《Blank Card - Destroyer X Destroyer (Volume 1)》A Cruel Fate
[“Fate can be rather cruel, won’t you agree? I have everything and you have nothing. Isn’t it proof enough for you to give up? Why fight when you can’t win?”]
“Screw you, bastard!” A boy spoke.
The screen flashed with 2 options. ‘ A. Like hell I would give up.’ And ‘B. I give up.’
The scene is of a messed up room. There are posters of Issei Hyoudou and his team from Highschool DxD, everywhere. There are even small toys and models of them. The clock was flashing 5:58 PM.
The T.V. screen showed the game. It is some new Single player RPG. A boy was lying on the bed. He sighed.
“What a pain. I lost 2 times in a row. This game is so hard. I guess I’ll just give up.” The boy said, choosing the option B.
[“Gyahahaha! So you gave up? Wise choice. Its not like you can win anyways. Now time for you to die.”]
“What’s the point of taunting if you are just gonna kill him?” The boy asked to the enemy in the game.
[“Gyahahaha! But before I kill you, I want to tell you something. Consider it a gift from me. Your pathetic life has been nothing but a burden on this earth. You were nothing before and even after this power in your possession, you are nothing. Your dreams are fantasy and you can never achieve them because such things can never happen in real life. You are a failure for humans and you have no place in...”]
The boy switched off the T.V.
“I don’t know why, but I felt like you were insulting me directly.” The boy narrowed his eyes.
Then the boy lied on his bed and looks at the biggest poster on the ceiling.
“I wish I could become like Master Issei.”
Then a beep sounded and it was 6 o’clock.
“Hm? Its time? Today is the launch of the new season of Highschool DxD. Let’s go and get the pre-ordered DVD.”
The boy stood up, picked up his overcoat, looked in mirror, combed his hairs and then left out. He got downstairs.
“Mom, I’ll be going out for a while.” He yelled and left.
Hi. My name is Leo Ekon. Leo, meaning 'Glory and Fame’ while Ekon refers to ‘Strong’. But my real self is totally the opposite. I am a 17 years old boy, whose life runs on games and Porn. I’m a student of the only international school at my place. Where am I, you ask? I'm a typical Indian and belong to the pink city, Jaipur. The only thing I admire is Issei Hyoudou. He is the best person in this world. I mean, that guy is literally awesomeness’s definition! He have his own Harem! I wanna be a Harem king too! That guy got a devil and dragon power and sexy girls surrounds him all the time. I want to be like him ... But...
“Damn. Fate can really be cruel. Its not like there is going to be something like that happening in real life. Devils, Fallen Angels, Angels, Harem? Yeah right! Who am I kidding?”
Yes. I’m such a huge fan of Master Issei that I can do an x-ray vision too. My eyes can show me all lady's body and... And ... Arh!!! No. I’m just kidding. I can do nothing. I’m worthless. Totally worthless. Worthless like an underwear during sex. I’m not good in studies, nor in socialising, I don’t even have any friends. This world is so boring for me that all I do is play games. Sometimes I feel like I’m cursed by the Divine God of Porn.
I am a scardy cat. I give up at everything if it gets hard. I like to do easy things and I never try anything again. So much for admiring Master Issei, who never gives up. Maybe because I always give up, I end up losing everything. I was once beaten by some senior boys because they said a girl liked me. Believe me, I was damn surprised. They kicked my ass so hard that I gave up on the girl without asking about her. They said that she thought I was cute. Well I AM cute. Seriously. But aside that, I am nobody. Even my teacher don’t know my name. Sometimes, even my parents forget my name.
Sometimes I just want to die and wish that I get reincarnated in a world with only girls. Then I can definitely be a Harem King, just like Master Issei.
“Sigh. What do I do?” I looked down sadly and then stomped on the ground angrily. “WHY CAN’T I BE A HAREM KING TOO!!?”
I yelled. Yup. I yelled that. Everyone around me looked at me with disgusted eyes.
I don’t care about anyone’s opinion for me. I was 3 year old when I accidentally saw Highschool DxD's episode. From that day on ... all I thought about was how good it was to be surrounded by hot chicks with huge bouncy knockers. Those milky balls reminds me of dairy milk shots. Except they are Huuuuuge! Oh god, please pick me and then throw me in a world full of those Vollyballs!
Ah, that is the only reason I love Melon. This world where there is no breast larger than a Melon, is better off destroyed. I am so gone crazy that I see boobs in everything. If an asteroid comes towards me, believe me, I’ll just think that a big boob is flying towards me. This is the reason why girls run away from me. They think that they may get pregnant if they even talk to me. Uhuuuuu (I’m crying, okay? Have a little sympathy.)
Staying in a room have made my libido skyrocket. All the kids my age have girlfriends and here I am, no girlfriend. Not even a friend. Fuck this life of mine. My last hope is to watch Master Issei's accomplishments and live the rest of my life like a total virgin. Believe me guys, if you’re like me, then you’ll die a virgin too.
I reached a fancy arcade. I walked to the counter where I found a young man wearing hat and casual cloths. He was looking in his smartphone.
“Yo, its your regular virgin customer.” I said to him. He raised his head and looked at me.
“If it isn’t our little pervert.” He bought out the biggest taunting smug that he could.
“You hurt me. But I’m proud of being a Pervert. Have my order arrived?”
“Yeah. I can’t believe you man. You pre-ordered this DVD 3 months ago. Just how much do you like this?” He took out a box from under the counter and gave it to me.
“I’m crazy for it. I can watch whole season 5 times in a day without getting bored.” I replied while making a proud face.
“Hahaha. You should get real, dude. This world have more to it than just some big boob anime.”
“Shut up! This world have nothing to interest me. My Master says that A world without big boobs is a body without soul.”
“I never heard of that.”
“Tch. Its not like I expect you to understand it anyways.”
“Sigh. Maybe. Someone who is happy with his life and relationship can’t understand you.” He said with a taunting smile.
“WHAT?” I got shocked after hearing that. My eyes opened so wide that they nearly popped out. “Y-Y-Y-You!!?” I pointed at him with shaking finger.
“That’s right. I got myself a girlfriend.” He raised his left eyebrow teasing me with his smile. My eyes grew big and teary. My height grew to a teddy bear's as he grew big like a giant. I felt like I was in a corner and was surrounded by fire and lava all around and suddenly a thunderbolt falls on my head.
“Like I’d believe that shit!” I exclaimed. “Someone with a face of an ass and a body of a stick can’t possibly land a girlfriend!”
“Oh yeah? Then let me show you.” He walked deeper inside the arcade and I followed. He went towards a really cute looking chick and held her waist. She smiled at him and then he kissed her.
“Hey, we’re at work! Do you wish to get kicked?” The girl said blushing, after their short kiss.
“How about a date after work?” He asked.
“Sure. I’m looking forward to it.” She smiled and walked away.
My world ended right there. I can’t live anymore. Someone, anyone, just shoot me in the balls. This world is going towards its doom. The end is near!
The boy walked past me while saying “How did you liked That?”
I turned to him with a pouting face.
“I curse you that when you try to have sex with her, your junk won’t even get hard!” I said with a crying face.
“Sigh. What are you, a 5 year old? Stop isolating yourself and start socialising. Becoming a Harem King? Get real, Man! Just give up on it. That is an Anime plot, not a real life factor. If you stay like this then you’ll die a freaking virgin.”
I got a real bad shock and then I walked out slowly, like a depressed mouse.
“Take care. See ya. Try to socialise and come again.” He said as I left.
I was walking alone in moon lit night. It was 7:30 already. My home is 20 minutes walk from the arcade but the shock I am in will take me 40 minutes more to reach home.
“Damn. Even a shit like him got a cute girlfriend.” I recalled the little kiss of those two from before. “Sigh. Why can’t I get one? No! My heart only belongs to girls with Melon sized boobs! I’ll wait for someone like that to show up! Well, I can also accept someone with orange sized lady balls. And now that I think about it, orange sized balls can be easily groped than Melon sized. But the feeling you get from Melon sized are stronger and greater than the one you get from orange ones. Argh! I can’t think anymore! I guess I’ll just watch Master Issei's accomplishments in the new season for today. I have waited for 3 months for this!”
I made an excited face with eyes closed and then turned towards the right of the street.
I collided in someone and fall back down on my ass.
“Dugh! Ow. Can’t you watch where you are walking?!” An angry girl’s voice was that.
I looked up at her, stroking my nose.
“Ah, I’m sorry I …” I stopped stunned. She is not just a normal girl. No way she is from this world. A … A … A breast with my dream size … A Melon!!!
I stared at her boobs. She is a real hotty. She is wearing a straight cut kurta (Indian style) and some high heels. She adjusted her dupatta which covered her neck. There was a strange sign on her neck. It was a ‘5’.
How come such thing exist in this world? Its like a dream come true. A boob with a size surpassing my wild dream! Its like I have been blessed by the top most Gods of boobs! Master Issei, are you watching my growth? I finally found the long lost treasure of this world. Those are best Ta-Tas ever and the owner is a totally badass hotty! This world still have hope to survive. Its not over yet. I can still live in it.
“What’s wrong with you? Your nose is bleeding. And stop giving me that disgusting ass look.” The girl said while making a disgusted face. I was smiling lewdly. With her every breath, her chest lifts those shots up and then down. If only I could use X-Ray vision.
“How fortunate. The one we came to hunt, walked right to us. How desperate are you to die?” A serious Man's voice fall in my ears. He walked from the right side of the girl.
What did he say? Hunt? Die? Who cares! With every move this girl makes, her milky balls go bouncing. I can even hear the sound of ‘boing boing' in my head.
“What? That’s him? The chosen one? You gotta be kidding me. This little boy?” The girl asks totally confused.
“Yes. Its him. Looks like THE DESTROYERS haven’t found about him. Its better to kill him before they arrive.” Another hot chick with Jumbo jugs graces me with her presence.
BIG BOOBIES!! Master! I have finally started on my path. There are girls like that. Yes, they exist in this world! I can totally live now! I got a sole hope to live in this shit ass world … Wait, what did she say? K-Kill me? They are kidding, right? Are they criminals? Or some terrorist organization? What did I do to get in bad term with them?
“Really? But I don’t feel any magic from him.” The girl in Kurta said.
“His ability isn’t unlocked yet. This won’t be hard on us. Let’s get it done before THEY arrive.” The man said.
Now that I notice, the Man is also having a strange ‘7’ carved on his neck. He is wearing a pair of sunglasses even in night. Is he crazy? He is also wearing some wedding suit. What’s going on here? The other girl was also wearing a strange clothing. It was a party dress. The blue coloured elegant dress gave a mature vibe but it was completely not her own. Did they stole them from someone? That means they really ARE a terriost group. My eyes wandered on her neck in search of the strange sign but nothing was there.
“Looking for something?” She asked. “Is it this?” She opened 2 buttons of the dress. Her top line of boobs got exposed. My face got red and a strange grin appeared on my face.
“Wow. He’s just another pervert.” The girl in kurta said.
I was hoping to get a full view of her boobs but then I saw another strange mark carved on her chest, right in the middle of her boobs. It was a ‘J’. What is with these guys? And what is their aim? They clearly are not kidding. They came here to kill me, that’s for sure. But why? Who are these DESTROYERS? And did I heard her say magic? What power are they talking about? I don’t have any hidden ability!
“Wh-Who are you guys?!” I asked with a low voice. I now realised that these guys means business.
“It doesn’t matter to you. What matters is that you are a threat to all of us and need to be eliminated.” The mark of ‘J’ started shining and suddenly a bright light covered her body. Her cloths changed into a pure black furry overcoat. A long dress covered her body and a huge axe appeared on her back.
I dragged myself backwards in fear and surprise. Then the other 2 also got their marks shining and their cloths changed too. The man got a sword on his waist and the hot chick in kurta got a bow in her hands. The cloths they changed into were totally badass! Their skin was exposed too much, except for the Dude. Who cares about him anyways.
“Fwah. That felt better. I thought my chest was going to shrink in that stupid dress.” The Archer girl said, one with kurta before.
“Yeah. I was also thinking the same. The dress was nearly torn apart. How the heck do these peoples wear it?” The other chick said.
I’m in danger. Yup. And what I’m doing is gazing at the beautiful sight before me. I can’t afford to lose this booby sight, even if it means my death. At least I will have something to think about when I masturbate in heaven, if I go to heaven after dying, that is.
“Now then, let’s get down to business. I’ll kill you in a single blow, so don’t worry about feeling any pain.” The chick with axe said. She held her hand up and another short axe appeared.
Er … no. On second thought, I'm not willing to die. I’m a virgin and I have not done it with anyone yet. I’m not dying before feeling that awesome paradise of extreme happiness. My soul won’t die in peace if a hot chick kills me without showing her lady parts!
She stepped forward. “Now DIE!” She threw the axe at me.
I rolled to my left and avoided it.
“No thanks! I’ll rather stay alive!” I stood up and ran as fast as I could.
“My, My. Running away, are we? Go and kill him quick. If we take to much time, we might get in trouble.” She said and the other two nodded and then ran after me. And then started a race for my life.
I was rushing along the shortest streets I knew to my house with the box of DVD shaking in my hands. When I reached to an open main road, I was greeted by an arrow. It barely missed my leg. I applied brakes to myself and then looked behind. The guy with sword was running towards me. I ran towards the right side. Some arrows were shot at me from behind but I tripped and fell down.
“Damn it. Why now of all times?” I said checking my leg. It was sprained. As soon as I looked behind me, an arrow pierced through my right arm.
“Arrghh!” I screamed a little loudly. The arrow disappeared and what left was a hole in my arm. The three of them walked towards me as I dragged myself away from them.
“How pitiful. You’ll die without even knowing what is your reason for death. Sucks to be you. If only you weren’t in possession of that power, you could have lived longer.” The girl in centre took her axe from her back and then gave me a killing glare.
That’s it, huh? That’s how I die? Hah. You were right. Fate can be really cruel. Just when I found the sacred treasure of huge boobs, I meet my end? I thought finally, my dream came true and then the treasure I found becomes my death? Why am I being killed anyways? I don’t know who these guys are. What power do I have? If I really have such power worth fearing, then why don’t it activate and save me? Damn! This sucks. My head is getting dizzy. My leg and hand hurts like crazy. I wasn’t even able to see the newest season of Master Issei's accomplishments. My dream stays a dream and I die. Just like what he said. My pathetic life has been nothing but a burden on this earth. My dreams are fantasy and I really can never achieve them because such things can never happen in real life. Harem king? Hah, right! I am a failure for humans and I have no place in … what did he said after that? Oh yeah, I never listened to him. Well, can’t do anything now. Its not like I’ll survive. When I get reincarnated, I’ll try to be a better Pervert. A good one like Master Issei. But for now, its better …… just … to lie…. and accept … the … fate … I think …. I …. Wi…ll…. Just … do it…
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