《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 9 - Disturbance from Advancement.


The two finally bid farewell and return to their own room, and within, Long Feng move closer towards the pot containing the Blood Cleansing Pitcher Plant and also where the Atlas Moth Worm is hanging itself on the vines.

"Fatty worm, time for your meal." Long Feng grab a few stems that he got from trimming the Black Bitter Mint plant a day ago and put it in the pot, so the worm can continue eating once again.

Beside the pot, a small container is filled with a total of 4 balls of silk that weaved from the worm when it is preparing to enter the cocoon stage.

Next, he tilted the pitcher cup to collect the refined Pure Blood within.

Unexpectedly, the pill that so called as pure blood does not come in scarlet color.

Instead, it was shining brightly with an azure glow throughout the pill, and a very mesmerizing fragrant could be smelled from the pill.

Preparing himself to be seated in a meditating position, Long Feng swallow the Pill of Pure Blood, and drip some blood again into the pitcher, before he starts cultivating.

Aided with the Pill of Pure Blood, a strong surge of Essence Qi explode within his body as if the essence is trying to escape from Long Feng's body.

His body started to swell like a balloon, and reduce to a normal state, and repeat once again, every five to ten minutes as he cultivates and trying his hardest to absorb all the Essence Qi within his body.

In a flash of eyes, Long Feng's cultivation surge from the Middle Human Refinement Tier to Late Human Refinement Tier.

Unexpectedly, the surge of strength does not end there.

The Pure Blood still has many Essence Qi sealed within, awaiting Long Feng to unleash its potential.

"Truly up to what master says. The Pure Blood knows my body couldn't handle the stress of totally absorbing it, so it dividing into two layers. The first outer layer is for me to absorb first so I could increase my cultivation rank, and the second layer is ready for me to absorb when my rank is increased." Long Feng appreciating the plant in his mind.

"Since my cultivation had increased, I can now absorb a larger quantity of Essence Qi, so this won't be a problem for me at all!" Long Feng confidence increase by a stage, and directly absorb the remaining Essence Qi within the Pure Blood into his body.

"Great! This is the result I am expecting!"

"Early Earth Refinement Tier!" Long Feng body started to secrete the impurities within his body, and through the process, his body become more toned and his height had increased by a few centimeters.

His ability to absorb and sense the surrounding Essence Qi had become even more sensitive as he entered the realm of Earth Refinement tier. In the same time, his capacity of absorption of the essence in each breath is double what he could do last time.

Not only that, as he entered the Earth Refinement Tier, the feeling he gets when he saw the piece of Impure Azure Jade Rock is even stronger as if the piece of Jade Rock contains something specially made for him.

Long Feng placed a large amount of Essence Qi into the Jade Rock, trying to refine it as much he could before he was out, but the more he refine, the better feeling it was.

"Why do I have a feeling of touching a tip of a Jade made Ruler, but it felt like it's as long as a sword." Long Feng started to have a slight vision, but no matter what, he couldn't precisely draw out the shape of this Ruler made with Jade.


As he prepared to sleep for the night, a small piece of plain rock falls off from the Jade Rock, revealing a little green shine hidden deep within the crack.


Monday finally came, as the sun shine brightly on the east as it rises higher and higher.

Without noticing the time is passing, the starting of the second week is here, as Long Feng is still trying to adapting to the life within the hall.

The disciple is only allowed to return to their home for one night in every month, on the day after the Hall provision pay is distributed.

As his duty required, Long Feng heads towards the Jade Cultivating Land camp side to continue his task of refining the Thunder Spirit Pills.

Greeting Liu Ming and the other senior brothers, he returns to his usual station and started on the refining process.

Although the other noticed the slight changes in Long Feng's features and figures, they don't notice about one unimportant matter.

And that matter is...

"Oh, my heavens!" Long Feng who usually cook the Dark Fluid mixture and the Thunder Sparrow Egg together at the same time, manage to create a small disaster early in the morning.

The moment Long Feng inject his Essence Qi into the ingredients, the amount of essence qi is exceeding the normal capacity the ingredient can handle, thus causing the ingredient to explode.

The matter is regarding the habit of a pill master in his/her daily duties.

When one cultivator advance in their cultivation, they usually will require a little practice to adapt to their usual Essence Qi output. Some would say that's the period of stabilizing their advancing foundation, so they would reducing the risk of outperform or down perform in a certain daily task.

But for Long Feng that recently advanced two stage and entering a brand new rank, his foundation is to mess to be completely in control!

Turning around and looking at his senior brothers, the bunch of dirtied disciple decided to laugh as hard as they could, as this had been held in their heart for a while now.

The Dark Fluid is overcooked, causing the dark mixture to be splashed towards everyone within the special station section. While for that Thunder Sparrow Egg, the whole egg is overcooked, and as the results, everyone has a good deal of cooked egg pieces everywhere from their head to their clothes, which is edible as long you dare to place it into your mouth.

Today, Long Feng just barely manage to fulfill his duty condition before he was excused to leave the camp.

From the total of 4 batches of ingredient he utilized to refine into Thunder Spirit Pills, one portion of the ingredient is exploded into liquid that splashed into everyone within the section, one portion is thoroughly burnt, one portion managed to be extracted and refined into 6 pills, before 4 pills among the batch is burnt into crisp, and a final portion that managed to be extracted into 6 pill as well, where only 1 among them is in the middle rank, while the others are all lower rank.

Without wasting time to dallying about this issue, Long Feng quickly went into the Virtue Hall, and give Elder Tang Wen a shock.

"Ah... My beloved disciple."

"Em... You are on the Early Earth Refinement Tier now, not bad." Elder Tang Wen did not forget to praise his disciple for the quick advancement in cultivation.


"Master... Disciple really ruins your name this time..."

"I lost control of the Essence Qi due to advancing two ranks in one try, and I just ruined 4 portion of cultivating ingredient just to refine 3 middle-rank pills and 5 lower rank pills."

"Can master guide me in this matter ?" Long Feng kneel down and tell Elder Tang Wen regarding today's misfortunate incident.

"Ha Ha Ha, that's nothing to be worried about. Everyone will have a time that they lost control of their Essence Qi manipulation due to advancement. If you don't, I might have something else to be worried about that." Elder Tang Wen laugh that matter away, and slowly walked towards one direction from the center of the Virtue Hall.

Obediently, Long Feng followed his master along with his way and started to explore locations that yet to be opened to him before.

"This is the northernmost of the Virtue Hall, and also the deepest to the earth. Master purposely breed the Second Grade Cultivation Beast, the Southern Gentle Sloth to dig this place, a little at a time until this room is spacious as you could see now."

"Master call this place, the Heaven and Earth Stabilizing Formation."

"for this few day, you don't need to tend the plants for master. Just stay inside this room to stabilize your Essence Qi output and absorption until you manage to light up that Spiritual Essence Candle on the wall."

"Come out when you manage to light up one of them, but in total there are 10 candles within this room, so I will see how good is your potential when you came out."

"Xiao Feng understood." Long Feng immediately sat in a meditating position as he started to projecting a stable mind in controlling his Essence Qi.

"How deep is his potential? Even myself at Early Human Practitioner Tier will need around a full day to be able to utilize my Essence Qi to create a layer of air around me to increase my concentration, and he barely here for 10 minutes, yet he could do the same as I did previously." Elder Tang Wen is slightly shocked with Long Feng's potential, as he speaks in his mind.

Moments later, Elder Tang Wen withdraw from that room and returned to the ground floor of Virtue Hall, where he was visited by two special guests as he appeared.

"Tang Wen, my friend." said one of the two guest. This person is one of the main figures of the Clear Jade City, the leader of Wen Ren Sect (Wen Ren = Gentleman), Mu Qiao Feng.

"Senior Tang Wen, this young one is honored to meet you, the name is Han Feng Xian." The person stands behind Mu Qiao Feng introduce himself humble and polite and bearing the appearance of a 2 meters height young adult with two heavy swords sheathed behind him.

"My friend, this Han Feng Xian is somebody I know when I visit the Xuan Wu Jade City. His family is one of the main members of the Xuan Wu Sword Clan." Mu Qiao Feng introduced his friend in detail and awaits Elder Tang Wen next word.

"Please follow me to the Virtue Hall Sun Room for a sip of tea. We could have a nice conversation while enjoying this special tea I spent some time to cultivate." Elder Tang Wen humbly invite the two guest to follow him to a room especially use to treat the unexpected guest.

As they reach and seated within the room, Elder Tang Wen with his swift and precise movement, gathered a mixture combination of few special and colorful tea leaves into a teapot made with Clay, and slowly allows his Essence Fire to slowly boil the water within the pot into perfection.

"Ah... The fragrant of Princess of Maple Plant leaves, added with the Yang Golden Tree leaves and Silver Daffodil petals... How good is this special brew..." Mu Qiao Feng immediately senses three of the ingredient used in the pot of tea.

"Uncle Mu, there is two more ingredient within, although the flavor is hidden within, Feng Xian could still notice it's lingering taste in the air.

"Senior Tang Wen, is the two more ingredient the Royal Blood Berry that already airs dried, and Blue Spirit Grass that's grown especially for this tea?" Han Feng Xian tries guessing the remaining ingredients.

"Yes you both are correct in your guess, but let me test you both a little more. Can you guess what's used to be the fertilizing ingredient to growing the Blue Spirit Grass?" Elder Tang Wen added.

"This pot of tea contain a total of five elements within, and is one of brother Tang Wen's special brew, I guess it's must be something that perfect for growing water elemental base Blue Spirit Grass... Is it water from the Continent Cleaving River?" Mu Qiao Feng immediately guesses a special ingredient that strongest in water elemental base.

"Uncle Mu, this is not that simple. Blue Spirit Grass is well known to grow in 100 different ways, and a very deep attention is required, Feng Xian feels that it must be something slightly milder, would it be the Dew from Rainwater Gathering Tree in the Northern Forest from Clear Jade City ?" Han Feng Xian guessed a different ingredient.

"Ha Ha Ha, Feng Xian is correct this time. Yes, it's exactly as you said. The ingredient is the Dew of Rainwater Gathering Tree." Elder Tang Wen answered.

"Feng Xian thanked senior Tang Wen first for preparing such precious tea to serve this junior." Han Feng Xian immediately clasps his hand together to say thanks to Elder Tang Wen.

"I guess even the most secretive cultivator will have difficulties to hide from your special constitution, brother Tang Wen." Mu Qiao Feng shakes his head, admitting his defeat after trying to hide the main reason they came to visit Elder Tang Wen this time.

"Did you forget what is my inborn constitution?" Elder Tang Wen question Mu Qiao Feng with a friendly tone.

"Who can forget that? The elder of Ointments, with the inborn constitution of Ethereal Soul of Spirit and Essence (Jing Shen Hun Sheng Ti)" Mu Qiao Feng, answered the question.

"Then shall we sit down and start, else the tea is going to be cold." Elder Tang Wen invite them to have a seat again.

And with the slight exchange of words, the three senior started to have their conversation, with Long Feng still deep below the Heaven and Earth Stabilizing Formation.

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