《The Story Of The Shadow Hunters》Chapter 9: More Strangers


Chapter 9: More Strangers

As it kept being dead silent I first would check the window in case he did not really leave, but I saw nothing, nobody was outside the house, or nearby as far as I could see through the window, it was quickly becoming dark outside, I decided to stay the night, and leave early in the morning since it was not safe to travel in the night with creatures and strange people with weapons running around, I would go back upstairs closing my room door locking it from the inside, the night went on peacefully, it kept being deadly silent all around the house before I knew it I woke up, it was early in the morning, I stood up opening my room door, as I would hear voices from down the stairs, it was the same man from the day before, but this time there were like five more men with him all in black wearing the same type of sword, one had a bow on his back.

I would quickly hide at the same place I hide before, looking down the stairs, as the man who took a sample of the blood before showed them the place with the blood on the ground, they all seemed to be very interested in the blood, I wondered why, and who were they? I did not trust them at all, I stayed hidden till they were all gone, after some hours they would leave the house, they took a lot of the blood with them, I had no idea why or where they were going to take it, but one thing was for sure I did not want to find out.

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