《The New Archdevil Conquest》Prologue: The Book of Damnation


In a world so dark that even the eyes of God will be blinded by the darkness in this world. A world so polluted to the point that the air itself is made up of the highest concentration of miasma. A world where no pure living creature can exist, a tainted world so bleak and dark that even, the word 'Hope' simply doesn't exist. If a Dystopian world is bad, then this world is worse.

This world is what they call the Abyss. The lowest place in the Universe, a place lower then hell itself.

In such a world, there stands a girl.... A small girl with four magnificent horns on her head, four pairs of bat like wings that can cover her entire body if they were release, Seven tails that resembles the heads of ferocious dragons. Her two violet eyes has a blazing abysmal flames of darkness within them. Her long hair that stretches to her back has a blackness that is darker then the night itself.

She is wearing a black nightgown that faintly reveals her body outline. That is skinny, but lacks assets. So her body can be consider similar to that of a healthy girl of 10 years old. But just not well develop.

Her hands has nails that resembles the claws of a vampire. Beautiful, but deadly when use by her. And in her left hand she holds a book.... it is a simple looking book, if not for the malevolent aura that it radiated.

She walks slowly in this world of pure bleakness, the hard ground that is tougher then the strongest cement on earth, cave in with each step she took. This is because of the great power that she is radiating from her body. If one look at her faintly from behind or in front. They can see a gigantic humanoid figure made up of billions of tormented human souls hovering above her. But the girl doesn't seem to take notice of such a fact and just keep walking.


'What have I done to deserve this?' she thought as she look at the miserable wasteland in front of her.

Then she look to the book that had brought her here in the first place and turn her into such a monstrosity.

The Cover of the book is indigo in color and the pages are black. The words that are written within them is a glowing purple. But the words that are written in them are only.

Name: Devil Name- Mikaelis Archfiend Abysmal/ Mortal Name- Shiro Miyuki

Status: The 4th Archdevil- Undecided.

Location: The Abyss 4th Continent- Devil Beast Wasteland.

Chapters: Front Page- World Conquered: 0.

Arc: First- Universe Conquered: 0.

Soul Container: 107 Billion Torment Soul- Miasma: 1.07 Trillion.


Archdevil Authority/ Power/ Dominion- Cost ??? Miasma.

Gate of the Damned- Cost 1 Million Miasma.

Blessing of the Archdevil- Cost 10 Million Miasma.

Universe Marble- Cost 10 Billion Miasma

Evil Dragon Gargantuan Fortress- Cost 100 Billion Miasma

Archdevil Transformation- Cost 500 Billion Miasma.

Archdevil Guardian- Cost 1 Trillion Miasma.

The title of the book in her hand, is, Recordum Damnatorum Or in English, The Record of The Damn.

A Forbidden Book of Magic that she shouldn't had opened..... but how did she manage to open such a curse book in the first place?

Well.... it is a long story.....

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