《Emperor of 6 Nations》Mock Battle starts


"Aren't you a bit too overkill wearing all that armor? We'll only use wooden swords and padded bolts you know, plus we even forbid the martyrs in using light magic for this fight."

The captain said, upon seeing Sergei Leian move to their side.

"Tell you what, if your troops can bring me to the ground, consider me incapacitated for the rest of the battle."

Said Sergei Leian wearing a coat of mismatched plate armor with lots of openings, a somewhat well made chain hauberk and finally, a weird looking leather aketon that looks like it's sleeves were only knitted temporarily using a material with different color scheme. He has a blunt mace on his right hip, on his left hip, you can see a bag and a quiver that looks to have more than 60 bolts and arrows combined, on his waist you can see less than 10 blunt throwing knives and a rather durable looking lute can be seen strapped to his back. A bow is strung on his upper body and he also carries a hunting crossbow, which looks to be much stronger than the ones used by the civic guards.

"Such grand words, from a man who's been bedridden just a few hours ago. Very well then, if that is what you want, but please, your mace looks rather dangerous, would it be possible for you to change it, I can't have my men dying now, you see."

"Don't worry about this, this mace is perfectly safe and your men would only suffer a few bruises and bumps, nothing to worry about, look here."

Sergei Leian finished his sentence then hefted and swung his mace to a nearby monster hunter's face. Then walks away unhurriedly as the poor sod falls to the ground, crying and holding his painful bump.

"???" (Everyone)

"(One less enemy to deal with.)"

"Well, looks like he still has energy to shout, that's good enough, I guess. We'll start attacking in 10 minutes. Let the boys see some entertainment, Mr. Leian, don't dissapoint them, okay?"

Captain Philippe said to Sergei, talking about the throngs of combat soldiers surrounding the Juggernaut deck, onlookers searching for every bit of entertainment in this gigantic prison far from the conveniences and comforts of civilization. Some can be even seen chewing sunflower seeds, which are being sold by the ship's shamans, and are using their animal familiars as delivery couriers to earn extra income.


Sergei Leian then went to his own side and gathered everybody again.

"Champions, shoot at your own judgement, elites, you're only responsible for reloading. In close combat, aim for their knees and legs. Remember the code words, when I raise the red flag, I want everyone to move to their rear positions. When I raise the blue flag, I want everyone to move to their forward positions. When I raise the yellow flag, everyone must return to their original positions. Once I raise the black flag or shout 'I have the high ground!', Charge out of your positions to your designated routes and either defeat or be defeated by the enemies on your path. Gentlemen! The battle will soon start. Return to 1st designated positions. Raise the yellow flag!"

One of the adjutants raised the yellow flag, he is one of the original officers staying with Sergei Leian on the headquarters, which is currently located on the aftmid turret of the juggernaut.

Before the battle commences, it should be known that the juggernaut is a mechanic's warmachine. A landship, that's what you will first think of upon seeing a juggernaut. It's prow is a massive battering ram made of magical steel alloy, very resistant to impacts and abrasion. It has 4 turrets in it's deck, each turret circular in shape and carries a large gun of the same caliber as the Ironclad's frontal turret platform. The juggernaut has 30 cannons and gunholes on both its sides below the main deck. It moves with the support of massive gigantic, spiked rollers arranged transversally along it's keel. When moving, it's wheels are able to crush trees, vegetation, city walls, and other 'organic' materials. With spiked 'wheels' arranged in tracklike rows to distribute it's weight evenly, the juggernaut is able traverse any type of terrain. The juggernaut's hull measures 360 meters long, 44 meters wide, and 20 meters tall, with the 20-meter radius spherical turrets bulging out like a camel's hump. It's tracks are 16 cylinders of 21-meter diameter spiked metal rollers. It's battering ram welded to the bow extends forward for another 20 meters and curves like a plow, making the juggernaut capable of destroying anything in it's path.


In terms of size and carrying capacity, the juggernaut can't compare with the ironclad, but makes up for it with thicker, more durable defense and more devastating incendiary shells for it's guns, courtesy of the increased armor thickness being able to protect the ammunition storage area more effectively. All in all, the juggernaut is one of the best truth projection tools in the mechanic's arsenal, of the same rank as the ironclad, but both can only be second to yet another more devastating weapon, one which the narrator has not yet been able to discover.

Meanwhile, on the Captain's side of the juggernaut, specifically the aftmost turret, Philippe is taking a look at Sergei Leian's defenses composed of small crates and other miscellaneous things spread across the juggernaut's deck, from the aftmid turret to the foremost turret.

"What a weird formation, why is he not gathering his troops in one place, but instead spreading out his troops and barricades on a really large area, doesn't he know that he is giving me room to use the full potential of my troops."

"Send the first scoundrels to test their defenses. First Martyr unit, use absorb pain on them!"


The first unit of 45 scoundrels then spread out and walked to the aftmid turret, facing what seems to be 70 civic guard troops spread out across 35 teams around the turret. As both sides became closer, the civic guard champions on Sergei Leian's side soon can't help but fire the first shot. Not long after, the scoundrels responded back with a volley of bolts, which the defenders easily received by hiding behind their walls. The scoundrels then dropped their crossbows and sprinted forward to the civic guard's positions with their wooden daggers. The scoundrels managed to take the outermost 5 out of 9 positions, but they were soon overwhelmed by the flurry of bolts being shot continuously in their direction by the 26 remaining positions. Sergei Leian then raised the blue flag on the aftmid turret, saving the remaining 4 contested positions from being lost to the scoundrel troops that we're not able to retreat.

The first scoundrel unit only had 33 men who managed to return back to their side. Not to mention the first martyr unit who are only left with less than 20 people. Both side we're then reorganized to join the second units of their soldier groups.

"Oh, I never expected such an ingenious approach, but this won't be enough to stop me. Monster hunters, it's your turn, take down their flag. First scout units, follow closely behind the monster hunters, once behind their lines, sprint forward and capture all their defensive positions. Second martyr unit, absorb the casualties of the monster hunters and follow closely behind them. Second scout units, standby for further command. Scoundrel unit and rogues, scale the juggernaut's hull and capture the foremost turret to cut off their retreat. We'll surround them in the midfore turret."






"????" (Everyone else)

"The captain wants us to capture the juggernaut's foremost turret from the enemy. The fight is fake, killing is forbidden."

"Shucks! Why don't we just say they're rebelling?"

"Yeah, when nothing is true, then everything is permitted."

"Won't like it any other way."


"Okay! Okay! We'll just release water here then."

"The captain said capture the turret, right? Then we'll just capture the foremost turret, no more, no less."

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