《The summoner》Slaves


Jack woke up after few hours of sleep, he watched the clock and it was already 3 in the evening but his mother still hadn’t come home so he called her.

“Hello, Jack I am about to reach home. What happened?”

“Nothing Mom, you didn’t come home so I called.”

“I will reach home within 5 minutes and I have brought your favorite food.”

“Thank you Mom.” Jack said.

After 5 minutes Mary reached home and she gave the food to Jack, he opened the package and there was grilled fish inside he put the fish in a plate and began to eat it.

“Mom why were you late?” Jack asked.

“I went to the shop to arrange the furniture; I will open the shop from tomorrow.”

“Today is my friend’s birthday so I will be back late.”

“Whose birthday is it?”

“It’s my classmates you don’t know him.”

Mary took out 500 rupees from her purse and gave it to Jack, “Here, buy him a gift.”

Jack nodded and took the money, Jack had a large amount of money but he couldn’t show it to his mother, he wanted to give half of it to his mother but he couldn’t just give her. If he gave her without a proper reason then instead of happiness there would be questions.

“When will you go?” Mary asked.

“I will go after few hours.”

“You will be home before 9; I don’t want you to stay at your friend’s house.”

“Yes Mom.”

After few hours Jack changed his clothes and headed towards Wang’s house, he didn’t have to ask anybody about Wang’s house. He knew where it was because Frank bragged about it in the school; it was about 1 hour far from his house. Jack took a public bus and headed to Wang’s house, after getting off the bus he had to ask for directions because he couldn’t locate the house. Finally after 5 minutes he located the house, the house had a nice design and it was very big. The gate was guarded by two police, he couldn’t enter inside from the gate and the walls had fences so he couldn’t climb it as well. As he was thinking on how to enter the house a car approached the house, the guards recognized the car so they opened the door. Jack knew that it was a chance so he used the invisibility skill and vanished, he could only hold the breath for 15 seconds so he had to hurry. The car entered inside and as they were about to close the gate Jack entered inside, the car stopped at the front door and a huge bald man came out from the car. He rang the doorbell and it was opened by Wang, Jack also ran and quickly entered inside. He was about to breath so he quickly entered the space, after entering the space Jack was gasping for air. He managed to hold the breath for about 20 seconds; Jack put a bee outside the space and took control of it.


He looked around and what he saw made him stunned, if from outside the house looked amazing then the view inside was breath taking. There were various paintings in the walls, there were many beautiful statues. Even the furniture were very beautifully decorated, the place was like a scene from movies. Jack was laughing inside the space because all of this would belong to him; he searched the first floor but didn’t find the two of them. There were only few people working in the kitchen so he went upstairs, they were 6 rooms upstairs so he went and searched every room. The door of the third room wasn’t closed and he could hear some men talking, after he looked inside he saw Wang and the man that came from the car, whom he believed to be Rex.

Jack returned to his body and exited from the space; he went upstairs and stood outside the third room. He had already summoned the bee to the space. He took out the pistol and a grenade from the space; he pushed the door and entered inside. The two men were talking but when they heard the sound of door opening they looked to see who entered inside.

“Who are you?” Wang shouted.

Jack closed the door and put his finger on his lips, “Mr. Wang, you forgot me so soon.” Jack took out the pistol and pointed at the two men.

Jack looked at the bald man and asked, “You must be Mr. Rex.”

The man nodded, Jack smiled and pointed at the sofa, “Let’s sit.”

The three of them sat at the sofa and Jack had the gun pointed at them, the two of them were able to calm down very soon. Jack smiled and said, “I don’t have much time, I have to be home by 9 so let’s hurry.”

“I am Jack and I have to settle some score with you.”

The two men were thinking that they had seen him before and after Jack introduced himself they recognized him. The two men looked at each other and then nodded, Rex had gun on him and he was about to take it out. They believed that Jack wouldn’t shoot, Jack saw them nod and he knew that they are going to do something so he took out the grenade from his pocket. When Rex saw the grenade his hand froze and he looked at Jack in fear, how does a student have a grenade he thought?


Jack saw the hand of Rex was about to reach for something so he pointed at Rex and said, “Give me whatever you have or else.”

Rex handed the gun to Jack and sat back; Jack nodded and put the gun in the table.

“You attacked me twice so I had gone to visit you yesterday but you weren’t there. Did you go and visit your men that were injured?” Jack asked.

“No I didn’t visit them but I did hear that someone attacked my bar yesterday.”

Jack laughed, “I am glad you didn’t visit them, if you had then maybe you would have known that I would come here today.”

Jack remembered that he had left one person without injury and if Rex had visited them then he would have known that someone would come here.

“Mr. Wang, Do you have anything to say?”

Wang sneered and said, “I have nothing to say, do you think that you will be safe after today? I will capture you for assaulting an officer.”

“I haven’t even touched you.” Jack said.

“Kill me if you can because if you don’t then your life will turn into hell.” Wang smiled.

Jack didn’t want to waste any more time, he wanted to use the slave card and turn them into his slaves.

“Capture” Jack pointed at Wang.

Capture unsuccessful

Jack used the slave card again but again it was unsuccessful, he was angry because the slave card was worth many points but when he saw the smiling face of Wang he was angrier than before. He stood up and kicked Wang in the face, blood oozed from Wang’s nose.

“Why don’t you smile now?” Jack said.

Jack again kicked him but this time in the stomach; Wang cried in pain and got off from the sofa.

“Don’t make a noise.” Jack looked at Wang.

Wang didn’t utter a sound but he was in pain, he clutched his stomach and sat at the floor. Jack decided to use the slave card again and this time he was successful.

Capture successful

Jack was happy because he got a new slave and the most important thing he got was on how to capture a slave. He looked at Rex and grinned, when Rex saw the look on Jacks eyes he shivered in fear. Jack didn’t have to worry about Wang shouting so he rushed to attack Rex, Rex had fought a lot so he had some skill but Jack had learned wrestling and Muay Thai. Jack had already put the gun in the space so it was easier for him to fight, Rex raised his hand guarded like a boxer, but Jack kicked with his right foot at the stomach. Rex jumped back and dodged the kick but Jack didn’t stop attacking, after his right leg landed he put the weight of his body on his right leg and jumped, attacking with his left knee at the face of Rex. Rex blocked the knee attack but he was caught by Jack, Jack hugged rex from the front and performed a belly to belly Suplex on the table. Rex was thrown at the table and the table broke,

Jack pointed at Rex and said, “Capture”

Capture successful

Jack was satisfied and now both of them had become his slave, Wang was standing beside Jack and Rex also got up with difficulty and stood up.

“You are my slaves, you shouldn’t stand beside me. KNEEL.” Jack shouted.

Wang and Rex both knelt in front of Jack and he was smiling like a winner.

“Let’s go have dinner, I am hungry..” The three walked downstairs.

The dinner was lavish and Jack ate till his stomach was full, the food was great and he wanted to take it home so that his mother can enjoy.

“Pack some of the food.” Jack shouted.

The workers were confused, they were wondering who the young boy was.

“Didn’t you hear? Jack has ordered you something.” Wang shouted.

Jack had ordered them to call his name when they are with people; they packed some of the food and gave it to Jack. His mother had told him to come home before 9 so he had to hurry.

“Rex, drop me home.” Jack said as he went outside.

“Yes Master.” There was no one present so Rex had to call Jack Master. Jack entered inside the car and Rex drove the car towards his house.

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