《Miraculous Spider Man》Chapter 20


Hailey Pov

Right now I am at Kim house for a sleepover with my band Kim, Melissa and Lyra we had to practice because we competing for getting a gig at the homecoming dance. It was late so we decided to stay over here. Than things get kind of awkard.

Lyra: You would not beleive it Hailey you should have been there. She came out of nowhere.

Melissa: Yeah she saved us

Kim: Yeah she kind of reminded me of you

I nearly spit out my veagan cookies that Mrs. Stone baked for us. Okay play it cool Hailey. I may have met Melissa and Lyra when we met Sophmore year but, I have known Kim since we were in third grade she is suspicious.

Lyra: Really

Melissa: What do you mean

Kim: Let start you grew four inches and your boobs are now bigger than mine. Are you telling me you do not find this weird.

Lyra: I thought i was the only one that notice that/

Melissa: Maybe she just a late bloomer.

Kim: Yeah and this all started when you stated hanging out with Osborne and Wright. What are you exactly up too.

Hailey: Ahhhh were in club

Kim: What Club

Hailey: The Osborne internship

Kim: I talked to my Dad he is on the board of directors and Oscop does not have internship for music. What were you doing out of town a couple weeks ago

Lyra: Ok we are getting a little heated here let talk about something else...like

Melissa: BOYS !

Lyra: Lets talk about boys so Hailey are you and Jarrin together yet.

Hailey: WHAT ! I have no idea what you are talking about we are just freinds.

Melissa, Lyra and Kim: CLUELESS !

Kim: Come on Hailey you do not even punch him when he tries to flirt with you. Last person who did that you broke his finger.




Lyra: Denial

Kim: Wright is going to have it tough

Melissa: Let just say this he is not going to wait forever. What about you Kim you like anybody

Kim: Boya are all idiots

Melissa: Come on Kimberly Marcedes Reyana Garcia Stone your telling me you do not like anybody.

She deadpans

Kim: No and quit using my full name you know I hate that

Suddenly we here arguing downstaris and it Mrs Stone and she arguing with Mr. Stone. Which is weird because Kim mom divorce Mr. Stone when She was in the fifth grade. He is covered in sweat like he been running and he panicked

Stone: Maria we have to leave now with Kim

Maria: What are you talking about Alex your not making any sense

Alex: Please just trust me Maria he is comming

Maria: Who is comming

Right on cue a giant green monster comes barging into Kims House.

Kim: What the fuck is that

Lyra: Language

The three of us look at her like she is crazy a giant green monster busted into Kim house and she worried about Kim cursing

Lyra: Sorry habbit

Gobilin: STONE !

Melissa: Why is the creepy monster saying your Family name

Gobline: You took everything from me now I will take everything from you. I will burn everything you love to the ground.

Melissa: Sucks for you Kim

The Girls: MELISSA !

Crap becuse we screamed Melissa name. The green monster turns our way fuck. I use to laugh at Jarrin when he said he wore his suit everywhere. Now I am starting see why. I wish I had my suit. He smiles and shows us his yellow pointy teeth. It gives me shivers. Before I can do anything he already grabs Kim


Alex and Maria: KIMBERLY !


Goblin: Is this your baby girl. I like her Stone she is fiesty. Unlike you who hide behind people like a coward

Alex: Let her go Norman she has nothing to do with this.

Hailey: Wait your Ducky dad I thought he was sent off to the hospitol.

Goblin: I know you. You hang out with Donald and the other boy. I suggest you and the other two back off. You would not want to have a little accidnet.

Than he turns back to the Stone family.

Goblin: You turns my Sons against me and stole MY COMPANY ! Now I am going to make you suffer

His hand is set on fire and it starts going for Kim. Mr, and Mrs, Stone start to panick and Kim close her eyes. I do not care if I blow my cover I have to do something. That when I hear some sort of engine


A man in blue suit and a orange cape comes in riding a hover board. He through something that looked like a pumkin. He thows it in Norman face and stuns his eyrs. Than he punches him in face and grabs Kim He holds her in her arm princess style.

???: You Ok

Kim:..... Yeah thank you. who are you

???: Ghoul. I hate to say this but you need to leave all i will handle this.


He breath fire at Ghoul, Ghoul puts Kim behind me and takes the fire with his body. It does not affect him at all

Ghoul: Sorry fire does not work on me old man you got to stop this. Or I will make you. Stone get everyone out of here.

Alex: You do not have to tell me twice.

Mr. Stone gets Kim from Ghoul and he starts leadin us all out. Goblin tries to attack us. I am the last one out I shoot a spark at him an he sent flying

Ghoul: Nice shot Hailey

Hailey: How do you..... Ducky

Ghoul: Bingo

Hailey: How

Duck: I will tell you later. right now I have to have chat with dear old dad. I want you protect the Stone. I have already called Jarrin He is own his way.

Hailey: Arlight be carefule Duck He kind gone off the deep end no offense

Ducky: None taken

Kim: Hailey COME ON !

Haileyl Comming Oh Ducky by the way nice cape

Ducky: It not a cape it is a claok

Goblin gets back up and now he sprouts giant wings

Ducky: Wings he get wings that is so unfair. Alright Oldman it is time for round two.


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