《Life as a solo gamer》Chapter 2 - Transported


"What the hell? whattt??? is this a dream???!!!?! No its way to realistic to be a dream"

There is a blue status screen with... I guess my status on it.

But why? am I hallucinating? Am I crazy? Doubt it like I said before its wayyy to realistic.

Am I the only one who can see this? from my knowledge of games and novels and whatnot only the person who uses it themselves can see it. Well I'll just test it out, I'm moving around and the status screen is still in front of me, I'll see if my mom can see it.

I go downstairs to the living room. My mom is watching tv, I purposely move in front of her.

"Hey mom, what are you watching?"

"Just the news, can you move, please? you can't just go in front of me"


Looks like she didn't see the status screen. I go back upstairs and lay down on my bed.

"But isn't this awesome!?!?! I can like level up and shit gets some skills like a fireball or something!"


Isn't this retarded?

Why do I have this type of thing in a modern world where there is no monsters or threat. And if I do get something like fireball or whatever supernatural skill well I'll be experimented on or something which I obviously don't want....I guess I can train intelligence and wisdom and be a scientist or something?

But damn how did this even happen? I mean I know I opened up the status screen from mumbling it like a retard earlier. Wait? I may not be the only one who has it. Uh, I guess I'll go back downstairs again to ask her. But how? Do I say 'Hey mom say status' Nah that will make me look stupid, what should I say..? Screw it I don't have anything else to say.


I go back downstairs and stand beside the couch instead of in front of my mother.

"Hey, mom can you say the word 'status'?"




"Oh uhh well, I'm just wondering if I'm saying the word correctly so can you say it please?"

"Ok 'Status'"

"So that's how you say it! thanks mom"

"It's fine"

There was no surprised look on her face or anything so I guess it only applies to me but I'm not too sure. Mmmmm what to do, I really wanna know..

Ah! hold up, I always search on the internet for 'Level up' novels, or 'transported to another world' novel. Does that have anything to do with why I can see a status screen?

Mmmmm Oh! I'll call someone I know who reads these type of novels like 24/7 He always sleeps at like three in the morning just from reading them, I don't wanna call him, though.... I mean last time we had a conversation was like 4 years ago.

"I guess I'll just call him ask the question then hang up"

As I grab my phone I call him, his number is already saved on it, 'Aside from mom it's the only number that's saved on it'.

"Hey Jeff, it's me Ja-"

"May I ask who is speaking?"

"Oh is this Jeff's mother? or sister? or cousin? or- *Cough *Cough* I mean this is Jake, it's Jeff's...... friend, can I speak to him please?"

"Oh ok hold on JEFF GET DOWN HERE!"

That scared the shit outta me.

"Yes mom... Hello, who is this?"

"Yes it's Jake let me get straight to the point, can you say 'status'?"

".........So we haven't spoken in like.. I don't know how long but a couple of years and this is what you call me for?"


"HaHaha.. sorry I just wanted to know if I'm saying the word right you see I'm arguing with my mom over it 'a lie'"

"Its 'status'"

"Sorry, can you repeat that? didn't hear you"


"Thanks, man, I knew I said it correctly alright cya man"



"So he didn't get it either huh..."

So that has to confirm it right?

"HAHAHA how interesting!"


I look for the voice that just spoke but there is no one here.

"Ummm ex-excuse me? anyone there?"

I'm really scared right now, where the hell is that voice?

"I like this one... I'll be taking you"

"Huh? umm, what do you mea-"

Before I get to finish my sentence everything goes black.

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