《Rain Revert (Reboot)》Chapter 9 (NSFW)
Chapter 9
Without giving any response, Rain pushed his lips onto Lafetti’s and put his tongue into action, while at the same time using his left hand to tightly embrace her waist and pull her towards him, and his right hand began furiously fondling her breasts.
“Nnn, Ra, Rain… Nchuru, nfu…Kchu… Aah…Haaa♥”
Lafetti twisted her tempting serpentine hips about happily, and let out happy sounds with her arms wrapped around her lover’s neck, seeking for more – Rain didn’t disappoint her, and the left hand that was around her waist went downwards and began playing her behind.
“Ah…mmn!! Hah…Hah….I love the way you kiss me…” she moaned in his mouth.
As Rain placed his hand on her breast, Lafetti gave a small shudder, allowing him to do as he pleased. As his fingers sunk into the indescribable softness, Rain played with her nipples, caressing them as they grew erect.
“Hm? What is this? Were you feeling lonely because I didn’t care about you these past few days?” teased Rain. His eyes sparkling like starlight as he gazes at her, passionately.
“Sh, shut up…♥!” Lafetti’s tongue intertwined with his then extended further down towards his throat. Her long snake-like fork tongue played around his mouth, licking every part inside and even extended through the walls of his throat. It must have been an unconscious reflex of hers.
According to Sylphy, Lamian secretes a liquid with aphrodisiacal effects during intercourse, heightening their partner’s desire. The sweet scent from her has the same effects. This was also the reason why Rain was able to last up until two days of nothing but pursuing carnal desires until he fainted when they first made love.
Rain broke off from his kiss, their breath rapid. Then, he bent his head down towards her right breast, and the pink tip that was bulging even more than just now as if desiring for something entered his view – thus Rain opened his mouth and sucked the nipple into his mouth whole.
“ ! –Haaaahhh♥”
Lafetti twisted lovely and gently in his arms, and the arms around his neck tightened even more—the intense movements of his tongue teasing her hard nipple caused her body to become increasingly hot.
At the same, she felt a hard and hot object pressing against her cold scales, and it began to push up against the bottom of her crotch. Looking down, the thin shorts that Rain was wearing had changed to match his contour, and as if attempting to lift her up, it continued to rise.
Under this condition, Rain could only continue sucking on her nipple while his free hand grasped her hand and led it towards the bulge on his pants. Lafetti’s beautiful red eyes widened slightly from the sudden action of his. However, she immediately snapped out from her daze and rubbed her nails gently into his skin before sliding it to his crotch, gripping it. His loose blue gym shorts made it easy for her to grab the full length without any hard fabrics getting in the way
“Huuuu,” Rain let out a gasp of air when he felt her hand moving up and down along his thick member through his shorts. Not wanting to stop the kiss she desired so deeply, the Lamian leaned over and increased the fever of their kiss. Her hand stretching towards his waist.
She then grasped the helm of his clothes, raises it up and then took off his shirt, revealing his bare torso. Her slender satiny fingers caressed his toned and muscled chest and gradually made their way towards his groin, softly gripping that rock hard member there. She looked at Rain with excitement. Her fingers twisted around it, arousing Rain in turn. Her beautiful crimson eyes resembled beautiful and expensive rubies, gleaming in the light.
“Shall I make you wet?”
She didn’t speak, expressing her silent consent. Rain bent down once again and takes her other nipple in his mouth.
“Oh, it has been so long. You pleasure me so well,” she cooed while stroking his hair. Rain moaned around her nipple, and then switched to its twin. He tongued and sucked the stiff points, marveling in how firm, yet yielding the gigantic globes were.
In his passion, he reached down as he normally would, and paid little mind to his fingers gliding over the small scales where her mound should be. Lafetti whimpered when his finger reached her pink blossom. Still worshiping her breasts, he explored her engorged folds, finding them far more slippery than he would have expected. It seems like she had also suffered during their hateful cold war.
When his finger dipped into the entrance of her canal, she thrust her tits toward him and hissed. He could feel the squeeze even around the tip of his finger. There was also another sensation that piqued both his curiosity and his arousal.
He glanced down and saw the end of her tail curling into a tight coil. Though he wasn’t in the best position to see, he thought that his eyes confirmed what he was feeling. Seeking her clit, which was naturally not where it would be on a normal woman, he had stumbled upon it anyway. The entire ring at the end of her canal had the same smooth, puffy contrast he’d been searching for. The way she shivered and her tail coiled further confirmed it.
He slid up and kissed her hot and hard; “I love you,” he muttered with utmost affection against her lips, that even Lafetti couldn’t help but feel a sweet and intense sense of satisfaction and love surging through her.
Lafetti groaned happily in response, before feeling his lips moving to her neck and running his teeth lightly over her skin, biting down gently but actually breaking the surface. He even went and licked the scales that could be seen on her neck, giving her another bout of crazed pleasure to assault her.
The Lamian felt the difference between her attacking Rain with force, and Rain attacking her instead. Although she can feel pleasure when she did it, it was just too different if Rain does it because he wanted it. She can feel his love, his desire to possess her body—it was exhilarating.
It was much better than all those other lovemaking she did with him these past few days when they were arguing.
Trailing his lips up her neck and back to her mouth, Rain sucked on her lower lip before kissing her again. Lafetti was starting to melt into the kiss but then felt him push a finger inside of her and stiffened in the sudden pleasurable attack.
Sooo good!
The finger probed her body and she felt an interesting sensation tingle down low. Of their own volition, her hips jerked against his hand and he worked another finger inside. The movement of his hand, like always, created more strange feelings within her and she felt herself becoming moist and relaxed.
Rain’s fingers began to slide easily in and out of her and the Lamian closed her eyes, concentrating on the feelings growing within. It felt so good, exciting—her breathing shallow and she felt herself striving to reach some unknown place.
When he suddenly stopped, she whimpered her displeasure. Suddenly his fingers were gone, and Lafetti saw Rain sliding down.
At the first hint of a thought about going down on her, Lafetti recalled their recent passionate mating full of love and lust for each other, and her heart throbbed violently, she whimpered, “Yes. Please. Yes,” and rolled onto her back.
Rain grinned and sat up, and despite the unnaturalness of it, found her iridescent green scales becoming. He had barely leaned in when the scent of her arousal hit him.
Lafetti smelled sweet as he drew near. She was breathing fast, nervous, and he could see the excitement in her large, serpentine crimson eyes. Rain licked her belly and massaging her hips, then just like she wanted, he bowed down to press his lips against her already drooling and trembling flesh. He extended his tongue to lick there, burying his face in her scales. Inhaling deeply, and savoring the sweet, arousing scent she was releasing, he licked at her nether lips.
The Lamian hissed loudly as she writhed on the ground, and her tail curled even tighter the moment his tongue came into contact with her tender labia, making her moan: “Ooohhh… feels really good!”
“I can smell your arousal; taste it…it was saying she loved me too,”
Rain looked up at her, his eyes dilated, his breathing uneven. Rain could feel the muscles roiling beneath his arm as he drank up her nectar. The labia had also been revealed outwards. A swipe of his tongue over the ring of her canal drew a yelp, a shudder, and prompted her to reach down to stroke her hand over his short hair. Rain sucked her cloaca, lightly at first and then with force. That kind of sucking made her feel as if her womb was being sucked out.
“Ahhh… really pleasant…”
As he sucked, Rain used the tip of his tongue to provoke her flesh pearl; this was a woman’s most sensitive region. Lafetti felt all her nerves go numb as Rain merely licked her. However, he didn’t stop and pressed towards her clit, his tongue rubbing against that flesh bead with circular motions. He started with quick flicks of his tongue. Every touch caused the green-scaled Lamia to writhe and whimper. A broad-tongued lap made her yelp. Her tail uncoiled, and the tip slapped hard against the stone floor, just beside Rain.
One can’t help but worry if it hits him accidentally; perhaps his body would cave in and cracked just like floor?
It happened again when he gave her a second stroke of the tongue.
She shrieked and nearly bucked him off when he circled her clitoral ring with the tip of his tongue.
“Ohhhh… Mmmnn…” Rain’s licking caused the Lamian’s breasts to jiggle and tail to wriggle violently. He didn’t want to waste time and hence used this method to excite her desire. Creating obscene sounds that echoed in the entire Cave, Rain continued to lap the sensitive circle.
Lafetti’s cries grew louder and her indrawn breaths ragged – desperate. Her tail lashed out, scattering rocks and debris. She pulled him tight against her cloaca, and only seconds later, she came with an ear-piercing screech that looked like a cry of a banshee.
Was it truly that good, perhaps…?
Though the Lamian thrashed violently and her fingers dug into his scalp, she at least didn’t break skin. Rain ignored his lover’s violent response and slipped his tongue through the ring and tongue-fucked her, all over and over, able to feel it contracting around him. In a preview of things to come, he could feel the milking waves of her canal tugging at the tip of his tongue as well.
The bluish-green-haired Lamia kept coming, holding him tight against her and shrieking with every penetration of his tongue. After a dozen strokes, she began to tremble violently, and her tug abruptly changed to a push. The arms that were strong enough to carry him as though he weighed nothing were weak and shaking from her climax, though. Drunk on the flow of her abundant juices, he stabbed his tongue into her canal again.
He managed a second probe before the end of her tail wrapped around him. It too quivered and quaked, but had enough strength to pull him away from her climaxing sex. As she sat him back on his knees, he could see streams of her wetness following the stair-step trail of creases between her scales, spreading out from her cloaca and dribbling onto the rough ground below.
Panting like a dog, with her long slithering tongue hanging outside her mouth, Lafetti covered the pink flower protectively with her hands, and then released him from her tail’s grip. It immediately whipped away from him as she gave her orgasm free rein. Her whole body undulated and flopped to the opposite side of the sacrificial altar, where she twisted, coiled and thrashed through the throes of ecstasy, like a dying snake. Throes that only increased in intensity when he marveled at how hard he had made her come.
The sight made Rain lick his lips, which were likewise still very wet. Satisfied and grinning. Lafetti who just able to rein her violently pleasurable orgasm, shivered and moaned in response to that, and then noticed his swollen cock was desperately tenting on his shorts as if trying to drill a hole on it. She tried to reach out, wanting to touch it, free it from its painful constrains, but before she could do it, Rain pushed her down and crawled up on her body.
“A, amazing… I, I never knew it could get this big…”
When Rain pushed down his shorts along with his underwear, Lafetti couldn’t help but exclaim in astonishment as she saw his somewhat bigger erection than usual and grabbed it, stroking it a few times before finally deciding to bring it towards her flesh cave that was screaming with a desire to be penetrated.
Rain was already crazed due to this sexy woman, she needed no words, a glance here and a laugh there was enough to express her emotions. He experienced a blood rush, feeling as if he would be unable to control it even with his firm will power. He was not certain if it was the liquid she secreted or not was the reason, but Rain was far more excited than normal, barely able to control himself. He already felt like he was about to explode.
As he prepared to penetrate her, he could feel how wet Lafetti was.
As his body pressed down, that huge meat rod slowly invaded Sheila’s dripping wet flesh cave.
“Agh….aaahhh!!” Lafetti felt that burning hot and huge meat rod sift through her vaginal walls and the sensations it brought as it pushed further in. He was too big! Was it actually bigger than before?! Some part of her brain wondered such absurd question, but she was too consumed with what she herself was feeling to continue wondering why.
“I’m, I’m sorry, does it hurt?”
“No, slow, slower…!!”
As if tasting sweet wine, she felt reluctant to swallow his rod with one thrust but rather did so little by little. Sex fluids covered Rain’s meat rod, overflowing from her cave. Rain couldn’t push in completely at the first thrust but the feeling of peering through those walls had already caused Lafetti to moan with pleasure. Rain could feel his desire to make love to Lafetti starting to take over, but he still did his best to control it, wanting to savor it and enjoy it to the fullest!
Rain slowly pulled out and pushed into her again twice more, each time entering more deeply.
After a few moments, the burning dissipated and she swallowed hard before nodding; “I’m all right now,” she said.“Dee, deeper,” Lafetti furrowed her brows, adopting an infatuated expression while already seemingly forgetting her original character, but she could feel that Rain had only thrust half the depth each time. He didn’t knock against her flower bud and this made her unable to sense the pleasant sensation of the glans grinding her bud, as he always did before.
Rain grinned. Slowly, he began to move within her and soon the pleasurable sensations returned.
This adorable lover of his, only in bed would she make this kind of expression, and have this lovely personality.
“Don’t be in a hurry; I’ll slowly go deeper…” Rain pulled back slowly. But the next time he jabbed towards her, his meat rod pushed deep like a drill, deeper than before—and he was fully sheathed. Her clinging walls drew him in as he thrust until his balls rested against her wet folds. She held him inside her, trembling beneath him, her head thrown back, and breasts thrust upward for long, exquisite seconds.
“Uuuughhh!!” Rain was extremely deep inside Lafetti. He then hugged her body, staying that way and feeling each other’s body warmth—though, the Lamian’s temperature was somewhat cold, but with his hotness, it gives him somewhat a comfortable feeling.
“Oooohhh… finally… ahhh… feels good…”
The Lamian arched her waist upwards immediately. Rain had not only knocked hard against her flower bud but also ground it; that numb feeling made her moan out loud.
The moment he was able, Rain pulled back to thrust again, fighting the tug of her contracting canal. As Rain moved his shaft within her, it stroked her female parts. The Lamian’s fingers dug into his back and he seemed to understand. He plunged into her faster, harder, deeper—knowing he wouldn’t last any longer than he had the first time.
This time, he could see the rapidly mounting ecstasy in her face and knew she was right there with him. At the same time, the Lamian moved her waist lightly as if to avoid Rain’s meat spear, and again seemingly catering to his thrusts. The intense pleasure caused another surge of fluids to puff out from her cloaca, making it a damp marsh.
“Aah!! Ah! Hah…Hah… Ra, Rain… you’re going so…fast…!!”
“I’m sorry Lafetti, I, I can’t hold myself back any longer. You’re too incredible… !!”
“My insides are tingling!”
The desires that had been building up inside Rain, finally got the better of him. His body repeatedly slammed against Lafetti’s, like an animal.
“Hn…Hoh…Haa…. Ra, Rain…Mhn!!”
“Hng… Lafetti, your skin is cold but your insides are so warm…!!”
Grabbing her voluptuous breast with one hand, while his left hand interlocked with her fingers, Rain straddled Lafetti as if he was riding a horse and pounded his hips against hers. The sounds they made echoed around them.
Seeing Laffeti’s full of pleasure expression only excited Rain further. He pounded his cock home again and again. He felt the Lamian’s tail coiled around his waist and chest, becoming tighter as he pounded. However, he endured the pain as he savored the pleasure of her flesh instead. He struck her tender womb with a rhythm and the Lamian followed it, clamping onto him accordingly.
“Ra, Rain, I can feel you… ge, getting bigger inside of me…! Are you going to…Hn?!”
Her wetness squirted out around Rain, spattering over both of their bodies and dribbling to the rough ground below. Both voiced their pleasure in unrestrained screams, and then he was there. Just like the previous love-making they did, Rain remained teetering on the precipice, unable to tumble into sweet oblivion, even though he felt as if he was about to cum and blows his seed into her. But there seemed to be stopping him from doing it.
“Ahhh… Quicker…”
Lafetti couldn’t be bothered about Rain right now as she only desired for him to go deeper, faster, to fuck her until she reached the zenith of happiness. In response to her needs, Rain began to deliver deep and powerful thrusts suddenly, no matter how much she tried to clamp onto his member, she couldn’t succeed in stopping him from causing the convulsions at her quim. Then, Rain noticed something different.
There was a difference from the feeling that stops him from blowing his load compared to the one he felt since their first copulation. Instead of the agonizing, desperate need to spend his seed, he was in a state of perfect, ongoing pleasure. Rain plunged into her satiny canal, growing lightheaded in his bliss until Lafetti drew in a gasp that ended in a squeak.
The breath exploded from her lips in a wail as she came, her walls closing in on him and molding around him. The milking contractions of her canal increased in speed and intensity until they were nearly vibrations, and that was the trigger that set him off.
A roar echoed back from the stone walls of the cave as the first jet of cum spurted into her depths. The blast of semen was so copious and intense, it was as if he had gone without relief for days, not that only three days had passed since he had filled her full from her assault. Still, the exhilarating sense of release was almost enough to make him lose consciousness. His semen poured into her.
Lafetti’s insides rhythmically contracted around him, squeezing every last drop of him. Her arms wrapped around him, pulling him to her breast, and though they were tight, they weren’t uncomfortably so, and her nails didn’t pierce his skin.
What tiny bit of dim awareness he had beyond the repeated rush of his semen heard her tail whipping and slapping against the stone floor.
She milked him dry, and he continued to pulse long afterward until clouds of inky black crept in on his vision. He settled against her rapidly rising and falling breasts, and surrendered to the darkness.
”Did you think this would satisfy me…? Oh, as expected of my Rain, you’re still hard even after cumming like that! Looks like we can go for round 2 right away!”
Before he lost himself in the darkness, Rain seemed to have heard Lafetti’s voice.
Crap… the only word he could only say before he fainted.
And indeed, when he woke up again, he became unable to get proper rest for almost three days.
However, that’s another story.
… …
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