《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 7 - End of First Week.


"Very good on recognizing this type of plant. But do you know the difficulties in cultivating this fruit?" Elder Tang Wen asked the next question as he knows his disciple is quite knowledgeable.

"Disciple knows that this plant is especially sensitive to other fire elemental plants, so cultivating this plant required them to be planted at places with strong water elemental location." Long Feng explained.

"You are not wrong, but not correct either. I will explain the differences to you later, for now, go repeat the task you did yesterday, and come into the room when you were done." Elder Tang Wen explained by a little, and after he passed on the task to Long Feng, he retreated back to his room, leaving Long Feng there alone.

"Did I miss a few part in the explanations?" Long Feng questioned his own answers, but without any additional information, he could grab from barely looking on how his master attending the plant, his only choice is to wait for his master to explain which part he had missed in the explanation.

After yesterday lesson from his master, this time Long Feng movement is, even more, smoother as he tends the Hundred Layered Moss. As he moves onward to the Black Bitter Mint, Long Feng take the privilege of absorbing all the available curtain of Essence Qi as he harvests the available leaves, and lastly move over to the Clear Toad Fruit and proceed with cleaning the soil.

"Hey what is this thing doing here!" In the middle of cleaning and unearthing the soil where the Clear Toad Fruit is growing, Long Feng manage to unearth a very special worm within.

"Oh no, you don't!" Long Feng manage to grip the worm firmly in his hand, luckily there are remains of the stems for decomposing by his side, so he quickly grabs a stick and starts rolling on the jaw of the worm, and start rolling the silk spat from it.

After about 20 minutes of paying attention in handling the silk from covering the worm, Long Feng finally manage to keep it remain as a worm for the meantime. He then quickly finishes cleaning the soil for the Clear Toad Fruit, and return to his master's room, along with the worm and the silk ball he recently obtained from the worm.

Long Feng entered the room, and head to the table where Elder Tang Wen is reading the same scroll once again.

"Master, when the disciple is cleaning the soil containing the Clear Toad Fruit, I managed to unearth a worm I believe to be the Atlas Moth Worm breed." Long Feng show the worm that busy nibbling the Black Bitter Mint stem and a ball of silk on another hand.

"Hmm... Looks like this worm really the Atlas Moth breed. What a good harvest today. A few days back there is a strong gust blowing across the area, so this worm should be trapped within the wind, and being lucky to able to enter this hall." Elder Tang Wen smile as he looked at the worm that still ignorantly nibbling on the stem, unaware of itself already being captured by a human.

"Xiao Feng, you can keep this worm in your room. If you believe the master's advice, try to feed it with any remains of ingredient you could obtain each day, but prevent it from successfully morphed into an Atlas Moth. Maybe within a few month, you will have a very good return on your investment." Elder Tang Wen allows Long Feng to kept the worm within his room and guided him on how to handle the worm, but at the same time, he gave a hint that the effort will come back with a very return as long he follow his master's guidance.


"Xiao Feng thanked master for being so generous. I will make sure to remember master's guide on how to keep this worm until it grows older." Long Feng places the worm by the side and kept a number of Black Bitter Mint stems in his waist pouch so he could feed the worm when he returns to his room.

Next, Elder Tang Wen pass a piece of paper with information about his own research on the Rock Dragon Elderberry that well known for its usefulness of being concocted and refined into the Blood Dragon Ointment.

Within the piece of paper, other than a drawing of the Rock Dragon Elderberry on its maturity stage, there is a row of writing on the way to perfectly cultivate this plant.


Understanding and method to obtain the best quality fruit from the Rock Dragon Elderberry Plant

Guidance scroll by Master Tang Wen, Third Grade Pill Master (Elder of Ointments)

Although the Rock Dragon Elderberry is sensitive with the fire elemental, one should not totally remove the fire Qi within its location of growth, instead, a stronger location that is believed to be richer in earth element should be chosen.

Placing the plant in the direction of North-East, which naturally rich in Essence of the Mountain in Bagua Hexagram, will allow the plant to feel closer to nature, allowing it to grow healthily in a perfect condition.

The plant shall be trimmed with only two Thorns still remain, and water supply should always be removed from any fire elemental Qi before watered on the soil. Only the first two batches of newly grown fruit shall be left to grow, and trimming should always be done from third batch onwards to ensure the fruit is growing healthily, without losing any of its purest energy distributed to grow more fruits.

Harvesting should be done patiently, only fruits that would shiver in ruby color when the plant is watered is allowed to be harvested, and others should always be left alone until they reacted the same way.

If the plant bleeds during harvest, collect the sap, as the sap is poisonous to the plant if it entered the soil.

(The Sap could be formed into a pellet when cooked with elemental fire, and is a nutritious food for the Second Grade Cultivating beast, the Spineless Raven.)


After reading the piece of paper, Long Feng finally understand two matters.

Firstly, is the proper method of cultivating the best Rock Dragon Elderberry used for concocting and refining the Blood Dragon Ointment and second, is his master's actual position in the city.

For the pill master that succeed in creating a name for themselves in the world of pills, one need to successfully pass the examination, depending on the specialty he/she choose.

In an example, for Elder Tang Wen, he passed the examination by concocting a total of 10 different combinations of ingredient to refine three different Ointments of the different grade for the Elder Pill Hall to assess his qualification. Through obtaining a full honored remark from the Elder Pill Hall, Elder Tang Wen received the title Elder of Ointments for his utmost achievement in specializing in Medicinal Ointments concoction.

"Master hope you could follow master's heart and the path to achieve even greater heights. With master here to help you, what you need is just your own effort and the aim to reach higher." Elder Tang Wen speak softly, but from his tone, one could notice how much he care about how the nurturing of Long Feng is conducted.

"Master... The disciple doesn't worth such high hopes for you... This disciple came from somewhere with low birth and no position within the public, how could I carry such high hopes from my master?" Long Feng is happy with such hopes placed on him by his master, but at the same time, he understands that from his background and birth, he have no such right to be dreaming about succeeding the dream his master wished.


"Trust yourself, you have mastered to carry the burden together with you. For now, return and cultivate, you will need to do the same thing over and over again until your first week is over, do you understand?" Elder Tang Wen lightly pat Long Feng shoulder and had him return to his room to cultivate.

Being obedient to his master's word, Long Feng return immediately to his room and repeat the same steps again. Dripping some blood into the pitcher, and start cultivating, but this night, one additional family members join within the room. The Atlas Moth Worm crawled immediately to the vines that were holding the pitcher cup from touching the soil, and soon the worm started to attached it tails on the vines, leaving itself swinging above the ground, seeing this thing was happening, Long Feng stacks the stem together, allowing the worm to continue nibbling as Long Feng back to cultivate his strength.

"Brother Da Mu, sister Lan Hua, you both really manage to give birth to a very special child. Big brother Tang will make sure that he will be a success in his path, so brother Da Mu can smile happily on heaven, looking at both of them who still alive in this world." Elder Tang Wen reminiscing about his past.

What is the relationship between Elder Tang Wen and the Li couple?


For the next few days of being a disciple within the Hall, Long Feng daily life passed without any turmoil or troublesome events. Through his own effort, his production of the Thunder Spirit Pills increase from four Middle-Rank pills to five, and on the end of the week, he manages to get a record of six pills.

Through this first week of continuous effort, Long Feng managed to obtain a total of 16 points for himself to make an exchange in the Exchange Department. But from refining the pills, the return of obtaining more experience in Essence Extraction, Essence Forming and Pill Refining is more valuable than any points he could get.

Unintentionally, Long Feng slowly build up a good friendship with Liu Ming and the others within his team. Even few of the team members is considering allowing Long Feng to participate in their next task to ease the burden in pill refining part, as that part is more important compared to harvesting resources.

Every single day, Long Feng never missed his daily lesson with Elder Tang Wen except on the last day of the week.

Lessons such as the method of harvesting the ingredient in a proper order, and also how to tend the ingredient correctly, is always forced to enter Long Feng's mind, so he keeps remembering them in mind about how important those mediocre steps is.

In Elder Tang Wen's mind, a perfectly capable pill master is one who could fully utilize his ability and skills in how to obtain, harvest and preserve the ingredients, and how good their understanding in the ingredient to fully utilize its utmost benefit to concoct and refine a pill that is perfectly suitable for a cultivator to consume.

This is also a great task, as the Thousand Herbal Garden will be opened in the next half year.

To be able to obtain the best result within the Thousand Herbal Garden, understanding the procedure and way to obtain the ingredient is most important, followed by the ability to capture special cultivation beast or its produce, and lastly, the ability to protect oneself when within the garden.

Within Elder Tang Wen's calculation, he will have a total of 2 months to drill most of the first and second-grade ingredient and plant knowledge into Long Feng's head, before he would be training Long Feng in the area of fighting.

For pill master, fighting is not an important part, but a minimal requirement of protecting himself is still a major importance for any pill master. On the same time, only by able to protect himself, can a pill master aim to obtain produce that is obtainable from living cultivating beast, where some of them are still rated as dangerous even to a first tier cultivators.

Meanwhile, on this exact day, Long Feng went over to the Medicinal Supplying Intern job that he accepted earlier of the week.

His target location is within the city of Clear Jade City, in a building known as the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion.

The Myriad Ingredient Pavilion is well known for its good quality medicinal ingredient and especially supplied for those from neighborhood city to purchase.

Their client ranged from normal town resident to new independent pill masters, to some senior pill masters who are not affiliated with any Halls, or even to some other Halls disciple or elder that have great use in their own cultivation.

As Long Feng entered the building, he quickly noticed the signboard indicating where the intern should go accordingly, so he followed the sign without any hesitations. On his way deeper into the building, he has been stopped twice, once is to check on his affiliated background, and another one is a daffodil examination, to decide which department he would be best to participate.

"Alright! Interns within this room could you all please gather around me?" A senior around the 40s loudly spoke, to attract all the other interns within the room Long Feng just entered for a short moment.

"In around 10 minutes later, the ingredient request will be delivered to this room, and behind us is a total of 100 cabinets of well arranged medicinal ingredient ready to be sold."

"There would be four senior staffs from the pavilion to check your pouch of gathered ingredients before it would be delivered to the counter within the pavilion."

"Your pay will be determined by your total number of completed slips, if you are new intern, I would strongly advise you to memorize the location and the looks of the ingredient in this remaining 8 minutes, as you won't have a time for breath later when we get busy." the senior staff explained the condition, as well giving warning to them within the room so everyone would get ready for the incoming ingredient request.

As he finished his word, the staff leave the room and nothing could be heard from him afterward, but exactly in 8 minutes, the ingredient request started to flows into the room.

But what shocking to those within the room is, they don't come in ten to hundreds of request.

they come in a chest which expected to contain at least ten thousands request slips within!

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