《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 27 - Origin of the Continent of Yan's History (1)


Thousand Years ago.

This is the period when the Charm Of Light is known to the others as the Forbidden Weapon of Destruction.

This weapon's name is Darkness Essence Devourer or the Cleaner of the Darkness.

This weapon allows its sole user, who it will bind by blood, to totally devour all darkness within its surrounding, and purify them into Blank Essence.

Blank Essence only appears when any elemental essence happened to be purified, or used until they are empty from any other elemental sources. Although the appearance of Blank Essence is not too well known to the population of the cultivators, it is still treated as a rarity, due to its possibility to change.

But what is scary about this Darkness Essence Devourer, is not about the ability to devour darkness, or its ability to create Blank Essence.

The scariest part of the Darkness Essence Devourer is its ability to create a personal Field, or more likely to be known as a Personalized Domain.

The [Personal Domain] possess the ability to customize the area of coverage with a specific condition and works according to the user's wish.

And in that thousand years of history, it had only one solely owner, who is the previous Lord of the Lower Domain of Yan Continent. Although after his fall, the Lower Domain had divided into four major forces, the North, South, East, and West, where Long Feng is currently residing within.

This Lord's name is appointed by his faithful supporters, as the Lower Domain Lord, Emperor Xia (Xia=Lower, down/bottom in Chinese).

He obtained the treasure when he was age 20, during the incident where he was thrown into a pit because of his lack of strength to complete his task.

During the thousand years ago period, farming for cultivation ingredients, hunting cultivation beast, is yet to be flourish as of today. This period is also where young adults are sent out to the lair of the beast, to obtain some cultivating resources for the village.

Emperor Xia, who was only twenty that time, is the weakest among the village, with rarely more than hundred of herbs collected since younger.

Unable to meet the requirement set by his owner, he was banished into the pit, where the useless slave is thrown into to let them die from hunger.

And on that fateful moment itself, Emperor Xia is thrown into the pit where the Charm of Light is located. Because of the contact between the Emperor Xia's believed to be poisoned by Darkness Essence Poisoning body and the Charm, a purifying effect is released, and immediately remove the long lasting effect on his body instantly.

Due to this surprising miracle, Emperor Xia is almost assassinated when his owner wished to possess the Charm of Light for himself.

The owner's men and Emperor Xia fight. But because they are still a fellow slave before, the men released Emperor Xia as he escaped.

Ten years later, Emperor Xia's first move is to liberate the Slave Camp, and rescue all the remaining slave, included the new and the unknown to him before.


Five years after the rescue of the slaves, a new nation is established.

Xia Long Guo (Xia's Dragon Nation).

The nation quickly grows, first from only a thousand slaves and farmers, into around 10 thousand of peoples in the first year.

On its second year, the nation grows into around 50 thousand peoples, as Emperor Xia liberated another two of the Slave Camp surrounding them.

On the third, fourth and fifth year, Emperor Xia's conquest expands throughout the whole West of the Lower Domain and forced the East, North, and South to prepare for this upcoming threat.

Due to Emperor Xia's strength is believed to be a King Earth Tier cultivator, his conquest quickly spread to the North and South, and leaving East forced to surrender to his might.

After successfully ruling the whole Lower Domain as Xia's Dragon Nation, Emperor Xia's started to dream about entering the land of Upper Domain.

During that time, Emperor Xia does possess the strength to do so.

With the Charm of Light that could devour all darkness, Emperor Xia's army is literally immune to all destructive poison at that time. And with the strength of his domain, Emperor Xia could only make his troops stronger, and not any weaker each fight.

[Field of Fortune]

That's the name of Emperor Xia's domain. Upon activation, Emperor Xia's domain could transform the area of his coverage into a land full of Cultivating Ingredients. The ingredients grow according to his own strength, and through this ability, the Xia's Dragon Troops elites, the Slaying Dragon Battalion totally has no match when they are fighting on the battlefield.

But fortune always doesn't follow a person for his entire life.

Emperor Xia's reign finally falls, in his third attempt to lead his army to enter the Upper Domain.

His first two attempts, success pitifully with the almost entirely slain troops because of their lack of strength.

On his last attempt, the Upper Domain decided to not continue playing with this so-called Emperor Xia. They send out a total of thousand men strong troops, all of them possessing the strength of a Peak King Tier cultivators.

And so, due to the different of cultivating resources, martial arts, and treasures, none is left alive, except a single shocked, crippled man is returned to the Lower Domain to recite the story of how the Xia's Dragon Nation strongest troops, are all killed.

With this failure, the Lower Domain quickly return to their turmoil period, and divided back into a total of four different section, with plenty of small Kingdoms, Empires, and Dynasty within each section.

While the Upper Domain's ruler decided to remove the threat from Charm of Light, he seals the Charm personally, before breaking it up into two pieces, and scatter both to the edge of the Left and Right of the Lower Yan Continent.

The Upper piece of the Charm, possess the power to create a domain, have a look like a Head of a Beast.


And the Lower piece of the Charm, possess the power to purify the Darkness Essence into Blank Essence, have a look like a bead that fits into the jaw of the Head of a Beast.

Thousand years after the Xia's Dragon Nation's fall, the Lower Part of the Charm finally activated by a penniless, fatherless, and straight forward looking kid, name Long Feng.


"What is wrong with this Charm of Light?" Log Feng holds tightly on the Charm as it tries to float and get away from Long Feng.

On the same time, Tempera is howling loudly as if it is screaming in pain.

"What is wrong with this light! My body felt so painful now!" Tempera rolls his body on the ground to ease his pain.

The Charm of Light continued to shine for about few more minutes and turning back into a piece of stone once again.

But the darkness surrounding them appeared to have a drastic change.

The once poisoned trees seem to be at it healthiest condition.

The wild grasses, leaves, and branches that are seen decaying in the ground, seems to recently fall from the tree, and it is still moist with nutrients.

Tempera whom rolling on the floor is stunned beside Long Feng because of the shining light.

Long Feng's body is totally healed from the Dark Essence Poisoning, and feeling stronger than ever.

"It feels like my body is just going through an enlightenment. My body felt so light and pure with Elemental Essence now!" Long Feng happily channel the Elemental Essence in his body.

And as he does that, Long Feng finally felt the appearance of the Blank Essence surrounding him.

"What is with this stuff? They gave the feeling of Elemental Essence, but they are Blank empty within. They also have a physical body, compared to the Elemental Essence that you can only felt in the air." Long Feng grabbed a piece of the Blank Essence beads, and keep it in his pouch.

"Human! What trick did you just use!" Tempera stands up once again, but this time, it is blinded from the side effect of the flashing light from the Charm.

The beast tried to swing its claw around him, only to hit the air around him. Tempera continues, but no matter how much effort he places to hit his target, he still fails to hit any targets.

"Despicable human! How dare you use such low tricks on me!" Tempera roar and charge in a straight line with its jaw opened wide.

Long Feng stands up and looks at the direction Tempera is charging, and instead of chasing it, Long Feng prepares for his next move.

"Human! I will Kill YOU!" Tempera moves a few steps to change his direction, and charge in a straight line once again.

But this time, instead of charging straight and have nothing happened, Long Feng sneaks by his side and gave him a few stab and slashes to injure the beast further.

Long Feng continues this for a few more times and managed to get Tempera to became totally weakened, almost to the state that it could be dead anytime now.

"This is impossible... I am Tempera, a great descendant of a King Land Shark Ferocious Beast!" Tempera growls as it lied on the ground, getting weaker and weaker.

[Dark Earth Pillar!]

Tempera still tried to launch a final attack, with the intention to bring Long Feng along to death with it.

But with the Charm of Light in hand, the pillars that appeared from the ground, only end with becoming Blank Essence, after being devoured and refined.

Achieving a victory, Long Feng move over to harvest all the available product left by the ferocious beast.

"Hong Yue, come and have a drink of this ferocious beast's blood." Long Feng cupped some of the flowing blood from the opened wound of Tempera and gave it to Hong Yue.

As the Lizard drank the blood, a surge of Earth Elemental based blood flows in its body, allowing the beast to have a quick regeneration. The next moment, Hong Yue stands up tall, allowing the overflow Essence within his body to be released from its pores.

The stone pieces that attached on Hong Yue's skin fall one by one, leaving only a few smaller pieces behind. On its spine, a row of spikes appears, and its upper limbs became more agile, while the lower limbs became more sturdy, allowing Hong Yue to stands.

"Master!" Hong Yue stands, as of now, he could be treated as Half-Lizardman.

"Hong Yue, did you go through slight evolution?" Long Feng questions.

"Yes, master. Hong Yue maybe need one to two more beast blood, and Hong Yue would be able to enter another evolution stage." Hong Yue replied.

"That's great. Master can't wait to see what is your next evolution." Long Feng replied.

Long Feng collects whatever he could, and explore deeper into the forest. Since Tempera had been slain, perhaps some of the other beasts would start to get rampage as well.

In Long Feng's mind, he is more worried about one other matter. What could he do, if he really encountered with a pack of Venom King Bullfrog?

And on the same time, Long Feng is wondering about what is all this about, especially on what happened on the Charm of Light.

Long Feng can't wait to receive a simple explanation on what just happened on the Charm of Light.

Received: 4 pieces of Gemstone Fang / One set of Earth Obsidian Carapace / One Adept Tier Beast Marrow / One Adept Tier Soul Pearl / 90 pieces of Blank Essence Beads.

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