《One Man Army》Chapter 11 Training Montage
Chapter 11
Training Montage
Willow, Ruby and Alexandrea were on their knees in Star’s room. All of them look excited and full of energy. They were practically vibrating with the need to do something, anything really. Amy was watching them from the side with a bit of that same energy still in her own eyes.
“So who wants to give their new bodys a whirl? See what you all can do? Let's go back to the training yard and play around a bit. Willow if you need anything specific to practice your magic you might as well go and get it. We need to get y’all accustomed to your new levels of strength and speed.” Star said, looking over at Amy he added, “You too my beautiful Beta.”
All of them seemed to be practically in a daze as Star led them back out to the training yard and asked them what their normal physical fitness tests were. how strong and fast they normally were. But only Alexandrea and Ruby actually had any experience with physical fitness testing, from being in the army. Amy and Willow had never been majorly physical individuals.
Star started them off with a run around the yards. one of the SilverEye family's servants timing them with an hourglass as Star led them in the run. Then they did push-ups, Sit-ups, and pull-ups. Everything timed. Willow was tired by the end of the impromptu fitness test, but she was able to keep up really well. Unsurprising given that a score of ten was supposed to be the perfect natural capacity of the human body… or in this case probably beastkin. most regular people wouldn’t be able to compete physically with even Willow, let alone the rest of Star’s newly formed Pack.
What seemed odd to Star was that he was still outperforming Ruby and Alexandrea physically, and Amy was pretty much on par with them. They should both be stronger and faster than him right now according to their stats but for some reason they didn’t seem to be using their full capacity. Star wondered if they were holding back or if there was something that he didn’t know about stat distribution. Or maybe it had to do with body size and proportions?
Whatever the case may be Star, Amy, Ruby, and Alexandrea moved on to sparring while Willow set about drawing runes in the sand and making them glow. Ruby and Alexandrea were both rather good with sword and shield, and they were happy to teach Amy and Star what they knew.
As the sun began to set Amy grabbed the other girls and left the training area. Leaving Star alone with his thoughts. seeing as he didn’t really have much to think about by himself at the moment he went to the washroom and bathed himself before returning to his bedroom remembering that he hadn’t really checked his own stats since he’d gotten his titles.
Name: Star Affiliation:The Pantheon Titles: Alpha, Legendary Alpha
LVL: 3
Unassigned Stat Points: 0
Strength: 59 (67)
Dexterity: 59 (67)
Constitution: 59 (67)
Perception: 59 (67)
Intelligence: 59 (67)
Class: unassigned
Class Skills: N/A
General Skills
Sniper Lvl 5
Steady Hands Lvl 9
Rapid Reload Lvl 12
Trigger Activated Weapons Lvl 20
Sword and Board Lvl 5
It appeared that the stats in parentheses or brackets--Star was never really sure which was which--were the final resulting stats after his 15% modifiers applied. He wondered why he would be leveling so slowly right now. He’d gained the sword and board skill and steady hands had gone up, but he hadn’t been able to level up. How leveling up worked seemed to be a mystery.
Star was laying on his bed going over the shop again to make sure he wasn't missing anything important there when Amy entered with Willow in tow.
“My Alpha.” Amy said in a little bit of an oddly strained voice that immediately made Star wary, “Willow would like to have your attentions tonight… She was quite insistent and I don’t have a good reason to deny her the request. Unless you have any complaints?”
Star didn’t know the reason she had such a strange tone in her voice. But he decided to throw caution to the wind and looked them both over.
“I’m pretty sure I could take the both of you on at the same time.” Star said, giving them a smirk.
Amy and Willow both looked confused. They didn’t seem to get what he was implying. Seemed pretty obvious to Star but they did have a different cultural background. maybe threesomes weren’t much of a thing in beastkin culture even with the prevalence of poligamy.
“What I mean to say is that I am pretty sure that I can handle a threesome. having sex with two or more women at once should be within my capabilities. Maybe you should grab Ruby and Alexandrea as well. It would probably be fun as long as none of you object to the idea.” He elaborated.
Both of the girls looked stunned at the idea. Star resigned himself to the idea that it probably wasn’t going to be happening.
Amy turned to Willow with weird look in her eyes,
“How come none of us thought of that? Here I’ve been wracking my mind on how to be able to spread out the time our pack mates get to share him but I’ve only been thinking of one person per night. Mother always complained that she’d only get dad to herself once a month and she never had any ideas of how to get more time with him other than trading with her packmates.” she whispered, more to herself than to anyone else.
“I see that I may have introduced a new concept to you. As long as you are comfortable with it or willing to try, there's a lot of stuff we could try in groups.” Star supplied.
“I don’t know about the others, but I am certainly willing to give it a try Beta. Though I would like one on one time as well too.” Willow said, looking at Amy.
“Well then. Why do you two still have your clothes on?” Star said, popping his clothes into his inventory. “Lets have some fun.”
They did have fun. Quite a bit of fun actually, but Star discovered a bit about both Amy and Willow. Amy had been willing to try and explore a little bit. But she didn’t get much out of other women apparently. But she liked to watch, she seemed to get off on just seeing what he was doing to Willow more so than physically participating.
Willow on the other hand seemed to be very interested in having another woman participate. And she was very different from Amy in that she was not wild or aggressive with her desire, but rather insistent and needy. And much to Star’s delight she seemed to have an oral fixation… He may have introduced her to it by trying to replicate a lot of the porn he’d seen in the past. But apparently giving head scratched an itch for her that she didn’t know she even had. And it seemed that Amy greatly enjoyed watching that particular action being done.
By the time Star had managed to wear them both out it was probably close to 3 in the morning. They were both wrapped on either side of him drifting into sleep. And Star couldn’t help but just lay there and smile. He checked ‘have a threesome’ off of his mental bucket list and lay there waiting for sleeping to take him.
The next three weeks went by in a blur for Star. he trained from sun up to just before sun down. Getting better every day with a sword and shield. His pack had grown to thirty two women but by his own suggestion he would only bed those whom he’d given a pack collar to. which for now consisted of Amy, Willow, Ruby, and Alexandrea. He’d taken to calling them his inner pack and those without the collars the outer pack.
Ruby and Willow had paired up for their nights with him because they both enjoyed other women participating physically. Alexandrea was a hard no to having anyone else present. And she was just as wild as Amy but wanted to be dominated viciously. It was actually kind of concerning for Star how violent she wanted him to be towards her in bed. Amy watched everything. She was always present in his interactions with the others, and she would even sit in the corner pleasuring herself when he was with Alexandrea. With the other two Amy seemed to either take of herself or actually participate a little depending on her mood.
Willows magic was another thing that was making leaps and bounds. She was an enchanter, and an alchemist. Star had been curious what she would think of his regeneration and revival syringes so he’d given a pair of them to her for her to study. He also gave her one of the RKKV rounds to break apart and his regular rounds from the weapons he used regularly. If she could figure out how to make some magical equivalent explosives, or enhance his bullets using magic it would change what he could do on a battlefield pretty drastically.
So far, Star now had enchanted mortar rounds that nearly tripled the size of their explosions. but it somehow did that with increasing the intensity of the explosion, he wasn't sure how that worked. His combat knives had been enchanted to be sharper and retain their edges for longer. And right now Willow was working on his Juggernaut armor set. He did not know exactly what she was going to do with the armor. But she seemed to be excited by it.
To top it all off, Star had discovered that anything that he recycled in his inventory he could purchase in his store from then on. And that applied to his enchanted items as well. though the enchantments seemed to nearly double the base cost of the items.
Life seemed pretty damn good and the only sour part of it was that Star had discovered that he couldn't use magic at all. Willow tried testing him and teaching him some magic. But there was absolutely no way for him to use it. her tests indicated that his body was somehow using magic internally and that all of his magic was dedicated to it.
Star also discovered a few things about himself during this time. Apparently he could speak and read and write in any language thrown at him. Even coded messages just revealed themselves to him like he’d always known the code. It was weird because he wouldn’t have noticed this at all if it hadn’t been for Amy asking him how it was that he spoke so many languages. Apparently Willow would occasionally speak in a language called Old Moth. And Star would just speak it back to her like he’d always been speaking the language and that had gotten Amy curious. To Star he was just speaking in english and hearing everything in english and reading it all in english. he never felt, heard, or saw any difference between the language samples. And apparently codes counted as their own languages.
Star also spent the time to go to the city wall and the field beyond where he set up targets as far out as the tree line a mile and a half away. Then he would spend time doing target practice from one of the wall’s towers.
In those three weeks he’d had three meetings with the Alphas of the military. They had been updating him on everything that they were getting back from their scouts and recently their reports had become concerning. A whole Army had disappeared as far as the scouts could tell. none of the other cities had fallen as of yet, but it looked like it would only be a matter of weeks for some of the smaller cities within a week's travel of Dragons Roost. The only reason that Star had not headed out to start trying to help out with the other sieges was that the retaliatory strike on Dragons Roost was imminent and they didn’t know when to expect it but they knew to expect it to be composed of powerful elites who’d be here to destroy any opposition.
So Star’s days were filled with training and fucking his inner pack senseless in the evenings. Currently he was doing footwork drills with his training sword and shield while dodging and blocking arrows that had balls of fabric for tips. It was a fun exercise and Star was really getting good at how to place his feet and move fluidly without exposing himself too much.
The day ended just as every other day had these past weeks and Star was deep inside of Amy when the city's Alarm bells started going off. Cutting their lovemaking short as they both leapt out of bed and hurried to make it to the wall. The bells would only be going off if the enemy had been spotted.
Star donned his basic loadout and waited for Amy to dress herself. It had been the first night in the past three weeks that he’d been with her alone, and he was pretty frustrated that they’d been interrupted. She’d been particularly into it tonight. Once she was ready they hauled ass towards the walls, people peering out windows and looking nervously through their windows into the darkness of night the only thing accompanying them as they ran.
Star and Amy arrived at the walls and made their way to the Barracks where Star noticed one of the Alpha’s mustering a contingent of soldiers.
“What’s going on?” Star asked after sprinting to the man's side.
“Griffon riders were spotted by the scouts. About two hours away. Which means that Justin’s Kingdom men are only a few hours behind them. And that they have Griffon Riders means that this attack force is composed of Elites as well as their occupation forces. We will probably be getting harried from above by the Griffon riders within an hour or two.” The Alpha whispered to Star before turning to his men and giving orders.
Star frowned to himself, then decided he had best take up a position in one of the towers. If Griffon Riders showed up, he’d be able to knock them out of the sky hopefully.
With his infrared nocturnal scope on his fifty cal sniper rifle, Star smiled when he spotted the first Griffon in the sky. Amy had long since returned to the estate and Star had the top of this tower to himself. The griffon would not be in range for a little while, but once it was. it would be getting a nasty surprise. Star reached over and rang the tower's bell to let everyone know that a griffon had been spotted and he heard the calls go out and crossbows being cocked.
A couple minutes later Star finally unleashed his first round on the incoming target. It was still nearly two miles out. But it was flying in a straight line and it was no longer alone. there were at least a dozen that Star had spotted. He had been told to expect about that many, because Justin’s Kingdom honestly had a very limited supply of Griffon Riders.
Star hadn’t expected the round to hit his target, he’d more been aiming to get the measure of the distance and where his rounds would go than actually intending to hit on the first shot. But he was pleasantly surprised when the griffon in his sights suddenly jerked wildly and went careening into the forest outside the city at an awkward angle, its wings still flapping but not giving it any altitude.
Star lined up another of the Griffon Riders but they were no longer flying in straight lines. They were darting this way and that in the sky not allowing him the opportunity to take a shot while they were still so far out. Then he noticed that the griffon that he’d managed to hit was back up in the air again. apparently he’d only clipped it or hit it in a limb or something that was nonessential. The surprise had been enough to cause it to land, but not enough to kill it.
Star stayed atop the tower for the rest of the night. But the Griffon Riders had decided to maintain significant distance from the city and Star was unable to land another shot for the remainder of the night.A few hours after the sun had risen Star decided to go and find out what the scouts were reporting back. Storing everything and descending down to the marshaling Yards to find some of the Alphas,
After nearly half an hour Star had a decent picture of what was going on painted for him. and it wouldn’t have looked good for the city if he hadn’t been here. The army on approach was roughly twice the size of the previous army that had come here. But it was being backed by a contingent of Griffon Riders and on top of that they apparently had a lot of Mages in their ranks.
General WhiteClaw had lost nearly a dozen scouts last night and those that had made it back said that the army had also brought at least 1000 cavalry units. Escape would not be an option. And everyone was looking to Star for a way to fix it. He had an idea that would probably work. But he would need to try it tonight. His assassin kit along with an absurd amount of C4 would make for an interesting nighttime excursion.
Star filled them in on his plan and they surprisingly did not disagree with him. Apparently the fact that his presence had stopped the Griffon Riders from harassing the city already had given them absolute confidence in his ability to do what he said he would.With the plan set Star returned to the SilverEye estate and flopped down on his bed. a lack of sleep making it very easy to get some shut eye even with it being nearly midday.
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