《The Story Of The Shadow Hunters》Chapter 7: After The Incident 1/3-3/3


Chapter 7: After The Incident 1/3

After I passed out, the smoke slowly cleared, the creature and my mother and father all disappeared into the night, when I woke up inside the closet, I looked through the keyhole, I did not see anyone or anything, the front door was clearly smashed all over the floor from the creature smashing it while coming inside the house, there was blood on the floor but it did not look human, but just like the creature my parents disappeared, I was alone, I was looking all around the house for clues what might have happened.

Chapter 7: After The Incident 2/3

I felt powerless, there was nothing I could have done to stop the creature, there were no clues where they might have disappeared too, I waited for hours looking outside and around the house in case they would return somehow, but nothing happened, it was deadly silent around the whole area and the house itself.

The day went by really quickly, as I looked around the house for potential weapons to use in case something returned to look for him as well, but nothing happened.

Chapter 7: After The Incident 3/3

A few days passed, it was quiet around the house, I collected my things, and decided it was not safe to stay here anymore, as I was about to open my room's door I saw someone enter the house through the still broken front door, the person wearing an all-black cape hiding his face with a black mask, I hide not closing my room door making it look abandoned, the person looked around the house then would yell ''is there someone here?''.

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