《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 11 - Defensive Wu Sword Art.


"Disciple greet master and senior." Long Feng entered the Virtue Hall, immediately greet the two senior that busy having their own conversation.

"Xiao Feng, do you have any intention to learn a thing or two about Sword Arts?" Han Feng Xian looked at Long Feng as he speaks.

"Xiao Feng dare not to say no, but Xiao Feng talent is sword playing might be laughable to senior." Long Feng honestly answered.

"Ha Ha Ha, how many genius could be out there. We all need much training and perseverance to obtain a certain stage of skills in life. Do not look down on your own ability, but do not over get over confident with yourself as well." Han Feng Xian replied.

"Well, as thanks to senior Tang Wen for his medical expertise, I am thinking about teaching you one of the skills that the Xuan Wu Sword Clan use to protect ourselves."

"Defensive Wu Sword Art (Wu Wei Jian Fa). That's what the sword art is called. Since you are a pill master, I hope this sword art could help you when you are forced into a very tight situation." Han Feng Xian said.

"Quickly thank Senior Han for his kindness..." Elder Tang Wen quickly remind Long Feng on his attitude.

"Ah! Junior is grateful for Senior Han's kindness. Junior will take good care and practice it to as close to perfection, never to disappoint senior when junior explore towards the outside world." Long Feng thanked Han Feng Xian immediately.

In that instant, all focus is changed. Long Feng held a wooden sword in his hand instead of an ingredient and started to learn the basics of sword playing. Blocking, interfering, disturbing and parrying, he quickly learns and remembers the important point that needed to be kept in mind each time a sword technique is on display.

"The Defensive Wu Sword Art originated from the Mystical Beast of Xuan Wu, one of the Four Sacred Beast believed to protect the Continent of Yan when it appeared in this world."

"This Sword Art focus in expecting the unexpected, defend the undefended, and read the unreadable. So make sure you remember the essence of this art."

The lesson continues, as the sword is swung from one side to another, and soon parrying practice began. The exchange of blows is going well, although, in every ten attempts to block an attack, about seven strikes still manage to hit Long Feng directly.

"Let's call it a day for now. I will be staying along with your master for nine more days, so within this period of time, I will do my best to help you to master the basic of this sword art."

"As for the deeper understanding, it will totally depend on your comprehensive knowledge in discovering the depth of this sword art." Han Feng Xian ends his words here.

"Junior thanked senior once again for such valuable lesson. Please excuse junior for now." Long Feng finally ends his sword practice, but before he leaves, he tried to help his master by quickly preparing the usual works he used to do each single day.

"Dear master, Xiao Feng had prepared all the ingredient and clean the Clear Toad Fruit soil thoroughly." Long Feng brings all the harvested ingredients into his master's room, before excusing himself as he returns to his room.


After conducting his usual cultivating practice, Long Feng tried to sleep, but today, a package of a parcel containing a few ingredients came before his door, as he was asked to receive the parcel personally.

"I am sorry for being so late in delivering these ingredients, but could brother Long Feng confirm that you received the ingredient by giving me a mark on this piece of a letter?" the delivery staff from the Education Building politely speaks to Long Feng.

"Thank you, brother, to delivering the ingredient directly, please take care as you return to the building." Long Feng sign the letter and allows the staff to return to his duty.

Carrying the parcel into the room, he places the parcel on top of the wooden table, and open the package.

"Hmm... The mission giver is actually quite generous. He actually provides a total of 15 portions of ingredient for me to try to concoct and refine the Internal Flame Pill." Long Feng slowly remove the smaller packaging one by one and go through each ingredient within to ensure the quality of the ingredient is in the correct condition.

Fifteen portions of Burning Lemongrass.

Fifteen portions of Flame Swallowtail feathers.

Fifteen portions of Boiled Springs from Volcanic Lake.

"Guess I should start to try concocting the pill when I still have the energy for it." Long Feng felt energetic compared to a week ago, due to the advancement of cultivation. Currently, even after refining the Thunder Spirit Pill and tending the plants for his master, Long Feng still retain a good amount of stamina and strength to continue the work.

Without wasting any more time, he starts the pill making session by boiling the Spring water from the Volcanic Lake. As the water boil, the impurities cause the water to get cloudy, and a smell of ashes starting to come out from the container.

Ignoring the fumes as this is the step as written in the recipe included within, he proceeds with the process of cooking the Burning Lemongrass, so he could extract all the essence from the stalk of grass.

Long Feng followed the instruction, but the results that came out barely satisfying in his opinion, as the Burning Lemongrass is nowhere up to the standard he wanted from the extraction process.

But Long Feng maintain positivity as he starts with the final ingredient, the Flame Swallowtail Feathers. The feathers are believed to contain threads of tempering rich fire element, so a detailed procedure to slowly diluting the feather within the boiled spring water, and removing the impure threads of the fire element, and leaving only the one that beautifully refined still attached on the feather.

Following accordingly to the recipe, the number of threads needed to be 100 exactly in total, before it is added to the extract of Burning Lemongrass to be refined. Each pellet shall contain a total of 10 threads within each Internal Flame Pill, to be labeled as the Lower-Rank First-Grade Internal Flame Pill. A Middle-Rank will need 20, while Upper-Rank will need 30.

The difficulties to prepare the threads is deeply dependable on the pill master's compatibility with Fire Element, so luckily as Long Feng is on an excellent level, the threads of Fire Element could be done pretty easily. But to make sure he could refine at least 5 middle-rank pills each time, Long Feng decided to double the amounts of Fire Element Threads in his essence formation.


Ending the work by boiling the extract altogether with the threads that swims within, the remaining spring water shall be placed at the base of the pill furnace while cooking the extract with extreme heat. Through allowing the cooked extract, which should be called as a concoction, to absorb the heat until its burn like a sun before releasing it into the Spring Water.

As the Concoction entered the Spring Water, it will be divided into a random portion, all depending on the degree of fire it managed to absorb.

Long Feng followed the instruction as accurate as he could, and in the end, his refining turns out as a result of one Middle-Rank, and another three Lower-Rank pills. There is a remaining piece of the pill by the side, which failed to form as Long Feng wished for.

"Even following the recipe can only result in a total of four successful pills, and only one of them is in the middle grade. I must grab the essence of refining this pill before this weekend or else I will risk refining least fresh ingredients." Long Feng calms himself up and returns to get his supposed rest.


Meanwhile, in a city that located close to the border of Brilliant Jade Kingdom.

Across the border, another kingdom exist.

Although the information regarding the neighbor kingdom in detail, one thing the people of the Brilliant Jade Kingdom knows, is regarding the military strength of the kingdom.

The neighing sound from packs of warhorses is often heard across the wall that covering the activities of the kingdom, and there is always practices is conducted within the walls.

But today, what was heard is no longer remain the same.

The neighing sound from the warhorses is replaced by screams of a massacre.

The drum beat and the clanging sound between swords and weapons is replaced by an explosive bang.

The city that hardly seen clearly due to the tall walls, is believed to be burning from top to bottom.

The Skies is turned into red, due to the heavy fire that seems to be expanding to the whole city.

A stench of blood can be smelled miles away from the city wall.

Through this happening, the scouts that exploring along the city wall quickly rush back to the kingdom's capital, the Emperor Jade Capital City to report to their current ruler about the happening on the border.

"Minister of the Left, Generals of the Right, quickly come out with some explanations!" urge a man in his fifties, seated on a chair carved with dragons and pearls around its side. His dressing came in gold and green jade color, and on his head, a crown made of Raw Spirit Gold and a huge piece of Clearness Jade Gemstone could be seen embedded into the crown.

This man is the current ruler of the Brilliant Jade Kingdom, Emperor Yue the 13th or more well known as King Yue Long.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Our scouts are still coming back with a more detail report." Said the Minister of Left.

"Subordinate from Shadow Gate requesting permission to enter the great hall!" One man with an overall dark attire kneeling outside the stairs.

"Approved!" the General of Right replied.

"Your Majesty, my Lord, the Shadow Gate sent a replied from the border with only three words within."

"Nine Tyrants Empire." the man from Shadow Gate speaks.

"What? Had the Empire finally started to move their men across their border now?" The General of Right speaks in a shocked tone.

"This is bad... If one of the empires decided to lay their sight upon our kingdom, it would be a calamity." Minister of Left speaks as well.

The atmosphere within the Royal Grand Hall gone awfully quiet, although the hall is full of ministers and generals within.

"What is the possibility of winning if the empire really decided to take an action?" The emperor questioned.

"Your Majesty, based on the strength of our military might, we might fight, for one skirmish before we are totally annihilated." the General of Right answered with his head lowered.

"Is that such a big differences in our military strength?" the emperor sighed...

"Even after intensive recruitment of military and heavy investment in the cultivating resources to the military, we still barely able to fight a single skirmish against the empire..." the emperor speaks in a disappointment tone.

"Subordinate from Shadow Gate requesting permission to enter the great hall!" another man with an overall dark attire kneeling outside the stairs.

"Approved!" the General of Right repeated.

"Your Majesty, newest report from the Shadow Gate."

"Nine Tyrants Empire is backing up the Scarlet Sun Kingdom's throne Prince revolts. Currently, the Capital City, Ten Sun Royal City is taken by the throne Prince, and it is believed that the King is killed during the insurgency." the man from Shadow Gate reported.

"This is even worse than Nine Tyrant Empire is attacking. Prepare all the troops to be on alert throughout the border we shared with the Scarlet Sun Kingdom!" The General of Right quickly ordered.

"Your Majesty, please excuse this Old General absence in this Royal Hall meeting. I will depart now to the border to defend our city from the enemies!" The General of Right immediately done his armor and weapon as he leaves the hall.

"Your Majesty..." the Minister of Left tried to speak something, but his intuitions tell him to keep quiet for now.


"Disciple Long Feng, good morning!" some random disciple is greeting Long Feng as he walked to the Jade Cultivating Land.

"Senior brother Liu Ming, good morning." Long Feng reached the camp and greeted Liu Ming who is arranging the ingredients on each table before the others arrive.

"Junior brother Long Feng, it is good you are here now, I have something that needs to tell you."

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