《The World is My Playground》Chapter 12: The Clans


What's this....another chapter? So soon after the last one? *Gasp*


Instead of the normal stat page, i'm surprised by a different pop up.

Cerebral Module Gained


Psionics Skill Tree Unlocked

New skill Unlocked

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:SoulfireBasic10%Does guaranteed psionic damage to an organic enemy, ignoring cover and armor. Stronger against those of lower intelligence.

New Titles Gained:

Mentally Abused


Mentally Abused: After suffering from multiple mental traumas, and surviving, you now have a stronger, if somewhat disturbed, mind. (+500 to max mana)

Psionic Prime: You are the first to gain the Psionic Abilities, the power of the mind. (Ability to use psionic abilities, unlock the psionic potential in others, greater resistance to mental attacks/affects, increase to intelligence and wisdom stats.)

Status WindowName:DavidAlignment:noneLevel:28Class:Monster TamerRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesMental Abuse

PsionicFame:0Infamy:0-Health:3500 / 3500Health Regen:1.05 / SecMana:6200 / 6200Mana Regen:1.07 / SecStamina:300 / 300Stamina Regen:0.30 / Sec-Strength:30Agility:30Vitality:35Intelligence:52Wisdom:45Endurance:30Luck:15-Attack:60Defense:90Physical ResistancesSlashing:25Piercing:25Crushing:25Elemental ResistancesFire:5Water:5Wind:5Earth:5Light:5Darkness:5

“Holy shit! There's so much new shit here! I got fucking Psionics, that's that XCOM type shit right there, HAHAHAHAHA!”

“I’m even being rewarded for all the mental damaged i’ve been getting, ha, this is just great!”

“I knew you would like that, now let's get going, you don’t wanna let the others keep waiting right? We still got the next objective of our plan to accomplish.”

“Right, let's get going then.”

It took me about an hour to run all the way back up through the cave, to which i was meet with the bright sun which almost blinded my eyes which had adjusted to the pitch darkness of the cave. Once my eyes had adjusted to the light, what i saw in front of me gave me another surprise i wasn’t expecting, or at least not to this magnitude.

In front of me was a mass of monsters, many of which i had already seen, or at least their corrupt counterparts, but some i hadn’t yet. By the description that appeared when i observed them, there were Ember Hawks, Stone Plated Bears, Alpha Jungle Wolves, and many of the others monsters that i had already seen before.

“Ummmm, anyone care to tell me what the hell is going on here?” I asked with a puzzled expression.

“These were the monsters that were in the area when we attacked the cave. They said that whatever you did, every C. Monster in the area just dropped dead. They wanted to come and see who was the one who saved them.

“Is that so huh.” I said with a slight grin. This was almost getting too easy now.

One of the Alpha Wolves approaches me. He was the highest level monsters here, a Lv. 48. He was about half my height, teeth as long as my index finger, leaf armor that was probably as strong as my own, and probably really strong from the look of those muscles. I mean, they could be seen even through his thick fur, so the guy had to be buff as hell.

“Greetings young man. I am the leader of the Iron Fang clan. These beast have been a great obstacle for not only us, but for many of the other clans on this island. We thank you for this, but are sad to say, we must ask you for assistance. Would you be so kind as to hear us out on our offer?”


Hehehehe, already asking for favors are we, oh I could definitely use this.

“Why of course, what is it that you need help with?”

“Thank you for accepting to hear me out. Our problem is this. You may or may have heard about the grouping of certain monster clans into something that would be known as the, Monster Alliance.

“I’ve heard a thing or two about them. Heard they wanted to stop this first and saw that they did very little to nothing to try.”

“Well you would be right to think so, for they were the ones who had caused this in the first place. The clans that banded together into that alliance were always known for using force against the other clans to get what they wanted. The best hunting grounds, the best living spaces, everything they liked, they took. They believed that that cave had hidden treasures such as mana crystals which can be used to help one to evolve. What they found was nothing but death. They banded together to only protect their own lands. They promised that they would remove this threat but never lifted a paw to help with anything. But you, you helped when you didn’t have to. You have saved our people from this threat. And now we ask this of you. Please, assist us in removing the threat of the Monster Alliance. With the threat of the corrupted removed, there is no doubt that the Monster Alliance will begin to work in force to take over more of our territories, and if we lose any more, will will be pushed to the brink of death. In return, the Iron Fang, Stone Fur, Shining Silk, Flaming Wing, and Emerald Fang clans will all place their trust in loyalty to you to command as you please.

On the outside, i may have looked serious, but on the inside i was freaking the FUCK OUT! I just took care of the corrupted problem and i already got entire clans promising their loyalty to me. My plan for island domination just speed up by who knows how much. This was fantastic. Gotta act calm now so i don’t blow this and have to start back at square one.

“Hmmm, that is quite the offer. It may be hard to completely remove this problem of yours, but i believe that it will be doable.”

“Would hat mean that you have agreed?”


The toothy grin on the Alpha's face was priceless. The serious and worried look on his hairy face was completely washed away with a happy one, and it wasn't just him. It looked like every monster here had begun cheering with their screeches, hisses and roars. I could have sworn my eardrums popped from the loudness of their cheering. It hurt, but i was happy to see them this happy.

“Please, allow us to take you to our home. We will prepare a feast for you all that will last an entire day.”

My group and i followed behind him, excited to see how this new decision will turn out for us. Though i was the only one who was slightly worried about this “feast”. I really it's not disrespectful if i cook whatever meat they serve me.

It had taken us about an hour to reach the area that they called their home. It was by the side of cliffs that had a cave system within that served as their home for many of the clans, with trees surrounding it from all sides, serving as the look out post and homes for the Flaming Wing clan. There was an open clearing just in front of the cliffs that would serve as the main area for the feast. They had already begun prep work and had told me that a room would be ready for me in a few moments, so to pass the time, i started trying out my new psionic ability, Soulfire. Every time i saw a small animal that was not a monster or a monster that was not a part of any of their clans, i would try out my new ability. It was a weird ability. It didn’t rely on mana, but more of how strong my mind was. I had only fired three shots, which were quite deadly, causing the heads of anything it head to explode, to tire me out. When i checked my status, my stamina and mana were both doing fine, but my mana regen had gotten chunked, and after resting for a bit, had returned to normal. I tried different things to see how i could extend the amount of times i could use Soulfire. I tried using the ability then rest and use again then repeat, and after an hour, had seen no progress. I decided to try something else like maybe meditation later. Maybe after I got to see where i was to stay.


When i had returned, i was showed to where i would sleep. It was one of their larger cave rooms, giving me enough room to comfortably move around in, and even had a hole in the wall so i could see outside. There were leaves and grass piled in a corner as a makeshift bed i guess for when i needed to rest. I sat down on it and began what i believed was to be meditating. I wasn’t one to meditate back in the old world so i didn’t really know what i was doing. I just sat down, and began to try to clear my mind, which was pretty hard when you keep hearing different types of monsters all talking to each other very loudly just outside. It wasn’t long till i finally figured out how to tune out all the noise and finally clear my mind of everything. Once that was done, i began to think about my psionic abilities. How exactly do they work. Were they all mind based abilities, how do i unlock any other abilities that were under the psionics skill tree?

“You know i could easily answers those questions for you right?


“HAHAHAHA, Why do you think i waited till you were deep in thought to interrupt your so called, “meditation.”

“Oh shut up and answer my questions.” I say while pouting and crossing my arms.

“Ah, don’t be like that. Look, i’m gonna answer your questions alright. For your first question, yes, they are mind based abilities and do not rely on mana, but do rely on how strong your mind is. You mind has to get used to the mental strain these abilities cause, so the more you strengthen your mind, the stronger you will become with your psionic abilities. Secondly, to unlock your other abilities, you just have to think of them. Make up some abilities, hell, mix them up with some you already have. Mix a few Psionic powers with abilities from your Monster Tamer class abilities or with any mana based abilities you learn later on. You literally have an endless possibility of skills you could learn.

“Ok, that sounds pretty cool. Thanks for that.”

“Anytime buddy.”

After the little talk with Mira, i go back to focusing on my psionic abilities in my mind. I begin to think up of ways to use it. If psionics focused on the power of the mind, would that mean i could potentially enter the minds of others. Could i make an attack that focuses on the mentality of my enemy. What about making them think their allies are actually their enemies and have them fight their own. There truly were lots of possibilities for new skills. To my surprise, by the time i had created a few new abilities, i was awoken from my state of deep thought by one of the wolves from the Iron Fang Clan. Apparently it was the afternoon of the next day and the feast was now starting. Damn, that had to be the deepest i’ve ever been in thought.

“But not as deep as i was in your mom, OOOOOOOOHHHHHH!”

“Booooo, bad joke was bad.” I said while grinning.

I had made my way to the opening to which i found to my surprise, the rest of my group surrounded by those they had evolved from. Many of the Wolves had been talking to the Nox Kobolds, wondering what they were, and asking how strong had they become. Ruby was busy with the horned rabbits that lived here that were also wondering the same about her. They had very rarely seen an Armored Hopper, let alone a Rubby Gemmed variant. Each member was being attacked with question after question about how they managed to evolve into such powerful monsters. It was quite funny seeing how they were handling it. Ruby was gladly answering all their questions. From the way she was explaining how our adventures went, i was pretty sure she was exaggerating just a bit, especially when she told them that i had fought a giant C. Jungle Vine Wolf as tall as a tree all on my own. Draven was sitting on a stump, telling those around him a more serious version of their out adventure with Daxius, Rex and Fang by his side, agreeing with him on certain parts and adding their own parts. Blitz was running around trying to avoid being questioned. I guess he got tired of it already. Rogue had actually managed to stop everyone from asking her any more questions and was actually showing some of the younger monsters how to fight, which was pretty smart seeing as to how we were going to need lots of fighters if we wanted to take out the Monster Alliance, which reminded me. I’ve got a few questions to ask Ruby about the Monster Alliance.

I waited until the rabbits stopped asking her question when i finally called her over to me by some trees on the perimeter of the clearing and began to ask her my questions.

“You called master?”

“Yeah, i wanted to ask you a few things. Remember when we first met, you told me about how the Monster alliance was only made up of a few types of Monsters? How come now i’m being told that they are made up of three huge clans now?”

“Oh, that would be because i was actually talking about just a small faction from the Alliance that i wanted us to meet up with. They are one of the only factions in the alliance that help out the other monsters, though because of that, they aren’t really treated fairly by the other factions within the alliance.”

“Huh, ok, that was all i wanted to know, you can go back now.”

“Yes, i hope that was the answer you were looking for.” She said as she hopped away.

Oh yeah, that was definitely something i wanted to hear, i thought to myself as a mischievous grin appeared on my face.


Also, if you know and have played any of the XCOM games, then you know what hell is. Let this next statement sink in.

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