《Nightmare Infinity》Chapter 2: Mission—Survive Until Dawn/Introductions


Chapter 2: Mission—Survive Until Dawn / Introduction

Written by Etnalla

Edited by Goald3n

"Yeah, I got one." An old looking man in military uniform stepped forward. "How the fuck does what you said explain anything!? For all we know you and your buddies over there are just a bunch of crazies that kidnapped us for ransom, and that whole story is just to keep us confused until you get payed or decide to kill us. Though I wonder, why would you think that story of yours would be in any way believable."

Lucky was thinking the same thing, and it looks like everyone else was thinking it as well.

"Idiot." Muttered a person to the side of Lucky, turning his head and saw a young brown haired person in a red jacket.

"What did you say, kid? Calling me an idiot, huh. What. Do you actually believe this nonsense?" sneered the old man.

"Yes, I do." Red Jacket answered back.

"Well then, I think we all can see who the real idiot here is!" Laughed old man.

"Yes we can. The real idiot is this old man who didn't bother testing out the information and started making noise as soon he had an opening to."

Lucky looked back and forth between the old man and Red Jacket. The animosity building between the two was palpable. Still, Lucky wondered why would Red Jacket want to make himself stick out like this and why was did he sound so confident in Jack's words.

The old man's face was getting red but before he could launch into another sentence Red Jacket cut him off.

"Shut up for now, please? Thank you." said Red Jacket before stepping forward and turning to face the remaining nine. He raised his right hand and pointed at the watch on his wrist. "If any of you actually listened then you'd remember that the creepily dressed boy said that these watches were the marker for players of God's Dimension, right?"

"So what does that prove?" A professional looking woman spoke up. "They could have put it on us while we were knocked out."

"Well," Red jacket replied. "If you push the button on the side...let's just say it makes for pretty convincing proof. Why don't all of you give it a try?"

Lucky looked down at his new watch and followed what Red Jacket said. He felt around the side of the watch and found a small button sticking out, pressing it as soon as he'd found it.


"What the..."


A series of gasps and words of shock rang out from each of the ten, even from Military Man.

Lucky gaped shock at what happened. The moment he pressed the button on the watch a stream of words and information appeared directly in his mind, like the information was just beamed inside.

The experience was disorienting to say the least, but what truly made Lucky gape was the information that was presented. In his mind it took the form of a large black wall of text with white words that glowed. The more he read the more astonished he became.


Name: Lucky Ocean

Missions Survived: 0

Point Balance: 0

Ranked Rewards: D=0, C=0, B=0, A=0, S=0


Intelligence: 105

Mental Capacity: ?

Cell Vitality: 100

Reaction Speed: 95

Muscle Density: 110

Immunization Strength: 80

Current Status: Normal

Mission World: Until Dawn

Mission Type: Survival

Mission Objectives:

Survive Until Dawn:

- Survive until daylight touches you Blackwood Mountain

- Rewards 1000 points


-*First Mission Bonus* Reward x2 + D rank reward

2. Wendigo Extermination:

-Hunt the Wendigo on Blackwood Mountain.

-Wendigo Runt= 100 points

-Wendigo Warrior= 1000 points

-Wendigo Chief= 2000 points and B Rank reward

-Special Wendigo: Makkapitew= 5000 points, A Rank reward and ?

Side Missions:

None Discovered


"So," said Red Jacket, snapping Lucky out of his daze. "Do you believe now? The information on the screen might be questionable but you all must have felt how it was transmitted. I don't know about you, old man, but I don't think tech that can do that exists. Beaming information directly into one's mind. Incredible."

Lucky saw that The old man was as dumbfounded as he was. Lucky thought that he might bring up some kind of top secret military technology that could do just that—beaming information into someone's mind—but apparently it really didn't exist.

Looking at his stats Lucky was at a loss to what they actually mean. Was 110 in muscle density good or was 80 in immunization strength bad? What about “?” in mental capacity? Did that mean there was something wrong with him? How exactly did stats correlate to his physical abilities?

As a child and even until now Lucky has a history of catching colds and getting sick so he assumed that 80 in immunization strength was representative of that. For intelligence he was a pretty decent student in middle school so that might be a factor in having 105 in that stat. He didn't know what cell vitality meant but muscle density was easy enough to understand. He was a bit confused as to why that was his highest stat since Lucky thought himself to be quite fat. Not walking ball of lard fat, but more like a middle aged dad body type of fat.

While he was sort of unsure about his stats Lucky was more sure about the mission. If all he had to do was survive until morning then he was pretty confident in doing. Lucky didn't play many games but he often watched YouTube playthroughs of games; there was only so much money a recent graduate could spend on games.

Until Dawn was one of those games which were more like interactive tv shows or movies than games. It was about a bunch of teenagers who were jerks, got somebody killed, came back a year later only to find a mysterious stranger stalking them only for it to turn out that the stranger wasn't the killer it was actually cannibal monsters called wendigos. Oh, and the whole story took place in the mountains during a snowstorm. So pretty much regular B-movie fair.

The reason Lucky was confident in surviving was that he remembered that there were only around ten or even less wendigos in the whole game. If all he had to do was avoid them that would be easy enough. Forget about killing them though, the only way they could be killed was with fire and Lucky didn't have a flamethrower like the game characters.

"Interesting," spoke Jack. "Looks like we got a really good recruit this time around. What's your name?"

Red Jacket turned to face the faceless child. "Call me Judge. That's not my real name but if what you said is true then I don't think our real names matter anymore."

"Ha! Just perfect! Its like you were made for God's Dimension!" Screamed Vic the fake Elvis.

"Yeah," interjected Miria. "Much more impressive than that other one you mentioned. He looks like a confused little baby. God's Dimension is gonna eat up cuties like him in an instant."


"Hmph, watch what you say Miria! Mark my words that one has potential in him! You, get over here!" Vic pointed at Lucky and commanded.

Huh!? What? Lucky never expected to be called up so suddenly! What was he gonna do!? He didn't want to catch anybody's attention. In fact he was planning to remain as low key as possible and blend into the crowd of other players.

I can't step up, if I do everyone's attention will be on me again and I won't be able to slip back into the crowd. If everyone's looking at me I won't be able to slip away, and if I'm forced to stay in this group we'll all just attract more wendigos.

"Hey! Kid! You deaf or something! Come on and say something!"

Lucky was too busy thinking how to get out of going forward that he didn't even notice the fact that everyone had moved away from him and was waiting for him. Vic especially was getting impatient.

Lucky jumped in attention. He was shocked to see that everyone had formed a circle around him and that he was standing in the middle along with Judge, Jack, Vic and Miria. All of whom were looking right at him.

Oh shit. What am I gonna do! Come on Lucky. Keep it calm. Be casual. Be a wallflower. Totally boring. Simple words. Don't attract any attention. You can do it!

"Good afternoon, everybody! Is it afternoon though? Well, you really can't tell with all this snow, can you? Anyway, it's about time I introduced myself! My friends call me Good. My enemies call me Bad. What's my name? Well it's your lucky day! That's my name! Lucky! Lucky Ocean at your service! The first name, Lucky, represents my great unpredictability, while the last name, Ocean, represents the boundless depths of my heart and the dark blue pools that are my eyes!"








And there's the laughter. Sigh. Guess I couldn't keep my mouth shut after all.

Lucky ignored the laughter, which was quite hard given how loud it was getting. He looked forward at the group of four in front of him. They weren't laughing. Lucky was sure he had offended them in some way or the other. Most likely they wouldn't take to kindly to someone apparently mocking them to their faces. Vic especially didn't look like one to take mockery with grace.

Lucky braced himself for the fallout. Whatever was gonna happen, was gonna happen. At very least Lucky hoped that Jack wouldn't take a swing at him with Dragonslayer.

"Lucky Ocean, huh? Interesting name you got there. A lot of us actually make up names once we enter God's Dimension to. My full name is Victory Drum, Miria's is Mirialla Bellamore, and Jack's is...well I don't want leader to kill me so I won't say. Still, not a bad name. Your delivery is a bit over the top but I think your like Judge here in terms of adaptability."

Lucky was....surprised. He didn't expect Vic to be so....nice and...not shouty. Most of all this was the first time he'd been complemented for one of his outbursts. He honestly didn't know what to feel about it.

"Wow, Vic. Revealing a bit too much, too soon, don't ya think? Names are team only, remember? Still can't fault you for being the softy that we know you are."

"Agreed, he's a idiot. Actually the both of you are but least he's a nice idiot."

"What about me, boss?

"You're a regular good idiot, Miria." Jack replied turning to the surrounding people and picking up his Dragonslayer off the ground. "That's two people who have made an impression on us. Their reward for doing so will be much better equipment than the rest of you. Since this is your first mission we are prohibited from directly helping you but we can give you the equipment necessary to survive. While I have no desire to see you all die, I will not waste resources on people who have nothing to contribute to the team." Jack's cold words immediately silenced the surrounding laughter.

"So, are any of you going to speak up or did all that laughing tire out your throats?"

One by one the remaining nine went up and introduced themselves. Some tried to copy the introductions of Lucky and Judge but that only made themselves look foolish and even less memorable.

Of the remaining nine only a two actually were of any interest to Jack and his team.

The professional looking woman. "My name is Diane Tulip. That is my real name, I see no reason to be fake. Truthfully I still do not completely believe your story about missions and God's Dimension but if it prevents me from dying or being killed by you I am willing to believe."

Aside from her there was a brutish looking person with his hair in a mohawk and piercings all over his body. "Since I can pick any name I want you can call me Prince Kaiser. Though I look like this I am not stupid. I know Prince Kaiser means prince emperor, but it sounds cool to me so don't bother correcting me. I for one believe in what you're saying, the sword you got there is Dragonslayer right? That means the enhancements and equipments you were talking about come from fictional worlds like Berserk. I'd like to see those worlds and even more gain their powers.

"Okay!" Vic clapped his hands together. "Since everybody is done how about you all line up and get ready to receive your equipment."

The ones who failed to make an impression went first. Lucky saw that they each received a gun—he didn't know what model—, two grenades and a combat knife. Of those three Lucky thought that only the grenades would be of any use against the wendigos. He didn't say anything about it though. He wanted to but he felt like something was keeping him from sharing the information with everyone else.

While waiting for the nine to finish receiving their equipment the four who Team 66 thought made an impression were inevitably grouped together.

"So, what do you all make of this God's Dimension and mission bullshit?" Prince asked the other three.

"I don't see any problem with it. If all we need to do is survive then survive we must. Regardless if it's true or not we still cannot just sit still and wait. At least by entertaining those three we'll get some weapons." Replied Diane

"Got a point there, missy. At least we get weapons. Still, aren't any of you excited about what gonna happen? Is what Jack said is true then we have the chance to become superhuman! Isn't that amazing!?"

"I don't see what's so amazing about it," added Judge. "If idiots like you became superhuman I doubt the world would be a better place."

Prince wagged his finger at Judge. "That's where you're thinking wrong, Judgey Boy. It's not about making the world a better place. It's about making the world a funner place, and wouldn't having superpowers make it much funner? For us with powers at least."

"Pathetic, you're all being blinded to what's going on." With that Judge stood up and moved to sit in a corner of the cabin.

"What a spoil sport. How about you, Lucky Lucky Boy? Any thoughts about what's going on?"

What was going on? Lucky was still thinking about all that had happened. Something felt odd to him. Like he was feeling an itch that couldn't be scratched and it just kept growing. He a feeling in his gut that something was wrong.

Unsure of what he was feeling he went over to where his gut was leading him.

"Lucky Lucky Boy? Lucky Lucky Boy? Hey! What are you doing? Don't go over to Judgey Boy. He'll make you boring!"

Lucky walked over to Judge ignoring Prince's hollering and sat down beside him. Judge looked quite young actually, he was either late into his teens or early into his twenties like Lucky. Not knowing how to proceed Lucky stretched out his hand in acknowledgement. "Hi, I'm Lucky. Nice to meet you."

Judge raised his head and looked Lucky right in the eyes before moving his gaze down to his outstretched hand. "Yes, I know who you are. You made it very clear in that introduction of yours."

Embarrassed Lucky tried pulling his hand only for Judge to clasp it hard. "Judge, you can call me Judge. So, why did you come over?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Something feels strange. I can't put my finger on it but it's there. I don't know why but I felt like you might know what's going on?"

It took Lucky a lot of courage to ask that question. He was originally shy after all and given his last outburst he was worried about embarrassing himself even more. To his surprise Judge revealed a bright smile at his question.

"I do, Lucky. I guess you're different that the others then. Well, giving you the answers would be boring, so how about I ask you three questions. First, why is everybody being so trusting? Second, don't you find it odd that those three suddenly became a lot nicer and more easy to talk to? Lastly, they just gave most of the people in this room handguns and grenades, why hasn't anyone tried anything?"


Authors note

In case anybody is wondering why does the story seems comedic and stupid when I called it mature and "gonna show real suffering" just know that I wasn't false advertising. I ain't no clickbaiting manwhore. Most of the comedy might seem overblown but I actually know people in real life personalities as colorful at these. If you don't like this kind of comedy then you might not like the rest of the story but if you still wanna give it a try know that I wasn't lying about the suffering. It will be there alright. And it will be a big part of the story. Also again please don't hesitate to comment. Comments are what help authors get better in their writing and what lets them know it the story is getting worse or better. So thanks for reading, and I might have a new chapter soon. Also I apologize if it's still a bit rough or disjointed. I am still working on getting down the style of the story. So if you're willing to be patient I will definitely deliver.

Editor’s note

I assure you guys that this will get a a lot better! This is probably the most interesting start of any Terror infinity FF. Also prepare to be mindraped next chapter. Constructive criticism is wanted so please state opinions of story or the grammar/spelling maybe even both!

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