I got trapped in a purple magical ball.
“What are you doing? Let me out of here! Please!” I demanded with puppy dog eyes.
“Sorry, Leo. But your potential is one in a Billions. No matter what happens, I can't let you go.” Varsha replied.
“No way!” I got shocked. “PLEASE! You can't DO this to me! Your boobs will grow smaller!!!” I said with a crying face as I got lifted up by the ball.
“If that's what it takes to stop you, then it's a small price to pay.” She said while sighing.
I angrily hit the magical ball several times with my right punch and suddenly, the thread reappeared. It's colour got changed from black to dark blue. The voice from before came again from the thread. It was a girly voice.
[“Blank Card – Magic Cancellation Unlocked!”]
The magical ball popped like a bubble and I landed on the ground. Everyone got surprised.
“He cancelled my magic!” Elena said with a sad voice.
“So that's the power of Blank Card.” The lady sitting on the sofa looked at me with keen eyes.
“That was unexpected.” Raghav admitted with a surprised look.
“What do we do now, Master?” Alisa asked.
“See, Leo? You are also a strong person.” Varsha said with a gentle smile. “All you are lacking is a little confidence and a lot of training. With that, you can achieve anything. So come join us.”
There was a total silence for 5 seconds. She and I blinked at each other for a couple of times.
In the next scene, I was running around in their garden and they all, except the lady, were chasing after me while attacking me.
“If I say you join me, then you join me!” She yelled with a forcing voice and then threw a magical ball of blue colour towards me. I dodged it.
“NOW YOU ALL ARE ACTING LIKE SOME GANGSTERS!!!” I yelled with my eyes nearly popped out after seeing the destruction of the attack that Varsha landed. That ball was the size of a cricket ball, yet it erased the ground where it landed.
“THIS IS NO WAY TO RECRUIT SOMEONE! YOU'LL KILL ME AT THIS RATE!” I yelled while crying as Raghav chased after me with his swords and was slashing them randomly. Their sharpness was scary.
“You bought this upon yourself!” Varsha yelled to me.
“AARGH! MY ASS IS ON FIRE! STOP ATTACKING ME! PLEASE!” I cried while Elena chased me and was throwing flame attacks at me.
“Then just accept joining!” Varsha ordered.
“FINE! FINE! I ACCEPT YOUR GRACIOUS KINDNESS! JUST STOP ATTACKING ME LIKE I'M SOME DAMN BUG!” I yelled again. This time, Ken was running after me with a huge hammer and was trying to squash me.
“Huhuhu. They are one lively bunch of kids.” The lady giggled while watching us from the sidelines of the garden.
In the next scene ...
“Haah! Haah! Haah! Haah! You guys are freaking insane! Haah! Haah!” I was lying on the ground in their hall. We all were drenched in sweat and were catching out breath.
“Damn, dude! You're fast on your legs! Haah! Haah!” Raghav told me.
“It doesn't makes me happy ... Haah ... Haah ... Hearing that from you!” I replied.
“You're a fast pervert!” Alisa commented.
“Thanks. That makes me happy.” I quickly replied. Raghav laughed lightly after hearing that.
“You're a unique creature, you know that?” He said to me while drinking water which the lady bought.
After we all caught our breaths, Varsha spoke.
“Like I said before, Leo. Your potential is one in a Billions. Even if you get away from here, you'll never be able to live a peaceful life. Your powers are extraordinary but you don't realise that. Everyone in this world is after you. That's why I’m asking you to join us.”
“Fine. I'll join.” I said, drinking water. “But, I have 3 conditions.”
“What kind of conditions?” Varsha asked curiously.
“You'll have to fulfil them. Only then will I serve you!” I declared with an evil smile on my face.
I was forced to join these totally insane guys.
But I’m not going to let things slide like this.
I'll utilize this chance and ...
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