《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 20 - Upcoming Danger.


"What a good gain. Meeting a nest full of the Gigantic Silk Beetle with most of its larvae still within the nest moving." Long Feng happily harvest the nest and the Cultivation Beast within.

Although it seems very ruthless when Long Feng is harvesting the whole nest altogether with the larvae that recently born within, in the nature of life, the strong will always rule the weak. Looking at the Larvae that are good to be nicely prepare so the internal fluid could be used to made as some Essence Qi healing medicine, as well the Liquid Silk Sack that obtainable from the Adult Beetle, Long Feng happily keep all the produce in his pouch, as he being thankful for being sacrifice to make his life better.

Long Feng continue his journey, and on the first night, a total of 10 portions of Silk from the Gigantic Silk Beetle, 4 portions of Silk Larvae Fluid, 5 portion of Wild Black Bitter Mint and 3 portions of 10-Years Old Wild Ginseng.

He currently has a portion of Blood from the Great Stone Dragon Lizard, and also its Spine and Leg Bone, and its leather in his inventory awaiting for a decision to be made on them. Other than that, one more piece of unknown pearl is within the inventory as well, giving Long Feng a question on what can be made from using the pearl.

On Wednesday morning, Long Feng proceed slowly with caution, as he gets deeper into the forest. Although his yesterday exploration is going very well, this doesn't make Long Feng getting overconfidence with his own capability.

Long Feng keeps one important mindset the moment he agreed to participate in this Cultivation Beast Slaying Mission.

"Always pay 110% of caution as he proceeds deeper into the forest, and do not put himself in a pointless struggle."

This is also the reason why Long Feng proceeds from one spot to another carefully and being thankful by manage to obtain some good resources for refining in future.

The moment he walks deeper into the forest by almost a mile distance, Long Feng noticed the difference of Essence Qi within this area.

"What happened with the Essence Qi around this area? It is extremely dark and impure, this is impossible unless the area is polluted by poisoned by very strong Dark Essence Qi." Long Feng tell himself, as he felt suffocated only by being within that area.

He spends no time to continue standing there doing nothing. Since Long Feng innate elemental compatibility is with Wood Element, he immediately injects a large amount of Wood Elemental Qi into the trees near to his position to purify it and allows the tree to start releasing positive and pure Essence Qi once again.

But after spending a total of one hour exactly to complete the initial task, Long Feng actually failed to purify even one single tree, and end up wasting a large amount of his Essence Qi in the effort. Feeling that he could no longer continue doing anything here, Long Feng quickly leave this spot, due to the difficulty to absorb nearby Essence Qi into his body.


Only after he successfully leave the poisoned location, Long Feng managed to replenish his Essence Qi once again. But he noticed that the more he absorb the Essence Qi around him, the faster the poison infection spreads because the poisoned location slowly spread nearby between him.

"This is not the solution methods. I must try to get close to the location where this Poison spread, and start to remove it. If I don't do this, very quickly the forest will become a location for Extremely Ferocious Beast to nest." Long Feng tell himself.

One of the main responsibility of being a Pill Master is to contribute towards the kingdom's safety and help to manage the kingdom's natural lands. Since the land belonged to the kingdom is cultivatable, each single Hall has a major responsibility to help maintain the landmark, to ensure long lasting cultivating resources continued to be supplied.

Long Feng replenished his body's Essence Qi, and make a haste to enter the poisoned area once again.

Since the motive of this exploration is only to quickly look for the reason why this location is poisoned, Long Feng move from one spot to another, and make a quick scanning of the surrounding area to determine which location is more concentrated with the Impure Dark Essence Qi.

On and off, Long Feng repeated the action again and again for half day and finally managed to obtain the source of the spreading of Impure Dark Essence Qi.

"This is the Seven Thorn Snakeroot!" Long Feng finally obtained the main reason why this area is in such condition.

"To completely purify this spot of the forest, I must quickly refine an antidote to feed to the trees, so they could slowly remove the parasitic Seven Thorn Snakeroot from its trunk." Long Feng quickly consider his options.

"Luckily I have a portion of the Blood from the Great Stone Dragon Lizard. If I make it carefully, perhaps I could manage to refine between 5 to 10 parts of antidote, to start feeding the trees." Long Feng decide with his option, as he currently has a restriction on ingredients to create an antidote for now.

"One Portion of 10-Years Old Wild Ginseng, dried with Fire Elemental QI and grounded into powder, One Portion of Black Bitter Mint, crushed for its bitterness freshness, and one portion of the Silk Larvae Fluid, slowly boiled with Fire Elemental Qi as well!"

"Cut open each single thorn to expose its spine, and collect a total of 7 different venoms in the same quantity, and mix them together with the blood of the lizard to form a Poisoned Blood Sample and refine by thoroughly mixing the sample together with the remaining three ingredients." Long Feng slowly prepare the ingredients and refine it accordingly to the Poison Concoction Knowledge workpiece by Poison Master Gu Cao Xun.

Long Feng spend a great amount of effort to safely refine the blood sample, and with each poison type within the sample is successfully purified, the blood sample started to turn brighter by a shade. Starting from Dark Scarlet color, it started to turn into more into maroon color, and later like burgundy shade, one could see from a red vine, and soon it turned into a darkened ruby color, able to see through but still cloudy.


Very soon, it turned again, into a solid red color, like how a ripe strawberry should be before it turned once again into a light orange background, vermilion color. Lastly, the final type of poison is successfully purified, allowing the blood to turn into a shiny, burning Lava red color.

Seeing the concoction finally matured and purified into the best quality, he quickly separate the concoction into six equal parts, and thoroughly refine it until they formed and hardened into a form of a pill.

"Success! A total of 6 pieces of Seven Snake Curing Pill is nicely concocted." Long Feng is very satisfied with his results.

But from spending a total of 70 minutes in refining the Antidote for curing the Seven Snake Disease, and another 10 minutes to form them into edible pills, Long Feng had to quickly escape from this poisoned area, so he could escape from being landed into the same situation as the plants.

Luckily, his stable cultivation is strong enough to protect him, as Long Feng barely escapes from the poisoned area.

Holding the six Seven Snake Curing Pill, Long Feng quickly distribute them to the trees by smearing it into the roots of each single tree. By injecting some of the Wood Elemental Qi into each single tree, Long Feng enhanced their nutrient absorption ability and quickly helps the tree to remove the Seven Snake Disease so they could start releasing Clean Essence Qi once again.

Through this effort, Long Feng finally successfully halt the spreading of the Seven Snake Disease Poison and regain a small foothold for him to stay for a while longer.

"I will have to rest a short while now and continue to look for surrounding area to obtain more blood to create more antidotes. Long Feng tell himself as he meditates and absorbs the nearby Essence Qi to rejuvenates himself.


"Elder Tang! Please help this disciple!" a few injured disciples is struggling to get into the Medical Camp, and trying to obtain help from the elders within.

"Elder, this disciple have a report to make! A few disciples from our hall has reported that a large area within the deeper forest is infected by the Seven Snake Disease, originated from the Seven Thorn Snakeroots. Currently, a few disciples that still within the deeper forest is struggling to concoct some antidote to tackle the situation, but due to a large amount of Cultivation Beast close to the outer forest is killed and wasted, we are in need of fresh beast blood to allow the concoction of the antidote." A Pill Hall disciple entered to report to Elder Tang Yao and Elder Tang Wen.

"Elder Tu Bo, is there any report from your disciples as well?" Elder Tang Yao quickly inquire about Elder Tu Bo's side of the report.

"I have yet to receive any words from my disciple, I hope all of them are assisting other elders disciple as well." Elder Tu Bo replied, showing a face full of worries.

One of the reasons Elder Tu Bo shows a deeper concern is due to most of the disciples under his wing is all specialized with procuring and hunting Cultivation Beast for their supply of produce. Since this forest is recently reported that it is heavily infested by the Venom King Bullfrog, Elder Tu Bo is the most affected by the news, as his disciples might not so well prepare to face this Beast and its poisonous venom.

And within the forest...

In the deeper forest area, about sixty miles to the west from Long Feng's position.

A great number of Venom King Bullfrog is happily leaping around this area, and below a few of the beast's legs, is a total of 14 dead cultivators, all died due to the poison originated from the Venom King Bullfrogs.

In between the dead cultivators, four of them is Elder Tu Bo's disciples.

While in the location 25 miles north from Long Feng's position, A very dangerous Cultivation Beast is awake from its slumber.

King Land Shark Ferocious Beast - Tempera

Cultivation Strength - Early Human Adept Tier, Innate Born Darkness Earth Elemental Beast.

Age - 4 Years Old Human Age / 40 years Old Beast Age (Children Stage)

Treasure: Gemstone Fangs / Earth Obsidian Carapace / Adept Tier Beast Marrow / Adept Tier Soul Pearl / Adept Tier Beast Blood


Long Feng finally awakes, as the moon is starting to reveal its shine. The time is midnight. It is also the most active period for the forest beast to start scavenging for foods and fights for survival.

As he stands up to choose a direction to move, Long Feng noticed something had already stalked him the moment he starts moving.

Three Gigantic Silk Beetle is ready to lunge itself towards Long Feng's position to press him down, and also a total of 5 Silk Larvae is preparing to move in to enjoy their meal.

Slightly far from them, a pair of Great Earth Dragon Lizard is paying attention to take advantages from what is going to happen in between.

"So, now I am the one hunted this time? Bring it on! I will show you who will win in the end!" Long Feng held the Wooden Sword tight on his right hand and preparing to launch his Defensive Wu Sword Art as the Gigantic Silk Beetle charge into him.

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