《Miraculous Spider Man》Chapter 15 Birth of Rhino


Jarrin Pov


Jarrin: MURPHY !

Hey you must be wondering why your devishly handsome freindly neighborhood Spider-man is being chased by a huge grey monster. Well that grey monster is well known crime boss Luthor Willson. How did he get like this. Well lets go back a couple of days


I say goodbye to my sister and team flash. She does not like what I am doing but she except it because she is doing the samething. If She told me to stop she be a hypacorite.When we got back from Centrel City we tried everything to look for this so called Lizardbut for now we have not found a single clue and it is frustrating. I want to say the Lizard is Dr.Kurt Connors, but this is another universe. He could be another person entirely. I decide to go on partol by myself. I swing through the city when I notice someone at the docks it my old buddy Luthor Wilson. A drug deal perhapse maybe. What ever it is happeming now. A Women is holding a case of cash.

Wilson: Miss Natalie I hear Mr. Lex Luthor is intrested in what I have to offer him. Does he have what I want.

Natalie: If the package is indeed what you say it is Mr. Wilson you will be rewarded for what you deserve. The new state of the art guns and the money wil be yourse.l

Wilson opens his case. I use my zoom eyes to see what is inside. I look and see a green glowing rock. NO WAY HOW DID WILSON GET KRYPTONITE !

Wilson: The only substance in world that can hurt the man of steele Kryptonite. I take it that everything is order.

Natalie: Yes Mr. Luthor will be pleased

Supes you owe me for this one. I think it is time for me to make my big entrance. I use my web and I stick it on the case and pull it in. They all look in my direction. Wilson looks like he is about to pop a vain.


Jarrin: Hey Willy long time no see. You seem to have been a naughty boy while I was out of town.

Wilson: SPIDER-MAN !

Natalie: Spider-man?

Wilson: He is a new Hero comming up in Newport. He has been bad for business. While Superman is Bane of Luthor exsistence. This punk is thorn in my side. Not mention his girlfriend Widow comming out recently. Now you see why I need the new guns.

Natalie: I see

Jarrin: New guns just for little old me you shouldn't have

Wilson: Kill him and retreive the kryptonite.

Wilson men and Natalie's men both take out their guns and they fire rapid shots at me but lucky for me my reflexes are to fast. I web the case to the roof and I jum down and fight them in close combat. I take out my spider claws, As they come at me. use my claws to cut their guns in half. One tries to shoot me from a distance, but I web his hands to the wall.

Jarrin: You should wait your turn. Just stay there for now

I am really getting better at this fighting thing. Ever since Sebastion had started teaching me how to fight. I improve drastically. Sure he is like Piccalo for teacher. I am still going to kill Ducky for showing him that video, but it helped get stronger faster since I had no foundation when it came to fighting. I finally manage take out all the guards but Wilson and the Luthor cronie are nowhere to be seen.

Jarrin: Danm they got away. Oh well at least they did not get the Kryponite so lets consider this a win.

I use my spider watch and call Ducky

Jarrin: Yo Duck we are going need police assistance at the docks and.... Do you know the address to the Fortress of Solitude?

Ducky: Huh?

Jarrin: I will feel you and Hailey in at school tommow. Let just say I found a little green rock.


First I go back to the roof and retreive the case, Than I decide I will give the rock to Superman some how. I will also take a small piece for myself. Do you know how many times Superman or Supergirl lose control. Hey call me paranoid but I like to be prepared. I guess that enough venting for today. I go off and swing home hoping that my mother has not cooked dinner.

Wilson Pov


Ever since He and Widow showed my bussiness has begun to slow down and less people are starting to fear me. Even Detective Long has put away several of my guys including Prowler. This is all Spider-man fault


???: What if I could help you with your Arachnid problem.

Wilson: Who is there?

The man is still in the shadows I can not really see him, but he has piercing gold reptile like eyes. and one of his arms are scaley.

??? People call me the Lizard and Mr. Wilson I came here to help you with your spider problem by givng you power

Wilson: What kind of power?

Lizard: This is a serum that will give you great power, but great power comes with great sacrafice. Once you do this there is no turning back. All I ask for in return is a little blood from both Spider-man and Widow. After that do to them what you see fit. So do we have a deal Mr. Wilson.

Wilson: I can kill them right.

Lizard: They do not have to be alive for me to get their blood. Like I said before do as you see fit Mr. Wilson.

Wilson: It is a deal handover the surynge

I get serum from Lizard and i inject it into my neck. As soon as it happen my blood begins to boil. I strat growing. My skin becomes gray and rugged, Two horns start to grow out of my head. I do not stop growing until I am at least 9 feet tall. I put on a lot mor muscle mass and i my eyes turned yellow.

Lizard: How do you feel


Lizard Pov

Wilson: Wilson is not Wilson anymore Wilson is RHINO !

Lizard: Rhino I guess it fits your new persona. May i know how you are going to catch Spider-man


It look like this new serum gave him strenght but while he is in this form he lack some intellegence. Well it was a work in progress. Imnecilles do make the perfect pawns. Marco sure was. This formula reac when he gets angry. So as long as he is angry he will become the Rhino and he has got a lot of rage.

Lizard: My I make a suggestion to your plan. Sure catching and crushing is grea plans but how about we talk about the details.


Lizard: Yes Rhino is not stupid Rhino is very smart. How about this. You go to Newport High take the school hostage. What hero would not come. to save the lives of innocent children. Why go to him when he will come to you.

Rhino: Lizard smart

Rhino goes off and start to plan my plan which he thinks is his plan. I turn around a smile grows on my face. With his blood I am one step closer to my goal. I look back at Rhino.

Lizard: Fool

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