《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Attack On Titan again Chap 3


Azat was facing over two dozens of titans that were running in his direction, and that number was slowly increasing. When the first titan has been just 10 meters away from him, Azat made his move.

Azat: “Basic body strengthening magic”

Then he jumped over 6-meter-tall titan, and while he was still in the air, he summoned ignited petards from a spatial ring and threw it to the back of titan’s neck.


Azat: “Nitroglycerin is a something!!! Also, because the time in the ring is frozen I can store already ignited petards there, but I am really idiot learn how to make explosive, but not how to make detonators!!!!”

After his landing two titans lashed out at him from different sides, but he just dodged and passed under legs цof one of them. So they collided with each other.


Then he jumped on the one of the fallen titan’s back, and when he was going to kill him another titan attacked him. So Azat was forced to stop his strike midway and dodge.

Azat: “Damn, it”

After that, he could not stand on one place and had to constantly dodge.

Azat: DIE!!!!

While titan tried to catch Azat in midair, and swallow him with his mouth wide open, he retrieved several ignited petards and threw them into the titan’s mouth.


However, at the next moment when just Azat landed 12 titans from all possible directions jumped at him and did not leave any space for him to dodge.

Azat: “FUCK!!! Am I going to die?! Die because of a girl that I don’t know, just because she looks like my acquaintance!!! NO, I will not die. I cannot die without becoming overpowered, I cannot die without seeing my family once again, and I cannot die without going to the DATE AT LEAST ONCE IN MY LIFE!!!”

At the next moment, Azat’s eyes lost their focus, his head cleared and he started to move. Then, he accomplished the two things that he and his clones couldn’t do for the past 8 days of training. First, he succeeds in covering his blades with mana and so strengthened them, and the second mana that was not used to strengthen blades started to concentrate in his heart. Part of it strengthened it, and so increased the rate of his heartbeat several times, while other part dissolved in the blood that now spent milliseconds to circulate around his body, and then almost perfectly distributed to all parts of his body. Every cell of his body was strengthened and thanks to the increased rate of blood circulation were supplied with the larger amount of energy than ever before. As a result, his physical power increased ten folds!!!!


The next moment all of the titans that attacked him were sent flying.


Then he beheaded the nearest titan and with a kick sent his head flying into the next one with speed equal to the canon’s ball. And then a massacre started. Azat moved so fast that titans just could not react. He overpowered titans in raw strength too, and mana imbued blades cut them like a butter.

1 minute!!! He killed all of the titans around him in 1 minute!!!

Azat “I don’t have much time”

Then, with one jump he reached the peak of the tree where Alice was hiding.

Alice: WHA?!!

Azat: No time for that.

Then Azat lifted her and started to run in the direction of his base at maximal speed. After reaching his base and ensuring their safety he bluntly threw Alice to the side.

Alice: Hey!!

And at the next moment, his eyes returned their focus. And then.


An unimaginable amount of pain assaulted him, and so he lost his consciousness.

Azat: “Fuck, that was terrible!!! I passed out just from the amount of pain. Undoubtedly, that was the first stage of Unlocked mode. I hope novel tells the truth, and I will become used to it. And also” Why are you staring at me like that!!!

Alice: You always were so old. When I first met you, you looked like someone just little older than me, but now you look like my father’s peer. And that inhuman power. Who are you?

Azat: “What!!!”

At the next moment, Azat started to check himself. Part of his hair became white, and his skin became rough.

Azat: How old?! How old I look to you?

Alice: What a stupid question?! You look like someone in his late forties, and you still didn’t answer my question!!!

Azat: “More than 20 years!!! The first stage of the unlocked mode shouldn’t have such effects. Then it means that it was the result of my technique. Little more than 2 minutes in that state costed more than 20 years!!! Well, it can be fixed in the terminal lobby, but I shouldn’t use it carelessly or I will just exhaust myself to the death. Also, as stupid as it sounds in that state I’m too strong. I was barely able to react even under the unlocked mode. But I am glad that I was able to succeed in both unlocked mode and my first self-created ability. In the novel, both of them were things that distinguished strong veteran players from weak ones. By the way, I still did not name it. Hmm, how I should name it? Power mode, no, no, no. Second gear, after all, part with accelerating heartbeat was Luffy’s idea. But using blood flow for a better distribution of mana was the idea from light novel that I read a long time ago. Hmm, “Overdrive” simple and clear, perfect.”


Alice: HEY!!! You still did not answer to my questions!!!

Azat: “What a drag.” Well, my name is Azat I am a researcher. I am researching the titans and that power it is a result of my research. Change in my appearance is the result of using that power. But don’t worry it will become normal again after some time passes. Now, can you tell me about yourself? And how you ended up being surrounded by titans.

Alice: Oh, Well I am Alice, part of the group of survivors from reclaiming mission. We have been living in the abandoned mine, but recently there was an earthquake and because of it mine collapsed. Me and other people that survived decided to move to the small island in the center of the lake in two days of walk from there. On our way, we met a group of titans and I am and a number of other people decide to lure titans to our self from the rest of the group.

Azat: “Two days it is the same amount of days that left from time in that world that I purchased. Also, I did not notice it in the beginning, but even her voice is identical to Isabela’s. Same brown hairs, green eyes, and even mole under her left eye is identical!!!!! The only difference between her and Isabel is age. Isabel is 9 years old child. She is the niece of John, my best friend that I made in the States. He adopted her after her mother, John’s sister died in a car accident. It is quite tough to look after the child while you study at University and have a job at the same time. So I ended up looking after her from time to time. Well, I did know that Game Master can change a plot to create hidden missions. In the original novel, Protagonist’s team or team China had a bonus mission in the World of the Mummy that involved stone masks from JoJo bizarre adventures. But that is different, did he deliberately make so that person directly linked to the mission looks like someone I know?!! Why then don’t use the appearance of my parents or siblings it would be more effective in driving me to the edge?!!” You said your husband taught you to use omni gear, how he allowed you to participate in such dangerous affair?

Alice: He, He ..! *cries*

Azat: Stop, no need for the explanation!!! “So he has died.” Let wait till the sunset when titan’s activity at its minimum. And then, go after your people.

Alice: You will help me!!! I don’t know how to express a gratitude for that, I and my child will owe you greatly!

Azat: About that, I lied. You are not pregnant, you said you have a husband so I lied that you are pregnant to make you follow my orders without unnecessary complains…


Alice: NEVER, Do not dare to play with human feelings. I know you tried to save me, but if you do so one more time I will not forgive YOU!!!!

Azat: “ Well, I have expected that her husband is likely died considering the situation in which I met her, and after learning that her died husband has left her a child should have force her to try her best to survive. And, now learning that it was just a lie at least shocked her greatly.”

Azat: May you tell me how your group managed to survive for such long time in the territory occupied by titans for so long?

Alice: We lived in the abandoned mine. The entrance was narrow, so titans could not come in. Our men would go out in the night to hunt and collect edible plants, while women stay at the hideout and cultivate mushrooms. We had quite comfortable life, When the Wall Maria fell people fled, leaving their belongings behind, we collected it as much as we can, so there was not lack of clothing. So we lived peacefully till that earthquake.

Azat: Amazing, you managed to survive in such conditions. By the way, do you have a doctor as part of your group?

Alice: Yes, how did you know?

Azat: It is quite oblivious. You said that you had a comfortable life, and I cannot imagine a people living comfortably when there are diseases everywhere. And it was quite some time since you started to live outside of the Wall Rose, In that time frame, your group should have experienced several epidemics’ without medical aid. “So, there is really a doctor in that group would be good if he could check up me, so I could gain a better understanding of the after effects of using overdrive.” It is already dark outside let’s move out.

Alice: Sure.

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