《Life as a solo gamer》Chapter 10 - A Bet


"Alright, here is your guild card Jake."


She hands me the card.

"Yes, this is your guild card. Naturally, you are 'Rank F' if you want to increase your rank to E complete 5 mission."

"What happens if I lose this card?"

"You can make the card appear and disappear. Just think of it disappearing."

I imagine the card disappear. It disappears, now i imagine it appearing. It appears.

"Quite convenient."

"Yes it is, would you like a quest?

"Oh, yes I would like that please."

"All 'Rank F' adventurers have to do quest the guild tells them to do, once your rank is 'Rank E' or higher you can choose which quest to do."

"I see, so which quest do I have to do?"

"Let's see..." She's browsing a large book. "Here it is, pick up 10 Jermeth herbs...This is what it looks like."

She shows me the book.

I've seen this before, this is good.

"Excuse me, what happens if I fail to complete this quest?

"You will be forced to go to jail or become a slave." The girl sais indifferently.

"Jail? slave? why?"

"Well because you owe us 2 silver coins."

"Ah, I see well I'm gonna go get 10 Jermeth Herbs now... Oh, wait what happens if I get a lot more than 10?

"Normally, only 1 Jermeth Herbs is needed for this quest. But since you owe us, well you get the point."

"Why only one?"

"Because they are uncommon. But not that uncommon."

This bitch wants me to get 10? when its kinda hard to find one? Jokes on you I know where a lot are.

"What if I get like 30? by the end of today?"


The guys from earlier start laughing again.

"Pffft hahahaha"

"This boy is too arrogant!"

"30? let alone 10 this boy is nuts!"

The girl almost laughed.

"*Ahem* If you get 30 by the end of today. Not only will your rank increase to 'Rank E' you will also get 5 silver coins."

"So 3 silver coins since I owe you huh? alright, I'll do it!"

The guys stop laughing and look at me with scorn.

"Hey boy, are you retarded?"

"If it were some random herb that's easy to get sure, but this is an uncommon Herb. Stop dreaming and get back to reality! you idiot!"

I look at the guy who just said that.

"What boy? you wanna go?"

"If I get 30 herbs at the end of today I want that sword on your waist. If I lose..." I have nothing to give if I lose... what to do.

"If you lose I want your life boy." He sais that with a creepy smile. "This sword is worth wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much more than your pathetic life."

"Oh no, there goes crazy Ralph again."

"Ahhh doesn't matter thought the boy won't accept such an idiotic Be-"

"Alright, but you better not be lying there's a lot of witnesses here"

".........The boy is crazier than crazy Ralph."

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