《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Attack On Titan again Chap 1


On the field, near the forest entrance, one person was staying.


At the same time something closely resembling human, but 7 meters tall and fully naked was running in his direction. It was titan. Then when titan has already stretched out his hands and was about to grab him something that no one would expect happened. Human grabbed the titan’s hand and then just threw titan through oneself. That human’s name was Azat.


Azat: HA-HA-HA so light!!!! “Just like in anime titans a lot lighter than What they should weight with their size”

After that when titan was already trying to stand up, Azat reached the back of the titan’s neck that had already been at the height of 4 meters from the ground just with one jump. And the blade identical to that usually attached to the omni gear appeared in his right hand. Azat used a blade to attack titans vital point and kill him.

*Slash* *Pshpshpsh*

Azat: “Spatial ring is sure handy. I was able to store all food, and the ingredients for explosives as well as things that I stole from the garrison’s arsenal into the ring.”

Two days have already passed since the robbery incident in Karanes district’s garrison’s arsenal.

Azat: “Well, I should store some parts of his remaining into the ring before they fully disappeared. Time in spatial ring is stopped so I will be able to preserve them. Why am I storing them? Isn’t it obvious for RESEARCH!!! Mad scientists type characters always were my favorites. I maybe not so genius as them, but that can be fixed with the help of abilities from the Game Master!!! The titans are really amazing by drinking some of their blood I was able to increase my Cell Vitality stat by freaking 100!!! So now my injuries heals 4 times faster than ordinary human’s. Well, Zerg mutation, thanks to which it happened is also great. Unfortunately, everything has its own limits. After the first time, it did not ever happen again.”



Two 10 meters and one 15 meters’ tall titans were running towards him.

Azat: “It looks like I made too much noise while taking care of that guy. Well, real battle experience is the main reason why I came here anyway.”

With that thought, he started to run in the forests direction.

Azat “Basic body strengthening magic”

After entering the forest, he used his blade to strike a tree that twice thicker than him and had a height of 8 m. With one strike he chopped down the tree. Then he momentary stored the blade. He grabbed the tree trunk and started to run towards titans. He used it as a club and struck down the 15-meter-tall titan, after that he threw the tree to one of the 10-meter-tall titans. The second one tried to grab him, but Azat easily dodged it. Then he quickly retrieved the blade back from his spatial ring and threw it to the that titans back. After that, he himself jumped to the place where blade landed, and by using the handle that was sticking out from titans back as a foothold to jump again. Then he took out the second blade from the spatial ring and slashed to the back of titan’s neck.

Azat: “One down”

Immediately after his landing, he grabbed the leg of the remaining 10-meter-tall titan and used him as a replacement for tree trunk to strike the 15-meter-tall titan that was just about to stand up. After the heavy strike from Azat titan once again fell. But that time Azat continued to slam him like a mad. At some point, two titans died because the back of their neck received to much damage.

Azat: “DAMN, I fried up hands. Well, with my cell vitality burns like that will totally be healed by the morning. But I depleted almost all my mana in that fight just now so I should return to the base.”


My base is a just small cave in the cliff, located high enough so titans can reach it. There are I keep food that I bought in Karane several omni gears, blades gas reserve and finally nitroglycerin. From where did I get it. Simple, I made it. I left one clone there so he can make explosives from ingredients that I bought in Karane, he also experiments with mana control and basic body strengthening. Well, It is time to dispel him and get all his experience for today.


Azat: Not much progress again. “Well, I think I should be more patient just a week passed since I started to train.”

After a short lunch, Azat started to circulate his mana in his body.

Azat: “My mana increases a little bit after it fully depletes and the speed with which it restores also increases after I circulate my mana. After I have got mana form Game Master something like vines appeared in my body and now mana circulates through there, and the most amazing fact is that I can control the process and use mana for various things. I suppose in the future, I should purchase some kind of meditation manual for my mana.”

While Azat was fully immersed in his thoughts, a loud girls' scream rang out.


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