《Nightmare Infinity》Chapter 4: Wendigos v.s Team 66!
Chapter 4: Wendigos v.s Team 66
Written by Etnalla
Edited by Goald3n
Victory and the rest of Team 66 stood back as they watched the newbies scatter after being knocked into the snow right in front of the wendigos. It was funny how they panicked. The wendigos wouldn't bother attacking them. Not with something more dangerous around.
"So, what'd you make them see, Victory? A few of the newbies were a bit more energetic than I would expect from someone under your power." The speaker was Miria but she was dressed much differently than how the newbies had seen her. She was dressed in plain black skintight clothes that repelled the snow and kept her insulated against the cold. On her face she wore the same featureless black mask as Jack.
"Just the usual, Miria. Nothing strange." Victory replied.
"Nothing strange, huh?" Miria knew better than trust Victory regarding his illusions. A few times when the three of them returned to the Lobby the surviving recruits came up to her and tried to cash in on 'promises' that they'd received from her.
"Yes. Nothing strange at all." Victory turned and matched her gaze. He wasn't gonna confess anytime soon.
"Whatever." She knew that Victory didn't really hate her. He just loved to mess with her. Whether that took the form of making her look like a slut, a bitch or a idiot rainbow fairy princess. She never could understand what was it about the last one. She did have a fairy enhancement, but why did he find it so hilarious to make her rainbow colored to everybody?
"So," She turned to Jack—their leader and the strongest member. "What are we gonna do about all these guys? I mean points are well and good but how many creatures are there on this mountain?"
"Way more than the original game." Said Jack, monotone as ever "According to the mission it will take us 1000 runts to get 1 point. 100 warriors for 10 points. And 10 chiefs for 100 points. If we go by that then the system probably put close to a million of these things here."
"Dammit!" Shouted Victory, only now checking the mission. "I hate this new System! The stronger you are the more difficult it gets and it also gives you less rewards and points! Look at this bullshit! No rewards at all! Even the special Wendigo only gives us 2000 points and a C Rank reward! Why bother looking for it then!?
Miria smiled at Victory's outburst. his power really suited his personality She thought. "That's called progression, Victory. The higher your level gets the harder it is to level up."
"You don't need to explain it to me! I'm just saying isn't this a bit too unfair? I heard Wulf say that back in the past both veterans and newbies had the same mission difficulty and rewards! Newbie's get all the luck now. I bet none of them even know how hard it is to get a B rank reward at higher levels."
"Of course not. It's their first mission. How could they know? Also, why are you acting so heartbroken? You make the most points and rewards out of any of us!" Miria didn't hesitate to remind Victory of his position as the 'official conman' of the team. "As long as the newbies survive you turn a profit."
"Please. How often does that happen? They might make it if they weren't in a high level player's mission world but, unfortunately for them, our team has three. Still I hope those ones I gave gear to survive. Good thing newbs don't know about interest."
"Enough complaining. The enemy is making their move. Victory, prepare your 'stage'. Miria, keep them away from Vic as he prepares. I'll go from the front." Jack interrupted and quickly commanded.
Miria responded immediately. She opened her item box and retrieved her equipment from storage. The snow billowed out as Miria's equipment made contact with the ground. On the white snow appeared a robot. It was on stood all fours and resembled a mechanical wolf complete with claws, a tail and a massive railgun that was pointed at the Wendigo hoard.
With experienced ease Miria climbed into the robot which opened up to accommodate her. Once she was comfortable inside the mech she ran a diagnostic of the systems. Everything was running good. It had costed a lot of points to buy, especially since the rail gun came separate, and even more points to constantly upgrade it to this level but it was all worth it.
The mech was a modified version of Crying Wolf's mech from the game Metal Gear: Guns of the Patriots. On its back was Fortune's Railgun from Sons of Liberty upgraded to its unlimited ammo version and enchanted to be able to do damage against supernatural creatures. Its tail was a modeled made similar to Blade Wolf's from the Revengence spin off game, only instead of a normal chainsaw it was an electromagnetic sword shaped one that could separate into multiple segments like Monsoon from the same game. And that was only what was obvious.
The mech also could, if necessary, deploy six remote controlled shields that would explode outward in response to being hit copied after Sundowner, again from Revengeance. Its claws were made similar to Raiden's high frequency sword and were also enchanted. Finally inside the mech's mouth was a miniature high pressure water cutter like in Metal Gear Ray. Oh, and she had upgraded the metal shell of the mech along with the claws and tail into adamantium.
Miria lay happily inside her mech as she finished the system check. Every last part of her Battle Wolf mech was just perfect. She double checked to make sure her favorite modification was working. It was but she didn't need it at the moment. Finishing her set up she turned the mech to look at Victory and Jack to see if they were done.
She turned around saw a pillar of earth behind her and knew that Vic was either done or getting ready. Next, she saw Jack standing in the snow with his Dragonslayer raised. Both she and Vic knew that even though Jack acted uncaring and unemotional he loved to fight. Just as she spent all her points on her mech, Jack spent all his points on acquiring as much weapons he could get. In fact she could hardly remember how long it's been since Jack had used his own power and not his weapons.
No, matter. Jack was a good leader. He knew how to command them and he was a much stronger player than Miria. She had never had the chance to fight him, but she knew that even inside her mech if she went against Jack he could kill her easily. He wasn't the son of the War World Guild's guild leader for nothing.
Not having anything to worry about she waited calmly for Victory's signal for the battle to begin. She didn't have to wait long.
"Thank you all for coming here tonight!" Boomed Victory's voice.
(Fight Scene!)
At the sudden sound coming from above, a wave of wendigo runts and warriors rushed forward as the chiefs observed the battle with cold eyes.
Not fearing the oncoming wave Jack raised his Dragonslayer and directly leapt into the fray. His sword moving in massive sweeping arcs across the battlefield. Any runt that came into contact with his sword was either cut in two or crushed under the impact of the sword while any warrior was sent flying—alive but heavily injured.
Seeing their kin being tossed around more and more wendigos joined the fray. Their pale white eyes radiating coldness and murder.
They rushed at Jack on all fours and clawed at him furiously. Unfortunately for them Dragonslayer's length and size combined with the skill of the person wielding easily kept them at bay. No matter how many they threw at Jack he just mowed them down with the same ease as the first ones.
It also didn't matter how they attacked him. Every time it looked like they had an opening they would rush in, only for Dragonslayer to drop down on their heads. Even if they surrounded Jack and attacked together from all angles he'd just spin while holding Dragonslayer and swat them all away with the flat of the sword.
Aiming at Jack a large warrior rushed out of the woods, a thick tree trunk clenched in its hands. It bared its teeth as it leapt into the air looking to bring the piece of wood down on the swordsman. The creature was so focused in its current action that it didn't notice a faint electronic hum.
The humming stopped as the rail gun fired at the wendigo. After the shell was fired it almost instantly arrived at the wendigo in the air. Its torso was instantly reduced into a blood mist by the force of the shell as it tore through its body.
The shell's trail was only noticeable by the line of red, superheated air that was created as the shell flew forward. After tearing through the first wendigo it flew at an angle up the mountain, obliterating any trees, boulders and obstructions in its path.
The terrifyingly powerful shot came from Miria who was expertly piloting her mech, killing any wendigos that bypassed Jack.
Just because Jack slaughtered any wendigo that came at him didn't mean that none had gotten through him. Seeing the strength Jack was displaying a good chunk of wendigos decided against attacking him and opted to go around him, attacking the silvery wolf or the man on top of the earthen pillar. They assumed that if their enemies were protecting the man on top of the pillar then if they killed him they might have a chance. Too bad for them.
While Jack was a monster in both group and single combat when it came to mobility Miria in her mech outclassed him. If the wendigos thought getting past her to Vic was going to be easy then they had another thing coming.
At Miria's command the mech took down any wendigo that approached the pillar. When a wendigo approached from the front the mech's claws would strike, cutting through runts like butter and leaving gaping wounds on warriors.
If they came from the sides them it was even worse for them. The tail sword had separated into sections that whipped around furiously flaying the skin and flesh from the wendigo's bones. It wrapped around clusters of wendigos before rapidly contracting and shredding them to pieces.
Under her watch no wendigo got within a meter of the pillar.
Every time the rail gun fired it would blast through ranks of wendigos without any effort. Just being grazed by it would cause their bodies to be knocked away and limbs to be ripped off.
It was too bad it had to pause in between shots to cool down. If she could fire without stopping then the unlimited ammo factor would truly shine.
She looked forward to day when she had the rewards and points necessary to remove the railgun's need to cool down. When that day came all she'd need to do is hold down the trigger and fire endlessly.
Seeing another wave of wendigos approach she activated the water jet cutter and swung the mech's head, dragging the jet across the wave. The wendigos went down, cut cleanly by the jet.
How Jack and Miria dealt with the wendigos made it seem effortless but in truth it was anything but effortless. Facing down an endless horde of wendigos they couldn't afford even a moment's lapse in concentration. If they did then they would disappear being torn apart by the creatures, regardless of weaponry or advanced armor.
As easy as they went down the wendigos were terrifying creatures to face. Even losing a limb or half their body did not prevent them from attacking. They only stopped when they were dead.
Their bodies were incredibly tough as well. The runts wouldn't be cut by any blade that wasn't at least equal to the high-frequency blade—in Jack's case his Dragonslayer used its weight to deal most of the damage—, and the warriors could shrug off a fire from an anti-tank rifle easy. In fact even though the mech's claws and tail were able to cut through their bodies it wasn't without effort. If it was only a single claw strike or sword slash then even the adamantium high-frequency blades wouldn't be able to cut through a warrior's bones. She had to strike the same spot over and over again in order to take them down.
At this time even Jack was running into problems. The wendigos were getting more ferocious and more desperate. This meant that they had forgone any pretense of defense or dodging and just threw themselves a Jack, looking for any opening to wound him.
But Jack was still calm. Dragonslayer wasn't enough to hold the wendigos back. If one giant sword wasn't enough then maybe two would suffice.
Spinning like a top Jack batted away every wendigo within a meter of him. He then moved from two-handing Dragonslayer to one-handing it then he stretched out his empty hand and made a grasping motion in the air with it.
"Buster Sword." Jack whispered as he grasped the air.
Immediately after he finished saying the sword's name it appeared in Jack's hands. A sword equally as massive as Dragonslayer and even more famous; Final Fantasy's Buster Sword.
That wasn't Jack's skill though. It was just his storage mechanic. God's Dimension had a variety of ways for players to store their items ranging from Interspatial Rings, Item Boxes, Bags of Holding that come in different types. Jack's storage method, [Action Game Weapon Swap], was different. It could only store weapons and he had to swap out his current weapon when he changed between them, but it was faster and nearly instantaneous. Which perfectly suited his fighting style. The reason that he was able to use both of them at the same time was because of his skill, [Dual Wield]. This allowed him to bypass the restriction of [Action Game Weapon Swap].
Wielding Dragonslayer in his right and the Buster Sword in his left Jack restarted his attack on the wendigos. The two swords cleaving and crushing their way through the wendigos' numbers. More than just swords they also acted as Jack's shields—their massive size protecting Jack from the wendigos teeth and claws.
Like this Jack and Miria's slaughter of the wendigos continued. Jack attacking the horde directly, giant swords dominating. Miria defending the pillar agilely leaping between enemies and cutting them down before they notice, firing off the occasional rail gun shell.
Of course with such a thing could not be allowed, both by the System and the wendigo chiefs. Seeing their kind continuously falling against the two players, six of the chiefs directly leapt into the battle. The branches they were standing on snapped due to the force of their legs propelling their powerful bodies forward.
Miria seized the opportunity and took aim at one of the chiefs with her railgun. The gun hummed even louder than before as it charged up an even stronger shot than normal. The moment the chief touched the ground the railgun fired.
The chief took the shell in the chest. It sent the creature stumbling back until it crashed onto the snow.
Then it got up.
The chiefs were much, much more powerful than the runts and warriors. It was coughing out blood onto the snow and its chest was deformed by the shell but it only took a moment for it to stand up as if nothing happened.
Clutching the shell in its hand the chief gave a bloody smile before cocking its arm to throw the shell at the pillar. Before it could Miria deployed three Sundowner shields at the wendigo. Two flew to the chief's hand which held the shell and one flew at its head.
On impact the plating on the shields exploded against the wendigo. The blasts blinded the creature and burnt its skin. The wendigo cried out in pain, dropping the shell and clawing at its face. After all, the wendigos weakness was fire.
Miria deployed the three remaining shields and directed them to three different chiefs. The chiefs, seeing what had happened to the one struck by the shields, moved to avoid them. Surprisingly, the chiefs were extremely nimble and quick, dodging the shields with ease. Still, Miria wasn't disappointed in dodging the shields she managed to drive the three chiefs farther and farther away from the pillar.
She turned her attention to the chief that was hit by the three shields and leapt at it. The chief had only just recovered from the shock of being exploded on when the mech leapt on it clawing and slashing with its blades. Normally the blades wouldn't be able to cut it, but the areas burnt by the explosion were especially vulnerable.
Seeing this Miria controlled the three shields and brought them down repeatedly on the wendigo chief's body and head. Explosions covered the wendigo, blackening and burning its skin, weakening it. Even with all this killing it would take some time. It was a good thing that the other chiefs were too busy to deal with her. Three were busy running from the Sundowner shields and two were busy fighting Jack.
Jack dealt with the attacking chiefs with little difficulty. While they were much faster and stronger than the other wendigos there were only two of them. This allowed Jack to be able to focus on fighting off the two opponents.
In the fight Jack mainly used his swords as shields to block the wendigo's claws, icepick arms and bladed legs. He bided his time waiting for any opportunity to attack.
The attacking speed of the chiefs kept increasing as they grew more confident and domineering. Claws, teeth, arms and legs constantly struck against Jack's swords in a maelstrom of violent bestial fury.
Jack matched the wendigo's speed with more speed of his own, and their power with more power. They were not giving him any openings but neither was he giving them. His chance finally came when Miria, seeing Jack's predicament, fired a shell at the two chiefs. The shot was perfectly timed and sent one of the chiefs flying at the other one.
Now that Jack had his opening he wasn't going to waste it. He leapt at the two wendigo chiefs laying on snow and brought both the Buster Sword and Dragonslayer down on top of them. The force of the impact sent out a shockwave that caused the snow to billow up and the frozen ground beneath to crack.
Borrowing the force from the strike Jack kicked off the wendigo's chest and flew up into the air. With a wave of his hand both Dragonslayer and the Buster Sword disappeared and in his hand appeared a katana with a white hilt and a black sheath: Virgil's sword Yamato from Devil May Cry.
In the air Jack looked down at the two chiefs who were slowly getting up and he smiled. Placing one hand on the hilt and the other on the sheath he assumed a sword drawing stance in mid air.
"Yamato. Judgement Cut."
The sword didn't appear to leave its sheath yet countless silver slashes rained down on the chiefs. The slashes came from every direction and cut through their tough flesh, which could even withstand railgun fire, with ease.
Screaming in pain the chiefs tried to escape the rain of sword strokes but were helpless as there was nowhere for them to run to.
Jack landed nimbly on the ground, his stance still the same. He observed the two chiefs that had long stopped struggling. They looked to be fine but on closer inspection one would see countless intersecting lines across their bodies. The chief were dead. Slashed to pieces by Yamato yet its extraordinary sharpness made it so that no blood seeped out and the bodies although cut were still being held together. It only took a stray flake of snow to land on the two chiefs and their bodies collapsed into piles of meat.
Jack had killed two. Miria was in the process of killing one while keeping away three with her shields. None of the six chiefs were a match for them. However that wasn't the end, this version of Blackwood Mountain was far larger than the game's version and the number of wendigos on it were numerous to an incalculable degree.
The twelve chiefs, few hundred warriors and runts were only those which were closest to the start. Now that the sounds of fighting and scent of wendigo blood had spread across the mountain all of the wendigos were now aware of the threat that was attacking them. And they would not stop until the threat was eliminated.
Jack and Miria heard the howls of rage of millions of wendigos and they knew that their battle was far from over.
Author’s note
Shoutout to wills1999 for being the first commenter of the story and Andy8583 for giving me my first review. Much appreciated! Things like that really help motivate a person. There will be books. Not gonna say which ones and not a lot but enough to make it interesting.
I was messing around and for some reason the chapter disappeared. I have no idea what the fuck happened.... So, here is the resurrection of chapter 4! Sorry to those who thought it was chapter 5…
Editor’s note
Wow! Bet you guys weren't expecting this to be the reason for all the mind fuckery going on! Hahahaha. Theorize what you think jack and Victories other powers are! So far we know Victory can make others experience illusions and has a voice of power, Miria can heal with magic and has a heavy technological battle mech wolf suit/ride. Jack still mysterious as ever! All we know is he has absurd strength and many weapons.
Author san thinks he needs for motivation then me!?! *yandere mode activates*
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