《The New Archdevil Conquest》Intermission: Gods Upheaval and The Newborn


“Creator!! Creator!! you must save my only daughter please help her!!! she has been poison by an Archdevil!!!!” a beautiful goddess with rainbow hair and golden eyes, ran with a lovely girl, but with a face that is now paler than snow. She ran while tightly holding in her arms in complete distress.

She ran beneath a sacred mountain in a world that is created by The Creator. The mountain gush out pure divinity that can reduce even an Archdevil into a sorry state the moment that they come near this sacred mountain. But this doesn't only apply to Devils, but also gods if any of them were evil, vicious or are destroyers that are looking for trouble.

So only those that The Creator allowed being here with 'it', would be the only one to be able to enter here as they please. And naturally nobody and I am mean nobody... would piss of the strongest of the Gods, The Creator.

Actually, to be fair there is only two beings that are willing to piss of the Creator and that is the Devils, and the Destroyer, other the those two, there isn't a being alive that would dare to mess with the Creator. Since it could just erase their existence completely.


“Hmm?” A rainbow mist that contains such an enormous presence that it seems to be able to crush a universe into nothingness. Appeared after she had cried out to it for days after her daughter had returned from the Abyss.

She is call Lucinda, The Lady of Light or is better known as The First Goddess of Light. Lucinda had only one child in her entire span of existence, which is more than a Universe Lifetime and before we go into her long backstory, which we will not today. I will tell of why her child was even dragged into the Abyss in the first place and what a Universe Lifetime is.

A Universe Lifetime is the time a Universe has been born and collapse back into its initial form, then rebirth itself with another big bang. So she had been born longer than a Universe itself, however, she had only one child throughout her lifetime, with an being that had long fallen into the lowest place in existence and has disappeared forever.


It was this reason that the Divine girl wants to go to the Abyss in order to find her father's remains, after he had died and was buried there a long time ago, but she underestimated the Abyss true terrors and for her unfortunate encounter with an Archdevil that had almost killed her. Even the last gift that her father had made for her, was destroyed by that Archdevil and left her in a near death state when she returned. But that is not all, she also lost the Key of Punishment that is use to Open The Gate of The Abyss, while she was returning from the Dimensional rift.

“Heal” that was all that the mist had said before it left and return to its own dimension.

However, just after the creator had said that a bright flash of golden light, flew toward the Divine Girl and the wound that she had experience in the Abyss was then all heal immediately, even the place that she had been bitten by that snake of Miasma that Mikaelis had inflicted on her was heal instantly. This is the power of The Creator that is known to be the strongest God. But one should not expect anything from it since it is very aloof and indifferent to all affair with the world. The only reason that it help Lucinda is not because of any kind feeling, but just merely to stop her begging for it to help her.

Which Lucinda knew very well. So she did not ask for more from the Creator and only thanked him for his help in saving her daughter.

“THANK YOU, CREATOR! THANK YOU!!!” Lucinda bows her head repeatably as she cried, while tightly embracing her child close to her body

“Mommy....” the Divine Girl, said as she began to slowly wake up.

“Dear!!! are you alright why had you taken the Key of Punishment to go to the Abyss!!!! if not for the fact that you had left immediately as you came, you could have been stuck there and I can't even beg to The Creator enough to save you if that was the case, you know!!!” Lucinda scolds the Divine Girl for her reckless action and even she begins to tear up from her mother scolding.


“I'm very sorry mommy... but I just wanted to see the grand garden that you had spoken off... where you had met father” When Lucinda heard that, she gave a sad smile and said.

“Dear... that garden has already been corrupted and tainted to beyond the point of no return.... the place you had just gone was that garden, but in its worse state, that everyone now call the Abyss....” What Lucinda meant when she said this, is that the Abyss wasn't always called the Abyss, but was call by another name, a more beautiful name....

It was called The Garden of Eden.

The original Garden that the creator itself had made for the first Gods that had existed with it from the primordial times. However this change a long time ago... before the time of the Divine girls birth.

“Why?” The Divine girl ask in surprise, because she always had listened to her mother talk about that place, where she was born and where she had met father. And where she had said that she had buried him in after he had died. That place has now become that Desolate place known as the Abyss.

“You would know soon child... since we are about to go to war with the Abyss and reclaim the Land in the abyss and clear away the Miasma, that those Devils, Dragons, and Diablos had brought with them...” she looks into the distance with a burning hatred in her eyes.

However, this shocked the Divine Girl, because her mother was always a gentle person. So she had never seen her eyes like this other then the time when she thought about.... her father's killers.

“Mother I... have something to tell.. you... I had witnessed the birth of a new Archdevil” when the Divine girl said that.

Lucinda looked at her with incredible eyes widen to the extreme...

This was when the God's in The Heavens Kingdom, had learned of the existence of the Archdevil of Madness and Terror.... that sent the heavens into turmoil.....


But.... In another location... in a mortal world, the sky was stormy, but one can faintly hear the loud cry of a baby.

In a castle owned by a powerful Grand Duke of the kingdom of Avertia. A baby cry can be heard by the residence.

“Congratulation Madame, it is a lovely boy!” an old maid said to the young girl with beautiful silver hair and crimson eyes.

“Show.. me...” the young girl, said weakly as she took hold of the beautiful and strong boy that she had given birth to. Which greatly resemble her and her husband, but mainly resemble her in the facial features.

“You look just like your father... my cute child...” she said, as she gave him a good luck kiss on the forehead, before handing it back to the old maid so she can take care of it... from now on... because right now... her condition is dire.

“Madame... what shall you name this child?....” the old maid, looks at her and saw with great alarm that her usually beautiful mistress, is now looking paler by the moment... before she turn to look at the old maid one last time... and said... the name of the boy that she had just given birth to... before she passes on.

“Faust... Faust De Kaiser....” when she said that... the light in her eyes then slowly, but surely extinguished moment after she had said those last words, that told the name of her child.

“Madame... Madame!!” However, the old maid cry in horrors, but her cries drowned out by the crying of the newborn.


The one that will be known later as [The Son of The Fallen].

Since the moment that he was born... the sister of fate.... has already intertwined his destiny with Mikaelis.... but what will come of this binding of fate, will only be shown in due time....

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