《Miraculous Spider Man》Chapter 4 Storm Brewing


Jarrin Pov

After class Mr. Parker gives me my permmission slip. I thank and than head off to my next class Ducky is wating for me outside the class room.

Ducky: Ok spill

Jarrin: What are you talking about

Ducky: What is with you and the Tiny Dragon of Newport

Jarrin: Huh?

Ducky: Hailey Long what is with you with Hailey Long. the five foot three inch Chinese girl with abonormal strengh and a humungous temper what did you do to her.

Jarrin: I have no idea what your talking about

Ducky: Don't give me that shit

Jarrin: Let just say destiny hits you in face when you least expect it in my case it literly hit me in the face

Ducky: Quit being cryptic that explains nothing. Jarrin stop waking away and quit that stup looking grin on your face. Are you going to tell me or not.

Ducky tried to get me to spill but I gave him more vague answers than he justt gave up. The rest of my day was pretty uneventful except for Goldberg getting hit in the nuts when we played softballl in gym. Evenyone laugh inclunding Coach Thompson

Coach Thompson: Rule 1 Goldberg always protect your family jewles. Hey can someone take this kid to the nurse. Walk it off Goldberg walk it off

Poor Goldberg Ducky told me that Coach Thompson hates Goldberg but nobody really knows why. After school I get on my skateboad and head home. I see Hailey and ride next to her

Jarrin: Hey

Hailey: You following me now are you becoming a stalker

Jarrin: I actually live this way

Haliey: Like you honestly expect me to beleive that

Jarrin: I am serious scouts honar

Hailey: Were you even a scout

Jarrin: I was for a.....week

Hailey: Wow they kicked you out after a week why am not surprise

Jarrin: I left on my own violation troupe 217 were filled bunch of little assholes. They did not even have cookies that the reason why I joined.

Hailey: hahah


Jarrin: Did you just laugh

Hailey: No

Jarrin: Yes you did you find me hilarious

Hailey: Your mistaken your not funny at all and beside we all know that it girl scouts who sale cookies you goober

Jarrin: I did not know that at the time. I tricked under false pretenses it week I will never get back

She just rolls her eyes at me. As I am taklking to Hailey I notice the two Hailey are diffrent, The one from mine is quiet polite this one is loud and sarcastic but they have diffrent charms I am talking to her when I see a car speed down the road she does not notice it

Jarrin: HAILEY !

I grab on to her waist and we dive to the side, The black SUV does not stop and it even ran over my skateboard. That is weird it like it was trying to run us over.

Jarrin: Hey are you ok


I look at my face on my phone it looks like I got a cut on my face and on my arm. It is not that bad it not like I got shot...again.

Jarrin: Tis but a flesh wound

Than she bops me in head

Jarrin: Ow

Hailey: Don't you ever do that again you could have died. I saw you move your body you took most of damage don't you care about your life.

Jarrin: You do care


She grabs my hand and she does not let go into we get to her house/ Danm she has got a real vice grip aparently we are neighbors because I live across the street. She makes me stay on the couch.Than she goes into the bathroom and takes out a first aid kit and start to dress my wounds.

Jarrin: Your strangely good at this

Hailey: My mom a doctor and my dad is a detectevie he gets hurt some times on the job and my mom wouldd help bandage his wounds I am just doing what she does now quit movining


She places a bandaide with kittens on my face

Jarrin: Do you have anything with puppies I am more dog person

Hailey: Shut up

Are faces are close like real close so close that we could kiss but the atomosphere is ruin by a cough a hulk of a man and he looks pissed

Hailey: Hi daddy

Jarrin: Daddy?

Jacob: Sweetie who is this...... boy

Jarrin: Hello sir I am Hailey new friend and I just move here across the street

Hailey: Wait you really do live around here

Jarrin: ou really should be more intentive we do not want what happen earlier to happen again

Jacob: What happen earlier

Jarrin: Some crazy guy tried to hit us

Hailey: I am sure it was just a drunk driver

Jarrin: It 3 oclock school has just been let out what kind idiot would drive drunk when children are just let out of school he was gunning for someone.

Jacob: Did you see what kind of car it was

Jarrin: Black SUV but I did not get liscense plate.

Jacob: It fine every little bit helps. Thank you for saving my daughter Jarrin I walk you out

Jarrin: Ok

When he get to the door the he whisper something in my ear

Jacon: The only reason I am not chasing you out with a bat it because you saved my daughter life. I have studied three forms of Martial arts Karte Akido and Jujitsu and I sevel guns in my basement They do not call the Dragon of Newport for nothing, and remener I am watching you always

Hailey: Dad did you threatened him

Jacob: No baby I am just thanking him not a word boy

Jarrin: ok.. well good night sir

Jacob: Get out of my house

Jarrin: It look like the road to chasing my wife is long one with a huge obstalce that I must overcome. Did you see that guys arms they were like cannons

After that I head home I got intergated by mom about the scatches so I told her that my freind almost got hit by a car and I pulled her out the way. She was horrified and proud at the same time. After that I get her to sign my permission slip and than I do some homework but I can not stop thinking about that car and the way Jacob was listening he knew something but did not say it

JarrrinL Something definately up

??? POv

One of men comes back to me and makes a report I slam my hand on the desk. I was so mad that hand print was left there

???" You had one job Carlos injure Detective Long's Daughter so he would stop snooping around the docs so he would not be able to find my drugs. Once the Dragon of Newport catches your scent he wont let up

Carlos: Sorry Mr. Wilson give me anoher chance

Mr.Wilson: You disapoint me Carlos, Prowler get rid of him you know what I do with failures

Sudenly his head is decapited from his body and a man appears in a black and purple suit out of nowhwere this is my right hand man Prowler he is master of mixed martial arts and weapeons expert and when he went to Central City on a job he cameback with the abilty to turn invisble

Prowler: Do you want me to handle it boss

Mr. WIlson: No Prowler I do not need a tank to squash a fly I need you in National City on a mission if theses incompetent fools have not done it by then I will allow you to handle it.

Prowler: Sure boss. Why don;t you just let me take out Long

Mr.WIlsion: Because if he is taken out now while he investagaiting me all fingers will point at me we must get him to give up on his own.

Prowler: Whatever you say boss whatever you say

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