《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 5 - Marking Your Works.


The next morning.

As the bell rings for three times, all disciples are required to report in for their daily duties, as Long Feng quickly walks towards the Jade Cultivating Land, but his destination is not on the inside of the land.

As he reached the entrance, Long Feng followed the seniors towards to a smaller walk path that leads them to another camp.

"Juniors! Welcome to the 11th Group Early Refinement Camp."

"Over here, we will be assigning few different task depending on your capability."

"Since today is your first day, you are allowed to monitor first, and only try when you felt confident."

"First we have the extraction section, where people with good qi molding and handling skills is positioned. Remember, all the extraction needed to be done as fine as possible, though I understand that only through experience you could confidently do it."

"And on second, is the refinement section. We expect the disciple that positioned here to further process the extracted material, refine them into a successful medicinal pill that suitable for the Hall to sell in the whole City."

"Thirdly, is the Special Station. If you are confident with your skills and production, you can refine the ingredient directly, without depending on the assistance from the other section."

"You will be choosing the product you would like to work with and proceed with it until you reach your quota. 100 portions of extracted ingredient or 10 pills of minimum Low-Rank First Grade Medicine."

"If you are from the special station site, you are required to hand over at least 3 Middle-Rank First Grade Medicine, no matter how many Low-Rank First Grade Medicine you made. Additional contribution point will be given if more than required quota is refined. Remember to put down your mark on the pill itself to indicates the pill refiner's identity."

"You all may starts if you ready, quickly go ahead and finish your task!"

As the approval to start their task is given, the group of disciple quickly allocate themselves to their respective specialty section and quickly have their work processed. While for Long Feng, he shifted around the station to station, and remember as much as he could, so he can start helping immediately.

"Junior brother, I remembered that you are doing quite well in the refining examination, why don’t you try to refine some pills instead ?" said a senior disciple that positioned on the special station.

"The ingredient we are preparing today is the Thunder Sparrow Egg and Dark Fluid from Ferocious Crow."

"Although both of this ingredient is still in first grade, the difficulties in procuring is high, so only the senior is allowed to harvest the ingredient within the Jade Cultivation Land."

"The pill we are making this time is a specially made to temper elemental cultivation of Water Element and Metal Element cultivators. This medicine is known as (First Grade Thunder Spirit Pill). If you are trying to purchase this in the shop, it might cost around 10 First Grade Cultivation Pellet at least, if the stock is abundant."

"Since you already monitor some senior's work, try to work it out yourself, and let us know if you need some help. Don’t waste too much of the ingredient, is that clear for you ?" the senior disciple speaks with Long Feng nicely, persuading him to try.


Taking up the challenge, Long Feng place himself within the station preparation area and started to process the ingredient accordingly to how the other seniors directed.

Firstly, Long Feng inject some of the fire elemental qi into the egg to pre-heat the egg from within, as the yolk of the Thunder Sparrow Egg within needed to be thickened before the egg is cracked open to extract the yolk strong with the Lightning element.

Then the step of cooking the Dark Fluid starts, where with a measurement of 3 cups of water from Bubble Fruit spring, the thickened egg white from the Thunder Sparrow Egg and the Dark Fluid is mixed together. by using the Qi to keep stirring the mixture until it turned into a lighter gray color, Long Feng then mix both fluids together, thus forming few new eggs from the mix of two different mixture.

With the forming process is done, Long Feng patiently control his Qi, refining the few pills thoroughly so they are suitable for cultivators consumption. As the time pass, Long Feng's started to feel tiring, due to the difficulties of concocting and refining the pills all by himself.

After all, this young disciple is only started learning about refining and pill concoction two days ago. Although his cultivation level has increased by one small stage, Long Feng is still a Middle Human Refinement Tier cultivators. His capacity of Qi within his dantian only could manage to handle one to two batch of refining and concoction, before he would collapse to the ground with no more stamina left.

But he insists on continuing.

Long Feng Qi started to stagger as the flow of qi becoming up and down, causing the refining of the pill started to goes slightly slower. Perhaps it was a luck, his persistence finally paid off, moments later he successfully refined all the pills and the results came out at a beautifully three Middle-Rank First Grade Thunder Spirit Pill and two Lower-Rank First Grade Thunder Spirit Pill.

"This new kid success in his first try!" the senior that convinced Long Feng to try his hand on the refining is shocked with Long Feng's talent.

"Hmm… A total of three Middle-Rank Pills… your daily duties are over, you may go for your own activities now." another senior disciple, the one who makes the announcement a while ago release Long Feng from his duties as he had completed the required quota.

"Senior brother, can I some questions please?" Long Feng quickly enquired something with the senior disciple before the senior return to other duties.

"Speak as you want, do not worry, not all of us is like those in martial hall or culture hall. We help each other much more, and have a less internal struggle." the senior disciple reply Long Feng warmly, giving him a very good impression.

"Senior brother, I wish to know, how many days would we be assigned to refine this Thunder Spirit pills?" Long Feng quickly asked his question.

"The production is based on the amount required for the hall. This time our order is a total of 40,000 pills, as there is a huge order came from the Thunderburst Jade City." The senior disciple explained.

"Since this pill is just started to be in production today, perhaps within 1 week the production will be completed. You had your marking stamped on the pill as well am I right? If your Thunder Spirit Pill obtain good reviews, more and more specific order will come to you, and by that time, you will be allowed to keep a third of the profits the hall is making." he continued.


"Just remember about this. To refine pills, sometimes our cultivation is very important as well, because they would affect your quality of production, and also your perfection on the pill you refine. Like your case, the lower-rank Thunder Spirit Pill is practically some rubbish for the use in Thunderburst Jade City, but we will still keep it within the store to sell it at a retail price in other smaller city or town."

"If you prefer to practice more on this Thunder Spirit Pill recipe, I will arrange you to attend this batch of production until its finished and delivered, would that be fine with you?" the senior disciple offered.

"Yes senior brother, that would be great." Long Feng quickly cupped his palm together as thanks for the special arrangement.

"Do not be so humble, junior brother, I should be happy for your interest in helping. Your skill in refining the pill is very good, I will be looking forward to even better quality pills the next time you helped." the senior disciple replied.

"Senior brother, please excuse junior Feng, I will be returning to my quarters now." Long Feng politely bid farewell for his leave.

Tired and exhausted from only refining a total of 4 pills, Long Feng retreated back to his room, but only after he got a shower from the basement of his residence building.

Putting himself in a cultivating position, Long Feng absorb the abundant essence of elemental Qi surrounding him, and quickly rejuvenate himself, although the possibility of full rejuvenation is hardly possible, at least it could give him some stamina to hold until the day is over.

Added with the benefits that will come from learning under the tutelage of Elder Tang Wen, Long Feng felt this hardship he will keep facing through, will be turned into benefits when the time arrived to harvest his efforts.

After taking a two-hour rest, Long Feng finally managed to recover around 10% of his overall qi, and quickly travel towards the Virtue Hall to greet his master and start to follow behind him to see what he would need to do when he is following his master around.

"Xiao Feng, go and tend the (Hundred Layered Moss) and bring me a total of 2 portion worth, next harvest all the available (Black Bitter Mint) and clean the soil plot that contains the (Clear Toad Fruit) before you return to the room." Elder Tang Wen give Long Feng a few task to be done for the day.

"Yes master, this disciple will proceed to complete the task." Long Feng dare not to waste his time, as it is his first task given by his master.

First, he quickly stood nearby the Hundred Layered Moss to tend the plant's edges, and slowly gather the tended edges up to a total worth of two portions. Due to the moss will release some runaway essence qi when it is chopped or cut, the essence that running away is absorbed by Long Feng to further strengthen him, so he could last a little longer.

Next, he proceeds to harvest the Black Bitter Mint. Up to his master's skill and standard, the plot of soil containing the Mint leaves is in its highest quality, where the essence qi released by the matured and ready to harvest leaves creating a small layer of essence cloud on top of the mint shrubs, allowing them act as the curtain to keep itself fresh.

Lastly, he finishes his final task by cleaning the soil containing the Clear Toad Fruit. The fruit is categorized as one of the hardest to plant fruit throughout the Pill Hall, and only a few specific elder or disciple have the seeds to grow the fruit. This fruit specialty is to act as a condensation ingredient, and widely use especially during the concoction of some special tempering, healing or cultivating resources.

Like a toad in its respiration sequence, the Clear Toad Fruit expand and swell as it collects the qi from the air and soil, and when it filled up its capacity, the fruit stopped collecting and start condensing the qi, slowly turning the qi it's collected into a form of wax, which is rich with condensed qi within.

But the wax, if it not collected, will be turned into a food source for the roots, so the fruit could grow bigger and bigger. The fruit is usually grown in a small amount to a huge amount, depending on the wealth of a cultivator. Some cultivator preferred to only handle and taking care of younger, small size fruit due to the quick maturity of the plant, where the wax could be harvest quickly, but some would prefer a more matured and old plant because the strength of the condensed Qi wax is thicker and stronger.

Although this plant is marvellously amazing in its produce, one weakness remains. This plant required a continuous amount of Essence Qi to produce its wax, so if the collection is disrupted, the wax will not be formed, thus wasting the time invested on managing the fruits.

The fruit is also weak to parasite as well to competitions. Each fruit required to be planted one plot on its own, or around 50 meters from each other, to ensure the Essence Qi source does not disrupt during maturing and forming process. This also explains why Long Feng is assigned to clean the soil plot, and getting rid of any insect, parasite, and weeds in the process.

"Master's Virtue Hall only contain a total of 2 Clear Toad Fruit plants. Is it true that this plant is very difficult to cultivate and required a very steady flow of Essence Qi to maintain its production?" Long Feng question in his mind, but as this is his first time handling such plant, he have no much interest and attention placed on the plant, but just finishing his task and leave.

Roughly after three hours, Long Feng finally completed his task before he returned to the room belonged to elder Tang Wen.

Long Feng proceed to knock the door thrice to indicate this disciple is coming in, but before he did, a voice came out from behind the door, calling him to enter the room.

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