《Miraculous Spider Man》Chapter 18 A Family Affair


Ducky Pov

You know what good about a rampaging monster attacking your school, getting a couple of days off to have it be rebuild. Right now I am in Jarrin living room with Hailey and we are watching the news. Looks like Mayor John Jonah Jameson is speaking to press about what happen to the school

Jameson: Thankfully the police manage to capture the villan known as Rhino, but there are still villans out there his name is the menace Spider-man

Jarrin: Excuse me

Jameson: I bet he woking with Rhino the whole tim pretending to be a hero. Even if he was not involve he racked up thousands of dollars in property damage.

Jarrin: Well you try fighting a giant a rhino monster with out a bit a property damage asshole.

Jameson: I do not support vigialantism in my town and we will find arrest the menace known as Spider-man and bring him to justice.

Jarrin:Menace huh I will show you menace

Jarrin goes to his room and bring out his bag of spray paint. He has and evil look in his eye. Jarrin may be superhero but he can be petty and hold a grudge. What is he planning.

Jarrin: I will catch you guys later I am going to show jameson how much a menace I can be ahhahah.

Hailey: Jarrin don't be immature

Jameson: And not forget about his girlfriend Widow. I would not want my daughter to be tramping around in that provacative outfit.

Hailey: Hand me some spray paint. Oh we are also going to TP his house. We cam get the toilet paper from gramps room.

Jarrin raise and eyebrow but does not disagree with her suggestion. Hailey more immature than Jarrin is. They go off leaving me behind. Sometimes I kind of feel left out because I am the only pne in the group without any powers. I call Sebastion and i head home. I start to work on my project in my room it a hover board. I call it the Glyder. It has great mobility even though I am still woking out the kinks. As I am working on it my brother knocks on the door.


Harry: That is cool little bro what are you working on

Ducky: My glyder it like a skateboard that can fly

Harry: You always were a kid at heart. Maybe that is why when they told you that you could skip a couple grades you chose not to. Anyway I need you to come to the company tommarow. The shareholder are having a boad meeting.

Ducky: Why am I comming

Harry: You do hold 10%

Ducky: I know nothing and don't want to know anything about business. You got that part of the family genes.

Harry: I am serious it is about dad. He has been secretive firing people left and right. Did you know he even fired Olivia Octavius

Ducky: Your just mad about that because you thinks she hot. I know your into cougers.

Harry: That is not point. He is stealing money from other departments he could go to jail. They want to kick him out of Oscorp.

Ducky: Seriously

Harry: I don't want to do this but i don't want to see our father go to jail. I need your support on this Ducky.

Ducky: I may be cold to him but he still my dad, andd i do rember some good times before mom died and as much as I do not like him anymore i do not want to see him go to jail. Ok I wil support you

After that harry leaves and i work on my glyder untill I go to bed. The next morning. I have to put on a suit because of the board meeting. I hate suits. Harry and get into limo. Looks like dad never came home last night again. i get a text from Jarrin

Jarrin: Turn your T.V to channel 2

I raise and eyebrow. Than I tell Harry to turn on the TV, than I see on the watertower comming into the city a spray painted picture of Jameson with a dick in his mouth. It has a speech bubble typed you are what you eat. They even signed it Spidey and Widow


Ducky: hahahahahahahhahhahah

Harry: I always thought Jameson was a dick now everyone knows it ahhahahahahahahahhah

That is going to take a long time to get off. especially since it is so high up off the ground. Well played Jarrin well played. Old Jamey is really going to have his panties in a twist for this one. i text Jarrin

Ducky: You just made his shit list

Jarrin: Worth it

I just shake my head, Than I put on my head phones. We finaly make it Oscorp and I see the Board memebers and than I see the leader Me. Stone.

Stone: Harold and Donald good to see. I only wish it was under better circumstances

Harry: Don't play with me Stone. You force me to make this move. I had no choice. It was either this or dad goes to jail.

Stone: And what loving sons you are

Ducky: prick

Stone: Excuse me

Ducky: I am just saying what were all thinking. This is why I hate business

I just go to my seat and put my headphone. Mr Stone gives me a look. I really don't care what that asshole thinks. Than my father comes and we have the meeting.

Stone: I am sorry Norman but we are letting you go.

Norman: You can't do this. This sis my company and I started this company.

Harry: Dad it was either this or jail and you been doing a lot of bad things and I do not want you to go to jail. Please do not make this harder than it has to be.

Ducky: No comment

Stone: I am sorry Norman but you have to remove your stuff by the end of the day.

Norman: My reserch I am so close

He stormed out the room. I go after him. I know that look. I have that same look when I am about to do something stupid. He goes down to lab and locks the door and he gets into a chamber. The chamber is flooded whit green gas.

Norman: I needed more time. Since I run out I will test it on myself.


The gas is asorbing into his body and I can hear him screaming. I try to open the door but I can't. I take out my phone and I begin to hack the keypad. I finally mange to get in. I rush to him and open the chamber. I breathe in some of the green gas and begin to cough. I drag him out of there. I call for Harry.

Harry: What going on

Ducky: I do not know but we need and ambulance quickly someone call a doctor.

As I am freaking out I begin to feel a bit light headed. Even though I only took in a little bit of that gas is still affecting me.

Harry: You ok Duck

Ducky: I am fine worry about dad first. I can handle being a little light headed.

The ambulance comes and Harry goes with Dad to the hosiptol. He tell Sebastion to take me home. I still feel light headed so I decide to get some sleep. Who new when I woke up that my life would change for ever.

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