《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Attack On Titan Ch1 awakening


The next moment when Azat opened his eyes, he was on some kind of flat roof, he didn’t see anything other than sky and the edges of the roof there was no buildings higher than one on which he stood. Surprisingly, there was no wind on such height. Around him, there were about 15 other people some of them were still unconscious. He didn’t know what to do or say so he just continued to observe the surrounding. What he thought was a roof of the building actually was a tip of the gigantic wall over 50m tall encircling small town and connected to the even bigger wall.

Azat: “What !!! Wall Maria” The first thing that came to his mind was the name of wall from popular anime Attack On Titan.


???: Hey attention!!!!!!!

Some blonde Russian with short hair cut in his early twenties was holding a pistol while black haired middle-aged Asian (likely Kazakh) person with a huge bag behind his back was speaking.

Asian: Well, hello my name is Ansar and that is Viktor, welcome to the nightmare. From now on…

Mob A: HEY!!!! Do you know who I am? If you don’t stop your stupid prank right here, you will have big problems. I will call my brothers and…


The next moment the guy that interrupted the middle-aged person's speech was lying on the floor and holding his leg. Russian guy just shot him.


Ansar: Please don’t interrupt me and my friend also very nervous and now listen if you don’t wanna die. From now on you will be sent from one fictional world to another it may be a movie or anime, anything as long as it is something popular back in the real world and they all will have one thing in common. It will be almost impossible to survive in any of them. Well, there are some positive sides too. Every time you finish a mission, that is you lived through a movie, you will obtain 1000 points, and if you are lucky enough you may even obtain additional points and ranked rewards. For the obtained points you actually can buy anything. Weapons, superpowers, drugs, even other humans. By the way, returning to the real world will cost 50000 points, and you can also take everything that you obtained here back to the real world. Also in the time period between the missions, you will have a break for 10 days. You will spend them in the place that we call terminal lobby where you can purchase different things that you need and heal your injuries, even loss of the limb will be easily treated as long as you have enough points.


Middle-aged women: So you are telling us that from now on we will have to fight for our survival in the worlds of different popular fictions.

Ansar: Yeah

Middle-aged women: Do you know who sends us to the different worlds, and from whom we can purchase the things that you mentioned?

Ansar: It is some white sphere floating in the terminal lobby, someone calls It a god, but I call it just a damn sphere.

Middle-aged women: In how many worlds have you already been?

Ansar: It is my 2nd and Victor’s 3rd mission. We are the only survivors from the previous mission. We have been sent to the anime “Tokyo Ghoul”, ghoul called one-eyed owl annihilated our team. We survived just because we were lucky and the time limit of the mission ended before we were killed.

Victor: Enough talking there is not much time left before the mission starts, you all should have a watch like this.

He was right we all had black watches just like his. Well, let’s look.


Difficulty: 16 person

Main objective

Survive: 6 hours base reward 1000 points

Side mission

Kill 3-5m tall titan 100 points Kill 7-10m tall titan 200 points D rank reward

3.Kill 15m or taller titan 400 points D rank rewards


Leave your assigned position in the first 30 min negative 2000 points Spoil plot to the anime characters negative 10 points per Sentence.

Total Score: Pending.


Because of the accumulated large number of former players that left Mission worlds and returned to their original world without accomplishing the final goal of the Dimension, and because they gained control over all the active players two updates of the Dimension were created.

1st From now on most of the missions will be based on animes so former players will not be able to help to the active ones. NOTE: Movies that weren’t widely used in the past, games and other fictions will be also used.


2nd 12 special players have been selected from the world where Dimension was described in the form of the novel called Terror Infinity all the information that you have got from there can be used, as payment for your privilege you will not be able to leave the Dimension without achieving its final goal. If all selected players die before achieving the final goal of the Dimension new ones will be selected. All the players that were related to former players have been removed from teams of special players.

Azat “WHAT!!! SPECIAL PLAYER, WILL NOT BE ABLE TO LEAVE WITHOUT ACHIEVING THE FINAL GOAL!!!!! *Breathes* Calm down, don’t panic now you have to do only one thing, survive. It looks like a reality, not a dream, and nobody will build up such a big wall just for joke anyways”


???: Hey, what are you doing Colossal titan broke down the gates. Go to the strategic center and take your Omni-directional mobility gears at follow your instructions Armored titan may appear at any given time.

Azat “So it is Wall Rose. WAIT!!! Why I’m even thinking about things like that! *Breathes* Now it is starting”

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