《Rebirth of Chaos by Lazyanona》Chapter 5 part 2
Part 2:
I calmly evaluated the beauty before me, instantly facing my earlier regrets. Why couldn't I have been born in an earlier era. If I was there when Ira was still alive I would've done many things.
Her beauty was on par with Yrilssa's, which was surprising since it was hard to find such matching peerless beauty even in this vast world.
I banished those thoughts and intercepted her magical attack. Her showed no reaction as her surprise attack nullified.
She just poised her spear up again and created another magic circle. I could sense that this one was stronger then the last.
I see, she's trying establish which level of magic will be suitable to face me. Once she finds it I can expect an endless barrage of countless magics.
I read before that Ira was greatest archmage of her time, possibly the greatest in history. So I challenged her in way that even she wouldn't expect.
“I call upon the peerless light that shall cleanse the world, turning all to ashes. Bring down the heavenly light that will turn the world to dust. Purify all with the light of oblivion. Give us the final light before the darkness. World End Garden: Primal Light of Extinction.”
A warm almost comforting light descended from the heavens. It was a light that was neither too bright nor too dim. It was just right, the world lit up with a heavenly glow.
Ira on the other had felt the true effects of the light. She could feel the forcing her body and soul to begin decaying. She could feel her very being turning to ash.
“What a terrifying spell.”
She muttered as she activated a series of high level spell, creating a veil of darkness around. The light touching it was dispersed. Her barrier was constantly being renewed the moment it weakened.
Above her were enough spears to block out the sky.
“Now it's my turn.”
She said as the spears came at me like missiles. Just as the speed was executed she began preparing another series of big attacks.
Planting my feet on the ground I intercepted every projectile, cutting them all to pieces. Whenever the swarm losses up I would fire off a couple of sword waves at Ira.
I could already tell that her magic shields and barriers will make all small attacks meaningless. This was going to nonstop battle high level magic.
Drawing battle in close quarters combat was impossible. At the very most I could bring it to mid range but I'll probably take heavy damage doing it. The entire area in front of me was littered with powerful magic traps. My only option was to continue our magic showdown.
“I call upon the infinite darkness that shall embrace the world, returning everything back to the lifeless beginning. Deliver us the darkness devouring darkening. The infinite abyss from the beginnings be end of times. Give us the darkness from a world void of light. Accept all into nothingness. World End Garden: Primal Abyssal Void.”
Instead of sky this time specks darkness simply formed into existence. Scattered all over the area tiny specks of darkness.
Ira felt chills run down her spine when they formed near her, she instinctively used my magic to destroy it. Contrary to her expectations, her magic was absorbed.
The specks steadily grew, spreading out over the land. It absorbed every it touched. When the darkness reached Ira's barrier it began to eat it.
Loud chomping noises could be heard as the barrier was being eaten at a faster rate then it could be repaired or replaced.
Ira meticulously kept up her defences as she prepared counter measures. Living up to her name as the greatest archmage she had already found a way out.
A thick blue light shot out in every direction, displaying together with the darkness. I had no idea what hell she just did but somehow I understood what happened.
World end garden: Primal light of extinction was slow acting but had more stability and control. On the other hand World end garden Primal abyssal void was straight but unpredictable and power based, leaving it vulnerable to anti magic techniques. Though only techniques of the highest level would be effective.
My entire world end garden serried of god class magic was like this. All spells were created various method of extinction in mind. I had one for each element. And the World end garden series was my deception.
Since the very start of our magic battle, no even before that, I was laying my trap. A trap that would only work once.
For everything to work I needed to continue pestering her, allowing her to see through more of my magic. She could already disrupt some spells without god class magic, just a little more…
“I call upon the immortal lightning that rules over the sky, dropping damnation on all. Deliver the baneful hammer of the gods that shall smite the world. Give us the absolute ruler of the skies, the peerless act of god. I desire the lightning that will sunder both heaven and earth. Exterminate the world faster then a single breath. World End Garden: Primal Lightning of Annihilation.”
There was no delay, no wait, no sound, no thunder, no sign, no warning… several times faster then the speed of sound decimated the area where Ira was previously standing.
It was due to luck.
She understood that it was purely luck that allowed her to avoid that. The lightning strike was so fast all she saw was a blur, which in itself was amazing.
All her precious which she magic defences which she painstakingly created were effortlessly punctured.
Ira's eyes were widened by shock as she floated in the air with eight bat like wings. Her incredulous gaze was directed at me.
“Honestly I was under the misinterpretation that you were a brute that went for power the most. Colour me surprised when you splendidly tricked me like this.”
Unbelievably she was pouting like a child, her face was similar to an older sister who found out she was tricked by her younger brother. I could tell from experience.
“I was seriously about to scold you for your crude usage of magic.”
Her eyes were filled with regret and longing. Her sentiments her completely shared by me.
“If only you were born an era earlier…”
“I think the same thing Ira-neechan.”
Her face visually brightened when I addressed her as such. Despite our duel to the death, I can never resist making a beautiful woman smile.
“Then little brother, do you believe you can surpass your exalted elder sister?”
“I'll prove it. How can go against the request of my beautiful older sister.”
“Then to prove it… I want you to release your…rage.”
What a strange request, but I had no reasons to refuse. Ira was devil king of wrath. Rage must have a special meaning to her.
With mind constraint release it was easy. I simply the the emotion of anger the highest priority and changed it to my main emotion. It didn't even take half a second to accomplish.
At very same time I thought it was time. Operation start!
Faster then the eye could follow anther lightning bolt struck down, destroying one of Ira's wings. Just before she could react several more lightning bolts stuck, destroying the rest.
Ira quickly entered a defensive position, activating as many anti-lightning spells as possible.
The only thing that could fully resist was her body. All her spell proved fruitless again. Even when she stacked barriers of the higher level, all the lighting did was strike the same spot in rapid succession.
She managed to withstand the spell only suffering some serious burns and losing her left arm. But she didn't looked she was in pain, in fact she was smiling gleefully.
Her spear danced gracefully through air, with each step in the dance another spell was crafted. Ira was using her original magic.
How could I not respond in kind, only god class magic could withstand god class magic. She could reuse her spells I on the other had could not. After I used a spell it became obsolete. If I used it too much I was confident that Ira would steal my magic.
“I call upon the true flames of stars that is the lifeblood of worlds, the power of give birth to and destroy universes. Deliver us the stellar flames born from the death of stars. Give us the absolute force of space, the fire that could easily burn the gods. I desire the flames of the beginning and the end. Wipe out all life with the absolute flame. World end garden: Primal Hellfire Supernova.”
This was no unbelievably fast strike, no or complicated multi step attack or a slow acting instant deaths spell. In fact this was the most simple spell in my arsenal. A massive explosion.
This was my trap. I had Ira get used all the high level complex magic I've been using so far, making her let her guard down against this simple attack.
The massive explosion of white flames engulfed her as stretched out endlessly, easily surpassing the force of 10,000,000,000 TNT.
Yet deposited my preparation she's aged to mitigate the damage.
“Black hole field.”
She said softly as the rampaging flames were sucked in, severely reducing scale of the explosion. Only a fraction of it managed to hit her.
“You're really merciless, little brother.”
“Can't we say the same to you Ira–neechan?”
I said as I dodged the onslaught powerful raining weapons. I parried the ones I could but I was forced to stick to only dodging. Every time I stopped or tried to parry a news spear or sword would find its way into my back.
Is she trying to make me into a weapon rack?
Honestly now even dodging was inefficient, some of the weapons would detonate if they made contact with earth. The damage to my back as legs was piling up, and the onslaught showed no signs of ending.
Ira was smiling pleasantly as more and more weapons came out me, this time with more enchantments than the last.
All my options are drying up. Parrying as no go, dodging was inefficient, distancing myself only subjected me to magical land mines.
My only choice was to counterattack. It would be test to see who fell first. Preserving mana was a no go. I was going to give her everything I've got.
“Crawl out of depths of crimson purgatory. Roar valiantly as you will step foot on this land once more. You are the beast to steal the place of Trihexia, the beast bearing the number of 666. With fangs stronger then Fenrir's, lightning mightier then Zeus's, and claws superior that of a dragon's, you stand at the apex of beasts. Rise fallen bestial soul. Fallen Azure Beast of Purgatory.”
A large magical circle appeared beside, a magic circles that required Ira's level of magic to decode. Her eyes flashed in excitement when she saw it.
Crawling out from the magic circle was a large alpha dire wolf like creature with captivating azure fur and blood red crystal like eyes. Sparks of purple lightning were constantly being discharged from its fur.
Letting out a none chilling roar, the beast charges at the stunned Ira. This was the true extent of my trap.
My true god class magic was avatar manifestation. The magic to summon an your avatar with an element of your choosing. Avatar manifestation was an extremely powerful type f magic but for that same reason it was unpopular with most wizards. The mana consumption for one spell was enormous. Even a single mistake could result in a deformity. That was why those that practised it my made it their main type of magic.
I didn't have that problem thanks to using creation magic and the unlike others I could several hundred years designing a spell.
This was why Ira was stunned to see it. So far throughout this battle I was using extremely complex elemental magic.
She regained her composure faster then expected. I could feel a slight chill run down my spine when I saw her smile.
Words from an unknown language were coming out if her mouth as her spear smacked through the air, crafted a magic circle that rivalled mine in complexity.
From shining magic circle emerged a giant heavily armoured knight, standing at least 15m tall. It was equipped with a massive tower shield and axe.
The beast clashed with the knight, pushing it back due to the knight being summoned after the beast had already gained momentum.
Clad in purple lightning the beast put pressure on the knight, forcing it in the defensive early in the battle.
The beast and the knight were more agile then their size suggests as they rapidly clashed with one another. The knight fought with its polished martial arts, the beast relied completely on its wild instincts and inherent abilities.
Utilizing the storm clouds I made above the knight the beast dropped heavy lightning bolts on it, briefly stunning it. With its prey paralyzed the beast chomped down on the knights shield arm. The armour put up no resistance as the fangs easily pierced through it, putting in more force the knights arm was ripped off.
Freed from the paralysis the knight swiftly swings it's axe at the beast, the speed was faster due to no longer wielding the heavy tower shield.
The beast jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the axe. The beast stepped in, entering a range were using an axe would be unwieldy.
At point blank range the beast fired a ball of lightning at the knight's gut, ripping a hole through it.
Jumping on the weakened knight the beast began ripping it apart, clawing up the flesh and biting off vital organs.
It was my chance!
Grabbing [Tsumi] I charged full speed towards Ira. In an instant I was in front of her.
“Sadly this was a bad choice, little brother.”
Her spear pierced through my back, along with an army of weapons all clad in a black flame. All I could see was her beautiful smile as I was assaulted by a full powered magic blast at point blank range.
Despite her haggard breathing Ira walked towards my battered body. She had defeated me.
“Looks like you couldn't win in the end little brother.”
Smiling happily she stroked my face affectionately. Her eyes held a slight trace of sadness.
She was suddenly surprised when I suddenly jumped up, locking my lips with hers. Ira desperately pushed me away in a hurry, blushing furiously.
“W-w-what in the world are you doing?!!?!! We're sibling not love……”
Her frantic speech was interrupted by a sudden surge of pain in her body. She could only stare at her hands in horror as she began coughing up blood.
Her eyes were drawn to me, who was supposed to be defeated, who had a savage grin across my face.
“World End Garden: Primal Void Blaze Purge.”
Inscribed on my tongue was the same familiar god class magic circle, the chant was secretly muttered by me when our avatars battled.
“It is my win Ira-neechan.”
I said as stroked her cheek. Her content smiled as mirrors by my own. Her eyes betrayed no sign of how content she was.
The internal blaze that materialized in her burnt her to ashes from the inside. The flames burnt her till nothing was left.
Part 2.5:
I rested on the ground as activated my life and dimension constraint release. It was invigorating to feel your body re-enter prime condition.
“I know you're here Ira-neechan so stop hiding.”
At my words Ira appeared from behind a pile of rubble, she had a complicated expression her face as she came closer.
Wordlessly she sat down behind me and placed my head on her soft thighs. Her complicated expression switched to a smile of happiness as she stroked her fingers through my hair.
“That last move was brilliant, I never saw it coming. I only have praise for you little brother.”
Like Ignis her voice was filled with loneliness. When you reach a certain pinnacle of strength that others could never reach, it certain that you will be all alone.
“I'm guessing that Ignis-sama did not tell you much, that old man is far too shy for his age.”
Shy? Why would a dragon god be shy? I ended the thought there since I wouldn't be able to get any answers.
“Like him I will not reveal everything to you. That duty rests in the hands of Tenebris, who will be your final opponent. I can only leave you with a lesson and a request.”
A magic lesson from the one of the greatest archmages in history, how could I refuse. Even more so since she was beautiful elder sister.
“Little brother I was honestly astounded by your magic skills. The variety and applications of your magic was amazing. But that was there that I also found your flaw. You are aware of it, aren't you?”
I could nod weakly as she pointed out the most fatal flaw in my magic. I hated having my weaknesses pointed out like that.
“You're using too much power per spell considering little brother's unfathomable mana pool you should've been able to summon more then one avatar, despite all the spells you already casted.”
Her lesson turned into a scolding, which in turn became nagging. Ira was complaining about everything I did wrong and about how crudely I use magic. Half through her nagging she mentioned the location about her personal diary containing all her theories and techniques, including the many theories she couldn't test due to the war.
Normally I would tune out nagging and pretend I was listening but just for Ira I patiently listened to every word.
After all this would be the last time I will ever see her again.
“Thank you for being here in the end. My biggest regret and desires were fulfilled by you. In past I had always wanted a little brother and I always wanted to pass on my knowledge to someone I deem worthy, preferably to a little brother. Thank you for meeting me here, thank you for becoming my little brother.”
So Ira is a brocon who desired a little brother even in death. This must be the biggest secret hell for all theses years.
“Like Ignis-sama I would like to request you to inherit my legacy. In my castle there should be a large sculpture of me created by grandmaster level sculptor. Spilling your blood in the pedestal will grant you access to personal dungeon. In there you will find my legacy. I earnestly wish for your success.”
Giving me a long kiss on the forehead she softly said good bye, I burned that smile into my memory as she faded into nothingness.
My next opponent calmly waited for me to sort out my emotions.
When I met his eyes I was ready for our battle. My opponent was an incredibly handsome man known as the , Lux the Lord of archangels.
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8 113