《I'll be happy as a monster》Chapter 6 : Cave Raid (2)
My first battle after evolving and also my first battle in humanoid form after reincarnating. I stance myself with both my hands in front of me.
Ahhh... I couldn't hold it anymore. Seeing this many goblins, it really boils my blood!
Now that I have a humanoid body again, I'm itching to test it in a fight. I may have tried a few moves just now, but it wasn't enough. I wanted a much more intense battle, I wanted a brawl. I had vaguely realized it, that I've changed after I reincarnated to this world as a beast. One of the change was that I became more savage, searching for a fight everywhere and enjoying it. My cautious nature was suppressing it right now, but the stronger I became the harder it was to suppress it. So, before my restraint broke, I decided to let loose myself first.
"Come! From here on out, it'll be a massacre!" (MC)
I rushed forward and threw a punch toward the nearest goblin. I could feel the goblin's skin ripped apart and it's bone crushed under my fist, it died in one hit. Weak, too weak. The goblin was blown away and hit the other goblins behind it.
"A.. AAAaAAHHH!" (Goblin)
The scream was the starting bell, all the goblins screamed and started attacking me. I tried dodging but some still hit me, but it was futile. No matter whether they hit me with their weapons or limbs, it didn't do anymore damage than a scratch to me.
"It's useless!" (MC)
I threw a punch and destroyed both the sword and the goblin who hold it. Without pulling my hand, I hit the goblin beside the one I just kill with a back hand hit. A goblin leaped toward me while holding a sword overhead, I caught it legs and sent it flying toward the other goblins. One of the goblin tried to be a smartass and hide behind a shield but with my strength, a wooden shield like that would not stop my attack. With one kick, I broke the shield and hit the goblin's arm and chest. The goblin's arm broke and it's chest caved in with blood leaking from it.
After that, I kept attacking. I punched, kicked, grabbed, threw, smashed, and just repeating that action. I didn't use any skill, it's pure brute force. I drowned in my own blood lust and just kept killing every goblin around me. When I noticed, there was no goblin around me. All the goblin retreated to the cave's entrance, all the goblins were trembling, there were no trace of wildness or rage in their eyes, there was only fear.
Well, it was an obvious reaction. After all, a lot of their kind was lying on the ground bathed in their own blood around me. A majority of the corpses were deformed because of my attacks and a few of them were in pieces from being swung and thrown around. My body was covered in blood and entrails, combine that with the surrounding, it created a picture of hell. No wonder the goblins were scared shitless.
Walking toward that bloody me was the beautiful fox with the bag on her back. She stood beside me without any hints of fear or disgust, in fact, she looked excited and satisfied. I guess for the goblin-hater, her, my fight and the result was quite the sight, huh. I scanned her body a little and thankfully, she's fine from what I saw. Her defense may be on the low side, but with her level it would be weird if she took heavy damage from a goblin attack or took a long time to recover.
"Let's go!" (MC)
Rather than asking her to stay behind, I took her with me as we rushed into the goblin's cave. I ran in front of the beautiful fox with my body clad in fire, I ran through the goblins while dishing out blows to the goblins in front of me. The beautiful fox behind me used [Frost Whip] and attacked the closest goblins from us that I miss, she put priority to killing any goblins with projectile weapons. With her backing me up, I didn't have any worry and just went on with the massacre.
After awhile, I finally felt fatigue closing on to me. The goblins were just that many, there was no end to them. One got killed and another ten came forward. Ten got killed and another hundred came forward. Should I say, as expected of a race with great reproductive ability. From the look of her face, the beautiful fox probably almost spent all her mana. As much as I want to keep fighting, it would only be a matter of time before they overrun us. It would be foolish to keep fighting. I scanned the area, in the long path of the dark cave infested with goblins, I spotted a worn wooden door.
"Follow me!" (MC)
I bulldoze everything on my way toward the door, the beautiful fox followed closely behind me. After we went in, I closed the door and yelled.
"Ice the door!" (MC)
The beautiful fox understood what I meant, she then froze the door and the wall around it. I could hear the faint sound of goblins hitting the door in order to break it but neither the door or the ice budge in any way. Although it may look like it was fine, but I knew the door would be broken into sooner or later.
"Let's rest and recover our strength as much as we could." (MC)
I was just finished saying that and about to lied down when suddenly I realized there was a breathing sound behind us and it was just one. I was yelling at myself for being careless, I hastily turned my head and was stunned by what I saw.
Cages, there was five cages to be exact. Inside the cages were naked women of various race. There were about twenty woman. Their whole body was covered in filth and many small injuries, some even festered. From what I saw, I could identify human, elf, dwarf, beastman, and there was even one woman with reptile characteristics. They were women from different races, but they all have two similar points. Their bleak and hollow eyes and their protruding stomach. I knew these disturbing scene all too well. When it was but a fiction, a mere drawing, it was arousing for me. But when it became reality and I saw it firsthand like this, it really make me sick in the stomach.
I walked toward them but they didn't even twitch, their face were still lifeless and blank. When I observed them closely, I noticed the tendons in their arms and legs were cut. Clinging on their neck was a black collar, something familiar to me. It froze my heart and spine when I saw how bad their condition was. It made me realized that this was a different world all over again, it was different from the world I was once a part of. This was a crueler world, a cruel dog-eat-dog world, death was not the scariest thing in this world. Being deprived of dying, couldn't die when you wanted to and being kept alive against your will was the scariest thing in this world.
One of the women in the cage in front of me opened her mouth to say something while staring straight at me with her lifeless eyes, but what came out was broken words. I strained my ear and went down to my knees.
She tried to rise her hand toward me but she was too weak to do that, her hand only rise a little before dropping down. After that, one of the women said the same thing with the same broken words. Soon, another one spoke the same thing and followed by another one, until finally they all spoke up.
"...free us..."
"......kill me.."
"....please....end this suffering..."
The lifeless and blank expression on the women faces were gone, in it's place was a sad, pained, crying face. All the women begged me to kill them with tears. My face distorted as I felt pity for the women. I appraised them all and, as expected, they were all slave. I found out that all of them were young, the youngest was only 13 years old and the oldest was 25 years old. After I appraised all the women, the usual voice rang in my mind.
"[Appraisal] skill leveled up!"
"New content has been added!"
I was not in the mood to check the new content of [Appraisal], so I just ignored it. I rose, my face turned solemn and slowly small beads of fire appeared and hovering around my body. The BB bullet size fire beads hovered around me like fireflies. When the women saw the fire beads, there was no fear in their eyes. All the women smiled, their faces were showing joy and relief. While smiling, they uttered their final word.
"......thank you."
The moment they finished saying it, the fire beads around me flew toward each women like an arrow released from the bow. The fire beads hit their target without an error, the women's hearts. All of them died painlessly. The voice rang again notifying that I acquired a new skills and level up.
...... This was the first time I didn't feel happy when I leveled up. I tore apart the cages by heating them and took the women out. I put them all together half of them sitting back to back and the rest were lying in the embrace of the sitting one. I raised my hand and let out fire to burn the women, I wanted to give them a proper burial but I don't think they would like to be buried in the forest where these goblins lived. So, I'm gonna cremated them and hoped the wind would take them back home.
The beautiful fox didn't understand what the women saying so she was confused by my action. But when she saw my solemn expression and my silence, she stayed silent behind me. I observed as the fire slowly burned the women corpses to ash. Even in their deaths and even when the fire burned them, their smiles didn't fade from their faces. My heart ached as if it was stuffed with smoldering rock. I silently offered a prayer to them. After the fire died down, I gathered their ashes inside a jar I found in the room.
Thump! Dooom! Craaack!
I turned my head after I'm done putting the ashes into the jar, the frozen door and ice wall was on the brink of being broken through.
"Stand behind me." (MC)
I told the beautiful fox as I walked toward the door. Although I used my power when I tore the cages and burned the women, it was an insignificant expenditure. I spun and destroyed the ice wall with a roundhouse kick. I threw another kick at the door and break it, the goblins behind the door was blown away. Without a pause, I opened my mouth and let out [Fire Breath] without holding back. Soon, the whole cave lit up by the brightly burning fire.
Sounds of goblins screaming from pain and smell of burning flesh flooded the cave. I stopped after I exhausted at least a quarter of my stamina. When I came out from the room, the wall and ground near the room was charred black and still letting out smoke. Lying around on the path was a goblin corpse that was burned to crisps in great number, I carried the beautiful fox in my arms as only I could walk on this still hot path.
My face was still solemn as walked deeper into the cave. I let the beautiful fox down when I reached the path that was not burned. When I looked at the cave wall, I noticed it was different from the wall around the entrance, I guessed they were digging to enlarge this cave. Based on my knowledge about goblins, there was a smart goblin here, at least a normal goblin won't think of enlarging a cave, they would just dwell in it.
After a while, There was no goblin attacking us. Did they get scared by my [Fire Breath]? No matter, in the end all the goblins in this cave would die today. Me and the beautiful fox kept walking as we slowly recovered our spent energy, it's been at least an hour since we walked and while there were goblins ambushing us, it was only a group of three or five, which we took care of very easily. Along the way we found many rooms, they were fairly big rooms that seems to function as mass bedroom for the goblins and there were also room filled with empty cages.
In some of them were caged women like from before and some goblins that were engaging in lewd acts with them. I killed the goblins and then the women asked the same thing from the women from the room before, I helped them all fulfill their wish. My face became expressionless after the third time, my heart turned calm and without ripples.
We also found a room filled with stuff the goblins pilfered and just like I expected, the corpse of the purple eyed mantis was here. From the stuff stored inside, I found 10 low-grade stamina potions, 3 low-grade health potion and 1 low-grade mana potions. I chugged 3 of the low-grade stamina potions and the beautiful fox drank the low-grade mana potion, this potions came at the right time. With our energy restored, there was nothing to be worried anymore. I stored the health potions for later.
We rested there for a moment, the beautiful fox lied on the ground and took a quick nap. I sat with my legs crossed and brought out my status.
Name : unnamed
Species : Ruby Beast (Rare)
Type : Beast
Sex : Male
Age : 1 Months 2 Weeks Old
Rank : 02
LV : 009/100
HP : 151/210
MP : 05/05
STM : 255/255
ATK : 80
DEF : 100
MGC : 1
MND : 50
DEX : 37
AGL : 53
Points : 12
Active Skills :
Appraise LV05
Intimidation LV06
Fire Breath LV04
Fire Clad LV09
Fire Ball LV06
Fire Bullet LV01
Fire Claw LV06
Fire Burst LV04
Fire Drive LV01
Hiding LV05
Dismantling LV06
Enslave LV02 (0/2)
Passive Skills :
Languages comprehension LVMAX
Pyrokinesis LV01
Crystallokinesis LV01 (Ruby)
Dominate LV02
Resistance Skills :
Heat Nullification LVMAX
Poison resistance LV03
Paralyze resistance LV03
Tittle :
Harem seeker
I didn't realised I leveled up four times, I guess I was really out of it back then. I put 10 points in ATK and 2 points in AGL.
Name : unnamed
Species : Ruby Beast (Rare)
Type : Beast
Sex : Male
Age : 1 Months 2 Weeks Old
Rank : 02
LV : 009/100
HP : 151/210
MP : 05/05
STM : 255/255
ATK : 90
DEF : 100
MGC : 1
MND : 50
DEX : 37
AGL : 55
[Appraise] and other skills leveled up, I tried appraising my skills once again and this time it works. As for my active skills,except for [Enslave], I knew them without appraising it since I was the one who made them.
Highest level skill in the Slave ability tree. Enable the user to make other their slave, the number of slave depends on the skill's level (5 MAX). The slave will be loyal to the user. The user will receive the essence of the slave's power, the user able to give the slave only one copy of his/her skill if he/she desire. The slave will remain a slave even if the user died.
Highest level skill? And this was something I get from [Dominate] level 2? As expected of cheat from god, I guess. I didn't know what essence was but I did know that this skill would be immensely useful. 5 loyal slaves, if I groomed them right I would get 5 good swords and shields.
I tried appraising my passive skills but it didn't work. The skill level still inadequate. I thought it won't work for my resistance skills either but strangely it worked. I only appraised [Heat Nullification] as the others were pretty much self-explanatory.
Heat Nullification
Highest level of skill from Heat-resist ability tree. Nullify any effect and damage of any heat based internal and external factor. Nullification effect spreads to the user's clothes and equipment.
Another highest level skill? Damn, if I got this much advantages from the start, I guessed the other reincarnator must have some sick cheat too. I needed to get much stronger before I met other reincarnator.
Looking at the skill's description, looked like I didn't need to fear of becoming a streaker if I activated [Fire Clad]. Thank god. Like seriously, thank god.
With my skills done, I looked at the beautiful fox. I appraised the beautiful fox once more.
Name : unnamed
Species : Frost Fox (Rare)
Type : Beast
Sex : Female
Age : 8 Months 2 Weeks Old
Rank : 01
LV : 089/100
HP : 68/91
MP : 169/178
STM : 61/72
ATK : 18
DEF : 23
MGC : 90
MND : 52
DEX : 20
AGL : 40
Active Skills :
Ice Needle LV03
Frost Whip LV03
Icicles Shot LV03
Ice Wall LV02
Passive Skills :
Ice Magic Mastery LV02
Nimble Body LV01
Resistance Skills :
Cold Resist (Medium) LV02
Ice Magic Resist LV01
Water Magic Resist LV01
Ah... She didn't have [Cocytus] or [Nefelheim]. But, maybe she would have it after she evolve. Yeah, I'm not gonna give up so easily. Maybe I'll tell her about those two magic later. I tried to appraised her skills but it didn't work, weird.
Oh well, I knew about the skill well enough without appraising them anyway.
Even with the potions, we still felt the fatigue weighing down our body. So, the beautiful fox and I decided to rest first before continuing.
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