《Miraculous Spider Man》Chapter 6 I Have Spider Powers


Jarrin Pov

I sleep in because it is Saturday, but when I wake up I feel like a million bucks. I have so much energey It feel like just had 3 coffee. I get of bed and my pajama pants are riding up to my knees. Ok this is pretty weird. Why does it feel like I am farther from the ground. I go up to mirrior and I start to brush my teeth when I look in the mirrior I do a spit take and put my hands on the sink


As I am freaking out i realize my hand are stuck to the sink and I mean really stuck it is like I put super glue on my hands. This is not cool . I pull and pull but I can't get unstuck

Jarrin: Come on stupid hands let... GO !

Just like magic my hand release like nothing but because I was leaning back I lose my balance. I try reach for the sink again but it is to late and I fall, but not before silk string comes out of my wrist. It sticks to the sink and I pull myself up.

Jarrin: Organic webbing cool

Ok Jarrin lets stop and think. You went on a field trip to Oscop. Than you get bit by a spider. Now your sticking to things and shooting webs out of your wrist


Wait Peter Parker did not have organic webs like I do but I also can also stick walls like he can. Does that mean I have diffrent powers than he had. I am going to have to makes some tests. Well thank Morgan for the organic webs there is no way in hell I could figure out how to make my own webs in chemestry I am not smart of enough. I need help I need someone smart to help me figure this out

Jarrin: Dad no he would just want to study me. Jordan no she would tell mom and I kind want to keep that on the down low from her at least for right now. It only been like a couple months since I have been shot and now I have superpowers. I guess there is only one person


I get my phone and than I call Ducky

Jarrin: Hey Duck do you know were I can find a secluded place that is sound proof and has a lot of space to move around in.

Ducky: That sounded like you were about to kidnap someone

Jarrin: I just realized that now, so do you know a place or not

Ducky: Yeah there is warehouse in downtown Newport that my father shut down now I use it as my personel lab. Nobody goes there but me. What going down.

Jarrin: I got something I need your help with it is going to blow your mind text me the adress I will meet you there oh yeah don't tell anyone

After that I get dress and get my skateboard out of my garage than I head tp the adress. As I am riding pass places I feel like I can hear everything and see anything. It looks my senses have gotten upgraged.. Suddenly I hear ringing in my head and I duck. A ball flies right past my head. I see a kid who accidently kicked it at me.

Kid: Sorry mister

Jarrin: Becareful next time . Spider sense check

I make it to Ducky lab beore he does so I wait outside. 15 minuetes later I see Ducky come in his Limo. Seebastion open the doors for him

Jarrin: Dude you brought your butler

Ducky: He monitors my calls

Jarrin: Is he a snitch

Sebastion: Mr. Wright my loyaty is to Master Donald and Master Donald alone, I am his butler not his father not his brother. His secrets are his secrets to tell so in your words no I am not a snitch Mr Wright

Jarrin Ok good to know

Ducky: Does anyone want to voice out the elephant in the room like why are you 2 inches taller than me now. I am pretty sure yesterday I was taller

Jarrin: That is what I wnt to talk to you about. Take out your phone

Ducky: Why?

Jarrin: Just do it I want to show you something

Ducky: Fine

Ducky takes out his phone I shoot a web and grab it and it is now in my hand. I give a little smirk. His eyes grow wride and Sebastion eye twitches. Wow Sebastion was barely phased he really is one hellos a butler



Jarrin: I think it was the spider that bit me on the field trip to Oscop

Ducky: That is impossible I know every project that they are doing in Oscop I help them with several. and I sure there is no projects that involves Spiders

Jarrin: That you know of. I know your smart Ducky I mean really smart are you sure they are going to give and all access pass to a teenager

Ducky: Looks like I am going to have to do some digging later

Jarrin: I cam to you because I want to test my limits se what I can do, but I also want to keep this low key I pretty sure if my mom found out she would freak

Ducky: Alright let runs some test Sebastion none of this leaves the room.

Sebastion: Yes Master Donald

Ducky runs some test and here was I can do. I can stick to any surface. I have enhance agility, strength, senses, refexes and healing. I have spider sense and organic webbing. Than my three original powers, Zoom eyes I can see things far away and I can zoom in so it looks close to me kind of like a microscope. Some sort of spike come out the front of my wrist. I call it my spider claw It is very sharp great for piercing and slashing. Finally my trump card corroassive hands. Basically I make a purple mist or posion from my hands and it melts everything it touches. I know it is totally a badass power

Donald: So what are you going to do now are you going to be superhero like the Arrow in Starling, The Flash in Centrel City

Sebastion: What about the Batman

Donald: He is Myth no one has ever seen the Bat

Sebastion: I heard he teamed up with Superman in Gotham 2 year ago

Donald: I beleive it when I see proof so Jarrin What are you going to do.

Jarrin: I don't know

Sure alway like Spiderman but I never thought I would be Spiderman. Hell I am the least responsible person I know and I am not Peter Parker or any of the version of him. I am not even Miles Morales. I am just me Jarrin Wright, This is a decision that could affect the rest of my life. I hear my phone ringing

Jarrin: Hold on I got to take this hello


Jarrin: Hailey what wrong what going on

Hailey: I don't know I was walking home from aa friends house when these goons tried to grab me. I tried to call my dad but he was not answering I need help THEY HAVE GUNS !

Jarrin: Alright Hailey calm down fine a place to hide leave your phone on. Ducky can you track her cell

Ducky: Already on it Sebastion get in touch with the police

Sebastion: Yes Master Donald

Hailey: Oh no there comming AHHHHHH !


She gone than I hear a voice on the other end of the phone

??? For who ever is on the phone I am leaving a you message for Dectective Long. If he ever wants to see his daughter again tell him to back off Luthor Wilson and close his investigation

Jarrin: I have message for you as well. You just made the biggest mistake of your life

???: Is that a theat

Jarrin: No it's a promise

???: Catch me if you can hero by the way my name is Prowler

He laughs and than he hangs up I think he crushed her phone. I am so pissed right now I have never been more pissed in my life. Right here right now I have to make a choice and i am pretty sure the choice crysal cleaar.

Ducky: Your going go save her aren't you

Jarrin : Yep

Ducky: I can't stop you can't stop you can I.

Jarrin: Nope

Ducky: Lets do this

Jarrin: No your not comming

Ducky: Yeah I am you need me. I am your guy in the chair

Jarrin: Your my what?

Ducky: You know the hacks all the system that makes hero like easier he usually in a van or a chair I am your guy in the chair.

Jarrin: Fine but your staying in the car.

Ducky: Fine.

Sebastion: Oh I have a word of advice for you Mr. Wright

Jarrin: Shoot I could use all the help I can get

Sebastion: Wear a mask

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