《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Psyren intermission 3


Azat: Well, it is time to meet others so let's go.

With that word, he started to move towards the exit from his home. Outside of the house, there was a nice summer forest and clear blue sky. However, there was something strange. A door, the ordinary door was located in the middle of nowhere standing just by itself not far away from the house. Azat started to walk towards the door he opened it and then disappeared by entering the door.

Irina was shocked by sudden disappearance, but then remembering what Azat told her and slowly entered the door.


Azat: “When we came, the Genghis and Alisher already where there waiting for us”

Hi guys.

Genghis: Hello. So the girl is together with you, that means that now we need to wait only for Clare.

So we waited for the next 30 minutes for Clare to come.

Clare: Sorry, for coming late, new episode if My hero academia came out so I couldn't help it.

Azat: "WHat!! The new episode she came late because of such trivial reason.”


Azat: "Calm down she is a former assassin so I shouldn't get fooled by the way how she acts .”

Genghis: What we waited for half of the hour because of the anime episode!!!

Clare: Well, I said that I am sorry so don't make a ruckus here.

Then a golden tablet appeared from thin air.

And the words in it were.

“ When a team has three or used to have three humans that had unlocked their genetic constraints, this message will appear and stay in this dimension."

We have all predicted that once a genetic constraint is unlocked to its fifth stage, the final stage of the constraint, the organism will evolve into a higher tier organism. The human world will then advance or wreak havoc at the thought of that organism. In order to prevent the encounter of two or more high tier organisms from multiple teams, which will cause the extinction of human, we created the following rules...


... When a team has three or used to have three humans that had unlocked their genetic constraints, that team will encounter other teams that belong to God's world from another continent. Killing a member from another team will be rewarded... 2000 points and a rank C reward. Killing a member that had unlocked the genetic constraint will be rewarded 7000 points and a rank B reward. Eliminating the whole team will reward every member a rank C reward.

. There does not exist cruelty, justice, or evil... Only one team can survive till the end. If you don't want to die then surpass your limits and evolve…”

Azat: “So we have 3 or more people with unlocked genetic constraints.”

Clare: Hhm, you don’t seem to be surprised Azat. Did you really be a normal person before coming to mission world?

Azat: What do you mean? Do you think that I lied when we just met? I really was a normal person before. And about team battles. When I was just transported to my first mission the were veteran players that explained me about this world. “Damn,.it was close, I don’t know what they will do if learn that I am from a different world” By the way which one of you have unlocked genetic constraints.

Clare: Me.

Genghis: I haven’t.

Alisher: I have.

Azat: So 3 people with unlocked genetic constraints. Not bad.

Alisher: Three?

Azat: Obviously I also did. “Well, it is quite risky to tell about my abilities, but by doing so

I am gaining their trust and respect. After all, they can easily check that there are only two mission worlds available to our team. And that means that I unlocked the first stage of genetic constraints in less than 2 missions, After all, they don’t know that I was lucky to come across a bonus mission”


Genghis: Well now let's think about how our team is going to operate from now on.

Clare: Yeah, you are right. Shrek, when will you return to the real world to report to your supervisors.

Alisher: I am not Shrek, my name is Alisher Tolebaev, but you may call just Alisher or Ali for short. And we had to go out to report after every 3 missions, but because of our special circumstances, I suppose I will go right after purchasing powers, and equipment from Game Master.

Clare: Well, I will go with you then.

Genghis: Now, when we finished with it let’s move to the next important question who will be the leader of the team? Alisher is out of the question because we still can't fully trust him, and as it turns out I am not competent enough, after all, I am only one who did not unlock the genetic constraints. And the girl was an ordinary person before and she just finished her first mission. That leaves us only with two options Azat or Clare.

Clare: Take me out of this it is too troublesome to be a leader.

Azat: Azat I too don’t have any interest in that position. “After all the leader is the first one to be targeted by the enemy team. And on top of that, I don't want to take responsibility for everyone's lives” Do we really need a leader? Our team have only

5 members in it, lets, for now, operate without a leader. And choose one when our team becomes big enough to need one.

Clare: I am fine with that, what about other?

Genghis/Alisher: Fine.

Azat: What about you Irina?

Irina: Why are you asking? I don’t know anyone here, and it is not like my vote decides anything.

Azat: Well then let’s move further. We don’t have a leader so we need to create some rules that our team will follow.

Alisher: Good Idea. Actually, my organization forces the teams that they send to the mission world to create their team's rules before entering. The rules that we had were :

1)Don’t kill your teammate.

2)Cover each other.

3) And every person's points it is his own business.

Azat: I think that rules will suit us too. But we should add :

4)Don't give up on injured comrade.

5) Don't kill newbies without reason.

Azat: Do anyone have something to add?

Genghis: No, I think those rules will be just fine.

Irina: Nothing to add.

Clare: I am fine. However, we also have to know each other's capabilities to operate as a team. So I suggest that after each exchange we shortly say what we got. And it may be helpful to do some joint training at least 2 or 3 times.

Azat: Good, any other suggestions? No. Then let's move to the purchasing abilities from Game Master.

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