《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 2 Chapter 110 - Prosperity Realm - Day 3 - 4 - 5 Time Skip (Long Feng)


"First, I will teach you in the basic of Diagram Formation." the Wood Xuan Wu within Long Feng's Void Realm spoke.

Wood Xuan Wu then creates a projecting slide and educates Long Feng on the 64 differences in the diagram and their combinations.

In such a profound knowledge, Long Feng's ability in understanding each diagram's speciality soon stagnant at the basics.

But with the help of the Lingzhi of Knowledge Innate Constitution, Long Feng's understanding catch up to the speed once again.

The Eight Diagram formation soon make its way into Long Feng's head, and like fireworks explode within his brain, the wondrous of formation technique attach themselves to his mind.

"Bagua is limitless,"

"Limitless form delimited,"

"Delimited equivalent to Taiji,"

"Taiji forms Yin Yang,"

"Yin Yang give birth to four phenomena,"

"Lesser Yin, Greater Yin,"

"Lesser Yang, Greater Yang,"

"Four phenomena act as Eight Diagrams."

"Eight Diagrams in eight form for 64 Hexagrams."

The essence of the Bagua made its way into Long Feng's mind to creates a map within his mind.

[Primordial Map - Limitless Path!]

This creation of Primordial Map within his mind creates the second rise of Innate Constitution, allowing Long Feng to get four times potential in his cultivation.

His mind that suppressed by his growth allows this mortal to reach the potential that can only describe as [Monstrous].

Without requiring the further guidance from the Wood Xuan Wu, Long Feng formed three specific formations only he could use.

[Lesser Heaven Formation Breaking Seal.]

[Lesser Earth Formation Creating Seal.]

[Lesser Wood Confining Seal.]

With the diagram inscription now tattooed in his mind, Long Feng will waste no time to use this three seal as he wishes.

"Wood Xuan Wu! Create three enemies for me to test my ability!" Long Feng asked.

The demand granted in seconds.

Before him, three shadows of Mother Gaia in her corrupted form created and attack in three different sequences.

One channels the Wood Element into the thin air to creates an army of Minorous.

The second Mother Gaia attacks by creating two Food Vessel in both hands and attack at a distance.


And for the third Mother Gaia, she turned into a huge tree to creates land, vegetation, and precious herbs grow on the soil without restrictions.

"A charmer, a creator, and aggressor." Long Feng whispers.

"Lesser Wood Confining Seal!" without wasting time, Long Feng waves his hand and creates a wide incantation circle that disrupt all Wood Elemental within its coverage.

The three Mother Gaia's ability decreased by a third from one simple action.

He moved closer to the one with two food vessel in both hand and swings the Weapon Devourer Void Log without mercy.

But it was useless.

Although weakened, the Mother Gaia is still a capable fighter with a sentient mind.

Added with Wood Xuan Wu's intention to creates a hopeless challenge to Long Feng, it removed the restriction on its strength, so the three Mother Gaia possesses unlimited growing power.

The army of Minorous formed.

In a second, ten Minorous attacked with the second Mother Gaia's support.

"Lesser Heaven Formation Breaking Seal!" the second seal released in a wave of a hand once again.

This time, this seal destroys all intention the attacker holds, and the three Mother Gaia returns to their first look.

Although the three Mother Gaia created figures that Wood Xuan Wu used to test Long Feng's ability, they still own a hint of a sentient mind.

"Impossible!" the three Mother Gaia howls in anguish, but their cries receive no pity because with the next attack splits the three into two parts.

The Weapon Devourer Void Log glows in a purplish hue, with an incantation orbits the blade like a sheath with strong energy.

"Lesser Earth Formation Creating Seal." Long Feng looked at the incantation circle he absorbed back into his body.

"Incredible." Wood Xuan Wu give him a praise for being able to defeat three Mother Gaia in such a short period.

"You've got the essence of the Bagua 64 Lesser and Greater Formation, now is the time I will polish your Xuan Wu Arts."

"There will be a huge disparity when you inherit my part of Xuan Wu's legacy, are you ready?" Wood Xuan Wu warns before starting.


"I'm ready." Long Feng answered.


"I am Wood Xuan Wu, so it's natural that my Eight Trigram path is following the Xun Nature (wind)."

"My Xuan Wu inheritance holds three special genes."

"Gentleness of Penetration."

"Flexibility of Wind."

"Nature of Wood."

Wood Xuan Wu explained the legacy coming from him.

His body turned green, and soon yellow, showing the flow of four seasons within his meridians.

"Xuan Wu assisted the Nuwa to repairs the skies!"

"Xuan Wu is the longevity!"

"Xuan Wu is the nature of all inheritance!"

"Xuan Wu is the pinnacle of guarding spirits!"

Long Feng's mind vibrates with this four sentences while his body undergoes drastic changes.

His now well-built body grows even further.

Those muscles turn brown as if made from bronze. His veins layered with million fibre threads to increase the durability.

The Elemental Storage transformed into a sea with a palace floating above the water level and the Essence-Energy forms a layer of cloud hovering above the skies within his Dantian.

Next, his five sense received their changes.

The eyes turned yellow from the surge of new energy, his sense of smell, savour, hear and taste heightened into twice compared to earlier.

His concentration of Element Essence become so thick, it forms a colourful mist whenever he gathers a small quantity of the essence in his hand.

Six hours later after he received the legacy, Long Feng stands up to enjoy this heightened sense in person.

"Sniff!" he inhales a deep breath, and release once he can taste a hint of seawater, elemental essence, and two different entities.

"Huh..." he exhaled. The impurities within his earlier breath released as if he cleans his internal body with a breath of air.

Long Feng stares at the void space, and discern every combination from thousand threads of incantation that used to form this realm, and with a wave of his hand, Long Feng repairs the broken threads to strengthen the realm's stability.

His hearing focused on the void space. it turns out he can even hear his own heartbeat, the sound made from his clothes contacting each other, and the flows of the wind within this realm.

He waved his hand and the Essence-Energy within formed into a gauntlet made from bronze metal.

"Essence made Xuan Wu Gauntlets." Long Feng formed two mechanical gauntlets.

Without even requiring to ask, Wood Xuan Wu forms a gigantic Minorous that now came with three cages within its body.

"Devouring Four Sides!" Long Feng's gauntlets turned into two pairs as he launched them like flying punches towards the three cages Minorous.

"Bam!" the Minorous stunned. The moment the four gauntlets retracted, it falls straight down to its knees.

"Crazy Dancing Havoc Sword!" the four gauntlets turned into hundred chains of swords and slashed at the Minorous.

"ROAR!" it howls in pain but trying to launch a deadly strike for its life.

The joint strength of Fireheart Grass, Wind Spirit Tree, and Blessing Fruit in the three cages creates three elements attack that strikes towards Long Feng like a flying phoenix!

Without a mercy towards the chained swords Long Feng controls, it melts through all the obstacles as it gets near to the target with the intention to destroys it!

"Shen Sheng Jia!" (Longevity Armour!)

Long Feng receive the attack with a calm mindset as his Essence Energy formed a full set external armour with the significant features of a Tortoise.

Shoulder plates with four claws on each side.

Tortoiseshell patterns from the chest and back.

A Xuan Wu tortoise carved on the chest plate, and also a figure at top of the helm.

The attack deflected with ease.

"Death Glare!" the pair of eyes within the helm shines and without a notice, a beam of light is shot and burns the Minorous into ashes.

"You had overcome all the obstruction in your path. Do you know what is your next target now?" Wood Xuan Wu pleased with Long Feng's performance.

"Advance into Practitioner Realm!" he replied.

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