


Kipp’s voice was mesmerising. I never got over it, nor did a lot of people. It was magical.

She wore the elegant, shiny, purple dress that I’d bought her. It was long and covered her feet. Purple had always been her colour, it stood out against her orange skin. Her hair was gathered to one side and hung down past her right shoulder.

I observed the crowd from where I was. They were all completely enraptured by her performance, as the audience always was. They barely moved and I don’t think anyone made a sound.

As Kipp’s voice carried into the final moments, large, colourful wings burst from her back. The pattern was hypnotic, and the crowd gave even more money for her performance.

“Thankyou. I’m going to take a short break, and then I’ll be back to continue. You’ve all been wonderful and thankyou for your generous gifts.” She bowed to the crowd; her wings folded over her body. The crowd cheered and whistled. She came off the stage.

“Not here, come into my room.” She said this without even looking at me. I followed after her.

The nightclub was a fancy do, The Jade Palace. The name had always confused me though, as it wasn’t very green. Kipp lived upstairs, rent free.

Her room was basic, but everything looked neat and new. She went over to her kitchenette and put a pot on the boil.

“You always did like a coffee this late at night.” She gave me a small smile as she grabbed a pair of ceramic mugs.

“You know me too well. You look lovely, as always. That dress suits you; purple really is your colour.” I stayed a few steps back.

“Thank you. Its my favourite dress.” Her wings had folded away and could no longer be seen. “So, why are you here, Vince?” She brought over my coffee, and she slowly sipped hers. I gave a sip, and it was perfect. She always made a perfect coffee.


“I was in the neighbourhood.” I said. I looked into her all-black eyes. I always lost myself looking into those beautiful eyes.

“Mmhmm, that’s never a reason with you. Why are you here?”

“I’m investigating a murder. A human was murdered a few nights ago, Heston Barclay. Fiancée to Faelana. I was wondering if you’d ever heard of him. Or a man by the name of Jackson Speers. Or a dwarf named Brigg?”

“Ah, so you’re here on official business. I should’ve known. It never is to see me, is it Vince?” Her face hovered near mine for a few moments before she sighed and walked away.

“Kipp, its not like that.”

“Its alright Vince, its always like that. What we had was special, but you just didn’t seem to want it anymore.” There was pain in her voice, something I hadn’t heard from her in a long time.


“I’ve only heard of Heston because I know Faelana. Her and I have known each other for a few years. She’s a lovely person.” I took out my notebook and dashed some notes as she spoke.

“And the others?” I asked.

“I’ve never heard of Jackson Speers.” She finished her coffee and grabbed some fancy looking, pink pastries.

“And Brigg?”

“I know of him too. He’s that angry dwarf that’s always attacking you humans. He comes to watch me perform quite a lot. Gives me a few gifts as well.” She handed me a pastry and looked me over. There was a look of sadness in her eyes. She flicked her wrist, and I was dry, yet again.

“I really need to learn that. Thanks. Do you know anything about Brigg? When was he last here?” I took a bite into the pastry. It tasted so good. It had to have been made by Kipp.


“Sunday night, I think. You’d have to double-check with Geed, he keeps a pretty tight record of anyone who visits.”

“Thanks. Would he be willing to talk?”

“To you, surprisingly, yes. Have you got somewhere to stay tonight?” Kipp asked.


“You’re welcome to the couch if you can’t find anywhere else to stay.” She pointed at a fancy looking three-seater couch that was next to the door of her room.

“Thanks. You’re show was amazing. That was an original song, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, it was. Do you know who it was about?”


“Yes.” Kipp approached me and gave me a peck on the cheek. “Don’t be so hard on yourself Vince. You need to relax a little. It affects more than just you.” Kipp walked back out of the room, leaving me there.

Warm memories flooded through me, and I actually felt a single tear well up in my eyes. Kipp really had been the best thing that ever happened to me. But it wasn’t meant to be.

I made my way out of the room and back down the staircase. I avoided the room that Kipp performed in and made my way to the front lobby. Geed was there, sitting behind a large oaken counter.

“Hey there Geed. How’s it going?”

“Well I’ll be. Vince Clay. How ye going?” A turquoise gnome lifted his oversized glasses off his face and looked down at me, his eyes squinting.

“Good, good. How are you?”

“I’m swell. Have you seen Kipp?”

“Yeah, between performances. New song?”

“Yep. And it’s a smash hit. You know, she’s still in love with you, dumbass. You should really talk to her again.”

“Yeah, I did.”

“I don’t mean work related. Her heart still rests with you. And yours still rests with her.” I’d learnt to not be taken by surprise at Geed. He always spoke what was on his mind, even if it wasn’t appropriate.

“Ah, leave it Geed. I wasn’t good enough for her.”

“You’re the only one that thought that, ya big lummox.”

“And her parents.”

“They would’ve come round. You treated her right.”

“Geed. I’m here on business. What can you tell me about Brigg?”

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