《The World is My Playground》Chapter 7: Evolution Time


Sorry about the wait guys, i had some stuff to deal with and i'm starting to get sick, so here's chapter 7 finally, lol. I'll try to crank out ass many chapters as i can before i start dying from whatever i got.


As i open my eyes, i'm surprised by what i see. All around me i see panels with buttons and switches, and holographic screens. In front of me are test tube like cells both big and small. Inside one of them was ruby, just sitting there like nothing was wrong. On one of the holographic panels, i see Ruby’s name with her stats and information displayed on it.

As i’m looking around, i finally noticed that someone was standing right next to me. The being next to me was about my height, female due to their obviously apparent features. I mean, the two main giveaways were each at least the size of a melon. She wore a blue lab coat with thin framed, rectangular glasses, and had long, straight flowing hair that was as blue as the sky. As i was about to ask who this being as, she began to speak.

“What's up David. It’s me, Mira.

“Mira? What the heck is going on here, and why can i see you with a body?”

“First of all, welcome to the Evolution User Interface, or E.U.I. for short if you like. This is a special interface that only you can access within your mind whenever you are going to attempt a forced or controlled evolution on a monster you have tamed. While your mind is busy in here fixing up an evolution, all time is basically put on hold outside, so you could spend hours or days in here coming up with really cool and powerful evolutions, and when your done, it will have been like you were just spacing out for like a second or two.”

“Secondly, you can see me with a body because this is in your head, so i was able to mess with your brain to make a body for myself whenever you come into this part of your mind.”


*Worryingly grabs head*

“You can do that?

*Relax, i wouldn’t do anything that would cause any permanent damage to that head of yours. Maybe just some slight memory loss is all.” Hehe.

“Hey that's not funny, that's some scary shit man.”

“Oh relax, and let me explain to you how your evolution ability work alright.”


“Alright. So, as you can see, whatever monster you have selected to evolve will be placed into one of these test chambers. Obviously, it’s not actually gonna be them but a representation of their physical form that you will be able to manipulate to evolve in the way you want them to so that they can fit your needs.”

“Ok, so what about these buttons and switches and junk, how do these work?”

“Those are used to manipulate the way the monster evolves. Those buttons allow you to select the changes of the predetermined evolution while those switches allow you to swap them out with other possible premade changes that will cause the monster to become a Variant-type monster. But, if you would like to use your hands to directly make changes to the monster, you can use the holo-panels to manipulate the image of the monster and observe the changes you make from the test chamber in front of you. If you make enough changes that cause the monster to not follow any of the standard or Variant-type evolution paths, it will become a Unique-type monster.”

“Umm, so if i don’t like any of the premade evolutions, i can use these switches and buttons to make a different evolution, and if i don’t like any of those, i can even create my own evolution for the monster to have, am i right?”

“Yep, the only thing you're missing now is knowing about how these changes are gonna cost you mana.

“Mana? You mean that blue stuff in video games that lets people use magic and shit?”

“Basically, yeah. Mana is used by everyone when it comes to mental strength. The more mana a person haves usually means the smarter they are than others. So if you have a lot a mana, it usually means you’re very smart, while having very little of it means you’re a dipshit. Right now, when compared to the average villager, you have an abundant amount of mana, but compared to the average battle mage, you’re at the level of a dumb ass, hehe.”


“Oh shut up and keep explaining.”

“Don’t get snappy just because i said that your only stronger than the average villager. So as i was saying, mana is what you will use in exchange for the evolution of your monsters. Each monster must reach a certain level in order to evolve, so you will have to pay mana in exchange for every level that a monster needs to reach the maximum level required to evolve plus if you wanna change anything from their predetermined evolution, that will also cost you extra. The cost also increases with every subsequent stage of evolution.”

“In Ruby’s case, she needs to be level 20 in order to evolve and she is currently level 15, so you would have to exchange an amount of mana that would allow her to level up 5 times, and then if you want to customize her evolution, each change will cost a specific amount of mana. As she is only a stage 1 evolution, each level will only cost you 100 mana per level, so you have to give her 500 units of mana and then however much more for changes in her evolution.”

“No then, shall we get started?”

“Hell yeah!”

*5 mind hours of button pushing, switch flipping and screen touching later*

“I think that came out quite nicely don’t ya think so?”

“Yeah, i like the way it looks. I'm sure Ruby will love this.”

As we finished up the final version of the evolution for Ruby, we stood back to get a good look at our work. Ruby had gone from a small little rabbit with a deadly red horn, to being about as tall as the average house cat with lean muscles that were powerful enough to propel her 10 feet into the air, and allow her to run at an average speed of around 25 mph. For protection we added stone plated armor from her forehead down to her spine, to where it ran along her tail with the end of it having a sharp spike made out of the same material her old horn used to be made out of. On her forehead was the same Ruby horn as before only longer now, with a faint glow to it. Along her armor were small ruby spikes that would serve to injure anything that would try to attack her up close, and her claws were also upgraded to be made out of the same ruby material. She now had the ability to bite and cut through mid grade iron armor, and her stone plated armor would be strong enough to prevent any creature from biting through it but it wouldn’t hold out too long against standard iron weapons due to it not being too thick in order for her to keep as much mobility as possible.

“Well looks like we’re done here. If you look at this panel to your right, it will show you what her new skills and stats will be as well as how much it will cost you for the evolution.”

I take a look at the panel that Mira was pointing towards and without thinking i just click on the glowing accept button on it before reading the thing.

“So it’s gonna cost me 1200 units of mana right…..hey wait, isn’t that how much i have right now? What happens when i use up all the mana i have for something like this or just in general?”

“Let’s just say you're gonna have a really bad headache, hehe.”

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