《Of the Fifty-Two》Chapter Eleven
The first thing Jace noticed as they entered the village was that it stank of shit, and everyone they past looked gloomy and filthy. The second thing he noticed was the looks of disgust aimed at Joanna and the Saracae. Athena, Marcia and the kids were spared a glance but other than that.
The villages vile looks were reserved only for his wife and bodyguards. “If they start throwing shit, I’ll start painted their faces with the Fisa rune,” Jace murmured softly to Joanna. Everywhere he looked, all he saw were humans. With no other races or half-breed’s in sight
Joanna laughed loudly at that, her tinkling merrily as she held onto his arm. “You would get plenty of practice in, handsome,” Joanna laughed. “We’ll have to do some practice later.” She assured him. They were joined Athena and Marcia quickly after stepping down. Jace noticed that the latter of the two seemed to be avoiding him.
He guessed now that she had spoken her piece she’d leave things at that. So Jace wouldn’t push to have further conversation with her. But since their talk last night, he no longer considered her as part of his, Athena, and Joanna’s marriage. His wives could if they wished too, but as far as Jace was concerned now. Marcia was the fourth unwelcomed wheel to their little love-trio.
“So how does May know this guy?” Jace asked the mender quietly.
“Its her brother in-law, handsome. We all heard her say it,” she gave him a ‘duhh’ look and turned away to speak to Athena. The Saracae grabbed their valuable and essentials and moved up stand behind them.
“May! it’s so good to see your old bones,” a mountain of a man exclaimed and came over to hug the grouchy old woman. Jace was surprised a spear was jutting out of the man’s chest as they embraced.
He was massively built, considerably hairy, and had arms the width of Jace’ legs put together. His thick curly black-hair frame around his face like a helmet. His thick bushy beard hiding half of his face from sight.
“Bosric, you big fool. It’s been years since last I saw ya. How is everyone?” Maypor asked him with a small happy smile on her face.
“You should probably come inside, if you wish to hear the news. Please, bring your friends as well,” his tone was clear, and the wounded look in his eyes said it all.
Following behind Maypor and Bosric, Jace got a better look at the village. Most of the houses were made of lumber with stone foundations. Some even reaching two-stories tall. The streets were frosted mud and hard packed from the foot traffic clomping through.
The people that weren’t shooting his wife and bodyguards hateful and distrustful looks, were going about their usual day. Some vendors and small goods stalls lined one street to their left as they passed by. There were even a few shops from what Jace could see. A leather worker’s and carpenter. A cloth store, for drapes and clothing.
And some other’s that he couldn’t see, but saw people walking out of, their arms laden with different items.
The house they came to was in the shape of an L. It was two stories tall. And off to the side attached to the house was a blacksmith’s forge, anvil, kiln, and bellows. Beside that were bulky and sturdy wooden tables, lined with various tools, half-finished weapons garner implements.
Bosric lead them to the front door of his home, and waved them inside.
Jace and others almost gasped at the warmth radiating about the interior. There were doors on either side of them as they entered. A staircase before them, that led up to the second floor, and to the right of the stair’s was another door, this one open.
Through the open door he could see a kitchen area and hear the sound of someone humming, the faint scent of herbs and meat being prepared. Candles and lanterns filled those spaces where it was darkest.
“Bos?” a feminine voice called out, “it that you?”
“It’s me, Cala. I’ve brought guests,” Bosric voice resounded as he walked towards the side door and into the kitchen. “Abrin, will have his work cut out for him.” The burly man continued and following him deeper within his home, they walked into the kitchen.
Two people were inside. One was a old elven man, his haired was a stark white and pulled behind his head. He wore an apron and was chopping a leek and a few carrots. Opposite him at the kitchen prep table, was a woman.
Her smiles brightened as she saw Bosric and then doubled in size as Maypor entered. Jace and his wives not far behind them. “Well if isn’t the forest crow of the woods,” Cala said jokingly and held her arms out wide to Maypor. The older woman going around to hugged her obviously younger sister.
“How are you, Cal?” Maypor asked and Jace heard her voice crackle with emotion.
“I’m fine May. Has- has Bos told you?” Cala asked her. Maypor shook her head.
“I thought it might be best to tell her privately,” Bosric explained, looking slightly guilty.
“June… May. She’s- gone. They took her, and they…” Cala’s whole demeanour switch from welcoming and warm, to hurt, and guilty, and sorrowful.
“What- what do you mean sister…?” Maypor asked her, and hugged her sister tightly. Her eyes shot to Bosric.
“We’ve been dealing with a large band of goblins, over the last six months. They come down through the north and raid our fields and climb our walls, to attack, or kidnapped whoever they can get their hands on.”
The big man, sighed and rubbed a thick paw over his face.
“Then a month ago, they attacked the forge and my workshop. As I dealt with them, four of them got inside. They- they stabbed Cala in the back… and they took June.” His voice croaked when saying his daughters name. And Jace couldn’t help but feel incredibly uncomfortable standing there.
The villagers looks of distrust and contempt for the Saracae was understandable then, though misdirected.
“Then we must go and bring her-” Maypor spat fiercely. The old woman’s hands clenching into fists.
“There’s no bringing her back, May,” Bosric interrupted her softly.
“We found June two weeks after they’d taken her. She was left at the mouth of a cave that led to the Everdark. They had… done things to her.” The burly man cleared his throat and Jace heard a sniffle from Athena. His fox-kin wife clutched Gabrielle to her breast as she cried quietly for this family.
An hour or so late he was changing his clothes in a separate room with Joanna and Athena. The latter of the two had blushed furiously as she watched him changed. Yet when it was her turn to dress, she pleaded with Joanna to screen her. Much to both of their amusement.
Marcia and Cain were in a separate room all together. Apparently his wives had found out about her deception in agreeing to their marriage. Jace wouldn’t push them for details though. Honestly he was past caring for those who didn’t matter directly to him. Gabrielle tried to crawl on the floor by his feet, and Jace squatted down to hoist the baby fox girl into his arms.
She bubbled and drooled happily and soon Athena and Joanna were ready for diner. Cala, after she had pushed her grief away had welcomed them into her home. Even greeting the Saracae, she seemed more fascinated than disgusted by them. Jace had then found out that she actually couldn’t feel anything passed her waist.
Making her chair bound, though Bosric swore he would finish a, “chair with wheels” for her soon enough.
Abrin the elven cook and indentured servant for Bosric and his wife, had then shown them to their rooms for the evening shortly after.
Walking outside with the women in toe, Jace juggled Gabrielle about and saw Marcia and Cain walking in front of them. Just having left their room ahead. Marcia looked back over her shoulder, locked eyes with him and gave him a slight nod. Jace ignored her and concentrated on the top of Gabrielle’s head.
“Don’t worry her handsome. She’ll come around,” Joanna inform him.
Athena snorted at that, “just wished that she hadn’t lied to us.”
“Eh. I wouldn’t worry yourselves about it. Marcia will do as she wants,” Jace shrugged indifferently.
“She took part in the marriage ritual,” Joanna shook her head. “The pact had been witnessed by Shre herself. I doubt the goddess would’ve accepted the marriage, had her husband still been alive.”
Silence answered her and Joanna’ features contorted into a look of horror. “I am so sorry, Athena. I didn’t mean-” Joanna started to apologies as she spun to hug the fox-kin.
“It’s alright, Jo. Really it is. I made peace with father’s sacrifice the moment it happened.” Athena shot Jace a guilty look at that.
“Marcia is just- well…. she’s complicated. Always has been as far as I’ve known her. Mom never did beat around the bush when it came to setting Marcia straight.”
“You hear that, handsome. Sound’s like all she need’s is a firm guiding hand,” Joanna joked coyly at him, and Jace yelped as the elven mender slapped his bottom.
Shooting the mender a death glare, Jace marched down the stairs and towards the right door by the front entrance. Within was a long rectangular oaken table, that gleamed as if it had been moulded in amber. Jace noticed that two of his Saracae were by the door on the inside. Neither had any weapons, except for small rusted iron daggers on their outer thighs.
I really need to sit down with Amadis and learn all of the Saracae names. Feels … wrong, not knowing, he thought.
Sitting at the table was Bosric, Cala, Maypor, Amadis, Marcia and Cain.
“Please, sit where you like,” Cala smiled at them and waved to any of the vacant chairs. Walking around the table, Jace plopped down with Gabrielle in his lap opposite Marcia. To his left was Maypor and opposite her was Amadis.
“Master,” Amadis said and caught his attention, “I’ve posted my sisters about the house near any exit.”
“Thank you, Ami. But I’d hate to encroach on-”
“Its fine, boy,” Maypor said interrupting him. “Bosric and Cala are thankful for the extra protection. Even if it is for just one night.”
“Just one night? You’re not staying?” Cala blinked and leaned forward to looked at May and then the rest of them.
“You haven’t told them,” Jace whispered to the old woman.
“No, I haven’t,” Maypor replied with a tired sigh.
“We can’t. In fact, I’m hoping you’ll come with us.”
“Where are you going, May?” Bosric inquired.
“To Oedrin. Trager village is gone, Bosric. A horde of a hundred wretches and monstrous creatures killed everyone except those who you saw today with us.”
Their hosts sat in stunned silence as they digested the news. “It’s likely,” Jace started speaking up, “that Pessel village is next.”
“How do you mean?”
For the next ten minutes, Jace along with the everyone else’s input described what had happened to Trager, no more than a day ago. Once he had finished, the door to the room was filled by Abrin, carrying a large platter in both hands. Behind the indentured elf was a few of his Saracae, helping to deliver his and his wives dishes.
Before Jace could even start in on his roast lamb, roasted sweet potatoes and veg. The Saracae that had carried it to him, bent and whispered in his ear, “there no poison in food, Master. All is well.”
Nodding his head, Jace ignored the inquisitive looks he got and dug in.
It was after their delicious diner, as they sat in the other room, that Bosric and Cala answered Maypor’s suggestion.
“We can’t come with you, May,” Bosric said at last. He and his wife, who sat beside him on the double sofa sipped their wine glasses. Maypor reclined next to them on a small comfy padded chair.
As Jace and his wives cuddled up on another sofa opposite the couple.
“Why not?” May said, her voice sounded rough and harsh. Yet he knew there was no bite in her tone.
“This is our home, May,” Cala said softly. “We can hardly abandon it. Especially after - everything - that’s happened.”
Maypor rubbed at the side of her face as she sighed in exasperation. “Home’s can be rebuilt, Cala. Your lives can not.”
“Don’t you think I know that!” Cala snapped back her eyes flaring dangerously.
“Easy, love. Your sister is just worried.”
“Sorry Cala,” Maypor ducked her white-haired head in an apology.
“You know,” Jace said, his voice filling the silence that followed. His drink was just plain cool-water, nothing fancy. A part of him seemed adverse to anything alcoholic. Though Joanna and Athena sipped their wine happily and snuggled against him.
Marcia had gone to bed early, taking Cain and Gabrielle with her.
“They’ll come for you eventually; you should know that. They drove everyone out of Trager forest for a reason. Now I can only speculate on that reason but, once they’re finished doing whatever it is. Pessel is between the forest and Oedrin. Remember that.”
“We know,” Bosric said and Cala nodded sullenly. “If - if it happens. We’ll decide then on what we do.”
“Just prayer you aren’t too late in your decision then,” Jace smiled though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Because the things we saw,” he supressed a shudder. “Are truly horrific.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Bosric stood from the sofa and held his lady’s hand in his massive paw. “If you’ll excuse us. I’m going to take Cala upstairs to her room, and do a round on the walls.”
As they left Jace turned to Maypor who was staring at the wall. Her empty glass resting idly in her hands. “May, you still with us?” he asked her tentatively.
“Of course, boy,” the old woman scowled at him. “They’re too stubborn- and stupid to see sense. Yet I cannot fault them. If my Albert still lived, I don’t imagine we would’ve left our home as well.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re sticking with us, May,” Joanna said and smiled at her old friend. “At least I won’t be the only old woman then.”
Maypor smirked slightly at that and cocked her eyebrow as she looked between Joanna and Jace. “Sure.”
After that they retired up to their room, and stripped down for bed. “May’s right you know. Some people are too stupid and stubborn to see sense,” Joanna said as she and Athena got dressed behind a screen in their room. Jace got the impression that she was thinking of Marcia.
The elven beauty stepped out from behind the screen in a sheer sleeveless baby blue lace nightie that hung about her upper thighs. The material barely covering, her exposed sex and small pert ass, as she sauntered over to stand before Jace.
He was sat on the bed, staring at her delicate slit and small perky breasts.
Her nipples erect and peaking the lace enticingly. Then he heard footsteps behind her, and Joanna swivelled aside as Athena stepped out nervously
The fox-kin-woman, wore a red sleeveless sheer lace nighties, except hers didn’t even try to conceal her sex from him. Her massive breasts rose the material up high, showing off her lower half. Exposing her pink lips and trimmed curls to him. Jace’s felt his mouth salivate at the sight of a goddess. Goddesses, he thought seeing Joanna smirking at his reaction.
His dick was harshly bent trying to spring out of his tight breeches. His eyes landed on Athena fluffy tail swishing out behind her backside. Her red furred ears twitch in nervousness.
“Come, sister. Our husband has yet to consummate our marriage with you,” Joanna said huskily and crook a finger at the blushing fox-kin.
“We were interrupted last time,” Jace said, his voice going distant.
Athena and Joanna were polar opposites when it came to their figure. The elven woman was willowy and slender. Her long legs, small breasts and tight ass reminded him of a Victoria secret runway model. Whatever the fuck that is. But the impression was there. Her body was gorgeous. And it all Jace could do not to take her and see if he could snap her in half on his cock.
Athena on the other hand was creamy, curvy, and luscious. Her massive breasts peak with pink nipple swollen and sensitive from breast-feeding her daughter almost every other couple of hours a day.
Her body was hourglass shape, with a small waist and wide round hips. Her full ass was pronounced, and her swishing tail made it even more glorious.
“It’s been a while since I was last with someone,” Athena warned him. She took a deep breath and walked over to stand opposite Joanna in front of him.
“Don’t worry, sister,” Joanna purred to her. “There’s no comparison to his … monster.”
“You’ve told me, Jo. Yet I’ve…” Athena trailed off her eyes lingering on the massive bulge in Jace’s pants, “yet to see it.”
“Then get on knees,” Joanna murmured and stepping over she trailed her finger across Athena’ exposed hip and moved behind her. Athena shiver and her shaky aroused breathing had Jace trying with all his might to not burst through the seams of his breeches.
He did kind of like them after all.
His elven wife, circled her slender hands around Athena waist and hugged their bodies together. Joanna murmuring softly into the fox-kin’s ear as she stared at Jace. Then Joanna began to press small delicate kisses down Athena’s neck.
One of the elf’s hands creeping down her flat stomach to rest at the trimmed curls of Athena mound. “She’s so soft, husband,” Joanna said pressing another kiss behind the fox-kin’s jaw.
Jace watched all of this, his wives weren’t exactly making love to each other, but the closeness of their pressed bodies were making them moan softly. Joanna is certainly more dominant that Athena.
“Enough,” Jace said, and his quiet voice drew a startle gasp from the women. “Both of you. On. Your. Knee’s.” he pointed between his legs and both of his wives sprang into action. Dropping before him Joanna immediately began to run her hands over his legs and thigh, her small needle-like teeth on full display as she grinned mischievously at him.
Athena knelt beside her, watching her sister-wife in amazement. Her own hands almost unconsciously running over her body, as she let out small gasps and moans.
Reaching down Jace unfastened himself and with Joanna help tugged off his pants. His thick erection sprung out between his legs, his thick purple head dripping precum already.
Joanna tongue darted and lapped the precum up as she puckered her lips around the head of his dick. Jace moaned approvingly as he watched Joanna’s tiny mouth work his head in and out of her.
Then the slender elf open her mouth wide and bobbed her head forward suddenly, taking a good couple inches of his shaft into her wet warm mouth.
One of her hands rubbed and cupped at his balls as she stroke his shaft and gobbled the first couple of inches of his shaft. Her lips peeled back as she grinned toothily around his cock.
The danger of the situation was never lost on Jace. Any one of her small sharp teeth could easily punctured through his dick. But that very thought added to the height of trust, love, and lust he felt for her. She’s no Mileena at least.
Jace began to thrust his hips minutely forward in time with each of her suckling bobs. His cock stuffing more and more insider her tiny mouth. Stretching her lips and bulging her cheeks obscenely. She moaned and that cut off.
Joanna gagged as the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat and she swallowed at him reflexively, taking more of him inside her. Jace flexed his cock entered inside her throat and felt her constrict around him.
He’d completely forgotten about Athena by this point. Lost in the stunning blues of Joanna slanted gaze, as she knelt like a supplicant and eagerly craved his warm seed in her stomach.
As if reading his thought Joanna moaned around him and the vibration thrummed through his shaft. Then she abruptly slid his shaft out of her mouth and coughed.
“What the?”
“Sorry handsome. I just wanted to do the prep work. This here,” she stroke his slathered cock roughly and spat on the head. “Is for my sister-wife, tonight.”
Jace blinked and looked to the right to see a heavily blushing Athena. One of her hands rubbing between her closed legs, as the other pinched at a swollen erect nipple.
She moaned sharply and gasped as Jace caught her pleasuring herself. Then she shyly opened her legs, revealing her wet pink entrance as her finger slipped in and out.
“I- ah, want you,” she murmured and bit back a loud moan. Joanna let go of his throbbing manhood and scooted over on her hands and knees to Athena. Once there the willowy elf wasted no time in removing the fox-kin’s nightie. Athena’ breast barely moved as the lacy material slid smoothly over her luscious curves.
Her chest was a deep scarlet red, her blush spreading over her wondrous body. Then Joanna gave the curvy fox-kin a light push. And Athena crawled over on all fours to Jace. Her tail swaying with each gentle bounce of her ass. Her massive breast hung perkily down, her clawed fingertips clacking against the wooden floor.
Jace groaned as Athena reached and in wasting time, the shy fox stuck her tongue out and ran it from between his balls all the way to the head of his cock.
Her face grew a bright red as she did so, yet she didn’t stop. If anything her quickly flicking tail showed how excited she was.
Then without pause the foxy woman, open her mouth wide revealing her two jutting fangs and took him into her mouth. Jace almost exploded then and there, and at that his mind thought on everything that happened to him since waking up in Parkers Hold. The constant wonder at who he had been. Now though, he knew without doubt that whoever he was, had never had this much love and devotion from anyone.
Athena struggled to bob her head on his wide girth, her fangs making it difficult. But to Jace that didn’t matter, her mouth was silken flesh around his dick, and her tongue had a roughness to it that reminded him of a cat.
It swirled around the sensitive skin of his erection and it was all he could do to not say ‘to hell with this and shove his length down her throat and explode.’
After a minute of this Jace was on the edge and decided it was enough. “Stop. If we… if we keep going, I’m going to cum in your mouth,” he informed her and saw Athena’ yellow gaze narrow in determination. Her tongue lapped at him even harder as her hands stroked his shaft rigorously.
A moan from his right caught his attention and looking over he saw Joanna was spread eagle on the floor, with her knees bent as her long slender fingers plunged into her pink pussy. She moaned and shivered at his attention.
Jace gasped and winced as his cock slid further into Athena’ mouth and her fangs scrape his shaft. It wasn’t anything painful, but it did pinched at the skin.
Athena growled in frustration. “Dammit,” she spat taking him out her wonderful mouth. “I wanted to do this.”
“Its fine. Honestly I was enjoying it. But it’s not your mouth I want tonight,” Jace told her and reaching down, he cupped her chin in his hand. “Now. Get on the bed,” with each word Jace brushed his thumb over her plump lips.
The fox-kin shivered as his quiet tone, and with wide eyes Athena clambered onto the king-sized bed. She position her rear towards his and swished her hips and tail invitingly.
“On your back,” he told her and lightly tapped her thick rump. Athena hesitated and Jace wondered why. Probably something to do with being beastkin. That whole, mount the female shtick.
Jace wanted to see Athena’s yellow eyes roll into the back of her head as she orgasmed on his dick. Once the fox-kin was position on her back Jace slowly moved up her body. He took her arched feet and avoiding the claws he kissed skin of her foot and then moved up her leg. He felt the muscles in her lean claves and thighs twitch as his progress moved further.
He avoided her pink slit, and moved onto her flat stomach up her chest and onto her full heavy breasts. They sagged slightly and that made them all the more glorious. Yes, he’d seen Deanna breasts, and the orc’s were larger. But they fitted her ridiculous frame well.
Athena’ were like buying a plain freddo, biting into it, and finding a caramel filled center. It was unexpected and delightfully wonderful. And for some reason you’d savour each bite, like you never had it before and never would again.
Jace blinked away the nonsense drumming through his skull. Sometimes he just had to let it roll, or shit would just get more bizarre.
Cupping Athena chest, Jace gently palmed and ran his hands tentatively over their curve and around her areola. He stared at her erect pink nipples, and thought about how her ripe her full breasts were. Swollen with vitality that would feed their babies when she had them.
Leaning down he lapped his tongue over her diamond hard nipple, as he traced the other lightly with his fingers. He wouldn’t pinch or suckle on them. Just his light ministrations alone, informed how sensitive they were. He wasn’t in the business of drinking her breast milk. I swear. Anime guys have all the fun.
Their little girl was a greedy stinker after all.
So much had happened in the last week or so.
Moving on from her swollen nipples and trailing kisses up her neck, Jace eventually claimed her mouth. Athena hands ran over his prickly scalp, along his prickly beard and held his face as her lips parted and their tongue enticed one another.
Then Jace’s thick cock rubbed length ways over Athena’ wet labia. Her lips were gripping and gliding along his shaft, as he ran himself over her soaking wet entrance.
Her legs wrapped around his waist and without him even moving Athena began her to grind her clit against the shaft of his dick. The lips of her pussy slathering his dick in her honeyed juices. Her legs climbed higher and up his back and then he felt the tip of his cock enter her heated sex.
She wasn’t tight nor loose. In fact she was perfect for him. And Jace smoothly glided inside her engulfing pussy easily and bottomed out inside her.
Athena moaned, her eyes rolling back in her head and she bit her plump red lip, as they broke their kiss.
He distantly heard Joanna whisper, “holy fuck!” as she watched them.
For a singular moment, Jace found himself to be utterly thoughtless. Like life was in stark clarity. Its rules and division set before more in stark openness.
People and things were simple. They were of two minds. Love, and sorrow. With love we find laughter, comfort, and happiness. In sorrow we find pain, loss, and grief.
We avoid pain, because well it hurts. You don’t stick your hand over flame because you know it’ll hurt, yet you seek its warmth anyway.
And we seek love, because we avoid pain.
Two simple truth’s about life.
A man would walk thousands of miles with a stone in his shoe, than stop and knock it out because it would be an inconvenience.
People were in a rush searching for joy, because we all really hurt inside.
Each of us in some small way’s.
Then Jace rocked his pelvis, sliding out and then thrusting forward. His mind lost in a haze of bliss. Athena crying out in pleasure, calling his name, as he picked up the pace. Slamming in and out.
Her legs clung to him, and her claws pierced into the flesh of his shoulder blade. But Jace barely noticed it, and leaning down he stuck his tongue roughly into her mouth, stifling her gasps and mewls of pleasure.
The warm coil within him unwound, his balls tightening up as his orgasm neared.
Neither of them were aware of the words that spilled from all three of their lips. Nor the tether of energy that bloom between the two lovers and their third, blissfully strumming her clit and fingering her pussy on the floor as she watched them.
Jace slammed in and out, thrusting deeply and pushing Athena into the bed. The fox-kin’s mouth open in a silence scream, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as her back arched beneath him.
Then Jace was there, as the walls of her pussy tightened around his shaft and sent tumbling waves rolling over his dick, and pounding into her as her juices erupted over him, he bottomed out and felt his dick press against her cervix.
Then he gasped and roared as waves of cum shot from the head of his cock into her accepting womb. Then leaning his head against her shoulder Jace bit down hard.
“Oooooh FUCK!” Athena screamed and cried out as she climaxed again. Her labia tightening her hold on the base of his shaft as his endless bounty of sperm filled her to the brim.
As their climax subsided, they kissed sloppily. Their sweat soaked bodies mashed together, his cock still twitching as his seed seemed to spill endlessly from him.
As they broke their mouths apart, Athena looked deep into his eyes. “I love you,” she said softly.
“I love you as well,” he shot a look over the side of the bed to see Joanna listlessly crawling over to them. “Both of you.”
Life is fucking great, he thought and was about to pull out of Athena when she caught his hip.
“Stay inside me, please. Let’s fall asleep like this. Tonight at least,” she told him, Jace hesitated then nodded.
“Sure, let’s just change position first. Without sliding out of her he brought her legs together in the air making her pussy tighten on him as she gasped. Then he moved her legs to the side and laid down behind her. He felt Joanna’s arms wrap around his waist from behind.
“That was so fucking hot, you two,” the elven woman moaned. “Next time, I’m getting involved.”
“Promise?” Jace shot back, his eyes lazily sliding shut.
“Promise, handsome,” she told him. “Worth it, Athena?”
“Yes my dear sister-wife it was indeed,” Athena said softly her hand went to her belly, then to her sex where they were still connected. “We’re just missing one piece of our happy little family,” she whispered quietly to herself. Then a plan formed in her mind. And with a mischievous smile tugging at her lips.
Athena wriggled back into her husband and closed her eyes. Her excitement and arousal would not let her sleep for some time. It was time to straighten out her Marcia.
“Hey, Dexica. What is it this time?” Jace asked as he realised he was in the pocket plane.
“Oh nothing to worry about dear one. Can’t a lady enjoy some company of her own for a while,” the voice in his informed him.
“Wait. You’re a woman?” Jace asked and winced as a shrill whistle blurred in his ear drums. “Sorry!”
“Hmm. You don’t sound apologetic. Well never mind, your display earlier was rather impressive. I added that one to my Rub-Club almost immediately,” Dexica laughed.
“Rub- uh-what? You know what, never mind. So what’s up?” Jace asked again, as he shook his head in amusement.
“Time for more Magic lesson’s I’m afraid. Our time in this pocket is growing shorter by the day. You need to learn fast and begin helping me to reinforce it. Otherwise we’re fucked my friend, and seriously. For all that is astral and good in this world, will you at least learn to use my vambrace. I mean I’ve showed you how and you’re still forgetting about my conduit outside of this plane.” The voice in his head grumbled at him.
“What? uh- no you didn’t. You never showed anything about it?” Jace shot back.
There was a moment of pause.
“I… didn’t?” Dexica asked him, sounding flustered and confused.
Jace thought back on their experience against the Fragment. He remembered the vambrace liquifying and moulding into a new shape on his arm. All he remembered doing was pressing the symbol of the bow and arrow.
“Huh. Guess I never did. Well it’s simple really. Find any weapon you’re proficient with and hold it in your right hand. Give me a mental shout—I can hear you by the way, just can’t reply—and I’ll copy it.”
“Okay,” he said, it did sound cool as fuck, “then how do I change it. Like from the vambrace into a weapon.”
“Just ask me, and I’ll display the symbol of the weapon I’ve copied. Note that I can only do one at a time. And the time between each weapon will depend on the weapon’s make-up and intricacies. You should also note that I can’t make arrows, or bolt. Only the bow I’m afraid. An arrow would mean that a part of my conduit would be spent. If that arrow was lost, I’d be lesser than I was before.”
“Okay. That makes perfect sense. Is there uh, anything I can do to improve the vambrace. Like add different metals maybe.”
“N- I- uh, Mhmm, maybe? Actually that sounds rather interesting. I’m not sure how we’ll do it. Maybe using different metals from the weapons I’ll copy? I’m not sure. It’s something we can experiment on safely though.”
“Sounds good to me. Now what’re we learning?”
“We’re going to rough our way through drawing Mana within you. You won’t be able to do shit with it, muffins, without a brush. But the knowledge will help with rune composing anyway. Now sat on the glass and cross you legs please. Good. Now remember the mana core we visualised last time-”
Athena’ eyes blinked opened. She felt Jace stirring behind her as he mumbled in his sleep. She hadn’t seen him have a nightmare at all in the last few days. Though she had heard the name, Dexi, mumbled like curse in his sleep.
She stifled a moan, as she moved and felt his flaccid penis still inside of her. Gently sliding him out of her, Athena sat up and crossed her legs as she slid off the bed and retrieved her lace nightie.
Looking over her shoulder, she saw Jace shift in his sleep and turn over to cuddle up behind Joanna. She was thankful to her sister-wife in nudging her to be courageous and brave.
What troubled Athena right now, was Marcia. And what Athena was about to do to her. She had always looked up to her like an older sister. She only called her aunt sometimes because Marcia was her mother’ sister-wife. Though they generally went around saying they were actual sisters.
Walking softly across the room, her clawed toes clacking with each step. Athena opened the door and moved into the hallway, closing the door behind her.
Looking both ways she walked down the until she came to Marcia’ room. The orange light spreading out from beneath the door, informed her that Marcia was still awake.
Athena looked to the door next to this one. Her daughter was in there sleeping soundlessly, and most likely Cain as well. Taking a deep breath she squared her shoulders and gently wrapped on the door twice. A muffled, “who is it?” came a moment later.
“It’s me Marcia,” Athena replied, her voice soft and sweet. And fumbling with the handle she opened the door a second later and stepped inside.
“Athena- good goddess, girl, what’re wearing?” Marcia exclaimed as she focused on Athena coming into her room. Then the older fox-kin took in a deep breath and smelled the musky scent of sex on her.
“You need to clean yourself up, before you go visiting anyone else,” Marcia said sternly.
“Oh? but I’m only visiting you. I’ve come to share is all.”
“Share what?”
This novel is the work of Rhys Thomas. If you are reading this and it has not been published by Rhys Thomas, then this work has been stolen. Please report this to Amazon and me at email: [email protected]
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The Master of Names
The modern world of magic has moved on. Magic of old no longer allowed in the new age. Deemed too barbaric for the contemporary world, magic skills and formulae have taken the country of Idraver by storm and with their arrival, heralding in a new age of magic.Decades later, a young man named Keldon, born without the ability to use skills, begins to experience strange dreams, and with them came the return of an ancient magic. Given an impossible task, what do his newfound powers mean? Or is their return merely a signal for the beginning of the final end. ___________________________________________ **Author's notes** * Redid chapter order so amount of chapters stays the same but numbers are changed to be consistent across all the places I post 12/15/2020: Redid chapters 1-6 to improve pacing and clarity issues.
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100 Verse of Unspoken Words (Published on Amazon)
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Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1
Leona was not like your average girl. She was running away but what happens when she runs into two of the most infamous hunters? Best rankings#1 - Jaredpadalecki (01/18-22)#1 - Jimbeaver (08/12-20)#1 - Wolfblood (02/04-21)#1 - Winchester (03/05-21)#2 - Jensenackles (08/25-20)#4 - Impala (10/17-20)#12 - Deanwinchester (02/23-21)#20 - Samwinchester (08/25-20)#75 - Supernatural (10/18-20)Takes place in Season 3. Some dialogue and scenes may not be totally the same. I am taking inspiration from Wolfblood to create my own character. English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes. All rights goes to CW and WB as well as BBC for Wolfblood. I don't own anyone besides Leona and her storyline.
8 127