《Jack at World of Syntaria》Chapter 11 : Entering the Dungeon
While walking almost every 250 meters I draw it,
First look like your inside a wide cave, I’m curious why it’s not dark even it’s a cave.
When I observe my surrounding I see a small stone which producing a dim light I try to get some buts when it removes the wall, somehow you can see it was only ordinary stone.
They say each dungeon has its own rebuilding ability but I'm not planning to wait for it to repair itself
I saw a group of 7 students fighting 2 Goblin, is it bullying too much? that's what I think.
I passed them they look at me because I'm a just alone child without armor and weapon and only holding pen and paper, but they're busy fighting so I continue to walk.
After 10 minutes I see 2 goblins eating something like a frog?.
I use my body strengthening then hold my sword I try to envelop my sword with Mana but it’s hard to concentrate, I sneak to it and hit it with my full force but it got stop half way the other one tries to grab me but I jump back.
Mine and Goblin height is almost matched when I chant.
"Reirrab noitcetorp!” I
The wounded Goblin and I separated by Light Barrier, so I try to finish it fast, when I hit it down to the ground, I stab it chess then turn to another goblin.
'sehsa ot nrub ymene ym tel llab fo emalf ho'
A small fireball created then I control Nature Mana in the field and it became 1-meter size. The goblin scared and try to run I throw it to him and he turns into charcoal.
'Huh!!*" I breath heavily, it’s not that it’s a tiring battle but my heart almost beat twice faster than normal.
I try to calm down,
'Now I know why other is teaming with it, the goblin is like a mad dog with rabies who has hungry for 1 week and it sees you as fried chicken when he start to be injured' I said to myself.
Then continue my dungeon
Today I almost mapped half of the dungeon after 12hrs I'm currently in a small corner here, I try to eat the fish I cooked last time, I kill 14 goblins today use up most of my Mana, I already see the entrance to the second floor.
I didn’t go to the second floor directly and continue to here in 1st floor.
There's a swamp in this part of the cave, at first I'm thinking that there must be Anaconda or sleeping Dragon there but, it happens to be just my imagination, I go to the corner of a stone.
I eat I sleep for 6 hours, it’s not a full 6hours because I was cautious about my surrounding so almost half sleep for that time, after at least 5 heal to myself, my In jury already gone.
At least no one attack while I asleep, I take a bath to the river and then try to clean my cloth end I put it on my inventory even its wet because I’m might not have a time to wait for it to dry, I put as many fish I t to the river to my storage.
I check my storage.
Note: 3cubic meter doesn’t mean the storage is box. Just my conceptualize of space
Storage Item List Quantity Apple 20 Litter Bottled Honey 1 Small Bag of Sugar 1 Bag of Salt 2 Set of Clothes 10 Academy Uniform 3 Raw Fish 24 Bag of Seasoning and herbs 1 Crude Sword 1 Scholar Badge 1 Gov Identification Card 1 School Identification Card 1 Dungeon Pass Card 1 Silver 26 Copper 80 Raw Chicken 1 Raw Rabbiit 2 Box of Matches 20 Small Rank1 Magic Stone 5 Plate 4 Pair of Spoon and Fork 4 Kitchen Knife 3
The plate, spoon kitchen knife glass is I get to Era's manor.
After another 3 hours getting fish and rest, almost 75% of my Mana recovered.
I'm trying to experiment to imbued Mana in my weapon but it’s hard to make my Mana flow to the sword, it’s easier to flow Mana through my hair than that.
I see a goblin drinking water to swamp I sneak attack slash its neck pass through its chess then stab it to the ground.
After many fights with the goblins, I learned when alone it’s better to combo it and give him a space to jump.
One thing goblin here on the first floor is always pushing it body near to you and bite you to death. Their claw can only scratch you, but most of the beginner hate or scared when they feel pain, so they always panic when goblin does that.
“Congratulation you are now level 3!!"
After killing more than a dozen of Goblins I level up. The system must have an issue, it should be at least 3 goblins I solo kill it I should have full Exp to it tsk tsk..'
After killing more than a dozen of Goblins I level up. The system must have an issue, it should be at least I solo kill 5 goblins to level up not more than a dozen tsk tsk..'
I check my status
Level : 3 Tittle : Civilian Name : Jack Age : 12 Years old Str : 14 + 3 Atk Dmg : 54 Agi : 15 + 5 Atkspd : 177 Movement spd : +2m/sec +Evasion/Reflex NoEquipment Vit : 10 HP : 1550/1550 Def : 22.5 Int 10 + 4 Mgc Dmg : 44 Mgc Def : 33 Mana : 3725/3725 Dex 9 + 3 Luk 3 + 1 Crit Chance : 1.6% Crit Muliplier : 2x Skill List Level Stat point set to auto a location: every level+ 1 to all stat NoLvl Storage NoLvl Identify NoLvl Class restriction off NoLvl Language of Syntaria Kingdom NoLvl Cooking Skill Max Healthy Body(Unique Skill) Max Mana Sense Lvl4 Mana Manipulation Lvl3 Mana Ball Lvl4 Petting Skill Lvl4 Heal Lvl5 Steal Lvl2 Sneak Lvl2 Sword Mastery Lvl4 Perseverance Lvl4 Bow Mastery Lvl2 Animal Skinning Lvl4 Multitasking Lvl1 Body Enhancement Skill Lvl2 Mana Control Lvl3 Mana Recovery Lvl5 Fireball Lvl1
After this, I notice that HP/Mana is not really proportioned to my Vit and Int,
My training effort really paid up well.
After some time, thinking about calculation...
“Something wrong... I guess I need to consult Selica after this” I murmur to my self
After clearing this floor, I continue to the second floor and this place like the first floor a big cave but there’s a grass now in the field.
After sometime I saw a goblin, having a club they are stronger than in this at first floor, but still, I can easily handle, it’s easier because they didn't just go grab you to bite, the trying to use their club.
I spent 4 days for mapping out this dungeon and I'm trying to record on the back of my map the hobbies and weakness of them.
On third floor, its already open world not a cave anymore typical outside view in forest
There are some have stone Dagger what more thing they tend to team up to 3.
After a week of staying on the 3rd floor, I go to fourth.
On four floor, it’s an open wide green field and there’s a big stone every direction.
You can see the sword and there's no goblin living alone, here they’re like a party member what really troublesome is the bow and their sneak attack when I'm sleeping, I almost hit by arrow 9x.
I guess, starting to the fourth-floor student in the academy should have an instructor.
Thankfully there one wild animal or fish here inside the dungeon, after spending a lot of time here I even try what the taste of goblin... at first I thought I started to be crazy but since my cooking skill is max its taste delicious I'm starting to be choosy when I see goblin, because here in fourth floor most of the goblin look matured and ugly, i started to miss the goblin in first floor they look young and tender than these ugly fellow.
I started to draw and update my map every 500 meters.
There's a time I'm reading the note of Hilda the Ms. Dungeon conquered at the carriage.
I learn wind water earth, I'm not sure, its easy invocation and control the flow of Mana, I can even boost the skill by using nature Mana.
After spending 2 weeks here in the fourth-floor I decided to contact my little goddess so after I clean myself, cook rabbit meat its good I have seasoning, I hold the pendant and a start to put my Mana on it.
"Hi, my little Lica?" I said smiling at her
"You're late..." Selica looking at me, pouting like a kid having a tantrum.
"Sigh!*... You know I can’t do something about it, I'm busy leveling..."
Starring contest*!
I go near to her then pat her head
“Fine... it’s my fault sorry... hope you forgive me again...you know I'm too weak, this five years I'm planning to be stronger," I said patting her head and whisper to my heart 'stronger than everyone'
"Hmmf... it's good... That you know... " Selica started to cool down
"Here you taste it, this is I cooked for you.." I said and give here the rabbit meat on a plate
"What's that... "
Selica smell the meat and kinda curious
"A rabbit meat, don't worry its taste great, remember I'm the god of cooking" I said proudly
After she taste her eyes shone like, find a new toy to play with,
"Yea its delicious hum!*.. you.. hum*!... do you have more?" after speaking she almost done eating,
After licking her lips,
"No there's no more if you want I have goblin meat here to..." I said but she interrupts
"Stop! Don't speak about goblin meat and don't try to feed me with it that ugly creature or else...." She said then I interrupt her.
"Fine... I only suggesting... I didn't force you.. as if I can force you to eat it.." I said
"Eating for me is just pleasure.... but you're cooking is.. slightly good so. next time you bring other food ok...?" Selica
"Slightly good...ok, every time I go here I will let you taste this ‘Slightly Good’ skill of mine..." I said sarcastically 'tsk tsk, slightly good my cooking skill is Max Level...'
"By the way, I have questions," I ask seriously then she look at me as if waiting for my question
"If I made a mess of this whole play of yours will you be against me?" I said
She looked at me then smile.
"As I said before this game has been set long time ago, I'm only 517 years old here, so if you destroy there, it just give me a reason to laugh at ... so don't worry about me, but don't expect me to help you too... I'm also become a so-called "God" of this world, the rules of them….I don’t care too much… but the unspoken rule above cannot be violated" Selica seriously stated
"Why every time you speak about this world ‘God’ you’re always full of disdain..." I said
"That is… something you don't have to worry" Selica said
"Well its good, so long that those so-called ‘God’ can't do anything to me , and more importantly is I can consult you freely without worry you change some rules of your so-called ‘Gods’ play" I continue said
"What's the effect of Healthy Body Skill?" I said and ask her
"Healthy Body, simply give your health body.." she stated and seems like she telling a truth.
"You know, I don't wanna lie to you at least in this world I hope I have someone I can speak the truth so...
I'm gonna change my question, why does with this skill, I earn more status point than normal?" I said
"What do you mean?.." Selica ask me and I show her my status (which is he has a way to know too).
Level : 17 Tittle : Civilian Name : Jack Age : 12 Years old Str : 44 + 5 Atk Dmg : 1215 Agi : 48 + 6 Atkspd : 177 Movement spd : +2m/sec +Evasion/Reflex NoEquipment Vit : 33 HP : 3590/3590 Def : 22.5 Int 47 + 4 Mgc Dmg : 2026 Mgc Def : 33 Mana : 8322/8322 Dex 41 + 4 Luk 17 + 1 Crit Chance : 7.2% Crit Muliplier : 2x Class : Level Bonus Mage Apprentice 30HP 200Mana 2Int 1Dex Priest Apprentice 30HP 200Mana 2Int Assassin Apprentice 30HP 1Str 2Agi 1Luk Swordsman Expert 600HP 4Str 2Agi 2Dex Hunter Apprentice 30HP 2Agi 2dex Skill List Level Stat point set to auto a location: every level+ 1 to all stat NoLvl Storage NoLvl Identify NoLvl Class restriction off NoLvl Language of Syntaria Kingdom NoLvl Cooking Skill Max Healthy Body(Unique Skill) Max Mana Sense Lvl5 Mana Manipulation Lvl3 Mana Ball Lvl4 Petting Skill Lvl4 Heal Lvl5 Steal Lvl2 Sneak Lvl2 Sword Mastery Lvl5 Perseverance Lvl5 Bow Mastery Lvl2 Animal Skinning Lvl4 Multitasking Lvl2 Body Enhancement Skill Lvl3 Mana Control Lvl3 Mana Recovery Lvl5 Fireball Lvl3 Memorized Lvl1 Fire Magic Lvl1 Wind Magic Lvl1 Earth Magic Lvl1 Water Magic Lvl1 Lightning Magic Lvl3 Light Magic Lvl3 Wind Blade Lvl2 Lightning Ball Lvl2 Lightning Field Lvl1 Clay Molding Lvl2 Water Ball Lvl2
"Why? It should not be… Wait" Selica look and my skill after a moment
"Well, you're right it’s because of Healthy Body..." She's nodding while telling to me
"What do you mean? What Healthy Body Skill can do?" I ask
"Well to be honest healthy body simply give you a healthy body..." She said while smiling
"Stop being mysterious and tell why..." I ask irritated
"Let me finish stop complaining..." she shout out me irritated too.
"Healthy body gives you Healthy body! That's all! A healthy a body can gain more potential than those not, that's normal the problems is its max level... you're too healthy. Healthy! In cellular level, your body removes impurity, the proof was your skill Mana control
You should not have that,
Mana control combination of Mana in nature and Mana on your body manipulation.
Nature Mana is one of the purest Mana in this world, your body is on the same level.
When you're trying to absorb Mana in the air it will not become one with you, you're like a magnet with the same North Pole...
How are you using Nature Mana?" she said seriously the ask me.
"I use my skill and control mature Mana in the air to fill it up like this" I cover my hand with Mana using body enhancement then continue said," like this I only spend my Mana to operated it and use nature Mana to maintain it, it reduces my Mana consumption for maintains it, almost by 99%.
And by the way I started to use my skill without chanting, is it because of my Healthy Body?"
Except for light element that I have, I can use other without chant, maybe because of deep understanding of one element, example for fire, using Mana boost oxygen to air to multiply it, increase the result,
But light, like heal, I don't even know where to start to understand it... I may have basic understand about the human body from cell to molecules into tissue... which help me increase the healing effect but still, no clue how to make it chant less, but nevertheless, I'm thankful because I know how to chant it.
And once I learned the skill I know how to chant it without someone telling me,
When I learned how to chant lightning ball, to the notes of Hilda and I try to process lightning with the almost same process but dispersing, not concentrating it into a ball.
I learned the lightning field, which is more look like an electric field, I learn it without chanting but I can also use it with chanting, what's more too it, no one teaches me that chant I just know it.
"Well its be.... wait you have too many questions again your annoying," she said and I shiver 'I might be killed by her whim.
"Remember to go back here, with your new dish.. if not... go away I'm busy..." she said then light envelop me then when I open my eyes I'm in e dungeon again...
"I think I've done something wrong...." Selica, whisper to herself.
- In Serial6 Chapters
NOTE: after numerous tries, I could simply not think of a good way to keep this story going. I apologize to my readers. If anybody is willing to try and write on this story, PM me. Guard and Restraint of the Unknown, Unkillable, and Unsafe Lifeforms. The organization predates time immemorial, and has protected unaware humanity from horrors that cannot be spoken of. Everything in humanity's arsenal is used to keep these anomalies at bay. Everything ranging from ghastly eidolons, space warping household items, elements that don't follow the laws of physics and world ending threats are housed in numerous facilities, but are mostly sealed off within the headquarters. Who is the person that keeps these supernatural threats on a tight leash? Welcome to the Entries of Overseer S.
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